Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1752: Blessed by misfortune

Lin Lin Mengya fell under the corner, and those blue poisonous scorpions had already swarmed.

The animal husbandry animal came out of her arms without fear, but stood in front of her, biting her teeth fiercely, and looked at the blue scorpions.


It yelled, and the blue poisonous scorpion, which was fearless just now, stopped at this moment.

Threshing roars screamed in the throats of the herdsmen. Starting from its nearest blue scorpion, their offensive movements began to become less flexible.

If the big poison division is here, he will be terrified.

This herd of beasts is actually fighting for control of the scorpion.

However, its current owner has almost lost consciousness. Moreover, it was only when the big poison division endured inhuman torture, that the white scorpion controlled by the animal husbandry became a blue scorpion listening to his control.

How could a tadpole be captured by a herd of beasts?

With the roar of the herd beast, the part closest to it began to turn outside.

Suddenly, the scorpion swarmed again.

The scorpion colony before shrank a part, and now the scope is even narrower.

牧 蛊 兽 looked back at his master, walked silently to the master's face, and gently licked the master's face.

At this moment, Lin Mengya exhaled a long breath.

She shook her head, and she felt itchy on her face. When she opened her eyes, she saw the little guy who had completely turned into purple eyes.

I stretched out my hand and Lin Mengya stroked the small head lightly.

Although she didn't know what happened just now, she didn't feel any pain all over her. Obviously, the blue scorpion didn't rush up and strangled her.

主人 "Master, the data has been calculated. At present, you are in good health."

There was a sigh of relief from Xiaoyao in the system.

After she was stung by a scorpion just now, the reason why the body had such a serious reaction was really because of a toxin carried on the blue scorpion.

This kind of poison is very strange. With the current expansion to such a rich database, it is impossible to analyze the components.

Therefore, even though Lin Mengya was intoxicated, she could hardly bear it.

The confrontation between the two poisons in her body really made her sin.

I'm sorry, but the blood poison in her body prevailed.

Although she was lucky, she also made her understand that there are people outside and poison outside.

In the future, she must be cautious in everything she does not rely on her original advantages and feel that the world is invincible.

"What's changed in my blood?"

Teacher Yun said that the reason why her blood was so toxic is because of the relationship of strange poison in the world.

Strangely enough, if this matter were to be placed on ordinary people, I would have died of intestinal perforation.

If I was lucky and did not die, I saved my life, and then I will be a poisonous person.

But in addition to her blood, she usually has no problems contacting people around her.

With this in mind, Long Tianyu and Bai Su can be well confirmed.

Before she saw the big poison teacher, she knew what the teacher said, and it wasn't alarmist at all.

Why it is like this?

"At the moment, nothing seems to change. There is no damage to your body."

Small medicine a little helpless.

As the first duty of the system, it is to protect the owner's body.

But the owner's blood is really weird. No matter how he analyzes the calculations, he won't get any results.

"Forget it, since it's harmless, you don't need to worry about it. By the way, the second brother is still outside the city, I have to go and see!"

Wu Zhonghua and the big poison division made it clear that he had come to make troubles for the second and fifth brothers.

Fortunately, she didn't delay too long. She ran desperately before and got a lot of time.

Lin Lin Mengya got up, but found that the animal husbandry beast's back, I do not know when actually climbed a poisonous scorpion.

She could learn how to handle this thing, and just wanted to get rid of the poisonous scorpion, but the animal husbandry just broke free of her hand and jumped down.

The poisonous scorpion just climbed to the head of the herd of beasts. This beast, a scorpion, was in harmony.

And she also found that the poisonous scorpion, which had turned into a brilliant blue before, now turned into a crystal-clear deep purple.

She's a little speechless. What's going on? Dare to love it, it ’s still a color-changing scorpion. Whose blood is it?

But fortunately, the animal husbandry animal is very humane, seems to understand that she has seen clearly, and followed her skirt to climb all the way to the shoulder.

I stretched out the small pad and touched her neck, making a flattering purr.

"Forget it, if nothing bad happens, take it."

大多数 Most of those blue poisonous scorpions have turned over and become dead.

There are only one or two hundred tadpoles left, but they are already counted as herdsmen.

I didn't think of the just thing, not only did she lose her life, but also made her physically tired and recovered a lot.

Lin Lin Mengya took a short approach and trot all the way to Dongchengmen.

And as soon as she arrived at the gate, she saw several figures under the gate.

Even if the light is not good, she recognizes that it is the person of the Chonghua County Lord!

