In the Zhao family, they were much more free to move.

Anyway, the Zhao Heng couple knew their identities. With their cooperation, Long Tianyu's people did not attract too much attention.

那 Just now, Lin Mengya motioned to Long Tianyu and asked him to help inquire about it.

"Basically, the same as Zheng Rongrong said. But do you know where Zhao Ye met Xu Liang?"


"Jing'an Temple, a temple that is not very consummate, and the incense is very strong. And not far from Jing'an Temple, it is Master Zheng Er, a Taoist temple of Qingxiu."

This is very meaningful.

According to the strength of the Zhao family at that time, Zhao 晗 should go to a temple with a larger incense and more flourishing.

After all, whoever asks God to worship the Buddha wants hope.

Therefore, this point seems very unusual, not to mention that it is so close to Master Zheng Er's Taoism.

It seems that somebody intentionally created this "这一".

"But, Master Zheng Jiaer deliberately did this, what is he trying to do?"

She can see that Master Zheng Jia's mind is not small.

And over the years, the Zhao family has been guarding him and protecting Zheng Rongrong.

Isn't this the purpose of Master Zheng Jiaer?

Xu Ke made so much trouble. After he really consumed the patience of the Zhao family, it was a big deal, and they could cut off their relationship with Zhao Yan.

By then, wouldn't Xu Liang be useless?

She thought about it, she didn't understand why the second lord Zheng had spent a lot of time in arranging this matter.

Lin Mengya, who had just wanted to speak, had a nose than Turin, and suddenly sniffed.

Xiaolong Tianyu stood up alertly and blew out the only remaining candles, like ghosts, and moved to the rear window.

Although the sound of the footsteps is messy, it is a little lighter. If it is not a person with good hearing, I am afraid it will be difficult to detect.

He heard someone outside and splashed something on the back wall.

The smell was a little pungent, and Lin Mengya immediately recognized it.

It's hot oil!

It wasn't long before the smell of scorching came from outside.

The beacon came silently, with the help of hot oil, and immediately fell on the roof.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, because she heard the sound of a lock falling on the door.

Xiao Xiao's face sank suddenly. Is it really a tragic death, want to let them be burned to death?

"let's go."

There is Long Tianyu here, and a small door can't trap them both.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and the two even calmly took the important things, and the door was opened for Long Tianyu.

In the dark night, a cloud of smoke rose into the sky.

But to Lin Mengya's surprise, the fire seemed to be more than this.

糟 "Oops! This is the direction of the second oldest Zhao family!"

Upon hearing this, Xun Long Tian Yu picked up her, carried out light work, and ran to the courtyard of the second old Zhao family.

The fire here is a little bit hotter than theirs.

The door was locked and there was no movement inside.

"Don't worry about me, go save first!"

She immediately jumped down and hid in a corner.

However, Long Tianyu did not dare to delay time, and immediately flew into the door, flashing in alone.

Before long, he held one in one hand and helped the second old man out.

"what happened?"

She greeted her, and said that there was such a big movement, why was the old man in the Zheng family still so groggy?

"Being drugged."

Xiaolong Tianyu called them several times before, but the two of them slept so hard that they did not respond at all.

Zhe Lin Mengya confirmed that it was not too much sweat medicine, but too much analgesic dose.

"Send people to a safe place first."

There is Long Tianyu here, so she doesn't need to worry about everything.

After placing the two old people in the yard away from the fire, the two did not wait for the old man to wake up, but went out.

"Let's go! Come on!"

Lin Mengya changed a rough voice, and yelled a few times.

Soon, the street lights were lit in those houses.

And those servants who hurriedly rushed to watch the direction in which the old man lived, the flames soaring into the sky.

The whole house was startled and everyone went to the fire.

恒 Zhao Heng also awakened, and hurriedly led people to the fire.

Especially after thinking that his parents were still in the fire, he tried to rush inside.

Fortunately, the people around him knew the importance and stopped him desperately.

恒 Zhao Heng's eyes were red, and he went to get water himself, and then when everyone didn't watch, he poured himself all over and rushed in.

This scene was seen by Lin Mengya and Tian Yu.

They shouted earlier, in fact, the fire just looked scary, as long as Zhao Heng was careful, it was fine.

What's more, there are so many people outside.

But only Zhao Hengxin has believed, and the fireproof person will believe.

She and Long Tianyu are like two night owls, standing in an inconspicuous corner, staring closely at this group of people.

Finally, let her see a suspicious appearance.

The man was a middle-aged man with a mustache, and when everyone was fighting hard, he was pretending to be.

