Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1802: Uncle Zheng

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and did not discuss this issue.

Although Zheng Rongrong admired her highly, she didn't know the truth about what happened at the beginning.

Moreover, the homeowner of the Zheng family has passed away, and the palace family has regained its strength after suffering. It is a thing of the past to help or not, and she is too lazy to care about it.

Bing mentioned his grandfather, Zheng Rongrong's mood was a little low.

Gao Lin Mengya had counted in her heart at this time. No wonder Zheng Rongrong's opinion was different from that of her father, because Xu was influenced by her grandfather from an early age.

"Miss Zheng didn't invite us to sit in for so long," she said.

She said with a smile, Zheng Rongrong just reacted, and she suddenly lowered her head.

"Sorry, I was negligent, two people, please here."

Although this is not the first time that they have come to Zheng's house, such a day is always clearer than at night.

As they walked all the way, Lin Mengya only felt that the Zheng family was a bit abnormal.

There are many people in Zheng's family, but even she can see that these people are only superficial respect for Zheng Rongrong.

Before that, the porter and the maid were enough to show that Zheng Rongrong was already suffering from the enemy.

I just do n’t understand, here is obviously the Zheng family, Zheng Rongrong's home, why is it like this?

While the three of them were walking towards Zheng Rongrong's courtyard, a group of people came face to face.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help squinting when she saw the head of the person.

He turned out to be him!

Zheng Rongrong also saw them, his back was stiff, his face was slightly cold.

He didn't want to ignore these guys, but the man headed by him greeted him.

"Cousin, where did you go? Uncle said, you are weak and you shouldn't go out recently."

There is obviously only one person who can live in the main house and can also be called Zheng Rongrong.

When Lin Mengya knew the identity of the other party, she also confirmed her previous guess.

He shot and smeared Zheng Rongrong, and it was this Zheng Zhengxi, the uncle of the Zheng family.

At the same time, this person is also behind the scenes of those levels against her palace family.

This is really, the path of the enemy is narrow.

But instead of rushing forward, she stood behind Zheng Rongrong and looked at Zheng Luxi in front of her.

Zheng Rongrong didn't know who targeted her. Although she also hated her teeth, she couldn't reveal her face after all.

After exhaling a long breath, she raised her smile.

"Yes, thank you cousin for your care."

"We are a family, why be so kind. Besides, if I inherit the position of the owner in the future, I must also take good care of you for your uncle."

This sentence seems to be poking Zheng Rongrong's pain.

She raised her head in anger and stared at the person in front of her.

"My father is still alive. Doesn't my cousin feel that something is going against me? Is it possible that you are looking forward to my father's death all day?"

Zheng Luxi smiled, but in that smile there was a lingering coldness.

"How is that? Uncle treats me like a biological son. I naturally hope that he will live a long life. But who in this world can live forever? I just think that cousins ​​still have to relax and accept the reality it is good."


Zheng Rongrong was so angry that she could not speak, but she could not fight back.

With a proud expression, Zheng Luxi didn't put her in his eyes at all.

However, when the eyes fell on the two people behind her, they continued to show dissatisfaction.

"Why are you casually bringing outsiders? I think you really forgot the rules of this house!"

Lin Lin Mengya was dissatisfied with him early. Where else could he give him a face, he took a step forward and looked up and down Zheng Luxi at will.

"Speaking of outsiders, I'm afraid that in this courtyard, only Miss Zheng can be considered a serious family member of the Zheng family."

Her words spoke straight into Zheng Luxi's heart.

Even though everyone knows this, dare to open his mouth in front of him, this stinky woman is still alone,

"what did you say?"

Zheng Luxi's eyebrows glared, obviously a precursor to anger.

Where can Kemeng Mengya be afraid of him? After listening to her chest, she said without any worries, "I said, someone has a dove to occupy a nest, and the more awkward it is, the shame is really unknown."

"you wanna die!"

There was a touch of ruthlessness running through Zheng Luxi's eyebrows, he was used to being arrogant, and he was most taboo about it, and now he squeezed his fist to teach that woman a lesson.

But before his fist fell, he was pinched firmly by a hand like an iron clamp.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't drop his fist.

Then the man just pinched his fingers together, and a painful pain made him feel like his wrist was almost broken.

His face was pale as paper instantly, and beanie's cold sweat rolled down from the forehead.

The most shocking thing in Xu Dang was the indifference of the man's face.

As if in the next second, he could be folded by this man's wrist, or even his neck!

This recognition made Zheng Luxi panicky for a moment. He immediately shouted behind him, but he didn't even look at him and dared not run into the man.

