00, wonderful!

Chen Long Tianyu quietly listened to her words, still calm on the face.

Lin Lin Mengya only when he heard such rumors for the first time, and for her, everything is just a guess.

When the two of them walked to the main house, Lin Mengya took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and also looked forward to it.

"Here is the deepest secret hidden by the palace family."

She hardly hesitated, and she brought Long Tianyu in.

The huge wealth under the cave is enough to make the world crazy.

But only Long Tianyu, will never be tempted by this.

Because for them, money is no longer the ultimate purpose of life.

多 After a few days, she returned to this place full of the pain and glory of the previous homeowners, only feeling a little heavy.

Who can think of this house, which symbolizes the supreme power of the palace house, for those house owners, is it not the same, imprisoning their cage.

I took out the key and opened the door of the hole.

她 Under her guidance, Long Tianyu lit the oil lamp placed at the door.

Once again, she came here with people, filled with burrows that were enough to shake the wealth of the entire Patriotic Power.

I looked at Jinshan and Yinshan in front of me. Long Tianyu couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"No wonder those families, desperately want to annex the entire family."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded. When she first saw these things, she felt a sense of absurdity that she could control the world.

But after returning to God, she only feels that these cold wealth are time bombs that can be buried at any time.

Regardless of whether the palace family has the ability to guard these things, once this news comes to the world, I am afraid that greed will seduce the world and become devil.

"That's right, but they don't know what's going on here. The housekeepers, low-key generations, even the great ancestors didn't know it."

Speaking of which, Lin Mengya had to admire the wisdom of the previous owners.

Perhaps in the eyes of the world, the female heads of the palace family are always marked as weak and incompetent.

I only came to these days, but she felt more and more that these female heads of the palace family were afraid that they would hold up a huge situation with their weak body.

Until now, the people in these bureaus did not even understand what the significance of each step laid by these homeowners was.

Amidst the faintness, a voice told her.

When she came to the end of the game step by step, everything will finally come to an end.

Chen Long Tianyu held her hand, keenly aware of him, and has found that Ya'er's condition has been a little different since he came here.

"do not worry."

The warm and dry palm suddenly pulled her back from the desolate sense of bleakness.

She looked at the man beside her, and her uneasy heart gradually settled down.

Alas, she never fought alone, and he was with him.

Two people holding hands and moving through the hole side by side.

Xiaolong Tianyu readily turned on the oil lamps passing by.

As the light lit up a little, there seemed to be a hint of warmth in the quiet space below.

After a long walk, Long Tianyu whispered and asked, "What are we looking for?"

She also looked around blankly.

"I don't know. When I came last time, I just saw the gold and silver jewellery outside. Maybe you can find some other things by walking inside."

Yandidong is very deep. She has the Shennong system as a mark, so she will never get lost.

Xiaoyao has been drawing a map at any time, but it seems from the map that they have been going underground.

The gold and silver around have also changed with the age.

She grabbed the silver ingot that fell beside her and took a look, then she knew when this thing was moved here.

But the Jinshan Yinshan inside looks a lot smaller than the outside.

I think it is because, at the beginning, the accumulation of wealth should be a little less.

Although gold and silver jewelry are precious, such a large amount of time will make people feel boring.

Chen Long Tianyu has been holding her, looking at the treasure next to him, thoughtfully.

"Why do the palace ancestors do this?"

Zhe Lin Mengya just lost a piece of silver ingot about a hundred years ago, turned her head, and looked at him doubtfully.

"I feel a bit strange. Although the palace family has a lot of wealth, it is not arrogant or extravagant. And with so much money, they can use it to grow their families. If the palace family uses all this money, they are afraid of the palace , Has long been the largest family in the country. "

Lin Longtian Yu's words frowned slightly.

She looked around for a week, and she was a little confused.

"With so much money, even if all the inns in the palace family are full every day, they may not be able to earn so much. Besides, I heard that although the palace family has a lot of industries, because most of the palace family's people have always been The industry is not thriving because of the shrinking land. "

所以 "So, there's a problem with where this money comes from."

