Xiao Long Tianyu was silent again, and he didn't know how to explain something.

Alas, or he didn't know if he should tell her now.

Zhe Lin Mengya understood his silence as an embarrassment.

"It's okay, you don't need to say anything, I understand. When the time comes, you will naturally not hide me."

Looking at her so understanding, Long Tianyu suddenly felt that she was too much.

He grabbed her by the hand, and he fixed her eyes on her.

雅 "Yaer, if one day you find that your identity is far more important than anyone else, will you choose to leave me and the children for the sake of the world?"

At that moment, Lin Mengya saw the deep fear in his eyes.

Suddenly her heart softened. This man, even if he is as powerful as God, has the most vulnerable side in front of her.

虽然 "Although I don't know, what else do I have. But I can be sure that no matter who I am, what kind of destiny and responsibility I have, I am your wife, our child's mother."

She now understands why mothers and grandmothers choose to stay with their loved ones.

The world is like a dream, and only the person who cares is the only place to go.

Xiao Long Tianyu hugged her suddenly and fiercely, as tightly as possible, and seemed to have her in his own blood.

"This is what you said!"

There was depression in his voice.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know how he could soothe him, but he patted his back gently, just like treating a frightened child.

After a long time, he only slightly relaxed his arms.

"Do you remember when I was in the temple, my master told you the secrets of the previous housekeeper?"

She nodded, how could she not remember?

It was the same for me, so she realized that the glory of the palace was accompanied by the blood and tears of many people.

"Actually, from a long time ago, they were planning how to get rid of the fairy city. After many years, they finally ushered in the only turning point, and they were one person. Only this person can end those who should not exist Things. "

Under the moonlight, the seriousness in his eyes made Lin Mengya serious.

"You mean, this person, is it me?"


怎么 "How is this possible? My birth was a variable, and even along the way, many things happen randomly."

Lin Lin Mengya does not feel that all the things she has experienced so far have been arranged.

Even if it's Xiancheng, I'm afraid it's hard to control everything.

What's more, he is the ancestor of the palace.

Seeing her disbelief, Long Tianyu was not surprised at all.

Because in the beginning, he didn't believe this remark.

"It is true that everything you have now is your own choice. But if I say that from the first generation of the ancestors of the palace family, are you ready for today?"

The answer to the veto was on her lips, but she couldn't say a word.

Because, she remembered one thing domino effect!

If the ancestor of the palace family is the beginning of the first variable, then many things after that will have new results with the previous changes.

But she happened to be the last result.

She opened her mouth and she was somewhat incompetent.

"I know it may be a bit early to tell you now. Actually, I haven't figured out some things. But the only thing I know is that you are the most crucial step for the fairy city and the palace family. So, I am absolutely Don't let Xiancheng find you. "

Lin Lin Mengya only felt the brain buzzing.

Even if she has the best system built in her head, she still can't calculate such a huge amount of data.

This question, class representatives will not do it!

In the end, the little medicine was stunned, sitting on the ground paralyzed, and his face was ruthless.

She sighed heavily after a brief sigh.

"I'm so good!"

On the other side, Long Tianyu was still worried that she was having trouble accepting it, but when she heard her, she could not speak easily, and the words he spoke made him half a breath and choked in his throat.

What does she mean?

"I said I am not an ordinary person, you see, I am the center of the world, and I was destined to debut from birth!"

挑 She raised her corner of her mouth and showed a smug smile.

But Ke Tianyu seemed to be a little cautious, keeping his eyes on her for a moment, until he was certain that his wife seemed to be really happy.


"Rest assured, I'm not so arrogant. Since all these are calculated by the ancestors, then we should take advantage of the situation, why bother, how many generations will we ruin?"

I heard her say this, Long Tianyu suddenly felt that his wife's state of mind was definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

"However, I ca n’t help it but I can take on the heavy tasks entrusted to me by my ancestors. However, I have to decide what to do!"

After a short while, Lin Mengya had completely figured it out.

Even if the old ancestor calculated all of this, but without her cooperation, in the end, everything will be lost.

So, the initiative is in her hands.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her joyfully, and there was no hidden love in his eyes.

"How can you be so good?"

I was so worried that he was afraid that his wife would not be able to figure it out after knowing these secrets.

