Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1812: Burn a gun

At this moment, Lin Mengya carefully took out the two fruits hidden in the sleeves.

The shape of the jasmine fruit is very similar to that of hawthorn, and it is also covered with a layer of white frosting, exuding a sweet and sour taste.

"What, pout?"

Xiao Long Tianyu laughed at her softly. Lin Mengya twisted his chest a bit, and squeezed the red fruit gently.

Although the appearance is similar, the inside is quite different.

There are usually three to five nuclei in hawthorn. Even in such hawthorns made with denuclearization, there are traces left by the nuclei.

But this red fruit is smooth inside, without a seed.

I thought, she put the ordinary one in her mouth.

It tastes like hawthorn, sweet and sour, but there is a hint of bitterness in it.

This taste is definitely not hawthorn!

"The bird's blood fruit is shaped like a hawthorn and has no nucleus inside. When it is ripe, it tastes sour and sweet with a hint of bitterness. It is the best medicinal material for smoothing the qi and blood, but those with weak constitutions are prohibited from taking it!"

的 The test results in the system proved her conjecture.

Sure enough, the accident happened to this red fruit.

Chen Longtianyu kept staring at her expression, even though she knew her constitution, but every time, he couldn't help but nervous.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Lin Lin Mengya looked at his slightly frowning brow, and could not help but provoke his mind.

He swallowed the remaining fruit in front of everyone.

Xun Long Tianyu was anxious, and never thought of it, he kissed her lips with his mouth.

Long Yuanyu originally wanted to pull out the fruit. Before she could react, her long tongue hit Huanglong.

Her mouth was sour and sweet, and she also had fruity fragrance.

As soon as Swallow was swallowed, she had to chew the crushed fruit and was hooked by Long Tianyu smartly.

But the taste between her lips and teeth was so beautiful that he didn't miss any chance, and swiped each of her teeth and palate with her tongue in order to search for the ripe flesh.

Lin Lin Mengya only felt itchy in her heart, and couldn't help but grab his neck and let the person mess up.

Until the breathing also gradually disordered the rhythm, they kissed hard to leave their lips, letting reluctantly divide.

Lin Lin Mengya took a few breaths immediately to lower the heat.

He didn't know how shy and timid he was, giving him a hard look.

"Really, what do you rush up to, and don't you like to eat sour?"

She poked at his chest with annoyance.

When she was in Huaining, the teacher himself made the white sugar, red fruit and ume, and he couldn't taste it.

What crazy is coming now?

"You and I are husband and wife. They should have been together."

As I said, I chewed the red fruit in my mouth.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at those drowsy eyes and suddenly did not know what to say.

"Don't forget, I'm a person who can't die by eating anything, but you're different."

"There are no such absolute things in the world, I will always be with you." Regardless of life or death.

The last half sentence, although he didn't say it, she understood.

This person, why are you so

When Xun's heart was moving, a hard object suddenly felt around her waist.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately withdrew from his embrace and got stuck near the bed.

"you you!"

Although she hasn't seen this little brother, but how do you say it, cough, it may be my reason for being more scared in my hometown.

And this is not the best place. She can't be monitored by others, let her say hello to her old friend?

Xiao Long Tianyu also did not expect that he felt a warm spread from his chest, and even his limbs felt a little fever.

He immediately sat up, blocking his lower abdomen, and the expression on his face looked a little annoyed.

Although he desperately desires her, he should not be so excited.

At this time, Lin Mengya, who was half-slow, immediately patted her head.

What a mess, why did she forget it.

Rolled down, took out the silver needle that she had put in the medicine box, pulled Long Tianyu's arm, and gave him a few needles.

With these few stitches going on, Long Tianyu felt that the hot current that was scurrying around was slightly relieved.

I was just one important point, but still trembling.

"That fruit, but is it weird?"

Even if he was stupid, he reacted at the moment.

When she couldn't help herself, she really was emotional, but just now, she was very fierce, as if she had taken some unscrupulous medicine.

Gao Linmengya gave him a white look, only felt that this man deserved it.

"The red fruit was originally a good thing, but men will have a little trouble eating it."

Simply put, there is impulse, but there will never be other intentions.

I also do not like that kind of flattering medicine, it will make people fascinated.

I heard here, Long Tianyu could not help but be a little bit embarrassed.

"So, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Women's physique is biased towards warm and cold. When I eat it, it will only help me to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and it will not have other effects at all."

Moreover, her body has a strong antidote, such a fruit will not have any effect at all.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's busy lover was distressed.

