Contrast the smile on her face, even the bright eyes, five people can be said to be exhausted.

"Did you guys not sleep last night?"

Last night, Yu coaxed her to sleep.

In fact, in the end, she didn't know what she was talking to him.

Hearing his deep, mellow voice in his ears was enough to be drunk.

As soon as she finished speaking, a few brothers looked at her with inexplicable eyes.

This little conscience, I do not know who is responsible for their sleeplessness!

Lin Lin Mengya saw her elder brother from her elder brother, and then turned to her loving great ancestor.

The latter just greeted people, and after changing her a cup of sweet fruit tea, he pointedly said, "How old a person is, I can't hold my breath and deserve to suffer."

The real palace family treasure Baoya blinked, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, it turns out that you can't sleep because of what I said yesterday. Don't worry, I have arranged the previous work planning. As long as you think individually Just think about future plans. "

Brother Yecao's wild grass brothers, collectively grinding their teeth.

This little girl turned out to be opening them!

Fortunately, there is a great ancestor, they can only stare at her.

"You guys, your eyes are tied to this one-third of the acre of the palace family. The ones that Yaer said yesterday are afraid that you didn't even think about it before. But in the end, if you make any plans now, obviously It ’s difficult for you. So Yaer told me, let me give you a thorough understanding, so that you can prepare for it, then this matter can continue. "

The ancestors of the palace palace explained unhurriedly.

Lin Mengya held the tea and smiled at her five elder brothers.

She knows that the five elder brothers are all dragons and phoenixes, but their lives have kept their minds locked for too long.

Cormorants are like birds who have lived in cages since childhood. Even if the door of the cage is opened wide, they may not fly.

Unless it is the sky and sea that they yearn for, they will have the motivation and determination to get out of the cage.

Bian Yi last night, she did not tell a few brothers that she already had a preliminary plan.

The words of Zeng Zengzu made some of the five people's hearts not tasteful.

After I knew that there was such a younger sister, each of them thought about how to protect the younger sister and let her live a life of peace and security.

What happened later was that they gradually realized.

If the strength is not strong, let alone protect her sister, even her back can't be reached.

They are not jealous, but unwilling.

妹妹 Unwilling younger sister to fight with those storms alone, unwilling to be a waste in her life, unwilling to follow the flow and be at the mercy of others.

So, they have only one way to become stronger.

妹妹 The younger sister, however, pointed out a way for them to go to heaven that they had never thought of.

Indeed, after the excitement last night, when they calmed down, they felt that there was nowhere to start.

This matter is not so simple. At least all links need to be tightly linked and well-organized.

Alas, they are all at a loss.

Gan Gan thought about it all night and had no useful plans.

I just know that from then on, they still have such a choice in life.

种子 This seed, after all, is deeply buried and gradually takes root.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her five elder brothers, and she couldn't tell what kind of changes they had made, but just after a short night, a few people felt differently to her.

Fortunately, she knows that everything is difficult at the beginning, and she feels that she cannot be helped by Miao. Some things have to be explored by herself, and some mistakes must be made by them, so that they can truly mature.

"The urgent task now is to do a good job of enrolling the college. Big brother, the inn is the most basic point. There are three older brothers on the side of the college. Now you go to find some of your most effective work to form your team. Look at these points in the field. I have written the specific requirements in the letter, and everyone can look at them. "

She wasn't in a hurry to do the soldiers.

The foundation is the most important. If the foundation is not strong enough, then the building above it will not help.

She divided her plan into five brothers.

This is only the most basic version. After that, five people need to discuss each other and perfect this plan a little bit.

同时 But at the same time, she also emphasized that this is the top secret of the palace family. After reading all the plans, they must be burned, and no one can tell.

的 And the secret meeting of several people is scheduled to greet the great ancestors every day.

Everyone outside knows that the ancestors of the palace family love the great-grandchildren most, so it will not cause anyone to doubt.

虽然 Although she is not afraid that the palace family and the traitors will be leaked, she is afraid to be perceived again by the kind of people around Long Tianyu's father.

So many things cross.

If you do n’t have a plan, and you do n’t know what their ultimate purpose is, you may not understand it until you die. What are the two things that are irrelevant?

