"His Royal Highness, I found the trace of the person from Xiancheng. He was afraid that person would be against you, so he took someone to intercept them."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, no wonder.

Yun Yu always valued her safety, and Yu repeatedly told her that she must not reveal her true identity in front of the people in Xiancheng.

Even though it is only a little bit possible, for him, it is always close to the enemy.

"Why do you stay here?"

"His Highness said, I am afraid you are worried, and His Highness is also sent to protect you."

It seems to me that Yu is one step ahead of her and knows who in the house is working.

Alas, otherwise he would not walk away with confidence.

Xu Hu and Xu Liang, and even the entire Zheng family.

As long as there is no outside help, where will be her opponent?

"I'm fine here, oh, by the way, did you catch the man who stole last night?"

"Catch it up, this is what he took."

The guard pulled a bag from his waist.

Lin Lin Mengya took over a lot of weight, not too heavy, but not light.

打开 She opened the bag and saw inside, but it was just a hand-held mirror.

The mirror is not large and the mirror is made of brass. There are various hollowed-out flower patterns carved around it, and how they look is just a woman's makeup mirror.

"This thing is really stolen from the shrine of the Zhao family?"

"It is true that this man was stopped by his subordinates himself. There is nothing suspicious about him except this thing."

Suddenly, Lin Mengya's turn wondered.

怎么 How did this mirror appear in the shrine of the Zhao family? And why did the killer come only with this thing?

From the perspective of Xun, she had to find a chance and go to the ancestral hall of Zhao's house to see it.

Although the fire last night was not small, fortunately Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu called in time, and it was quickly put out.

Now, their residence was moved to the neighborhood of Zhao Heng and his wife.

Except for the house where they lived before and the house of the second elder of the Zhao family, everything else was not affected.

Fortunately, Zhuangzi is not small, but he can live for a while.

Since Lin Wei retreated, Lin Mengya took a little rest, and after having used the meal, Zhao Heng was asked to leave.

It turned out that Zhao Yan was sober.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Zhao family's feelings towards this woman were complicated.

But blood is continually cut, not to mention, her condition is not good now, and the family can't just watch her die?

And besides Zhao Heng, others did not know that Xu Liang had also cleaned up Lin Mengya.

恒 Zhao Heng knew that his sister was afraid that she would never be able to return to her husband's house.

Otherwise, it is a dead end.

He didn't mind supporting his younger sister all his life, but he couldn't let Zhao Yan be so confused.

"Mr. Su, you are here."

After the throat was restored, Tang immediately assisted her husband in presiding at home.

She can't help anything beside her, but she can still take care of her aunt and niece.

When she saw her own salvation beholder, her attitude was exceptionally affectionate.

"What's wrong? Zhao Yan is troubled again?"

There is something wrong with Zhao ’s spirit, and Lin Mengya can be sure of this.

It seems that Tang's lingering expressions don't seem to be ordinary problems.

When the two of them were talking, they entered the room. Inside, Zheng Rongrong was in the inner room and kept persuading: "Little aunt, don't do this!"

Lin Lin Mengya thought that Zhao Yan was accusing Zheng Rongrong again, and took a few steps, but saw Zheng Rongrong holding a coat, and looked at his aunt in anguish.

"this is?"

"Sister Su, my little aunt doesn't know what's wrong, she said she wouldn't wear clothes."

Don't wear clothes?

Zhe Lin Mengya did not expect this to happen, so she could only go to the bedside to check it.

I did not expect Zhao Zhao was not troubled.

只是 She just lay tremblingly on the bed, her legs curled, and her mouth murmured something.

Gao Linmengya lowered her body to listen, only to hear Zhao Ji intermittently said, "Don't hit me, I dare not, and never hide again"

即便 But even so, she was lying on her back with her legs wide open.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her, and suddenly, an inexplicable thought came into her mind.

She touched Zhao Huan tentatively, and sure enough, her body became a little tighter. After that, she actually lifted her thin and dry chest and hurled her hand.

However, she was obviously afraid to tremble, and she was stiff and cold, but she was like a machine, controlling her movements.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately retracted her hands, she clenched her fists fiercely.

Animals! That family are all beasts! They all **** it, they should all go to hell!

Zheng Rongrong, who had not yet appeared in the cabinet beside her, did not know what it meant.

But Tang, who has been married for many years, also sees a few ways.

Suddenly, she turned pale.

"Auntie, what's wrong with your aunt?"

Zheng Rongrong didn't know why, but only felt that Sister Su and her aunt were very pale.

He seemed to be holding back anger and sadness.