"Are you all blind? Come on and help!"

The group of evil slaves standing behind Zheng Luxi did not even think that someone would dare to do something to their uncle Zheng.

He rushed up in a hurry, but he didn't even dare to approach.

"If you can't beat it, just call someone to see your success. Xianggong, you should let him go, so as not to dirty your hands."

Qi Lin Mengya promptly taunted again. Long Tianyu always obeyed her, and with a loose finger, Zheng Luxi took a few steps back, clutching his wrists tightly, and staring at them three with a vicious eye.

Lin Mengya raised her lips, took out her own handkerchief from the sleeve, grabbed Long Tianyu's wrist, and wiped each finger carefully, as if she was really rubbing something dirty. He also threw a new handkerchief on the ground.

"Uncle Zheng's family, but that's the case. I advise you not to make a wrong idea. There are people who are better than your Zheng family in this world."

After she threatened Xuanxu, she pulled Zheng Rongrong, who was worried, and turned to the yard.

On the other side, Zheng Luxi's face was cloudy.

He hasn't been so insulted since he was small.

The slaughtering writhed in his chest, he gritted his teeth fiercely, as if grinding off the blood of the **** couple of dogs and men.

"Uncle! Don't forget it!"

At this moment, the evil slaves behind him also stunned.

Zheng Luxi stood for a while and slapped the man slap fiercely.In a moment, he knocked out two of his teeth.


This group of evil slaves are afraid of him, so naturally they dare not come forward.

鲁 Zheng Luxi gasped, his eyes flushed.

After seeing the handkerchief, I sneered.

"Dare to oppose me! I want you to know, offend me!"

Looking at the closed courtyard door, Zheng Luxi had already classified those two people as the dead.

In the courtyard, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Lin Lin Mengya squeezed her eyes toward Long Tianyu, her face was full of praise.

It was so handsome just now!

Xiaolong Tianyu lifted his lips slightly, a little proud, and his head was filled with honey.

I was almost like Xiaohu and Xiaobai, shaking the big tail behind me, hugging and begging for praise.

Lin Lin Mengya secretly squeezed his hand, and the latter immediately held her back.

Zheng Rongrong didn't notice a little bit. The two dog food making machines started to work again later. She looked like she lost her heart, but her eyes flickered spontaneously.

It turned out that for more than a decade, she had wanted to do this every day, but she was often held back by reality.

I didn't want to, because Zheng Luxi also had fear sometimes.

After praising her own man, Lin Mengya noticed the mood of her little fan girl.

I could not help but sigh in my heart, this era is still depressed for women.

Even if it is a palace family, its glory is based on women's blood and tears.

What's more, it's a woman like Zheng Rongrong.

"You don't have to worry too much, Zheng Luxi doesn't have that qualification to deal with me."

She knows what Zheng Rongrong is worried about, but she did it today for her own reasons.

Otherwise, why is she so high-profile.

Zheng Rongrong raised her head and looked at her with a restless expression.

歪 She tilted her head, and she was completely gone at this moment, and she saw what her mouth looked like.

既然 "Since the two of us cooperate, I will not harm you. No matter what your plan is, you continue to do it now. However, I will guarantee your safety."

Zheng Rongrong looked at the woman in front of her, and after a long time, she gave a smile of relief.

"I know you have your plans, and I also know that my little tricks are just ugly in front of you. But I really hope that I can help you. And I want to thank you."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little confused.

She knew that Zheng Rongrong had plans, but in fact, she probably guessed how this clever girl was weak and strong.

And she also adjusted her plan to cooperate with Zheng Rongrong.

But this is the cooperation between the two sides, and there is no way to say thank you.

Zheng Rongrong knew she was puzzled, and Rourou explained, "I thank you for my brother and mother."

My brother and my mother? Isn't she the only daughter of the Zheng family?

"My mother died unexpectedly when I was pregnant with my brother for seven months. Pity my brother has never even looked at it forever."

Sadness covered Zheng Rongrong's eyebrows, making this sick and delicate girl look like a fragile product.

Lin Lin Mengya shared the same feeling. At the time, her mother had to choose to die for her and her brother's safety.

She couldn't help but hold Zheng Rongrong's hand and wanted to give this girl some warm strength.

"I know you want Zheng Luxi's life, and I want this beast to die more than anyone!"

The trembling voice was mixed with inexplicable pain.

Those hatreds are like scraping steel swords. In every cold night, Ling Chi is in the heart of Zheng Rongrong.

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