Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1785: Become angry

She is different from ordinary women. Don't look at anyone who usually talks with the gentle drizzle, but she really has a lot of lives in her hands. If the fire comes, there will always be a sense of extraordinary coldness.

This warning, even if the consequences are not so explicit, sounds, but it always makes people feel a little deliberate.

Anyone who has a little bit of heart in mind should know that such people are not easy to mess with.

But some people have to make inroads, think that relying on her maid's house and in-law's house, can't she run into such a small person?

"Do you think, I'm joking? It's awkward. Who would you be sitting here without our horse?"

Princess Xiao Xiao was very angry.

When she came out, Wang Ye said I don't know how many times, I must let the palace family marry in-laws with the palace.

I also praised her for her ability and said that no one else could do it except her.

From the door to now, this is the first time Lord Ye so trusted her.

Therefore, Princess Xiao had only one mind, thinking about how to do this, and kept the Lord for a long time, and let the Lord know that her princess is not comparable to those foxes.

It was because of this that she made her feel anxious for a while, she couldn't even care about her face, and her mind was full of the praise of Wang Ye.

She even forgot that she had forgotten that when she went out, she had lost her right to speak at the Ma family.

King Xiao Xiao really didn't like the horse's family, so he could maintain her superficial respect as a guest.

But Ma's family has to find their way now. Where can they take care of her?

Lin Lin Mengya only felt that this person was really confused at home.

"You are a princess, and all your honours are related to King Xiao's house. Even if the palace family and the horse family have anything to do with you, what's more, the friendship between the horse family and the palace family is not just Princess Xiao. Broken. Please also call the princess, some self-knowledge. "

Now she is no longer polite, and reasoning with such people is the same as playing the piano with a cow.

如何 Anyway, how euphemistic and polite it is, and it is not in the ears of Princess Xiao, it would be better to be more direct, so that the other party will not be able to make inroads.

"Okay! Your palace family is so powerful now that you can even ignore Xiao Wangfu and Ma's house. It ’s nothing, just as I am asking for nothing, I have given you benefits for nothing, and I have been teased. Father, take care of yourself, after all, how the palace family will be in the future, but it is not accurate. "

After speaking, Princess Xiao left aggressively.

And her nieces, naturally followed.

Gongwu, who had been stunned for a long time, couldn't help but shout at the women.

"Please also invite Princess Xiao to walk slowly. If you have any good goods, please come again next time!"

Grinning, Gong Wu smiled very happy.

The princess Xiao was not a good seed at first glance. Even if her daughter was found, and there was no reason to use it as a commodity, he shouted that sentence purely to beat her.

A good meal, but because of Princess Xiao's greed, it turned into this picture.

Only then Lin Mengya remembered, Paner was still there.

When I looked at Pan Er, I felt a little unhappy in my heart.

How much, she should take care of Pan's face.

Xun really frowned, looking a little awkward.

"Country Lord, I"

"Father Gong, Sister Mei, sons and daughters, all of my mothers are not, I ask you, don't be angry with them."

Gu Pan carefully apologized to the Gong family and looked at her, it seemed that she really felt that her aunt was wrong, and she felt a little helpless.

Although the Gonggong family members did not have a good opinion of Princess Xiao, they knew that Gongya had a good relationship with the host of Fanghua County, so they were not so exclusive to her.

"You are you, she is her."

Zhe Lin Mengya walked over, held Paner's hand, and said firmly.

Suddenly, Gu Pan felt relieved, raising a smile of congratulations.

"I don't know why my mother became like this."

Mrs. Lian, who was aside, saw that the county owner was so upset, but she felt sorry for the girl.

知道 She knew that the mother of the county master had gone in the early years. Although the little girl had the title of the county master, what could she do with such a stepmother?

At present, a loving mother attacked, and she felt that the girl was pitiful.

"The lord of the county does not need to be concerned, this is the matter of the elders, and it has nothing to do with your children. However, when you go back later, don't conflict with the princess."

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that Princess Xiao knew that Gu Pan's relationship with herself was bound to find something.

I thought about it, she still couldn't let Paner go home first.

I turned and looked at my brothers and great ancestors, which was different from the previous indignation. Now, the atmosphere on their side is also a little dignified.

Obviously, things are not so simple.

"Brother, go and find someone to stare at Xiao Xiaofu, especially Qi Roujia, you must find, the person who fakes the owner."

Hagiya nodded at four, knowing the importance.

