"Miss, what's wrong?"

When the maid next to Bai Jiarou noticed that her own lady suddenly stopped, she asked in a low voice.

I shook her head, she just felt that she seemed to have a staring look on her, just now.

In fact, this kind of thing is quite common for her.

He was just a little bit surprised, as there were all kinds of sights mixed with various purposes. This kind of non-hostility and no other gaze.

But there are so many people in the shop, she doesn't know who it is.

Even if you know it, maybe the other party does n’t know her identity just because she is a foreigner.

I could not help but sigh quietly, if she could, she really didn't want to be born in the Bai family.

On Lin Mengya's side, it was difficult to stop the man, but the consequence was to buy a bunch of gadgets that were not needed.

Lin Mengya really wondered if she was happy in the eyes of the man, whether the dragon family all like this shiny gadget.

两个 Even two children now have this tendency.

No! She had to educate them back.

My dude can be regarded as two generous guests, attentively busy.

And their pair has attracted the attention of many people.

I said that money is not exposed, even if it is a gold shop here, there are still many people who care about it.

Especially after seeing the other person giving such a sum of money without even blinking his eyebrows, someone moved his mind.

"Wait for me here first, I'll come and pick up things."

In fact, he just fancy a small gold crown inlaid with various gems just now, but was abandoned by his wife's wife too much.

越 The more he thought, the more he felt that although this gold crown could not be worn now, if his wife recovered her true content later, it would really complement each other.

I decided to buy it secretly first.

I'm all mixed up anyway, I suppose she won't notice.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't see his thoughts, but there were some things that she still had to pretend to be confused.

I was sitting alone in the shop, and a buddy had offered tea fruit.

As soon as my buddy left, someone hurried out of it.

I looked around in the shop, and when I saw her, I suddenly lighted up.

"This lady, your master encountered something in it, and now the trouble is over, the shopkeeper can't stop it. Send a little one over to invite you to come and see."

The man's voice was not loud, and no one except her could hear it.

But Lin Mengya sat in her seat without moving.

The man was a little anxious and couldn't help urging repeatedly.

But Kemen Mengya was still there, and she was not panic.

"Mrs. Don't go again, I'm afraid your master is going to suffer! This Zhenlongfang doesn't look like somewhere else, behind the Bai family.

"Oh? In that case, you tell him for me. If you lose, you won't have to go home with me in a while."

She was so restless and surprised that man.

The six gods who had thought she would be anxious have no master, but did not expect that this person was so indifferent.

I have just delayed a lot of time just now. If I continue this way, I am afraid that people will notice something.

At the moment, the man actually reached out and tried to pull her shoulder.

But before his hand approached, there was a strong attack behind him.

"Bangdang", the man fell to the ground, a large footprint was printed on the back vest.

Long Tianyu, with a somber face, took three steps and made two steps, and walked in front of his wife.

Lin Lin Mengya patted the residue of the snack and glanced at the person who could not get up.

He turned his head and looked at the gold shopkeeper who heard the sound.

"The shopkeeper, you have everything in this store."

Suddenly, the shopkeeper burst into a cold sweat.

From the man's mouth, he already knew that the two were big customers.

I can't have such a big handwriting, I'm afraid it's not ordinary people.

But now he is almost offended, how can he not be afraid?

"I'm sorry! I don't recognize this person, but he has disturbed your Yaxing. After all, it's mine. Come, wrap up this lady's things and rush them over."

The young man was also stunned, but fortunately, he was not stupid. He immediately brought things over, but he was at a loss.

不过 It happened to him just as soon as he turned around, but he knew nothing about it and didn't know what happened.

The boss didn't bother to dispose of the others in the shop, but took out a fine gold long-life lock from the counter and wrapped it together.

"This little thing is supposed to be a reparation to the two, really sorry."

Looking at the boss's reaction, Lin Mengya knew that it was not related to the store.

She doesn't want to embarrass innocent people. Moreover, this person's trick was seen through by her from the beginning.

"No, let's go."

The person just said that the backstage here was Baijia, and just now she saw Baijia's carriage.

So, that man will certainly not have any good results.

Rather than waste time here, go back early.

She turned to leave, but behind her came a gentle voice.

"Mrs. Please stay."

After hearing the movement upstairs, Bai Jiarou, who stood up immediately after knowing what happened downstairs.

