Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1839: Mother instinct

"How is this? The Xu family must be staring at you hardly, and the second master of the Zheng family, will definitely find a way to put you to death! No, you still stay here, at least after the wind, and then go back It's not too late! "

Zhao Heng is really worried about their safety.

However, Lin Mengya shook her head and said positively: "I therefore advocate coming here, hoping that from now on, I dare not be the Zhao family, or Miss Rong Rong. There is no worries. If we allow them to calm down, then You miss out. "

"What does Girl Su mean?"

"The muddy water touches the fish. Now the Xu family is in chaos. The second house of the Zheng family lost their right and left arms, and it must be better than before. If we can seize the opportunity at this time, we may not be able to wipe them out!"

Although she was persuaded by her, Zhao Heng was still a little uneasy.

At this time, Zheng Rongrong, who had always been obedient, stood up.

"Oh, I know you're worried about me, but I'm not the little girl back then. This is my life, and I'll have to carry it myself sooner or later."

A few days ago, Zheng Rongrong seemed to be more silent than before.

But this is not depression, but a process that must be accumulated.

In the past, she was too cowardly. Although it was not just forbearance, she had no good tricks to deal with those people.

All in all, she still lost.

Now she finally understood that if she couldn't bite the key, she would naturally dormant.

But once you get a good time, you must spare no effort and bite the opponent's throat.

Only then can I laugh to the end.

Seeing her niece so persistent, Zhao Heng could only sigh deeply.

In addition to worrying, I felt very relieved.

"Our little Ronger, has grown up in the end. Your mother is in the spirit of heaven, and you will be very happy to see you like this. In this case, I will tell you a secret."

Zheng Rongrong was a little surprised. From childhood to old, it hurt her more than her own child.

What other secrets did she have that she didn't know?

恒 Zhao Heng breathed out slowly, and there was some depressing pain in his look.

"Actually, after your mother gave birth to you, she should have died. But just before she was in labor, someone sent two elixir to make your mother feel better. Originally, there was one elixir left. It ’s for your brother. Unfortunately, it ’s useless. ”

什么 "What? Well, why did my mother die when I was born? What does this mean?"

"I don't know, but the person who sent the medicine told your grandfather. Your mother's bloodline is special, and it is more dangerous to have a child than others. It's like going around a ghost gate. Sure enough, after your mother gave birth to you that day, The big bleeding almost killed. The man said that the effect of this elixir is to hide those little princes in order to protect your mother. "

Zheng Rongrong heard it for a while, the little girl did not experience much before she felt the fog.

But Lin Mengya is different, not to mention, she is a doctor with a good skill.

这么 "So, did Mrs. Zheng decide before the birth?"

恒 Zhao Heng shook his head, a little doubt appeared on his face.

"It was this that made me wonder. The doctor who had invited Antai said that my sister was in good health. But before she gave birth, she suddenly told me that someone was going to harm her. If she died if she had a difficult birth, Be sure to let me bring the child back to raise me. What else said, it is best to change the child to a different status so as to keep her life safe and the like. Later, my sister picked up a life and asked me not to mention it to anyone. It was n’t until she had a child again that the old thing was mentioned again. Oh yes, she also said that before Rong Rong had no sole role, let me never disclose it. ”

Lin Lin Mengya's heart jumped suddenly.

She almost seemed to have caught something, and immediately asked: "Mrs. Zheng, what is the reason?"

"This is not true. In the past, my sister was nervous and talking nonsense. Now think about it, before my sister gave birth to Rongrong, almost everything was settled. It seemed to me that I really couldn't survive. Yes, even my brother-in-law said that she was overly worried. But my sister didn't explain anything. "

"噗通" "噗通", Lin Mengya only felt that the heartbeat was too violent.

Mrs. Zheng's situation is so similar to her mother.

明 After knowing that the birth of a child may lead to their lives, they have no choice but to give birth.

强烈 That strong premonition returned to her heart again.

Mother, the woman who has been with her since the beginning of her life, has protected her, and dedicated everything to her.

I made her the strangest, but also the most closely related person.

She wondered what happened that year.

I will let my mother and Mrs. Zheng, without hesitation, choose to give up the hope of life.

