Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1768: Her ambition

Even though Gong Qianfeng's face, he kept a calm look.

But his heart, which has been tortured by the years, beat up fiercely.

On the question of Zeng Zu, Lin Mengya can finally hold her real idea in front of everyone.

"If you think of these inns as points, then the line connecting these points is what I really do. The battle with the fairy city is unavoidable. But on my own, with How can the power of the palace family turn the tide? "

There was a little noise, and he woke up from the blood of the palace family.

There seems to be a fire of no name, letting the last bit of hesitation in their hearts burn out.

Everyone's eyes lit with trembling light.

Hagong Qianfeng was involuntary and trembled a little.

He put the tea cup on the table, fist, and clenched his knees.

"Say on."

"Yes. Take this time as an example. The people of Xiancheng can actually attack us with such fanfare. It is nothing more than using the disagreements of various families. If we continue to be independent, then one day, we will be defeated by them one by one. So, I I hope all the time can be glued together through the palace house. Only then can Xiancheng dare not make trouble! "

I took the inn as the point, the palace business as the line, and then a little bit, united the entire patriotic nation.

In this way, everyone advances and retreats together, they already occupy the right place, how can they not have the battle with Xiancheng?

After all, power is still too scattered.

The big family has lots of money and a lot of land, but those small and medium families are like drifting duckweed.

If she is the master of the fairy city, she should be a little smarter to know how to attack the small and medium families first, and then slowly eat away those large families.

At that time, the defending country must become a purgatory on earth, and they can only be slaughtered by everyone.

"What can you do, little girl?"

The second palace is a military man. Don't look at it as a business. He is not clear, but if it is a battle, he is clear.

"Yes. First, we need to exchange money for supplies and train our own army. The second brother can treat each inn as a checkpoint. Those guys are soldiers who need to change their defense every year or half a year."

"Secondly, all the inns are clear on the news of exploring business opportunities everywhere. In fact, we must find out the enemy's sentiment. Not only the news about the fairy city, but also the real situation of each family. A hundred wins. "

"This third one"

She paused for a moment before she lowered her voice and continued, "This third is to support the superior. The world is big, and there are always smart people. If someone doesn't cooperate with us, then we will look for cooperation with us People. "

These three words came down, the men of the palace family almost held their breath, and stared at the girl in surprise.

They are Rao Rao, and they have never had such ambitions.

After a long time, Gong Qianfeng only took a long breath and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Old and old, it seems that in the future, you still have to rely more on your young people."

Lin Lin Mengya was actually a little nervous.

知道 She knows that these three are too difficult. If the great-grandfather refuses, she will have to work hard.

I did not want to, Zengzu actually agreed.

曾 "Great ancestor, you always mean--"

Xi Gongbin also had some breathing problems, but he was still subconscious and needed to seek the advice of his great ancestor.

"What can I have to say, but now Yaer is the head of the family. As the owner of the house, we as family members must obey."

曾 "Zengzu, I'm not oppressing everyone with the identity of the owner"

Qiangong Qianfeng waved her hand and stopped her anxious to explain.

He took a big mouthful of semi-cold tea, as it was, to cool the boiling blood in his chest a little.

"Child, the position of the owner is yours, and I believe you will assume the responsibility of the owner. To be honest, if today is any of your five brothers, I will only reprimand him for wishful thinking, but you will not."

I watched Zengzu's eyes burn, Lin Mengya suddenly understood the meaning of Zengzu.

She lowered her head, and there was a warmth in her heart.

He is because of his great ancestor's trust and his indulgence.

"You are the same as the old owner, no, maybe you are smarter than the old owner. Since you came back, you have created countless miracles. Even if you tell me that tomorrow you let the sun rise from the west, I will Will be convinced. "

Lin Lin Mengya was a little embarrassed. Although the words were a joke, the meaning was heavy.

所以 "So boy, let it go, I believe you."

Zeng Zengzu said with a smile, but at this time Lin Mengya, with a single heart fluttering, fell to a solid place.

曾 "Zengzu rest assured that no matter what, I will tell you in advance. People say that there is an old family, if there is a treasure. With the treasure of your town house at home, we will surely succeed in everything."

She smiled and patted her ass. The other five brothers didn't do anything about her.