After all, not everyone can accept that his life suddenly became a tool for others.

Even if this person is his own ancestor, there will be more or less resistance, right?

"Then you look down on me! Anyway, I live a lifetime longer than you. The most terrible thing for a person to live in this world is not being counted by others, but no one needs it. Some things are long before you Speaking of this, I have already determined that, even so, even if I am a little dissatisfied, what can I do? Is it that I am not so stupid as soon as I am angry and let the immortal city invade the country? "

I said it plainly, but it was the same goal.

Although she is upset, who wants to change her destiny?

既然 Since she inherited the benefits left by her ancestors, she would pay the corresponding price.

That's why she knows better than anyone.

"Yes, yes, it's because I'm using a villain's heart to save your gentleman's belly. But you know it's also a good thing. I won't have to worry about it in the future, for fear that you will be abducted."

Nine Dragons Tianyu shaved her nose, her tone relaxed a lot.

Lin Mengya shook her lips and pulled people out of the forest.

Long Tianyu, who fell behind her, concealed the last worry in her heart.

Chan Yaer, if one day you know, I may not be the person you know, what about you?

This is the secret he really wants to hide, the only one, and the abyss that scares him most.

He can't bet, not once.

Outside of Lin Linzi, for the sake of safety, Master Zheng and his party did not make a bonfire.

It was already late autumn, and it was still very cold at night.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing a thick coat, Zheng Rongrong was covered with a quilt early.

Outside, Master Zheng brought a group of men and was guarding beside the carriage.

I heard that there was movement in the woods, and everyone seemed to be holding his breath.

"Don't be afraid, it's us."

A familiar voice came and everyone immediately greeted.

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu were surrounded by big guys, with different degrees of concern in their eyes.

After all, if it wasn't for the doctor and the little brother were alert, I'm afraid now, they would have become dead souls.

"Brother Yang, what about those bandits?"

他们 "They have all been concealed, don't worry, no one will follow."

The people in the Zheng family are ordinary people, and Lin Mengya doesn't want them to see too **** things.

Those people are relieved, knowing that the crisis has been lifted, and hurriedly set fire to heat.

The two of them came to Master Zheng, the owner who had been in charge of the Zheng family for decades, but at this moment looked at them both with a scrutiny look.

The atmosphere of the three of them was a bit stiff. Fortunately, at this time, Zheng Rongrong heard the movement and got out of the car.

"Mr. Yang, Brother Yang, what's the matter? Are you injured?"

Master Zheng Zheng frowned and didn't seem to agree that his daughter was so close to these two people.

Not to mention that they are all men. Even if they saved themselves tonight, he couldn't rest assured.

These two people are indeed weird.

我们 "We are okay, so the lady is worried."

Gao Linmengya didn't care about Master Zheng's thoughts at all. Even, she didn't even want to talk to each other and show that she was a family member of the palace.

Master Zheng's thoughts are too pedantic, and even took his daughter this time. At first, he was worried that his daughter would be at home alone, hoping to give her daughter a chance to take the dragon.

Such people, once they know that they are the family of the palace, they will have some precautions in mind.

I would definitely think that they came for that engagement.

But this so-called marriage contract, whether it is the palace family or her, is really not rare at all.

唯一 The only thing she was interested in was what the ancestors of the palace family gave to the Zheng family.

After listening to Long Tianyu's story, she became more curious.

Everything that the ancestors of the palace family did was closely related to her now.

So she must get something like this.

When Xun was thinking about how to coax, Master Zheng suddenly said, "Yang Shenyi, I heard you have a wife?"

Lin Lin Mengya's ears suddenly edged to inquire about his man's personal situation? something wrong!

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, not wanting to say more.

But Master Zheng seemed to make a certain determination and looked at her man.

"If your wife can agree, Zheng wants Rong Rong to marry you as an ordinary wife. What's your intention?"

Junping wife?

Lin Lin Mengya stepped back half a step secretly and stepped on Long Tianyu's foot.

Nine Dragons Tianyu frowned, oh, now it's hard enough.

But Master Zheng felt that he was not sincere enough, and begged again: "My family Rong Rong is obedient and gentle. If Mrs. Yang does not agree, it is okay to enter the government as a chamber. Please also ask the doctor to be considerate of me A beloved heart. "

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