"Ma'am, what if it makes you have a flat breath?"

Under the rampart wall, the guards responsible for protecting her, after hearing about her method, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, Chonghua was not very worried, but instead dragged his cloak.

"I just tricked them in anyway, where is the danger? You can rest assured that they won't be willing to hurt me."

原来 Their original plan was to grab the dispensers directly under the palace family when they went out to defend the enemy.

There is no need for intimidation and temptation. You only need to kill people. You can use a simple method to make corpses.

As long as those in the palace family saw it, they naturally wanted to ask what was going on.

At that time, let the dead corpses suddenly provoke trouble. At that time, the palace family must be unprepared.

They should meet inside and outside, and Dongmen missed.

The people outside can slaughter all the way in, and after destroying the whole non-Yecheng city, they can still kill the people at the west gate.

They had sneaked in without knowing the ghosts, and seeing that things were about to happen, they were even disturbed by the **** of Su Mei.

When I thought of how angry the man was after their mission failed, Chonghua couldn't help it, and thought of using himself as a bait.

"I'm afraid that's not right. The master said that his wife's pregnancy matters, but think of other ways."

"What do you know? If we return without success, I'm afraid the host will be angry, you and I can't even save my life!"

She was so arrogant that she gritted her teeth secretly. Where did she want to risk herself?

I wasn't the **** who Gongya had secretly accounted for her. Until now, she had to sing this drama and let everyone be suspicious of her identity.

She glanced around Gong Tu, who had been bowing her head all the time, and scolded the other side as a mishap.

If she did not plan well before, she pointed out the idiot one or two, and secretly identified Lin Mengwu's identity, and handed the person over to Gong Tu for use.

I was originally a good game of chess. Seeing them could eat away the palace family.

I didn't want to, this stupid thing didn't work out, it really annoyed her.

Otherwise, why did she make herself so hard to get rid of the obstructing guys in the palace family?

夫人 "Mrs. makes sense."

Gong Tu, who hadn't talked so much, stood up at this moment to support Chonghua.

While others seemed to think of something, the attitude of blocking was no longer determined.

Wu Zhonghua frowned, and said impatiently, "Okay, OK, it will only delay time if you come to discuss. If you listen to me, if there is anything wrong, I will bear it."

I heard her say that several people also made up their minds.

But they knew there that Chonghua would not be punished severely by relying on his stomach.

She wants to do nothing more than to win the favor of her master.

But if this fails, they will become scapegoats.

After a while, Chonghua didn't lose much.

A few people negotiated, and Chonghua wrapped her cloak tightly, accompanied by two people, stumbled to the gatekeeper.

Immediately, the guards responsible for keeping the door found them, raised the long knife in his hand, and asked, "Who? The palace has orders, and no one should approach the gate!"

The three of them stopped immediately, and the bright and touching woman in the middle shook slightly, looking very scared.

"This elder brother, me, I have something important and want to see the second son and the fifth son!"

The defender frowned. He naturally knew the danger at this time, and rebuked at the moment: "The second son and the fifth son are doing something big. Who are you and dare to make trouble here? Don't leave quickly, So as not to be accidentally injured. "

"Presumptuous! Standing in front of you, but the owner of the palace!"

"Stop!" Chonghua immediately stopped the people around her, and said very sincerely: "This elder brother, I am indeed Gongya Gongya. I escaped from the outside, if there is no urgent matter, I How dare you bother the two brothers? "

At first hearing, the caller claimed to be Gong Ya, but the guard was unbelieving.

He did hear the prestige of the housekeeper, but everyone in Yecheng knew that the housekeeper was in an incident and never returned.

I'm afraid this is a fake!

Xu Yi crossed his eyes with a little suspicion, the guard holding a long knife at the spot and pointed at the three Chonghua.

说 "Say! Who the **** did you send, dare to pretend to be my housekeeper!"

"You idiot! Now that Yecheng is in danger, who dares to come and pretend to be the owner? You are optimistic, this thing is the owner's credentials. If you don't believe it, just ask the second son and the fifth son! But because of you , Delaying major events, you cannot afford the consequences! "

The guard who broke the identity before marrying, marched again.

The Chonghua County Lord also took the opportunity to say in an urgent tone: "This elder brother, please, I'm desperate to come back, just to understand the rescue of the palace family and water and fire, and I dare not make fun of such things. I'm here Wait for you, you can order people to surround us three, if there is anything wrong, I will let you handle it! "

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