Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1782: Postscript

She is of the same origin as Mrs. Lian, and even her princess is higher than Mrs. Lian.

But in fact, she is not only filling the house, but she is not the favorite of her husband.

Mrs. Lin Lian is different. She has always been loving and loving with adults, and even adults have no room.

Therefore, she had found a little jealousy in her heart.

She turned her eyes to her own nieces. If these girls were fighting, she would really raise her eyebrows and exhale in the future.

With such a big plan in her heart, Princess Xiao no longer lingered with his wife, and took her own daughters to walk in first.

Wu Gupan knew about Lin Mengya's relationship with Mrs. Lian, and felt that her mother was a little too strange today.

I had to take a few steps and laughed and pleaded guilty to Mrs. Lian.

"Ma'am, I'm really sorry. It's probably because of the recent dry relationship. My mother's anger is a bit strong. Please look at my face and don't care about her."

Mrs. Lin Lian smiled. She could not have been angry with Princess Xiao.

However, she really likes the host of Fanghua County, and can't help but hold her hand intimately, asking her situation earnestly.

There was Shang Guanhui playing the drums next to him, Gu Pan and obediently answered Mrs. Lian's question. For a time, the atmosphere here was extremely harmonious.

As soon as she entered the inner court, Ning Liang greeted her with a respectful smile, saluting the lord and wife first, and then said, "Mrs., my husband said, although my ancestors were sober, they were still lacking. She was careless again, Princess Xiao was valuable, and she was afraid that she would not entertain well. Therefore, I beg your wife to help her entertain. "

Upon hearing this, even Mrs. Li smiled helplessly.

"This girl, she would be lazy. You should know that she used me so smoothly. I should not have been soft-hearted for a while, and took over the job."

Wu Ningliang had to laugh, but was afraid to answer.

Mrs. Lin Lian knew that this man was a real person and could not help but joke, so she waved her hands with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do it, you can do your work."

Wu Ningliang immediately wiped his feet with oil, so there was a little bit of frustration in this way, and it was obvious that he was showing pity to Mrs. Lian.

"This girl is as smooth as Ya'er!"

Mrs. Lin Lian couldn't help crying and sighing. The other two people who knew Lin Mengya's details had to pretend to be stupid.

I can only understand one thing from each other's eyes.

Everyone, everyone in the same circle!

If Princess Xiao knew that tonight her niece could marry the sons and daughters of the palace family, it was actually even the wife she had offended at the door. I wonder if her intestines would be repentant.

There are not many people today, and they are all girls. Lin Mengya did not have a large feast.

I only set up a table in the main hall of her Dongyuan, and didn't pay too much attention, just as a sisterhood.

But because of the presence of Princess Xiao and the host of Fanghua County, they are more or less decorated, which will not make people feel restrained or lose face.

I walked all the way, Princess Xiao did not show up on her face, but secretly looked at the palace's old house.

Although there is no extravagant carved beams and paintings of their house in Xiao Wang, there is no place with a run-down feeling.

Even a tile on the roof and a paving brick on the ground are neatly clustered.

Princess Xiao is still satisfied with such an old house.

I just thought that the owner of this house was Gong Ya, and she was still somewhat concerned.

再 Whatever these maids she brought, she is also a young lady from Wangfu. It is enough to be a housewife in the palace.

It ’s a pity that the palace is headed by Gong Ya. I'm afraid they won't be able to make up for it later.

I thought to myself, should I repair a book for my father? Just because my brother is here, how can it be a help.

让 It would also be very helpful if Gongya abdicated to give way to Xian, and then supported the aunt of Xiao Wangfu.

Her abacus crackled and she didn't know about it, but she couldn't follow her wishes at all.

"Su Mei has met Princess Xiao, Lord of Fanghua County, and even Mrs. Li."

Zhe Lin Mengya stood in front of Dongyuan to greet herself.

Today she only wears a plain gown, and her dress is also warm and pale yellow.

There is no burden on the hoe, such as the Bao Bao Bu Shao, and only two pearl-made dumplings are inserted, which makes people more gentle and elegant.

Compared with those who can dress up and have their own ambitions, she is more like a lady.

"Mr. Su Mei is very polite. We were not outsiders, were we?"

Princess Xiao stepped forward and greeted her warmly.

Zhe Lin Mengya has always had little affection for her, but she looked at Gu Pan and Ma Beichen's face, so she patiently responded.

The eyes of the girls who swept behind her, though they were half-sisters, were indeed different from each other.

I was just too eager for Princess Xiao, and took these daughters to their house for a banquet, as if they were displaying merchandise.

Wu Dongyuan was her usual residence. Zengzu and her brothers had committed old problems. For fear of wronging, she added a lot.

