Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1852: One-size-fits-all

"What qualifications do you have to speak to me now? If you don't, I will let your useless dad die in front of you!"

"It's a death when you say it, and it's a death if you don't say it. But if you are buried in the second room with you, my father and I are still dead. If you don't believe it, try it."

Gao Linmengya was not afraid of this man's threat, and even had a stance to take the initiative.

鲁 Zheng Luxi's face became more and more ugly.

For the first time, in front of the sick Yangzi, he couldn't do whatever he wanted.

A few steps closer, he stared at the woman in front of him tightly.

In his eyes, anger twitched like a biting beast.

But the woman in front of her had a beautiful face calm and indifferent, as if she didn't take him seriously.

Alas, she was not afraid at all.

The two were head-to-head, and the atmosphere was deadlocked for a while, and no one was willing to step back.

After a long time, Zheng Luxi was very unwilling to go ahead and defeated.

I really saw a ghost, was this **** playing a pig and eating a tiger before?

"I warn you, it's best not to think of tricks. You don't want those in Zhao's family to follow you to death?"

Even though he compromised, Zheng Luxi was still very despicable, thinking that he was holding the other side's weaknesses.

Gao Lin Mengya's face was dull, and she gave the other side a cold glance.

"If you dare to touch them, I will die with you immediately!"

鲁 Zheng Luxi raised his lips and smiled proudly.

"It's up to you, it's not good enough. Come on, let the old thing go!"

He left their father and daughter, and Zheng Luxi quickly left.

Gao Linmengya settled her heart a little, just when the man was staring at her just now, she almost thought she was going to be dismantled.

I don't know if it's her pretense or Zheng Luxi's disdain for Zheng Rongrong over the years, so I didn't even notice these slight differences.

In short, now it is temporarily confused.

鲁 Zheng Luxi's men arrested people very rudely.

Lin Lin Mengya was not too dirty, she immediately crouched down and supported Master Zheng's arm.

"Father, are you okay?"

Fortunately, except for some skin trauma, it did not hurt at all.

Master Zheng Zheng can also be sure at this time that the woman in front of her is definitely not his daughter.

In Gu's heart, there was an endless speculation, and he stared at her subconsciously.

Lin Lin Mengya called her father, and then gently squeezed each other's hand so that he did not reveal any flaws.

Fortunately, Master Zheng is also a man who has gone through all kinds of ups and downs.

He immediately lowered his eyes and made a look of helpless suffering. The two looked really like a group of poor fathers and daughters held by the wicked.

"Okay, it ’s rare to play the role of father and daughter here. Uncle is not my nephew who said you. Actually you have decided that you want me to be the owner of this house, you should not have some side thoughts. If it were not you Falsehood, why should we be so troubled? "

畜 "Animal! The last thing I regret now is that I haven't seen your wolf's ambitions!"

Zheng Luxi didn't care a little about Uncle's scolding.

He waited until he really mastered the secret treasures of the Zheng family. After that, to his father and daughter, he was like a stone beside his feet.

哪 Where he wants to kick, go wherever he wants.

"Father, you need to save some energy, and you don't need to talk nonsense to people like him. Don't you want to know the secrets of the secret treasures of the Zheng family, I can tell you now, but you have to prepare a carriage for us, some twists. I I believe you don't have much time. Once people find out that you have used such an uncomfortable method to rise to the top, do you think that you can successfully inherit the position of the Zheng family?

Zheng Luxi now feels irritated when she hears her talk.

He just didn't admit it. The source of this irritability is the discomfort that he can only be led by his nose.

He pursed his lips, and he gave a bad command to let him prepare immediately.

After a short while, he held a bag of silver prepared by his men and threw it in front of her.

"Now, I see what else you can do."

"Father, you go first, I will find a way to get out myself."

Zhe Lin Mengya shoved the money bag to Zheng Cong'en, but the latter shook her head with a look of worry.

"It's okay, he didn't dare to take me."

She forcibly lifted Zheng Cong'en, and sent the person to the carriage regardless of Zheng Luxi's increasingly somber complexion.


Her words are beyond doubt.

Zheng Cong'en panted, leaned in the carriage, and looked at her hard.

But Lin Mengya didn't hesitate, dropped the curtain, and turned back to the yard.

Zheng Luxi has been watching what she has done. The more she looks, the greater the doubt in her heart.

"Now I have kept my promise and it's your turn. You better tell me honestly, otherwise, I will let him kill him now!"

"Speaking, naturally you have to say, but where do you start?"