Chen Long Tianyu picked the corners of his lips to reveal a weird smile.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the surrounding Jinshan and Yinshan, and thought of Zengzu's place of choice.

"Will it have something to do with Xiancheng?"


Chen Long Tianyu immediately responded, and touched her little face with emotion.

"Does your palace woman have the ability to hollow out other people's pockets?"

Gao Linmengya took off his hand, and gave him a big white eye for free.

"If this is true, that's the deserve for Xiancheng. If they treat the palace family like this, it is still light to collect some interest!"

越 The more she thought about it, the more it became possible.

Although Xianxiancheng has lived underground for so many years, some things still need to be supplied by the ground.

Because of their arrogance, they gradually relaxed their control over the forces on the ground.

So now, there are some things that they have to buy to get.

Since it is bought, it is still needed for the entire fairy city.

The money needed is also huge.

And they need a manager to plunder the wealth while buying these things in bulk.

Is the palace family also one of the managers?

I was just these, after all, it was just her speculation.

The truth has long been unknown with the passage of time.

But if this is the case, then there are good reasons for the source of the huge wealth in the palace cave.

"Go ahead and go inside. If this is the case, there should be something hidden in it. Otherwise, why did the palace owners of all generations choose this place to hide treasure?"

Lin Lin Mengya strengthened her thoughts even more.

I have no reason for it, just because everyone knows that the best way to hide things is to spread and hide.

Only in this way can he not be misled by others.

But the palace family hid everything here, which shows that they have full control and will not let the people of Xiancheng discover it.

The pace of the two people has accelerated, and even Lin Mengya can't wait to know the final secret.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from her brain.


She screamed and squat down holding her head.

Her head seemed to be slammed hard with a sledgehammer, and she only felt dark before her eyes and almost fell.

Xiao Long Tianyu took the man in his arms, watching her little face turning pale, and eagerly asked, "Yaer, Yaer!"

Lin Lin Mengya's consciousness was suddenly dragged into the system.

I always had a quiet and orderly system. At this moment, a bunch of garbled appeared.

"Small medicine, little medicine, what's wrong with the system?"

She didn't care about the other and asked quickly.

Xiaoyao also wrinkled a small face, his face blank.

"Master, I don't know what happened to the system. Even, I have no control at all!"

what happened? How could the system suddenly get out of control.

But in this short time, the system returned to normal again.

Lin Mengya looked at Xiaoyao, who was anxious to find the cause of the out of control, and Xiaoyao opened the system's page. After a meal, she widened her eyes.

一切 "Everything works, master, the system is now fully restored."

Lin Lin Mengya was also unbelievable, she also tried it, and it really seemed like Xiaoyao said.

However, the pain that her brain was almost cracked just now still left her feelings of anxiety.

She thought about it, let Xiaoyao temporarily close the connection with her brain, and consciousness came out of the system.

"Yaer, what's wrong with you?"

Opening his eyes was Long Tianyu's anxious eyes.

She leaned weakly on his chest and let him hold himself in his arms, feeling the warmth from his chest.

"It's okay, something went wrong with the system just now. Xiaoyao is already in urgent repair. I'll take a break."

"How can it be all right, you see you look pale. Let's go out, it's weird here."

Looking at her softly in her arms just now, Long Tianyu even felt that her heart was frozen.

I almost lost her pain, turned into a few steel knives, and stabbed his heart.

He hugged her tightly, for fear of a blink, she would disappear into her arms.

Lin Lin Mengya watched a thin layer of sweat from his forehead, and gently wiped his sleeves.

瞧 "Look at you, I just fainted for a while, it's okay, obedient."

But Long Tianyu's attitude is resolute, even holding her back.

Lin Lin Mengya could only hold his neck and plead weakly.

"We're all here, if I don't take a look, wouldn't it be bad for me?"

"Yaer." Long Tianyu stopped and looked down at her seriously: "Nothing is more important to you than me. If this secret is to be at the cost of your injury, then I would rather It's buried here forever. "

For a time, Lin Mengya only felt a kind of sweet powerlessness.

Xiaolong Tianyu seems to be strong enough to carry everything, and in fact is the same.

But she became the weak spot of his willingness.

Because of this, she had to know the secret here.

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