
Another meow came from behind.

Gao Linmengya took a look at the opportunity, but only saw not far away, there seemed to be a black shadow, and ran quickly.


The animal husbandry animal poses a combat stance at once, scratching its fangs and grasping the ground with its claws.

I looked like a close enemy.

And Lin Mengya's side is already at the end of the crossbow.

She can support for so long, it's because it's dark here, and she has a system, her sight and actions are not affected at all.

Ye Ke was frustrated with four hands, even though those people were a little flustered by her at first, but soon she was grabbed by her arm.

"let me go!"

The arm was twisted to the back, Lin Mengya sucked in an air ache, and struggled desperately, but she was twisted in front of the big poison division.

"Kneel down!"

Seeing her refusal, someone immediately kicked her knee severely.

She slammed "Chutong", the hard ground almost made her cry almost.

Lin Kemengya still gritted her teeth and refused to be softened.

"Hum, dying."

The big poisonous division didn't put her in his eyes and only glanced at her, then passed over her and walked in front of the animal husbandry.

At this moment Lin Mengya could clearly see that a black cat was standing not far from the white herd beast.

But this black cat is more than double the size of the herd, and moreover, the cat has a special rancidity.

Other people may not smell it, but in her heart, there is a doubt.

How did the cat's body look similar to what she saw in the ghost market?

"Small beast, I raised you so big, you actually eat and eat. Or let you die here and feed my corpse servant!"

The tone of the big poison division is extraordinarily dark.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little anxious. At a glance, she knew that the other party wanted to kill the killer because of her husband's change of ownership.

She immediately let the herd beast run, but she felt a sense of warfare in her emotions.

That is the instinct of the animal husbandry, the desire for killing.

As if it was born like this, even her master, who can control it, cannot restrain her instinct.

Just in terms of the current situation, she wouldn't help if she worried about it.


The black cat suddenly made a meow, but in the middle of the night, the tearing sound was a bit oozing.

The animal husbandry suddenly jumped up, and at that moment, it revealed the original face of the beast.

Hoarse and culled.

Two cats, one black and one white, were biting hard to understand.

But the big poison division did not step forward, nor did the surrounding guards go to help, but just stared closely at the battle between the two little beasts.

"I don't understand, but it's just two cats fighting, and the big poison division is not afraid to delay the business."

Xi lowered his voice to complain, but passed into Lin Mengya's ear.

I was talking about the Chonghua County Lord who had retreated to a safe area.

Since it is the business they say, it must be the needle of the palace family.

She was forced to kneel on the ground, bowed her head, and her heart suddenly turned.

What the **** are they going to do?

Seeing that the big poison division was still staring at the two cats intently, Chonghua was dissatisfied.

He looked at the embarrassed woman and said.

"Big poisoner, you came here this time, but you were ordered by my host. If he missed something important, I'm afraid it's not good."

说 She said that she was oppressing with her identity.

Except for the few people around her, the rest ignored her.

Where can Bian Chonghua be treated like this, his face suddenly sank, and his voice suddenly increased a lot.

"Did you all forget how the master instructed you? If it is not before dawn, you can't afford the anger of the master, you can't afford it!"

She is so eloquent, she just wants to compete and show off.

Lin Lin Mengya's eyebrows were clustered, and she came towards the palace.

Hey, why didn't they attack the palace's old house directly, but the white scorpion was so powerful, but it didn't hurt anyone?

Lin Mengya, confused, turned her gaze towards the gate.

Wait, if the other party really wants to completely remove the palace family, then they must first remove the second and fifth brothers.

Otherwise, these people want to slaughter the entire palace family, fearing it is impossible.

If they should meet inside and outside, first eliminate the second and fifth brothers, and then open the gates of the city. Is n’t there only a dead end for the palace family?

But the white scorpion is enough to make the family members deadly without being aware of them. Why don't they use this trick?

Countless questions, blocked in the chest.

She only knows one thing now, that is, they can't make them succeed anyway!



The two completely different meows became more and more fierce, and the small white hairs almost turned red.

Zhe Lin Mengya's heart was worried, but the induction of the animal husbandry beast became more and more intense.

Wu Mingming's shape was so miserable, why did she feel that the condition of herd of beasts was better than just now.

"噗 ——"

There was no warning, and the big poison division suddenly spit out blood.

