Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1834: All actions

Perhaps the Xu family did not know that the Zhao family's fire was set by their two good sons.

But as soon as they heard that they always let them rub and flatten and let the Zhao family they almost emptied, they can still take such ruthless revenge. There is more or less unbelief in their hearts.

So, even though they are curious, they still regard Zhao's family as the former head of injustice.

He was the second Zheng family master and Zheng Luxi. The people under their hands saw it with their own eyes.

At this moment, the father and son, who have deep thoughts and are insidious, are sitting in the Taoist temple and asking their followers.

"Are you sure, are the two couples coming from the Zhao family?"

Her Majesty nodded, his face paled.

I think of the tragic situation of the two people today, he just feels cold.

"If you go back to Grandpa Er and Grandpa, it ’s definitely the couple of Zhao family. At that time, our grandpa was still there, and Grandpa personally promised that after three days, you would dispose of your two thieves. Many people around you can see Arrived!"

Zheng Luxi sneered, when he was trying to say something, he was stopped by Master Zheng Er.

I waved and let the subordinates go.

"Dad, who do you think they caught?"

The people responsible for stealing and setting fire were arranged by Zheng Luxi himself.

Although they were hired in the name of someone else, even a thorough investigation could not find them.

But Zheng Luxi just felt that this matter was not so simple.

"No matter who they are, these two people must not live."

There was a hint of poison in Master Zheng Er's eyes.

Even though their father and son can skim, but he never leaves alive.

"It's not difficult. Didn't you listen to him? My self-proclaimed uncle, but I want to put someone to death."

He said so, but Zheng Luxi was unwilling.

The tares fold in and don't say, they haven't got the things yet.

This hit is not possible, I'm afraid that the Zhao family will also be protected in the future.

But he thought it was weird.

Not to mention that their fire prevention work was done secretly, except for Xu Liang and Xu Hu, almost no one knew.

Even if the Zhao family reacted, the Zhao family couldn't be better with the Xu family.

"It's strange, Xu Liang and Xu Hu, why are there no news at all?"

鲁 Zheng Luxi was wondering to himself, but Master Zheng Er narrowed his eyes.

"How did you get Xu Hu involved in this matter?"

"Oh, I was thinking, taking advantage of the fire of Zhao's family, Xu Xu was able to fulfill his wish. In this way, Zheng Rongrong's little **** would no longer be able to fight us."

After Zheng Er's careful consideration, his eyes changed slightly.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"It's possible that this happened to Xu Hu. You also know that the two brothers are totally useless. Especially Xu Hu, relying on our forces in these years, has been arrogant to the extreme. Zhao Heng said, the two thieves are also trying to have female relatives. Who would do this kind of thing besides him? "

Suddenly, Zheng Luxi also responded.

"Can one say that one of them is Xu Hu? Oh, the Zhao family is still alive. Dad, I'll get the two out and send it to the Xu family. It's Xu Hu who protects the calves. I ’m not convinced that the Zhao family is okay! "


Master Zheng Er stopped him suddenly.

"Zhao Heng and his wife came to give away in person. They said they were robbers who took advantage of the fire. If you were going now, wouldn't you tell others that these two robbers have something to do with us? Besides, we would cover the Xu family again, but they committed With the anger, we may also be affected by them. You will soon inherit the position of homeowner. This matter must not affect you. "

He was awakened by a word from his father, and Zheng Luxi suddenly remembered the stakes.

"But can the Zhao family be allowed to go on like this? Huh, this family is ignorant."

当然 "Of course not, you go, find a message to the Xu family, and say that the two are the two young masters of the Xu family. Remember, do not let anyone know that this matter is related to you."

"I know Dad."

He watched his son leave, and Master Zheng Er sat in the hall with a dull expression.

Recently, he always feels like a thorn in his back.

It seems that since Zheng Rongrong was awake, nothing happened, which was done in accordance with his heart.

In his mind, the appearance of two people flashed.

No matter who they are, if you dare to obstruct his plan, there is only a dead end!

的 Long Tianyu returned to Zhao's house on the night when the two beasts dragged the two beasts into the city.

When Lin Mengya entered the guest room, she noticed something.

I immediately closed the door and went to the inner room.

Sure enough, the man was lying there quietly, sleeping together.

Lin Lin Mengya crept to the bed.

I only saw him for two days, but Yu seemed to be a little embarrassed, and a stubble of turquoise was growing on her chin.

It was expected that he must be in order to get those people to get up without sleep, Lin Mengya put down his account gently, and was preparing to go out and prepare some food for him.