"Brother, many people are leaving now, and we have offended a lot of people, so you need to be careful in the future. I think it will be protected by your elder brother in the future."

Wu Gongbin did not quit, and Gongwu felt that he had no responsibilities.

Gan Gongfeng wanted to say something, but after seeing Mrs. Lian and the host of Fanghua County, she didn't say anything, just patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, I'll take your brothers back first. I'll leave you here."

Lin Lin Mengya immediately sent the great ancestors out of the door. When she turned around, there were only his wife, Shangguanhui and Gu Pan left in the room.

She instructed people to close the doors and windows and sat next to Gu Pan.

At this moment, even Mrs. Lian was asking about trivial matters of life, but even Mrs. Li could feel that the girl was still alert to herself.

Until, Samui came over.

Suddenly the girl seemed to have found a loved one, her eyes were bright, but she had a supple dependence.

"Shi Jun, I don't think about this very much. If you go back, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Gu Pan shook his head, just wanted to say something, but remembered that even his wife was still there.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately noticed, and smiled at the moment, and said gently: "I forgot to tell you, even Madam is the sister-in-law's mother-in-law, and we are the same mother and daughter."

This means that even Mrs. Li is not an outsider, just say whatever you want.

With her pledge, Gu Pan said, "I'm not afraid of any trouble, but I think these days, my mother's work is really more and more absurd. If such things are placed in someone else's house, they will be ashamed of shame. Dead, but you see, she didn't think it was wrong at all. "

I presumably said these things, Gu Pan was still in my heart for a long time, and when I uttered it suddenly, my emotions seemed a bit uncontrollable.

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that Gu Pan would not be easy, and quickly poured her a glass of water and asked her to drink slowly.

I thought it was a conversation box, and it would be much easier for the latter.

"I know that although she is not my biological mother, she is now my aunt, after all. There are some things that I should not have said. But you know, what did she tell me before coming? She said that if those maids marry If you come to take charge of the house, all the good things of the palace family will be from Xiao Xiaofu. I do n’t know what she thinks, why is she so whimsical? "

In the end, I was jealous of identity, and Gu Pan's words were not mean.

Even Ke, even the wife, felt something wrong, and lowered her eyes as if thinking about something.

"Before I was in the house, she still guarded me more or less. But I didn't expect that after my father said that, she came to persuade me to obey me and please my father. Ask her to tell me where my biological mother ’s spirit and bones are, but she turned to tell my father in the blink of an eye, replaced the slightly more powerful people around me, and kept me guarded. It's not like that, I don't understand how she got so big. "

A lot of grievances, nothing will be felt if no one asks.

Once someone feels distressed, it is like a stab stuck in the heart, so painful that he ca n’t say his debut, but it is sore in the eye socket, and he can't help red eyes.

I was so persecuted and hoped in the palace, but now seeing them, it was like seeing loved ones, and a series of tears could not be controlled.

Wu Piansheng's girl didn't feel anything, choked and continued talking.

For a moment, let alone Lin Mengya keep up with Guanhui, even the wife, who has always been ignorant of other people's affairs, holds a parchment and gently wipes her tears.

"How can you be so cruel? In the end, your biological father, how can you do this to you?"

Mrs. Lin Lian, because she lost her relationship with her children in her early years, always showed kindness to the children of others.

What's more, this girl has a poor life experience, and her previous impression is also good. Now she is crying like a teardrop and has long felt like a heartache.

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry, what's wrong, don't you and your two sisters? Since I heard, I can't ignore it, good boy, don't cry anymore. This yin and yang mother and son Ah, I remember deeply, if your mother-in-law heard it, she would be sad and sad under Jiuquan. "

He seemed to evoke his sadness, and even his wife's eyes were seeped with water vapor.

Ji Shangguanhui immediately patted the back of her mother-in-law, and Lin Mengya looked at Gu Pan and Lianyi, and her heart was also in pain.

"Don't cry anymore, if you cry again, it's not pretty. Bai Su, tell the kitchen to make something for us. Make more soup and water, and give your wife and the shepherd a make-up. Otherwise , When you went out at night, people looked at you dry and thought that I was a monster, a little girl who absorbed water and a beautiful lady! "

She deliberately exaggerates, especially when talking about fairies, and laughs strangely.

She was so sad that Mrs. Lian looked at her funny look and couldn't help laughing.

"Your girl is as naughty as Ya'er. Go and go, where are the three or four words, okay, let's not cry anymore. If you cry again, your sister may not be muddy again What to say. "

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