Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1712: Chosen Place

Bian Mingming is a heavy and serious topic, but because of Lin Mengya's performance, it is a bit more relaxed.

She has always been like this. Even if the sky is falling down tomorrow and the end of the world, what will happen today? It is not the same today.

The news of Kuimiya Shi knew a little earlier than everyone, so he always hung a heart.

I am afraid that big guys will do something irrational because of these things.

Facts have proved that he still has no trust in his brothers.

I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Sister Wu is right. In the future, they need to be more united and trust each other.

"One more thing, Lin Mengwu has been imprisoned in my home. But Gong Tu escaped. I have been hunted down, but I am afraid that he has now completely trusted the people of Xiancheng. In other words, the power of Xiancheng Has become a climate outside the city. "

She doesn't want to whitewash peace, but she also doesn't want to be alarmist.

After the preparation of the talents, everyone's acceptance of the news is much higher.

At this moment, one after another is thinking.

For a long time, no one spoke.

Gong Bin frowned and looked at the crowd and said, "We have been sick for so many days, and we are a bit slack inside and out. I think we must first completely clean up the non-Yecheng city. For other things, we still It's up to the long term. "

His proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

Now they can only take precautions first, and only with a little bit of solidity can they fight back.

Lin Lin Mengya also feels reasonable, since her brothers are awake, it is no longer her own lone war.

Just a few brothers just woke up in the end, the state has not recovered for a while, it should not be too tired.

After Xun said something for a while, Lin Mengya hurriedly asked people to take them to their courtyards to rest.

And she sent her great ancestor back in person.

Everything in the house is the same as before. Gong Qianfeng looked at the familiar room, but felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

半 He worked hard for a long time, and now he can finally take off the burden on his shoulders and give everything to the children safely.

For a moment, he was a little hesitant.

For decades, the past seemed like a dream, but it was just a strong young man who turned himself into an old man who was going to die. Seriously, it's time to spare.

Zhe Lin Mengya offered a cup of hot tea and asked, "Zengzu, Yaer wants to ask you something."

"You say it."

"Zengzu knows why people in Xiancheng dare not approach non-Yecheng?"

Qiangong Qianfeng stopped.

"what do you mean?"

"Everyone who is a real fairy city cannot seem to enter non-Yecheng. I'm afraid that's why my great-grandmother dare to do such a bold thing."

"I didn't expect such a thing." Gong Qianfeng sighed, thinking of an old news he heard when he was young.

"I don't know the people of Xiancheng, and I don't know why they didn't dare to come in. But I heard that the ancestors of the palace chose the non-leaf city as the main city because it was a place of choice."

"A land of choice?"

Lin Lin Mengya murmured repeatedly, and suddenly she thought of something.

曾 "Zengzu, rest first. You can send someone to call me at any time!"

After speaking, people left in a hurry.

Gong Qianfeng looked at her back, and could only swallow the question to her mouth.

She shook her head with a bitter smile, this girl's temperament was exactly like her great-grandmother.

Alas, if there is anything, the child will tell him why he should delay the children's time.

I trot almost all the way, Lin Mengya rushed out of the great ancestor's yard.

Wu Baisu has been with her all the time. She rarely sees her master so anxious and thinks that something has happened and follows her along the way.

I did not expect, but the master went directly to the main courtyard where the homeowner lived.

Fortunately, the great ancestors returned today, and most of the servants in the backyard were sent out.

Wu Baisu took a cautious look, and whispered, "Master, aren't you saying that in order to avoid being revealed, will you come to the main hospital as little as possible?"

"Choice of Heaven, if I didn't guess wrong, the reason why the palace family chose this place as the secret of the main city, it should be here!"

She looked a little excited.

For such a long time, for the secret fairy city, either she or Long Tianyu, they have tried their best to defend and probe the news.

Because they don't know what tricks Xiancheng will make.

I feel this way too much.

Now, if it really is what she guessed, then they will have a little bit of initiative.

Xi Baisu didn't understand what this meant, and only followed Lin Mengya into the yard.

But I did not expect, at this moment, Ning Liang hurried over.

"Sir, Gong Tu is here!"

"Gong Tu, what is he here for?"

Lin Lin Meng Yasheng stopped her footsteps, Hu questioned.

The stern and rather bright complexion was also not very good-looking.

"He said, he's here to take the Miss Dance."

"Lin Mengwu?"

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, only to find the matter weird.

Gong Tu originally threw Lin Mengwu's self-runner and was looking for him secretly, but he didn't want this person. He actually came to the door at this time. What kind of intention?

"Yes, Gong Tu also said that if you don't give Miss Wu to him, you will regret it."