Only then can they take the initiative.

Anonymous, please, is a meeting for the "Royal Rise of the Palace", ending in a united and friendly atmosphere.

As soon as a few people came out of the great ancestor's courtyard, they resumed as usual, leaving no wind at all.

He can only see each other's eyes when he looks at each other, and that future has to hide his ambitions.

"Sister Xiaomei, where are you going?"

Lin Lin Mengya turned back and saw the third brother who was catching up.

In front of outsiders, she was still using Su Mei's identity.

"I want to take a look at the street, where is the third brother?"

"I'm going to college, just right, let's go together."

She never refuses to invite her brothers.

But the third brother apparently seemed to have something to say to her.

He took only one Bai Su, and Lin Mengya went out with the third brother.

出来 She came out to see what happened last night and what kind of influence it had on non-Yecheng.

After all, last night's movement was so big that it was impossible to hide it from everyone.

As long as it does not cause panic among the people.

"When it's okay, you come to the college to show your face more or less. After all, you also serve as the dean of the women's college."

Brother San San said bitterly, Lin Mengya heard the words, but felt ashamed.

When she set up this women's school, she hoped that men and women would be equal and that everyone would have the opportunity to receive education.

Twenty-two come for convenience.

I never thought about it, and really went to teach people.

"Okay, I'll go when I have time. By the third brother, last night at the college, did nothing happen?"

Sannomiya San smiled and shook his head.

"After I got your news, I evacuated all the students in advance. Those who live in the college, I also protected them layer by layer according to the method you taught. Last night they didn't know what happened, No one was injured. "

"Someone went to attack the college last night?"

没有 "No, except the students in the college who are teaching teachers, they must be dismissive."


Lin Lin Mengya felt that it was not so simple.

可以 She was understandable when someone attacked the palace family last night, but wouldn't it be a more convenient and powerful way to destroy the palace family's plan by directly killing the students in the college?

She sent a lot of people to guard the academy last night, but it shouldn't be. No one attacked?

What other plans do they have?

With a frown, Lin Mengya grabbed the sleeve of his third brother and tightened his pace.

"Let's go to the college and see. Maybe something happened!"

Although Sannomiya knew that the college was safe, he believed his sister's intuition.

The two arrived at the college as quickly as possible. At this time, most of the students were still in class.

The guard at the gate looked a little surprised when they saw them, and greeted them.

"President Gong, why did you come back in such a hurry, but what has fallen?"

San Gong's son is good-natured, handsome, and knowledgeable.

Therefore, I was very welcome in the college. Even the guards greeted each time they went in and out.

I heard this, but Miyazo was a little strange.

"come back?"

"Yeah!" The guard didn't notice anything, but just touched his head and said, "Did you not go out just now? I'm still wondering, why do you just walk around with a stuffy head and ignore anyone. I also asked you if you What's the rush? Do you forget? "

Zhe Lin Mengya shook with Gongsan's heart and screamed aloud.

Brother No. 3 sent the guard after a few words, and then took her all the way to the college.

"and many more!"

But Lin Mengya stopped him.

"what happened?"

如果 "If things are really what we think, then the purpose is definitely to frame you. We are better now, don't alarm anyone."

I originally wanted to ask the third brother where he had gone before the "self" I saw before.

But if you ask this, it will inevitably make people feel strange.

If they haven't had time to stop each other's conspiracy, wouldn't the third brother intentionally get the attention of others?

I was afraid that by then, things would not be so well resolved.

"You are right, but if we don't ask, how can we know what he did?"

Sannomiya was anxious.

He really likes the feeling of being with the children. If the children are harmed because of him, then he really can't blame him for his death.

"Let's think about it. Where is it that he has gone, it won't cause other people's suspicions, and he can do something evil and plant it for you, and you can't escape early. "

Zhe Lin Mengya was still thinking **** this side, and over there, Gong San seemed to suddenly remember something.

I turned and ran, not even greeting her.

When Lin Mengya saw this, she immediately followed up, and the two of them ran to a large yard in the college.

At this time, the fragrance of the meal is floating here.

A dozen people are busy on the stove, preparing lunch for everyone in the school.

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