Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1870: Circumstance

It was Gong San who looked at him badly, his eyes sank, and he subconsciously blocked them both.

"Exactly, I do n’t know how expensive the three masters of the Bai family are?"

In the face of the apparent maintenance of Gongsan, Bai Shi'an sneered, and a folding fan pointed at them both politely.

"Is it really two of you? Although the palace family has some friction with our white family, my family is also very courteous to you. I didn't expect it, but some people got into it and dared to bully me. At home! Today, I'm here to be fair! "

I said this very seriously, and then looked at Bai Shi'an's indignation. Although there was some suspicion in my heart, my sister's heart was not changed at all.

He held his chest up and said with a somewhat tough attitude: "The Bai family is really accustomed to arrogance. What people in my palace family say and do, Bai Sanye might as well say it is right and wrong. Is Bai Sanye trying to overpower someone? "

In spite of the momentum, Miyazo did not fall behind.

Bai Shi'an was also stupefied, and very few people didn't want to buy his account.

Leng Leng hummed, and Bai Shi'an looked at them mockingly, as if they felt that they did not see the coffin and did not cry.

"Okay, so I'll ask you both. Today, did you go to my Bai family and met my niece?"

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Long Tianyu, but the thought in her heart was, could it be that her man was so popular?

To be honest, she still doesn't know, what did Long Tianyu do, and the girl who provoked him was so anxious.

But when people come to her door now, she will never shove.

"We did visit the house, but at that time we did nothing to offend Miss Bai."

"No offense? Since you left, my niece almost fainted crying, which is also called never offended? Today I would like to ask you a good question, what did you do to my niece?"

Lin Lin Mengya was a bit embarrassed, so this man came here to question, even because his niece kept crying?

Suddenly, I was a little unhappy.

"Your niece is crying, you just ask what your niece did. You did n’t even figure out your own affairs, so you ran to question us. In the eyes of San Ye, our palace family is so weak and deceived. What? "

In fact, no matter what happened, if Bai Shi'an didn't involve the two, Lin Mengya thought about taking a step back, and she would just let things go.

Anyway, the relationship between the two is really a mess today. If you are not careful, you will give someone a handle.

I can't tolerate them and have to take it seriously.

As soon as Bai Shi'an heard her being so eloquent, she was furious and pointed at her and said, "You are the wicked, and my little niece is the most gentle and kind. Usually, even an ant is reluctant to step on it. It must be you. She was sad, and now I have come to the door, you do not admit wrong, really stubborn! "

He did not wait for Gongsan to say something to Lin Mengya, and as soon as Long Tianyu got out, he clamped Bai Shi'an's wrist.

With a click, the valuable folding fan broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"You, what are you doing?"

But Bai Shi'an didn't have time to be distressed, because he found that the man's eyes were so cold in the depths.

I couldn't help but shiver. He had an illusion. It seemed that if the other party wanted to, he could be annihilated in a moment.

"Next time, it's your wrist."

Nine Dragons Tianyu expressionless warning, let go.

Bian Shi'an immediately took a few steps back, and while watching him with vigilance, he looked at his wrist.

He didn't feel anything when he was caught, and at this moment he felt the hot pain coming from his wrist.

The blue circle made him dare not doubt the truth of the sentence just now.

He's face suddenly became more ugly, but he was not as excited as just before.

Seeing the current situation, the Trinity Palace immediately came to the two sides, and his attitude eased a lot.

"I saw that there must be some misunderstanding, and Bai Sanye is not the kind of unreasonable person. Let's sit down and make things clear, so that everyone won't be hurt."

But Bai Shi'an did not continue to quarrel, but instead looked at Long Tianyu with a look of hiding, some fear.

After listening to Miyazo's proposal, I turned my head and nodded unwillingly.

This time, the group and his party became quiet. After entering the main hall and ordering tea, the atmosphere began to quiet.

Compared to the previous anger, Bai Shi'an apparently hid their dissatisfaction from the surface to the bottom of her heart.

Sannomiya looked at his sister who was calm and calm, and glanced at Bai Shi'an, who was furious and unspeakable. It seemed that he could only be a peacemaker and had to speak hard.

"Xiaomei, how did things go today, you can tell them one by one."

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and then told what happened today.

By the way, I also told them how they met Bai Jiarou.

At first Bai Sanye sniffed a little, apparently not convinced.

But later, he noticed that the woman named Su Mei really didn't take the opportunity to write off anything.