As long as Zheng Cong'en leaves the yard, Yu's people will be available immediately.

Now she has no worries and no longer needs to act with Zheng Luxi.

Seeing her sudden change in attitude, Zheng Luxi's weird feeling gradually became clear.

Oh no! She's not Zheng Rongrong!

Even though the looks are the same, but the kind of temperament and courage is definitely not the diseased seed.

Suddenly, Zheng Luxi, who was being played with, shouted angrily: "Catch her! You are not Zheng Rongrong, who are you?"

The men who beat him hurled at her.

But before she got close to her, she flew apart, fell to the ground, and couldn't get up anymore.

"Who am I? You don't deserve to know, as long as you know, your end is coming."

Outside the door, the shadows flickered.

After a while, the situation in the yard was completely reversed.

A slender figure came slowly from outside the hospital.

He stood behind her, with a majestic mountain-like momentum.

鲁 Zheng Luxi looked at everything in horror. When he thought he was about to reach the peak of life, he fell into the valley of life inexplicably.

I was jealous and unwilling to make him suddenly mad.

No matter who it is, you can't block his way!

He swiftly seized the long knife in the hands of his men, three steps and two steps, and rushed to the middle man and woman.

Just kill them, he can retake everything!

But his every move has long been known.

Long Tianyu calmly lifted up the weapons that fell on his feet. He kicked in the air and heard only a "knock". The long knife penetrated Zheng Luxi's abdomen, and dragged him back a few steps. Kankan stopped the castration.

"Take everyone away, I have something to ask him."

Lin Lin Mengya ignored the situation of Zheng Luxi at all, this kind of scum is not a pity.

In addition, Yu has a big hand, and for the time being this person cannot die.

I looked at Yu's men and took these people away like sheafs of pigs. Looking around the hospital, Lin Mengya felt a little strange.

"Zheng Luxi took the risk this time, and his father probably wouldn't have known it. However, I always feel that Zheng Luxi this time is not clever at all."

I asked Zheng Cong'en to leave by himself. Obviously, the person who asked him must be an acquaintance.

I later sent someone to send this letter, and the fool could guess that it was done by the relevant personnel who had a relationship with the Zheng family.

Compared to before, poisoning Mrs. Zheng and murdering an insidious method that ordinary people like Zheng Rongrong could not see, this time can be said to be simple and rude.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't say anything, but apparently he already thought about it.

"Let's go back first."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and promised to leave with him.

But when they just arrived at the inn, before they asked about Zheng Rongrong and Master Zheng, they could hear their followers back and forth, saying that it was Zheng Luxi who was crazy.

"Crazy? What's going on?"

人 Just now people were fine. This knife was chopped in the stomach, but not the brain. How could it be crazy?

But after seeing the inexplicable expression on her face, she realized that something unexpected might have happened.

The two men rushed to the place where Zheng Luxi was temporarily detained. Before they entered the door, they heard a howling cry.

I'm right, I'm a puppet.

I just listened, she couldn't help but goosebumps.

I waited until she met, and then she knew what the so-called crazy method was.

I saw Zheng Luxi, who had just been pulled out of the steel knife, in the room, shrinking in horror, crying like a dog.

"You guys, don't come over!"

Zheng Luxi, who was crying and noisy, felt strange.

Gao Linmengya frowned and stared at her for a while before discovering that if he replaced him with Zheng Rongrong, that would be right.

I was like being struck by a thunder, she gave a strange glance at Long Tianyu.

怎么 Why is this a stab, and has it been split?

"Zheng Luxi, what's wrong with you?"

She asked tentatively.

The man who was shaking on the bed was trying to keep his watery eyes open, and looked at her with grievances.

"This girl, are you calling me? Do you know where they are, who are they?"

The false girl's voice whispering made her goosebumps more and more.

Lin Lin Meng Yazai carefully observed the person in front of her, and soon she ruled out the possibility that the other party was acting out.

Hey, isn't this too evil?

"Are you a girl?"

花 The real man on the bed, Ewha nodded sharply with the rain.

Lin Lin Mengya is silent for a while, no, even if the knife cut is not right, but it hasn't become that fast?

"You know, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Situ Meng."

Lin Lin Mengya really couldn't stand a man twitching, but now she is a woman. As a last resort, she can only bite her head and grab the hand of the man now called Situ Meng.

But I didn't expect that, before she was close, "Situ Meng" shook his head.

After that, those eyes suddenly became cold.

"Here comes!"

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