Sui Shanglian's heart suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, he knew how much the woman in Lianyue believed in him, how foolish he was, and then smiled and said, "Isn't you tired, why did you come out? The wind is strong outside, be careful."

I said, I wanted to grab the hands of consecutive months.

But Lin Mengya would give this disciple such an opportunity? Immediately stood up, grasping Hui sister's hand, and brought people to her side.

"Lin Gongzi knows that it hurts people. Look at my sister's cold hands. It's just autumn, why is it so cold?"

The gaze of Shang Guanhui turned between the two of them.

Even in her eyes, Lin Nansheng was as gentle as before, but buried in her heart, the seed of doubt had taken root.

In the end, it is a little different from before.

Ying Shangguan Hui followed Su Mei's walk and sat down with a lot of heart.

"Sister Yue comes out, is there any meal left? If not, why not try this yam cake?"

Upon hearing what she said, Shang Lianfang immediately changed her face.

Bian Lianyue is the one above, and if he falls out with him now, his task will not be completed.

I immediately said, "Can't eat?"

"Why can't I eat?" Lin Mengya pretended to be surprised.

"This yam cake was specially bought by Mr. Lin for me. Isn't I still angry with Sister Yue and just fight for it?"

Speaking of her words made Shangguan Hui's heart even more tasteless.

I lowered my head, and a touch of sourness floated in my heart. Could Nan Sheng and Su Mei be both of them?

一 As soon as this idea surfaced, she was pressed by herself.

Impossible, Nan Sheng is not such a person, neither is Su Mei.

Everything is just her imagination. Where can Nan Sheng, whom she knows and admires, be such a mean person?

When Sister Hui Hui raised her head again, Lin Mengya could clearly see her strong smile.

Some stimulus is already there. In other words, she doesn't want to make it too obvious.

Some things have to go step by step.

"I heard Sister Yue said that Lin Gongzi had lived in a foreign land before. I don't know what he lived on?"

She is soft-spoken, like chatting.

And Shang Lianfang's side is a little bit upset.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Mei. After listening to her words, he was in his heart a little bit proud.

Woman, but in the end is jealous.

A plate of yam cakes can make them jealous, and he really is superb.

At the moment, I have enough talk.

"It's nothing, I brought a lot of ancestors with my father before. Although it was hard along the way, anyway, I also had martial arts and never let my father suffer."

"Oh? In this way, that Lin Gongzi is a giant in his hometown."

There was a flash of light in her eyes.

Sister Wu Hui is a cautious person and has not been in contact with skinny monkeys for long.

And who will report the resume of the other person when facing the person they know best?

Therefore, the information provided by skinny monkeys is limited, and it is easy to expose flaws.

For example, now.

"Our home is a bit famous in our hometown. My father and I both came from the same army. Although we haven't closed the door, we are also military people."

"Oh, I see."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled slightly, then drank a cup of tea.

On the other side, Shangguanhui stunned.

The skinny monkey was afraid that she would continue to ask questions, and she would eventually show timidity. Now, she can only pretend to calmly smile and said: "I see that Mr. Su Mei has always been busy with business.

Gao Lin Mengya nodded, and allowed the skinny monkey to slip away with her sister Hui, smiling, looking at the pan-yam cake.

"Master, do you want me to follow up?"

On the street, behind Sister Hui, there were five or six maids and guards.

The reason why Shangguan Hui came is that she quietly asked Lilian before leaving, and at this time, she sent Hui sister out to buy something.

Because it was decided temporarily, Sister Hui would not guess at all. This is a game she set up with Lien.

瘦 And the skinny monkey will only be a coincidence.

If he suspects himself and Lilian, or even justifies himself, it is even better to slander them.

After all, he asked himself to go out for tea, but many people in the palace family saw it. 孰 Why is it right? Just ask.

Only in this way, sister Hui will doubt him faster.

"No, even those sent by him are not vegetarian."

As long as Sister Hui starts to doubt the person in front of her, the next thing can be much easier to handle.

Her interest was good, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

The stairway opening, a person who just came up, just happened to see her smile.

There was a little playfulness in Xu's eyes, and she came to her side.

"Girl seems to be in a good mood today?"

Lin Lin Mengya already felt that someone was coming, and as soon as she turned around, she saw the strange mask man.