Here is the shop of the Bai family, and others are aggrieved here, naturally she will not sit idly by.

Zhe Lin Mengya had no intention to have any intersection with the Bai family, but it was not easy to defeat the kindness of others, so she had to stand at the door and wait for the lady to come down.

Nianlong Tianyu's coldness stood beside her.

He didn't even give a single look to the Miss Baijia that attracted everyone's attention.

"What's the matter, lady?"

Bai Jiarou waved his hand and asked the shopkeeper to bring everything over, and even took the silver ticket paid by Yu before, but did not see it and pushed it to her.

"Hold these things first, and just let the shopkeeper write them down on my account. This lady, don't worry about me, I'm not malicious. But I think this matter has caused you a lot of grievances. I am ashamed to let you go like this. "

It was sincere to say this, but Lin Mengya did not ignore the flash of heartache in the eyes of the shopkeeper.

I was afraid that this young lady didn't know the value of these things.

But when she thought of how the Bai family treated her family these days, she felt relieved.

It's cheap to deliver to your door, not for nothing.

"Thank you for your kindness, I believe this matter, you will definitely take care of it. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

She gave things to the people behind her, and at this time, Bai Jiarou took the opportunity and looked at the man in front.

She noticed that this man's erect posture had been hindering her face, so she didn't dare to take a closer look.

Now I can see clearly, the man's face is quite cold, although it is not so handsome, but I don't know why. When she saw those eyes like cold stars, she couldn't help but have something strange on her chest.

And the man didn't look at her at all, it seemed that he was a very polite person.

When I thought of it, she immediately looked back, her face was a little hot.

怎么 How could she do this and stare at a man?


Lin Lin Mengya noticed the girl's sight, but she didn't think much.

If it had the face before, maybe it would still be attractive.

But from now until now, I was afraid that the man in her family didn't even know what the girl looked like, and she didn't even need to care.

"Oh, sorry. Madam can leave at any time. Please don't take my mind for today's affairs."

哪里 "Where, Miss is too polite."

On the way, Long Tianyu told her the whole thing.

It turned out that after Long Tianyu secretly bought the small gold crown, he was told by his buddy that there was a problem with the previous silver ticket.

Therefore, he was in the backyard and waited a little.

He then reacted, for fear that someone had done it on purpose.

So he grabbed a guy casually, and after the other party brought him to the shopkeeper, he was told that there was no silver ticket.

He immediately guessed the key, so he immediately ran to the lobby and saw exactly the scene where someone wanted to catch her.

I want to say that the person is also unlucky, if he didn't do anything to her, or someone else hadn't seen the intention, I'm afraid that this foot can be lighter.

The thing that the men in her family hate the most is that there are other attempts to get close to her.

In the past, for the sake of Qinghu and Xiaoyu, this product secretly did not know how much vinegar was drunk.

"These people should have collusion with the folks in the gold shop and see that we are foreigners, so we risked our actions."

The final summary of Xun Long Tianyu also coincided with her idea.

I just didn't expect her to have such a ridiculous thing in Bai's store, which surprised her.

After listening to her feelings, Long Tianyu was not surprised at all.

"Let those rogues go to Zhuangzi, I'm afraid the inside of Bai's house is already terrible."

For those who discredited his wife, Long Tianyu has no good feelings.

What's more, what he said is also true.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and sighed.

Don't say it's the Bai family. Even their family can't bear the pain of cutting meat in order to usher in a new life?

The longer the family has existed, the more and deeper it has accumulated.

I fall apart, but it's just a matter of time.

If they are still obsessed, they are afraid to eat the evil results themselves.

No one was alarmed when the two returned to Zhuangzi.

Zhe Lin Mengya followed the other person to the guest room. Before they returned, someone sent a letter saying that there was some news about those rumors.

The dark guard responsible for probing that day, has returned.

I saw the two of them coming in, then the dark guard saluted immediately, and then neatly, told what he had heard.

"His Royal Highness, his subordinates followed that person to a separate house of the Bai family. Someone promised him benefits and asked him to create rumors in the city, to hurt the lady."

The "he" in Xuan Anwei's mouth was the person who uttered gangsters in the restaurant that day.

I didn't expect that the people who dominated this time secretly had a relationship with the Bai family.

But what is the purpose of the other party?

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