"Rong Rong, you go out and wait. I'm with Girl Su here. Your aunt won't do anything wrong."

Tang's took the clothes from Zheng Rongrong.

How can she let a tortured girl know about such extinct things?

"But before, my aunt was killed by that beast to save me."

"Obey, you go out first."

Tang's can not help but say, pushed Zheng Rongrong to the door.

She was indoors, but Lin Mengya took out the silver needles she used for healing, and used it on Zhao Yan's body.

Zhao Yan, who was doing strange actions, gradually became quiet.

She closed her eyes and slept soundly in bed.

Tang's face was covered tightly, but his tears couldn't be controlled.

She still remembers that when she first passed through the door, Zhao Ao, the young aunt, had a lot of fate with her new aunt.

If, if they were a little more alert and resolute at first, wouldn't Zhao Yan fall into that fire pit?

After Xun let Zhao Yan sleep, Lin Mengya silently began to do a medical examination for Zhao Yan.

She didn't expect that there were countless scars on such a thin person.

The worst case was Zhao Zhao's belly.

Even if she can cure her, I'm afraid she can never give birth again in this life.

This bad practice is used on an innocent and poor woman.

It ’s no wonder that Zhao Ye is unconscious, no matter how strong a person ca n’t carry it?

"Mrs. Su, my little girl's disease, is there any cure yet?"

Tang asked carefully.

Those scars, she dare not look at it again.

她 Even in her heart now, she could not wait to raise the knife to slash all the beasts of the Xu family before they were deflated.

"The physical illness is easy to heal, but the heart hurts, but there is no way to eradicate it. In the future, if you can treat her kindly, then she has a few more years to live."

Zhao Yan has been ruined completely, not only ruined the spirit, but also the mess.

If you continue to struggle in that **** on earth, I'm afraid that if you can't survive the New Year, you will kill your life.

Tang's hearing was even more distressed.

"Miss Su, is there no other way around? As long as we can heal Xiaoyan, we are willing to pay any price!"

"If you could bring her back a few years ago, and raise her well, that's all. I don't know what to say. If you look at her response, you will know that this is not a half-time event. I am afraid, even if it is I've tried my best to save her life for three or five years. "

Zhao Zhao's tragic fate. Needless to say, the culprit is naturally the beast Xu Liang.

Xun Ke, as Zhao's parents, did not teach her daughter to discern others' hearts, nor did she watch her daughter, so that Xu Liang could succeed.

More importantly, for the so-called face and the harmony of the two, they did not find that the daughter was wrong in the first time, and forced the daughter back.

For a woman like Zhao Yan, the only thing she can do after getting married is her mother's family.

Alas, she was not sheltered by her family.

Therefore, she will be in the abyss, getting deeper and deeper.

There are always many reasons for a tragedy.

As for Zhao Ye, she hopes that if there is a future life, then Zhao Ye can be born into a good family.

Even if there is no rich and noble, but parents love her as treasure, life is smooth, and you will never encounter a bit of sinister.

On the other side, Tang's cried.

I was wrong, they were all accomplices.

"Ma'am, this is not the time to cry. Although Xu Liang and Xu Hu have already learned their lessons. But I think this is far from enough. Whether it is Zhao Yan's enemies or Rong Rong's enemies, we must report. "

Xu Liang and Xu Hu are so overbearing, aren't they relying on the Xu family and Master Zheng Er behind them?

She just wants to uproot these people and do evil, and she will pay the price!

"Yes! I'll tell the husband now, Xu family, we are not at odds with him!"

Soon after, Tang's got Zhao Heng.

Obviously, she has told Zhao Heng about Zhao Heng.

As soon as Xun came in, Lin Mengya saw the more intense hatred in Zhao Heng's eyes.

I presumably now, in his heart, can't wait for the Xu family to eat its flesh and its skin!

"Miss Su, you just have to say what you want to do! My Zhao Hengning can not do this, and I will also get this justice for my sister and niece!"

"Uncle Zhao doesn't have to be so anxious, and see what else they can do."

Seeing that Zhao Heng didn't understand, Lin Mengya told the other person about the news that Xu Liang had had a cool review last night.

In particular, after hearing that Xu Liang had tricked his own sisters and sisters by how to do it, Zhao Heng hated it and punched him on the table.

"A good Xu Liang, a good Xu family, a great Uncle Zheng! Even if my Zhao family is dead, they will never let them succeed!"

"One more thing, I hope you, Grandpa, can confuse me."

"The girl doesn't have to be so polite, you are my benefactor of the Zhao family, and you can just call my name afterwards."

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