Finally, Bai Shi'an did feel as if the other party didn't know what was wrong.

But Bai Jiarou is indeed the head of his family, the most gentle and well-behaved girl. If it really is what they say, how could she cry like a tear?

Lin Lin Mengya also does not expect that with her few words, Bai Shi'an can dispel doubts.

And she felt that Bai Shi'an must not have asked Bai Jiarou.

He is also an uncle. How could he know the mind of his niece?

"Dare to ask Grandpa, when you came, did Miss Bai tell you personally that we bullied her?"

This Bai Shi'an is a bit dim.

In fact, after he went home, he heard someone said that Xiaorouer cried all afternoon and ran to the niece's yard.

I heard her maid say that she really cried so much that she thought that someone must have bullied her niece.

But after Su Mei said this, he always felt that he seemed to be doing something wrong.

Bian Shi'an's emotional fluctuations and changes can't be concealed from Lin Mengya.

She had heard that the three grandfathers of the Bai family had a little bit of 纨 绔, but indeed, there were no rumors about its character.

Compared with the two older brothers above, he didn't need to inherit the family business, and he didn't lack the money to spend, but he was a bit more straightforward than other children from his family.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like it is now, in order to give anger to the niece, they rushed directly to them to make a noise.

Gao Linmengya knew what he was thinking of, and continued to say, "I also know that San Ye must be concerned about caring for the younger, that's why. And, there is one more thing, I hope to speak with San Ye alone."

Now Bai Shi'an, although he didn't believe what they said, was more or less aware that he was reckless today.

Therefore, nodded rigidly.

He stood up and walked to the door with Lin Mengya, and after confirming that only the two of them could hear it, he looked at her with a questioning look.

Lin Mengya lowered her eyes and said softly, "Three lords don't have to be nervous, I just remembered that before leaving, a close lady of your lady went to my husband and cried. It was said by the lady in your house that Bai It was because my husband hated her that she was so sad. Not only that, she also begged my husband to visit Miss Bai in person, and he said that he didn't hate Miss.

Suddenly, Bai Shi'an changed his face.

Even if he has always been slutty, he knows that if this matter spreads out, Xiao Rouer will not be a man.

"What nonsense, my niece has followed the rules since childhood, and it is absolutely impossible to do such a bad thing!"

"The third master said, but yesterday, Miss Guifu not only came in person, but also indicated that she wanted to see my husband. Today, she personally posted a famous post and invited us to pass. I just think that Miss Bai is the heart of a child, presumably I didn't think too much about it. However, there are some inconsistencies. Some people don't know the general situation and distorted Miss Bai's meaning, then it's not good. "

She did not directly blame Bai Jiarou, but instead, she turned to the maid.

Today's affairs, she doesn't think it's Bai Jiarou.

And Bai Shi'an also said, he asked the maid, only to know that it was the two of them went to the house today.

He was an uncle. He must not even be able to enter the door. How could he know what Bai Jiarou was like?

And when in the Bai family, even if Bai Jiarou really feels pain because he feels hated by Yu, can Baijia's tutor, how thick is Bai Jiarou so that the maid can come out to ask his own man to pass?

Maybe Bai Jiarou is stupid and sweet, but the people around her are not the same as her.

Bai Shi'an is a clever person. As soon as he turns his head, he understands what the other party means.

I now think back, the maid said a lot sadly and earnestly, but all accused Su Mei and Su Yan of bullying Xiao Rouer.

But the specific thing, the maid didn't say anything ugly.

Contrast with Su Mei, it is clear that he is provocative.

He sullenly sank. He didn't expect him to be a white grandfather, so he played a girl movie as a monkey.

"Thank you, Mr. Xie, for not publicizing this matter. Although Bai Shi'an is not a good person, I also know how to do it. After I return home, I will thoroughly investigate the matter."

Lin Lin Mengya did not care about the other party's thoughts, but Bai Shi'an apparently had a slight affection for her because she had just disappeared this paragraph.

She didn't speak, just nodding slightly at the other side.

With the somber face of Bai Shi'an, he pleaded guilty toward Gong San, and looked at Long Tianyu with a bit of jealous glance, leaving as if he had arrived.

Sannomiya shook his head and sighed unexpectedly.

"This Bai Shian is really unstable."

He is also a family child, and Miyazo is indifferent to Bai Shi'an, but he is not so annoying.

I just feel that how can such a person revitalize the family in the future?

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