But Mrs. Zheng, with her elixir, escaped, but why did her mother choose to die calmly?

的 There were too many doubts about the events of that year.

It's a pity that there isn't a person who knows the details beside her.

Xiao Long Tianyu saw her strange and quietly shook her hand.

The warmth of the palm of her hand made her gradually return to her mind.

Xu sighed quietly, Lin Mengya smiled at Long Tianyu, signalling that he was okay.

"Okay, it's not early, let's go back and take a good rest first."

Ended the discussion without exception, Lin Mengya was led by him and returned to the guest room step by step.

As soon as she entered the room, Long Tianyu trapped her in her chest.

"Yu, I may be close to the truth of my mother's death."

Her tone could not hear any emotions, but Long Tianyu heard a few panic from her words.

情况 The situation of his mother-in-law who has never met, Yaer mentioned it once when the two of them were thorough.

But at that time, she only said that her mother-in-law was to protect her, so she was poisoned.

So what is it for now?

"I don't know why Mrs. Zheng was related to my mother's affairs. But when I was in Huaining, he was so small and so helpless in my stomach. I felt at the time that I felt In any case, I have to fight my life. Otherwise, how can I protect my children?

当时 My mother must have thought that way at the time. At that time, there were countless crises lying around us. As a mother, how could she die so easily? She must crawl out of **** just to shelter her children. So I think that something that we didn't know must have happened in order to let her give up hope of living. Or maybe she was counted. "

After I became a mother, she knew more about the role of mother.

According to Dad, her mother-in-law is a very clever woman with her own opinions.

But such a woman died of suicide.

I was just after giving birth to a child, which was not normal at all.

There must be something else that she never noticed, it must be!

"Yaer, calm down! Mother-in-law's death, I will surely find out the truth for you!"

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her with confused eyes, suddenly a little scared.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that something was falling in her body quickly.

This perception made him worry.

Zhe Lin Mengya was awakened by his rapid growl, and her head was clear for a moment.

What happened to her just now?

In the system, Xiaoyao is still in shock.

"Master, are you okay? You scared me!"

Xiaoyao's worried little milk sounded from her mind.

At this time, Lin Mengya did not know what had happened to her just now.

"It's okay, what happened?"

"I don't know what's going on, just now, your body has a rejection reaction to the system. I thought I was going to die!"

小 For Xiaoyao, the system is the only place he can exist.

If the host has a rejection reaction, then it is likely that it will disappear with the system.

"Rejection? Test it, why does it occur?"

Xiao Xiaoyao also started testing and investigation for a long time, but the final result made him a little depressed.

"Master, completely undetectable. Moreover, this rejection may not be physiological, but psychological."


Just now, she just felt that there was a vortex in her heart, which attracted all her mind and attention.

But after thinking of those things again, she didn't have such a reaction.

When she was talking to the system, Ai was a little worried, but rose from Long Tianyu's heart.

He vaguely remembers someone told him that he must not let Yaer fall into darkness.

刚才 Is it just a sign just now?

The arm could not help being tightened. How could it happen? How could he be willing to let Yaer fall into darkness alone?

If one day, darkness will devour Yaer, then he will not hesitate to choose to abandon the light and fall with her.

This is his love, life and death.

Although Lin Mengya repeatedly stated that she was okay afterwards, Long Tianyu was still uneasy.

For one night, the man hardly closed his eyes, just lying beside her, his eyes never left her.

Lin Lin Mengya was also sleepless, lying face to face with him, chatting softly.

I did not deliberately avoid anything, even her good memory, in the end, I forgot what she was talking about.

But the whispering that night seemed to be a good cure for her, gradually calming a little uneasy.

I lay in his arms, and fell asleep.

On the second day, she opened her eyes again and saw Long Tianyu's fake face, but she felt from her heart that she wanted to kiss him.

Zhe Lin Mengya has always been an activist, so if you think about it, you will do it.

I waited until her dragonfly kissed a little water, and when she wanted to evacuate, she was held by her back with a big hand.

"Don't you think I'm ugly?"

Qi Long Tianyu asked with a smile.

Lin Mengya, who was kissed with almost hypoxia and was breathing heavily, was rolling her eyes.


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