The person next to him was dodging for a while, but some drops fell into his eyes.

Suddenly, everyone trembled with a scream.

Suddenly, the man had only time to cover his eyes, and the man fell to the ground all at once, with black blood flowing from his mouth and nose.

Obviously, it was poisoned to death.

Everyone did not expect such a change, at this time, Lin Mengya was the first to respond.

She exhausted her strength and hit the person on the left.

人 The man was unprepared, but she bumped her head.

The arm on one side returned to freedom, and Lin Mengya slammed into the person on the right again.

的 The person on the right had some preparations, but couldn't hold her back fast, didn't fully react, just took a small step back.

如此 Even so, it was enough for her to escape.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't even think about it, she went to the place where Bai Xiezi was.

Fortunately, although those white scorpions did not listen to herdsmen for the time being, they were still afraid of her.

After watching her roll into the scorpion group safely, those who want to hold her again can only stop at the edge.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her arms and looked at those people spookily.

I want to catch her, come here if you are famous!

On the other side, the big poison division has no time to worry about her.

He wiped the blood off his lips, his heart was extremely angry.

Although the animal husbandry animal and the corpse servant are both his, these two things are born natural enemies.

When I met, I just kept on talking.

If there is a common master, it's okay, but now, whatever master's command is useless to them, one life and one death are necessary.

The situation of the two beasts surprised the poisonous division secretly.

蛊 This herd of beasts is still young, and supposedly he is not an assistant to the corpse servant at all.

However, he felt that the animal husbandry had the upper hand!

How is this going?

The vision of 大 毒 师 turned to the woman standing in the scorpion group, confronting those useless wastes.

Is it something weird on her?


The animal husbandry suddenly made a cry of victory, only to see the black cat, which was a lot larger than the animal husbandry, was bitten by its neck, and its tail gradually stopped moving.

The animal husbandry animal bites the black cat's neck, swallows the other's blood with a big mouth, and is very happy.

"Little beast!"

The big poisonian's eyes tightened, and his heart was sore.

I want to know that whether it is the animal husbandry beast or the corpse servant, it takes a lot of effort to make it.

What's more, now that the corpse servant is dead, many things will become very troublesome.

But the shepherd and the beast ignored him at all, leaving the dead dead corpse servant, leapt into the air, and rushed to Lin Mengya.

"All right?"

She caught the little thing subconsciously, for fear of hitting its wound.

But to her surprise, there was no particularly serious wound on herd of beasts, but the blood on her fur was not just black cats.

While she was examining, the little beast suddenly bit through the skin on her finger. Instantly, a small drop of lilac blood came out, and the herd of beasts licked in.

Gao Linmengya was a little surprised. Fortunately, the animal husbandry seemed to know that she was wrong. She kept licking her wound with her slightly rough tongue, which seemed to please her.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little helpless, afraid that she was the only one, and she would not be afraid of her blood poison.

"Big poisoner! What's going on?"

Wu Zhonghua questioned very displeasedly.

她 In her opinion, it is the big poison division who is not doing his job properly and sees what cats fight, only to give this little **** a chance.

Therefore, her words are a little less polite.

"Noisy? Shut me up!"

The big poison division yelled angrily, but Chonghua didn't even look at anyone.

"How dare you talk to me like this! Well, when I go back and tell the owner what you have done, just wait for me! What useless things are you guys doing? "

Wu Zhonghua also seems to have a lot of status, so this group of people dare not neglect her too much.

I was just too clever for Lin Mengya. She was standing in the center of the scorpion group. Those people had seen the toxicity of white scorpions.


Suddenly, a cold and weird laughter made Lin Mengya's heart shrink.

Wu Zhonghua and the guard were also stunned by the big poison division who suddenly laughed.

"This dead old man, is it crazy!"

But before Chonghua finished cursing, the big poison division turned and took off his gloves.

At this moment, the moonlight blocked by the dark clouds for a long time, everyone can see clearly, the white and slender five fingers of the big poison division are covered with mottled blue lines.

"I thought that in my lifetime, I would never see such a good thing again. Now that God has sent you to me, it is a gift to me."

Zhe Lin Mengya could not help but hesitated. Is it just the movement of herring beast to **** blood?

The scorpion group that was still quiet just now is rioting.

虽然 Although they didn't dare to approach Lin Mengya, the fierce friction sound still made people feel upset.

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