I ran to her site, dare to be so arrogant, it seems that Gong Tu must have some reliance.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the main house and had to follow Ning Liang first to deal with Gong Tu.

As soon as the three arrived in the front yard, they felt the tension in the atmosphere.

Anyone who has gone through all the previous clan clans has red eyes at the moment, anxious to get started and tear the traitor apart.

Lin Mengya knows that everyone is an enemy, but she is afraid that the big guy will be used by Gong Tu, and she can only softly persuade: "Everyone step back."

"But sir, he is a traitor to our house!"

"Yes, you must not spare him!"

This idea has the support of most people.

Before Xun waited for her to speak, Gong Tu stepped out arrogantly and looked around sneerfully for a week.

"Don't be against me just because of you? Don't forget, I'm not your family now, I'm a VIP of your family."

This is really not enough.

As soon as the atmosphere started, Lin Mengya immediately stopped the people who were about to start.

"Master Gong is right, but fortunately you are not a member of our house, otherwise, you must not be able to walk out of the door of our house. However, since you are a guest, you must leave the guest at your discretion. Otherwise, my I ca n’t predict what rude things the tribe will do. "

She fought back coldly, without letting the arrogant guy prevail.

Tong Gongtu looked at these wretched people, no longer the bullying of his predecessors. At the moment, it has slightly converged.

I was just a pair of eyes, but could not help but fell a little bit wicked on the troubled woman.

Huh, if it wasn't for her, I'd be afraid that today, I would already be a high-ranking palace person in charge.

I'm fine, but if she weren't, she wouldn't have such an opportunity.

Speaking of them, the woman fulfilled him.

He Palace family, he has long been out of sight.

"You all heard, our palace family is not a cat and a dog outside, as the palace family, then we should come up with the rules of the palace family hospitality. Don't let others, jokes us."

Although everyone was still angry, they were still listening to her.

The Dai people dispersed and Lin Mengya entered the living room.

Brother Sisi had already arrived one step ahead of her. She was sitting in the main seat at the moment, and she could not see anything in her expression.

Lin Lin Mengya sat down next to her four elder brothers, looking very impatient, raised her eyelids, and glanced at Gong Tu, who was very blue.

"What's the matter, Master Gong, please tell me. In the end, you also go out from the palace family, if the clothing is not enough, even if you speak. Our palace family does some kindness to help the poor every year. Never, look at People really starve to death. "

Kumiya Fourth glanced at her own little sister, secretly rejoicing that she was not her enemy.

Otherwise, this mouth can make people vomit blood.

Gong Tu's face turned black at the moment.

I thought of a **** and regarded him as a beggar.

Unlucky luck, to suppress the urge to pinch the slut, the matter is what matters.

After a while, there is an opportunity to clean up this bitch!

"I'm here to take away the palace dance. Anyway, you won't be kind to the palace dance anymore. When people leave, you will have less trouble."

Lin Lin Mengya laughed and looked at Gong Tu with the eyes of the retarded.

"Master Gong doesn't think that we will be angry at a weak woman when we go up and down the house? Only people with a narrow mind will be intolerant. We don't have the cultivation like Master Gong."

With a crackling sound, Gong Tu, who was ridiculed by her many times, shot at the case and glared at her.

"Sumei! This is a matter for our palace family, you can't come in to intervene!"

"She is from the palace family, you should avoid suspicion, is it you?"

Miyaji, who has not spoken, responded expressionlessly.

Gong Tu stared at Gongsi fiercely, as if a wolf was angry and angry.

"Gong Shi, do you really think that you can cover the sky with one hand? Huh, the ancestor is not awake now, the palace family can only do it by you. If the ancestor is awake, I see how you explain to the ancestor!"

I dare to love, this product is thinking about this idea.

For a while, Lin Mengya only felt that Gong Tu was not only cruel but also stupid.

He really is a great ancestor.

I was afraid that it was Gong Tu who had forgotten the great popularity of Zengzu.

Lin Mengya said indifferently: "I have some regrets now, so I've kicked you out of the palace house early. If the ancestor wakes up, pick up your skin and let you get out of the palace house naked, How good it should be. Do n’t forget, now here is the homeowner's decision! ”

Gong Tu only felt a surge of blood on his chest, which almost made him want to kill.

The two little cubs in front of his eyes, unaware that the sky is thick, are trying to die.

"Xiaomei, why bother with this kind of human face and beast-hearted person. Gong Tu, your purpose of coming today is clear, then go away."

The imperial palace ordered mercilessly, and Gong Tu repeatedly slowed his rushing killing, grinned, and smiled extremely strangely.

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