The smile turned into a polite smile, and it turned out to be thousands of miles away in an instant.


The mask man didn't seem to care about her indifference, even sitting on the diagonally opposite of her.

"But I always feel that someone is going to be unlucky."

Lin Mengya continued to smirk, and she was always on guard for this person.


"The girl doesn't seem to like me to sit here. But I only admire the girl, not careless."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the person, but there was something in her heart that she wanted to leave.

人 This man is too evil.

Seeing her at first glance made her abnormal.

Even if that mask can only reveal a pair of eyes and thin lips, she is subconscious, and does not want to have any contact with and entangle with such people.

"Thank you for your appreciation. I still have something to do. Please help yourself."

She got up and left, even though her footwork was steady, it was bizarre.

I don't want to stay here for a minute and a second.

The masked man just watched her disappear like this, and those eyes, as she left, fell into coldness.

He seems as if nothing in this world can leave his mark on him.

"Son, if you fancy it, it's not difficult."

"She's the one around Gong Ya, right?"

The man who was always behind the mask man looked for a moment, then nodded.

"No wonder."

The man in the mask picked up the tea cup she had used before, her long white belly, and gently rubbed the smooth and delicate tea cup, as if feeling the temperature left by the tea.

"Someone already wants her."

The gaze of the masked man fell on that white yam cake.

"Yes, the little one understands."

The steward seemed to think of something, and resigned respectfully.

The man sat next to the window, but after seeing a figure, he hid his brows under the mask and frowned fiercely.

Hey, why are you here?

She hurried away from Yinxuelou, and Bai Su followed her vigilantly, seemingly aware of some danger, and kept on.

The Xiaojiao's coupe was downstairs, and the bearers' pace was fast. Before long, they returned to the palace.

"It's so stupid, why did you meet that weird man again."

I stood in front of the house, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xun Zheng muttered secretly, she saw that in the yard, the fourth brother was frowning, wondering what Ning Liang was talking about.

I waited until she got closer, and two people found her.

"Xiaomei, come here."

Kumiya Shiki waved at her.

Wu Ningliang also retreated at this time, but the sadness on his brother's face did not subside.

"what happened?"

你 "Look, this is the letter from Gong Tu to us."

Gong Tu? How dare this product come to look for bad luck?

Lin Lin Mengya opened it immediately to see, but after seeing it, she didn't see much anger on her face.

"Lin Mengwu has been robbed by him. He even dared to write to ask someone! He threatened us. If he didn't give it, he would be ready to bear his anger. This man is really overwhelmed!"

Brother No. 4 is a scholar, and even if he wants to scold him for being shameless, he has to be shameless.

Lin Kemengya was not so well-cultivated, she tore the letter a few times, and sighed in a low voice.

"Mentally Handicapped."

"Little girl, this time, you must not overturn him. I have ordered someone to check where the letter came from, and by that time, I must clean up the portal!"

"No, he's looking for death."

Nian Gongsi did not expect that the little girl was so calm.

Lin Mengya looked at his brother's indignation and said with a smile: "He didn't have such a great ability to come and sue us for the wicked. I guess the person who rescued Lin Mengwu must be someone he knew and said Maybe, or the one he wants to please and stubbornly! "

No biting dogs bark.

It was like in the past, Gong Tu could quietly seize the power of the palace family, and even suppressed them to an irresistible level.

Nowadays, if he really has that ability, why should he repeatedly threaten them?

I'm afraid it's just a bluff.

呵 "Oh, they are nothing but snakes and mice, but little girl, this man is insidious and cunning, and we have to guard against it."

"I remember, Lin Mengwu has a close cymbal next to me, alive?"

Gao Gong nodded at four, although they hated Lin Mengwu, but if there was no younger sister, people still kept it, but it was far less moisturized than before.

"Let her out and send someone to stare at her. However, no matter who you meet, don't fight against the grass."

She squinted her eyes, and the words were a bit foolish.

Suddenly, Miyaji found a predator on his sister's face, and was about to set a trap and calm down the bait.

In the end, those prey could not escape her palm.

"Okay, I'll do it."

"I see this matter, you still don't have to come forward in person. Bai Su, please come to our house, the hottest, barbaric, hottest wife."

She Bai Su's eyes flickered a little, but she still remembered that she was the villain who had abused her master.

This revenge is not reported at this time, and when will it be?

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