As soon as she turned, an iron arm caught her waist.

For a moment, she was crushed underneath.

"Don't make trouble!"

Stinging in front of him, she resumed her voice.

Slightly husky voice, but with a soft taste.

她 Since she began to frequently use the "phantom" method in the green zheng spectrum, every morning and evening, she has to drink a special medicine to nourish her throat.

This medicine will not only make her sound more rounded, but also make her voice sweeter.

Chen Long Tianyu really loved everything she had, lowered her head, and gnawed at her white neck gently.

没 "No problem, I just miss you."

She looked up to reveal her most vulnerable place.

Even if the man in front of him is as dangerous as a beast, she can still rest assured that in front of him, she exposes her lifeline.

事情 "How are things going?"

"Everything is fine, don't worry."

I heard these eight words, but Lin Mengya felt a little distressed.

This man, how much she concealed her, but in the end, she just gave her such a simple sentence.

"Are there any injuries?"


She twitched her nose and did not smell **** or medicinal.

"Let's get acquainted with you, all right, hurry down, I'll get you some food."

Nine Dragons Tianyu clasped her hands, and as soon as she wanted to kiss Xiangze, the woman in the sea slid like a loach and slipped out of his control.

"This man's face, you can also get out of mouth. Your Highness, I respect you for being a man!"

Lin Lin Mengya stood beside the bed, looking at the guy in front of her complex look.

Speaking of which, I really do not care about her.

I ca n’t even look at her. Is it true that a man has been hungry for a long time and is really hungry?

Nine Dragons Tianyu turned over and lay on the bed with a smile.

"I know it's you, so don't be taboo."

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes.

"But I hate your face, it's ugly."

Xu turned and walked out of the inner room, and inside, Long Tianyu looked at her resentfully.

"If I'm old and ugly, don't you want me?"

Lin Mengya smiled, but said coldly: "Yeah, I will look for a more handsome old man at that time-unfortunately, I can't beat you with good looks. Most of the ones that have beaten you are long It doesn't look good. I can beat you and be better than you, only my two sons. I thought about it, and I made it with you for a lifetime. "

She turned around and sneered at Long Tianyu and ran away.

At this moment, the mood suddenly went up and down, and finally, Long Tianyu, who was in the ninth heaven, was grinning.

Alas, my son can beat him better than him?

Squinting his eyes, Long Tianyu thought quietly.

The two children are not young anymore, it seems that it is time to marry them a daughter-in-law.

I have kicked them out with my daughter-in-law!

At this moment, the two babies who are next to the ancestor of the palace are being regarded as treasures of the baby, but they are all together for a moment.

"Brother, why do I feel a little cold?"

Xiao Moyan touched his brother's head like a little adult, and comforted him with a small voice: "I'm cold, too. Let's get us a piece of clothes for a while."

Two cubs who didn't even understand what his wife meant didn't know yet. Someone who was devoted to occupying their mother-in-law was already looking for their daughter-in-law.

He was silent about the clever choice of the divine doctor.

The previous thing was very deflated when I did it, but after calming down, I couldn't help worrying.

After all, that's Xu Liang and Xu Hu.

I know some people who are inside, worrying now.

岂 Will the two houses of the Xu family be compatible?

If it weren't for them, why would the Zhao family be oppressed repeatedly.

But compared to their hearts, Zhao Heng and Tang Huo, who are the host, did not show too much eagerness.

Alas, they are still worried.

Xu Sheng was afraid that Xu's family would come.

A few people except the elder Zhao family sat in the small hall to discuss the next plan.

Zhe Lin Mengya calmly, but Zhao Heng and his wife, some of them stopped talking.

"Uncle Heng, if you have anything to do with Xunzi, just talk straight."

"Mrs. Su, it's not that I don't believe you. It's really difficult for the Xu family. Otherwise, I will let my parents and my wife and Rong Rong go first."

"Father, I won't go!"

"Oh, I won't go!"

Xu Tanghuo and Zheng Rongrong immediately stated that they would stay together to share their adversity.

恒 Zhao Heng's face moved, but for their safety, still have to persist.

Seeing Lin Mengya ask a little funny: "What are you going to do?"

恒 Zhao Heng seems to have made some determination.

"No! I can't let them hurt you anyway!"

"Uncle Heng, what if the Xu family came to you? Xu Hu and Xu Liang are not in our hands. What are you afraid of?"

"I" Zhao Heng got stuck, he didn't understand something, what Su Mei said.

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