Bai Shi'an's expression was a little heavy. Because of this incident, the atmosphere at home was also a little tight.

Many people gradually felt that the Bai family should get justice for Mr. Li Yang.

Although it is not dare to put pressure on them in public, after all, they have to consider one or two because of what people want.

But they, the family members, also know how important the palace family is now.

Do you want to offend the palace family completely because of these people? Until now, there is no conclusion.

Their Bai family is in a dilemma, and their situation is very awkward.

Gao Linmengya also understood his concerns, and thought about it before speaking.

"It's really not appropriate for the Bai family to intervene in this matter. So I thought with San Gongzi, let us solve it."

"You solve it? How to solve it?" Bai Shi'an looked a little puzzled. "It's not that I don't trust you, but now the passion is up, and I'm afraid that as soon as you show up, those people will rush over to take revenge on you first. Even those literati who have no power to fight chickens, can't beat their opponents with four fists. .If you are impulsive again and again, there is no chance of recovery. "

Bai Bai'an's tone was very heavy.

It seems to me that the three masters of the Bai family is not as unscrupulous as it seems on the face.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and glanced at his man.

The latter has been sitting quietly beside her, but has a sense of existence that is hard to ignore.

"In this matter, we must ask our family doctor."

"Spirit doctor? Where's the doctor?"

"I don't know if the third master has heard about the Zheng family. Zheng Zhengrong, the daughter of the grandfather Zheng Cong'en, often suffers from illness due to birth defects. Even half a month ago, he almost lost his life because of a little accident."

The Zheng family is not far away from the Bai family. This incident was very provocative at that time. Master Zheng almost rummaged through the entire fiefdom and invited famous doctors. I believe that the Bai family must also know some news.

Bai Shi'an was stunned, and then, as if thinking something, he asked tentatively: "Is the lady of the Zheng family already ill?"

"Exactly, she is blessed and blessed by heaven. There is a therapist who travels all around and healed her. Now, the body of Miss Zheng is getting better and better every day. If the uncle believes, he can send someone Check. "

Susan Bai's mind suddenly became active.

The key to the problem now lies in Mr. Li Yang's health.

I can say this, Mr. Po Yang is safe and sound, then this matter can be reduced to a small matter, and small things.

If Mr. Li Yang had gone because of this, I'm afraid it would become a knot that would never be solved.

He patted the table with excitement and stunned.

"If you can find this divine doctor, then the siege of our two will be resolved!"

只是 "I just heard, this mysterious doctor, his whereabouts are a mystery."

She deliberately circled, and when Bai Shi'an heard it, her face collapsed.

I stared at her resentfully, seeming to think that she was playing with him.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't care at all, took the tea cup gracefully and took a sip.

"As a **** doctor who can help the world, he must go wherever there are grievances. If there is a disciple of Mr. Li Yang, in order to heal the teacher ’s illness, he may pray sincerely every day. Come here. "

不必 The rest of the words, she doesn't need to say any more.

After Bai Shi'an's face changed for a while, she finally understood her meaning.

"The girl said it makes sense. I accidentally listened to the caravan coming from the Zheng family. As for where the divine doctor is, I can't help it."

Lin Lin Mengya put down her tea cup and nodded at him with a smile.

说话 Talking to smart people saves trouble.

On that night, Bai Sanye, who never cared about family matters, carried gifts in person and went to condolence Mr. Poyang.

He and Mr. Puyang have some affection for teachers and students, so everyone only praises him for his love and righteousness, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong.

When talking to the disciples who took care of the teacher, I accidentally revealed that there was a wonderful doctor who rejuvenated a month ago and visited the Zheng family.

He not only healed the old illness of Miss Zheng Jiada, but also went away without mercy, which can be called benevolence.

At first, those disciples were still doubtful.

Yun Ke, whether it was the Bai family or those other famous doctors, had no idea what to do about Mr. Po Yang's condition.

The disciples, began to search for news of this divine doctor.

But these days, all the caravans coming from the Zheng family know more or less the inside story.

Over time, these disciples also believed that this was true. Some people want to find out where this miraculous doctor is now, but they have no news.

A few days later, some people said that somewhere outside the city, they saw an old **** doctor with an immortal wind bone and was doing a free consultation for the villagers.

Some people are even more mysterious, saying that when the old divine doctor appeared, he was riding a white fairy deer and wearing an auspicious cloud brocade, and he must be an immortal.