This **** fruit, he never wanted to eat again.

Really, lose yourself!

I know the reason, Long Tianyu also circulated a few times inside, so as to soothe his boiling blood.

But Lin Mengya never dared to be close to him anymore. There was a quilt between the two. She was facing outside, but she couldn't help laughing.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her back quietly, her expression was also extremely tender.

Today's events, after all, he blame him for not checking.

I can follow her wife's temperament, I'm afraid that she also wants to have more jokes with him.

The two are not in a bad mood, but after waking up, they stick together again.

When Lin Mengya opened her eyes, she saw that wide and strong chest.

的 A sense of security that no one can replace, only makes her feel warm.

He habitually rubbed his chest with his face, and the big hand that had been around her waist tightened slightly.

"It's still early, would you like to sleep again?"

"No need." At the beginning, her voice was hoarse. So it sounded like a moment of laziness.

"I probably guessed who did it yesterday. So today, I need to find a chance to inform Zheng Rongrong."

From the moment she knew the effect of red fruit, she guessed that it would be inseparable.

Because the sparrow blood fruit is good for the human body and has a little bit of other effects, it is really better to use it as a booster.

问题 But the problem is that she has never heard of this fruit before, either it is extremely rare or it is a special product somewhere, so it is unknown.

Zheng Jiafeng's land is adjacent to Gongjia's land. If this fruit was produced by Zhengjia's land, she would never have seen it in the land.

Therefore, I am afraid that there are not many people who can possess and know the medicinal properties of this fruit.

I knew the medicine and Zheng Rongrong's physical condition, and she knew that the person who ate this bird's blood fruit was like poison.

Then there are only two goals.

One is Master Zheng Jiaer, and the other is Zheng Luxi, the imprisoned Zheng family.

The person who brought in the Sun Mingyi was Master Zheng Er, so he would never do anything extra.

In this way, Zheng Rongrong was the only person who wished Zheng Rongrong had died and knew her condition.

She suddenly remembered what he had said to Xu Hu in the ruined temple.

的 The medicine that makes Zheng Rongrong worse than death, isn't this the **** fruit?

This person is really vicious!

If it was not yesterday, this fruit was taken with Sun Mingyi's medicine, I'm afraid Zheng Rongrong will be overdrawn by this fruit. In the end, there is no medicine to save.

The dove does not say, but he has to kill everything.

Why can such people be assured of being neighbors with him?

Zhe Lin Mengya thought and thought, the secret sneaking method that day might not work.

After all, they are here, I do not know when someone is watching.

In my opinion, she had to think of other ways.

As soon as I had breakfast, the two were invited to Zheng Rongrong's residence.

Because of that bite, Zheng Rongrong didn't look so stubborn yesterday.

Yun Sun's famous doctor's face is not very good, it should be because there is a housekeeper staring.

What happened yesterday made Master Zheng no longer trust him.

Therefore, he sent his confidant to watch.

When Lin Mengya arrived, they were just catching up with Sun Mingyi's second medicine.

The servant girl carefully walked forward with the dark medicine, first showed it to Sun Mingyi, and then placed it in front of them.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the medicine, and took the medicine bowl.

When the servant girl saw this, she immediately asked, "Brother Yang, what are you doing? Give it to me, and the lady is still waiting."

Zhe Lin Mengya cracked her mouth and smiled brilliantly.

"Sister, don't worry, I'll send this medicine to the lady myself. You don't know, there are rules for taking this medicine. I am afraid that such things as yesterday can never happen again."

Speaking of yesterday's incident, Sun Mingyi's face was a little ugly again.

没 He didn't forget that the elementary school student stared at him yesterday, almost freezing his heart into ice.

He should only be an apprentice, afraid that he will disturb them by doing something.

Huh, he's not a fool. How can he even shoot himself in the foot?


The servant girl was a little embarrassed and looked at the two famous doctors.

There is no need to say that there is no objection to what the elementary school student did.

At the same time, Sun Mingyi's side seemed to want to show his innocence, and waved his hand and said, "He will go if he wants, lest he should get the problem, it's all on my head."

Gao Linmengya knew that yesterday's things were not what he did, but if he had poisoned Mrs. Zheng and Zheng Rongrong's body, it would not be what it is now.

I now feel innocent and wrong. How did I ask my conscience when I did evil?

After receiving the approval of the two doctors, the maid finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I presumably also had anxiety about yesterday's events, and did not stop it, but just opened the door of the inner room in front of her.

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