After seeing Zhao Heng rushing in, the man threw down the bucket while he was in chaos and walked away.

What he didn't know was that there were already two people who followed him silently.

The man walked quickly, and he avoided the man intentionally.

Fortunately, the people in Zhuangzi were busy going to the two places to fight the fire. No one noticed him.

Lin Lin Mengya followed him all the way to the backyard.

Compared to the haste of the front yard, here is much quieter.

But here, someone is still guarding.

She saw that there was only one small yard in the huge backyard.

In front of the yard, there were two guards.

When the guard saw Ba Zi Hu, he immediately asked: "Stop! What are you doing here? Don't you know, is the Zhao family here forbidden?"

Wu Ba Zi Hu pretended to wipe a cold sweat, and grunted, "No! Two brothers, the front yard is on fire! The housekeeper asked me to come here to see if you have been affected here!"

When the two guards looked up, they really saw the smoke in the front yard.

When I was surprised, I couldn't even doubt the person in front of me.

"What's the fire now?"

大 "Uncle is taking the big guy to fight the fire, but the fire is too big, and I'm afraid that it won't stop for a while. It is better that you prepare early to avoid major accidents."

好 "Okay, we know. Thank you."

As soon as the two guards heard that, they were going to find their companions.

此时 At this moment, the bachi-huo strode forward, and opened their necks under the astonished eyes of the two guards.

Two beeps were heard, and the guard fell to the ground.

Even Lin Mengya did not expect that this banter was so bold, she dared to kill!

"He's a killer."

Nine Dragon Tianyu apparently also had some surprises and said to her ear.

They thought that this **** was trying to lead people away and then slipped in.

I didn't expect it, but I was waiting for the guards to reveal the flaws in order to kill them.

After Bazihu ​​finished killing someone, he turned out a bunch of keys around the guard's waist.

I tried a few times, opened the door of the small courtyard, and then walked carefully.

Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu followed suit. At the door, Lin Mengya saw that there were many bells and wires hanging on the wall of the courtyard.

Obviously, if the wall is turned over, the bell will inevitably be touched.

At that time, those night guards would be alarmed.

When the two of them entered the courtyard, they saw only one small house in the courtyard. At this moment, the door was open, and there was a black sandalwood smell.

It seems like a place like a shrine.

They did not easily enter the shrine. After all, such a big place, if it was found, then they could not easily know the purpose of the killer.

Xiao Long Tianyu hugged her, hiding in the corner, two eyes, staring at the entrance of the hut.

Soon, the killer went back.

Zhe Lin Mengya only saw what was bulging in his arms, as if hiding something, but instead of leaving, he hid behind the door panel, as if waiting for something.

After a while, I heard footsteps outside.

The killer was still waiting, knowing that there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Then the footsteps left.

The killer waited for a little while before turning around.

Zhe Lin Mengya was able to see clearly. There was one more person at the door, and the killer, carefully, put the weapon he had just killed in his hand.

The killer went away, and Lin Mengya walked out.

I didn't even think about them. The one who fell out was Zhao Zhao who was unconscious!

"Your man, can you kill that killer?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, they just didn't do anything just to catch the people hidden behind the killer.

But now, Zhao Yan has fallen here, and with a **** dagger in his hands, he is afraid of being behind the scenes, and wants to plant her.

Now, don't even think she knows who this matter is.

"It seems that he just scrapped one of his hands, which is a little too cheap for him."

Lin Lin Mengya's face showed a sneer.

Nine Dragons Tianyu understood her meaning, and once again hugged people and went straight to Xu Liang where they were.

At this time, in Zhao's former boudoir, Xu Liang was enjoying the tongue service of the chamber, while staring resentfully at his wrapped hand.

The two **** bastards, dare to do anything to him!

Humming, he wants them to experience the most painful thing in the world.

He must have a good appreciation tomorrow, the appearance of these two **** who burned coke!

"Master, do you serve well?"

His Majesty, the gloomy eyes were as silky as Xu Liang's mouth was dry.

"Little slapstick goods, wait for Master Ben well, from now on, Mrs. Xu's position is yours!"

Zan Na's room's eyes brightened, Mei smiled and continued to move.

When Xu Liang fluttered, the door was suddenly kicked open.

Xu only heard a strange cry, "Wu Ming", and Xu Liang kicked his feet to open the chamber, covering his two or two flesh, and slamming.

"Little, young master!"

Here you are, too.

She was taken aback just now and couldn't care less.

By the time she reacted, Xu Liang was already in pain.

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