Nine Dragons Tianyu and Qinghu are also the same. Since this time, I wished that the walls in her yard had been removed and reinstalled.

However, in the eyes of others, it has become a strong proof of the palace's prominent wealth.

In the eyes of those nieces, I was more or less envious, and I wished I would move in immediately.

Lin Lin Mengya saw clearly, but shook her head in her heart.

Those who are shallow-eyed and who are married will be fascinated by money, which is not suitable for brothers.

Because they are all female dependents, the dishes are mainly light.

There are also several delicate desserts, all flavored with flower sauce.

Zhe Lin Mengya greeted everyone to attend.

Gu Gupan kept up with Guan Hui and sat naturally beside her.

But I didn't want to just sit down, someone coughed.

"Miss Lian Yue, according to the rules, are you afraid that you are not qualified to sit with the Princess of the Princess?"

The slightly harsh voice made Lin Mengya frown.

Those who bully her at her site have a lot of courage.

Xu looked up, but saw that it was Qi Roujia who had met before.

The girl, who admires her four brothers, had a little friction with her before. Why is she still like this now?

He was well-educated, but he didn't like to care about it. After he met God, he was ready to get up and give up his seat.

He did not want to be caught by Lin Mengya, and he was pulled back to his seat with a little force.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Qi Qi Roujia didn't know why, she had enough confidence, and even looked at Su Mei with a slight disdain.

Looking at her movements, she made a look of sudden realization and said, "I have forgotten that Mr. Su Mei and Miss Lian Yue are the same people. But this close relative is an outsider. Where is the family? "

I'm so rude.

She even had a slight change in his wife's face, while Princess Xiao frowned and looked at her niece.

"Rou Jia, don't be rude."

Seeing his mother's speech, Qi Roujia raised her head proudly and sat in the position beside Princess Xiao.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Qi Roujia, and she really did not understand where the woman came from.

The atmosphere stiffened for a while, but fortunately Gu Pan was a lively one, and immediately opened his mouth when he saw the situation.

"I haven't seen such a delicate food, I think Mr. Su prepared with great care. I'm welcome tonight."

She Shangguanhui knew that Ya'er was sulking because she had been said a few words. She didn't care, and was afraid that she would offend Princess Xiao because of her today.

I reached out and quietly pulled Ya'er's sleeve.

The latter slowly regained his sight, but Qi Ruojia was remembered in his heart.

After she figured out what the other party's reliance was, she must give back her teeth, letting her know how difficult the world is, and cherish it.

I had a good deal of hope, and the atmosphere gradually became active.

In the end, even his wife ate a few more glasses of wine because of Gu Pan.

On the other side, Qi Roujia looked like she had nails on her buttocks, looking back and forth.

"Jiaer, what are you looking at?"

Princess Xiao Xiao frowned and asked in a low voice.

She didn't scold Qi Roujia severely just now, because she originally thought that Su Mei was just the righteous daughter of the palace, in fact, it was almost the same as a slave.

现在 But Qi Roujia's performance is a bit strange now, so she has to ask one more question.

I turned my head and looked out for a while. Why wasn't anyone here?

Qi Qi Roujia tightened her sleeves and thought for a while, sticking to the ear of Princess Xiao, she didn't know what she muttered.

Suddenly, Princess Xiao laughed and asked in a low voice.

"What are you talking about?"

"Of course it's true. How could your daughter lie to you? But, why didn't this palace see anyone? Mother, would you say that Sumei wouldn't let them come?"

Listening to that tone, Qi Roujia is not just as simple as dissatisfaction with Su Mei.

I even had a little bit of hate in it.

Princess Xiao Xiao was smarter than her, and looked at it calmly. Su Mei, who was joking with Fanghua and Lian Yue, had her own plan in her heart.

I lowered my voice, and asked Qi Roujia a few words.

"Yes, my daughter knows."

With the support of his aunt, Qi Roujia also seemed more confident.

柔 While everyone's attention was not on her, Qi Roujia got up quietly and exited Dongyuan.

On the other side, Lin Mengya only glanced at Qi Roujia's figure, and did not take it seriously.

哪里 Where do they know that today's backyard is stricter than prison.

As soon as Qi Roujia left Dongyuan, it was only natural that someone would report her whereabouts.

两个 The mother and daughter can't escape the palm of her hand no matter what the intestines are.

After a while, Qi Roujia sneaked back to his place.

I was so proud of that look that at first glance I knew that I thought I had done well.

"Thank you today for the hospitality of the palace family. I am so overwhelmed that I quit first."

The tragedy was done, and Princess Xiao was too lazy to talk to these people again, and got up and left, not to give Lin Mengya a face at all.

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