Wu Piansheng's mouth was so sweet and sweet. Even if there was any great anger, she shouted a sweet voice to her brother, and her anger was almost gone.

"Okay, well, it belongs to the best you know about begging me. You guys, please help your sister well. If you let me know that you are powerless and tired my great-granddaughter, give me a shrine. Knelt on for ten days and a half months. "

I heard Zeng Zu said that all five men could only bite their teeth and swallow them.

Since having a younger sister, they have really become a weed that dad doesn't care about, and can't be compared to the real treasure of younger sister?

"Then I thanked my great ancestors first. A few elder brothers are rare talents in a century. With them, what else is impossible?"

The words of my sister-in-law comforted the hearts of five people.

Now, even if they are allowed to do anything, they will not hesitate to go.

Although the idea is there, the specific implementation plan is still a big trouble.

Qiang Gongfeng also knew that the matter was urgent, so he half-truthed them out and let them do the business first.

As for the "little things" at home, they were taken over by the great ancestors.

Make sure that they don't have worries and open their hands to do big things.

Lin Lin Mengya did not rush to express her thoughts, but gave five brothers a task.

That is to hope that they can give her an idea of ​​the matter.

Many things, she must be handed over to do.

Having five older brothers is even more important.

If they ca n’t understand them, they will be bound to do things in the future.

A few people seemed to understand it, and one or two faces showed a little eagerness.

刚 As soon as she finished speaking, she ran away on fire.

"Really, I don't set any time for them. What are you so anxious about?"

She shook her head and turned around, but she saw her elder brother.

This is strange, usually the fifth brother is anxious like anything, why today, he is so calm.

"Brother five, don't you go back and write your thoughts?"

She asked, but Gongwu raised her head suddenly, her eyes were red and bloodshot.

走 "Go, let's talk in your yard!"

After talking, she couldn't wait to pull her to Dongyuan.

Zhe Lin Mengya was so dangerous that he dragged his heels. By the time he reached Dongyuan, he was already out of breath.

"You have a ghost on you!"

I covered her chest, Lin Mengya shook off her brother's hand and complained.

Wu Ke Gongwu didn't seem to see it, with a pair of eyes, he wandered terribly.

Zhe Lin Mengya never saw this person so unscrupulous. After finally calming down her breath, all the people except Bai Su left Dongyuan.

"Now we are the three of us now. What you have is straightforward."

Wu Gongwu frowned and tightened, opened his mouth, but did not spit out even a word.

哪里 Where she had seen him so spit, she couldn't help being more curious.

"What's the matter? If you're just trying to make fun of me, I can't spare you."

Finally, Gong Wu seemed to have made up some kind of determination, raised his head, and stared at her desperately.

"Little girl, do you believe that in this world, is there a word for a dead body?"

Borrow the soul back?

怎么 说 How do you say that she is a witness to "borrowing the soul", isn't this a little bad?

"Why do you remember asking this?"

She asked cautiously, but Gongwu grabbed her by the wrist, and her hand was light.

"I saw it" He was short of breath and his eyes stared to the limit.

I seem to have experienced extreme panic, and it is like trying to restrain something.

Lin Lin Mengya was startled by him. Regardless of the pain on his wrist, he gently touched his back with the other hand to give him comfort.

"Don't worry, tell me, what do you see?"

"I, I saw my father, I also saw my uncle, my second uncle. Little girl, weren't they dead? Although I was young, when they died, I did see it!"

Give her a moment.

But immediately, she thought of something.

Uncle Wu's elder brother said that she should be regarded as her uncle according to her seniority.

I now only follow the last name of the palace family, so I can only call it by a few brothers.

"Uncle, second uncle, and your dad? Where did you see it, but it was dazzling?"


Wu Gong yelled, Lin Mengya only felt the pain in her wrists, and almost forced her tears out.

"Let go!"

A cold drink came, and then her wrist was finally freed and she was protected in the palm of her hand.

"It's okay, the fifth brother is just in a hurry, not to intentionally hurt me."

She hurriedly explained, which only made Long Tianyu's cold eyes slightly warmer.

However, she was still uneasy, took her back to the room, and found out the medicine oil and rubbed it.


The hot stinging made her take a sip of cold air, and the strength on her wrist immediately lightened a little.

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's original face was now full of distress.

"Stop it, just rub it away."

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