In any case, in the rumors of those people, he passed on a **** doctor like a god.

I even couldn't help Lin Mengya almost sipped her tea into her throat.

But after thinking about it, she thought it was an opportunity.

I was thinking to discuss with her man if it was time to go out of the mountain again, but came the news of Bai family, please go to the doctor.

她 And she and Long Tianyu were once again invited by Bai Shi'an to a tea house in the city.

"Did that guy arrange it for you?"

刚 As soon as the two of them entered the door, Bai Shi'an lowered his voice and asked hurriedly.

After the two looked at each other, Lin Mengya shook her head slightly.

But Ke Shian's brow frowned.

"Damn! How can someone let you know!"

Hearing what he meant, it seemed obvious that there was something inside.

After the three of them took their seats, Bai Shi'an talked about what happened in recent days.

"After they knew about the divine doctor, they searched everywhere. I was thinking of building momentum for you first, so that when your people appear, everything will be logical. But yesterday, there was a head in the family. It is said that he was the healing doctor of Miss Zheng's family. I don't see this person as a serious person, so I tried a few words at random. It turned out that he was a bit wrong. "

After Xu realized that the other party was guilty, Bai Shi'an did not continue, for fear that he would fight against the grass.

Alas, he hurried out the two of them and wanted to ask.

"He is indeed not ours, but now he is using our identity, I'm afraid, it's not that simple."

Gao Lin Mengya quickly realized the seriousness of the matter.

If it's just a liar, then it's fine.

If you have someone to arrange for, and want to take the opportunity to completely cut off the vitality of Mr. Po Yang, then it can be tricky.

所以 "So I hurriedly asked you out to discuss a countermeasure. I blame me for taking this too far, otherwise I wouldn't give them this chance!"

Bian Shi'an has some blame. In fact, if they follow Su Mei's plan, they only need those disciples to pray sincerely.

But he changed the plan without permission and added a lot of extra dramas. Therefore, he was only used by the people with care.

So he must think of an opportunity for remedy.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that time is running out.

"Now, they must be preconceived and believe that the talent is a divine doctor. If we arguing with him, we can easily be regarded as a liar."

Bai Bai'an was even more guilty and scolded herself inwardly, it was more than enough to fail.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little helpless, but the man next to him reached out and squeezed her hand gently.

"They want a doctor, not a gimmick."

Then, see the blood.

Su Linlin Mengya suddenly felt a sense of clarity and clearness, yes, why did she put the cart before the horse?

"The husband is right."

弯 She bent her eyes and saw no haze again.

I was sitting opposite Bai Shi'an, but suddenly felt a little bit stretched.

Huh? He hasn't dripped into the water from last night to now.

Obviously, there was a show of loving two people inadvertently, but a solution had been found.

"My husband means that although they have found a divine doctor, the divine doctor may not be able to cure Mr. Li Yang. Since the divine doctor's identity is temporarily unavailable, they have not said that other doctors are not allowed to go to the hospital to save people? "

It is not impossible for them to treat diseases as ordinary doctors.

However, compared to the bluffing divine doctor, it may take more trouble.

After all, people always have a fascination with authority.

Experts say a word, more than a hundred pages of information is useful.

The three of them agreed on the next plan. This time, in the name of Bai Shi'an, they sent a doctor in.

I just have to do this, they must be doubted by some people, and even rejected.

But time is running out, and that's it.

When Bai Shi'an returned, he asked his elder brother in the name of thanking the teacher.

On the third day that the therapist was invited to the house, two little doctors, who were unknown, were also added by Er Ye as a better place to talk than nothing.

However, this time, it was Lin Mengya posing as a little old man, and Long Tianyu, with a big beard, wearing coarse clothes, and posing as a rough follower.

As soon as these two people arrived at Mr. Liyang's house, they were taken care of and placed in the guest room.

"The two are here to take a good rest first. Whatever happens, despite telling me to be."

Compared to the domestic servants in the ordinary family, the steward here does not have a vino slave.

From dress to talking, she also brought a bit of scholarly elegance and restraint.

Similarly, there are a few more noble scholars.

I am not warm to the two of them, but they are not cold.

After all, they were sent by the second elder of the Bai family.

After Lin Mengya looked around for a week, she nodded at the steward.

The latter kindly retired without waiting for her reward.

"Well, this room is far worse than the Zheng family."

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