Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1894: Get married

There was clearly no half-heartedness on the Bai Bai side, only the red silk was floating on the solitary door frame.

"Mr. Su, oh no, starting today, you are my niece. Su Yan, go ahead, Xiaorou is waiting for you."

The wedding was hosted by Bai Chunan.

He walked in front of Su Yan and smiled while staring at the other person's face.

I was sure that he was the one he wanted, and the indifference on that face was not like when someone else could pretend to come out, Bai Chunan was relieved.

Fortunately, there was no substitutions at the palace house.

I did not have the joy of beating, not even a serious matchmaker.

The second dad, the second grandfather of the Bai family, didn't show up. He was obviously so angry that he didn't want to look at him.

Mrs. Bian Bai couldn't help tearing away, why did she want her daughter to suffer these wrongs.

But compared to her future, she couldn't even watch her daughter die!

"Su Yan, blame me if you want to blame it! It's my family's reluctance, it's all my fault. I hope you can understand the painstaking efforts of the time. I don't ask you to harmonize with Rouer Qin Er. Treat her with a crush on you. "

Wu Suyan is still silent. Fortunately, he has always been doing this, and the people of the Bai family seem to be used to it.

Bai Chunan asked the maid to help Mrs. Bai go down, and said to the head of the house, "Father, the good times have arrived, so don't delay the good time in vain."

Bai's homeowner took a deep look at him, until Bai Chunan felt that he seemed to be seen through, so he nodded slightly.

"The good times have come, the bride and groom worship the heavens and the earth!"

Outside the door, Bai Jiarou barely stood up, a thin and weak body, wrapped in a big red wedding robe.

Now she could only come to Xitang by the help of her maid.

"Slow!" An angry drink came, and Bai Shi'an took three steps and did two steps, striding in front of them.

"Brother, er, you are making a fool! This is another fool of Xiao Rouer's life! Father, don't you care?"

Bai Bai'an was angry and rushed to the crown. He didn't expect that the family would have such ridiculous ideas.

What peach blossoms, what old marriage, all are ghosts.

Xiao Rouer is ill. They don't go to the doctor to see a doctor. Instead, they want to break up the husband and wife just to give Xiao Rouer a joy.

They are confused! Baijia, are you confused?

Bai Chunan, however, took hold of his third brother, and Yan Yue said, "Si'an, you have just come out, and you don't know many things yet. OK, don't you hurt Xiaorou the most on weekdays? Since you're here, drink a glass of wedding wine. "

Bian Shian only felt that today's elder brother seemed to be a different person.

He gritted his teeth and shook off his brother's hand.

"What wedding? I disagree with this marriage!"

"Boss, this is what my father agreed to!"

In a word of Bai Chunan, he nailed him in place.

Bai Shi'an was almost skeptical of his ears. Did he hear a hallucination just now?

He looked at his elder brother in disbelief, and then turned to his father.

Bai Family sighed and pressed his hand.

"Sean, let's step back. Don't delay the hour."


Thousands of words, stuck in his throat.

Bian Shi'an didn't know how to describe his mood now, it was like a sap, smashing his head.

He shook his head and made him dizzy and painful.

He didn't believe, and he didn't believe that his wise father would agree with such nonsense.

But when he still wanted to continue to oppose, his second concubine, who always hurt him, rushed over and knelt down at his feet in tears.

"Shi'an, these are all I proposed. I insulted the doorkeeper of the Bai family. Blame me if you are angry. But Rouer really has no way to delay it. Just once! "

Bian Shi'an only felt a anger and was completely destroyed.

嫂 The second 嫂 always has a weak temper. After entering the door for so many years, he is very good to his family.

Pouting bitterly, he knew why the second brother preferred to hide in the study and look at the account book, rather than come here.

When they met their Bai family, Guanglei Lei spent his whole life, but in the end he was ruined in his own hands.

He didn't know if his niece would be okay. He just knew that the Bai family would never be faced again and face the world.

"You, do whatever you want."

His voice was hoarse, and he didn't know how much energy he had spoken.

And this farce-like happy event, after all, he didn't want to participate anymore.

"Boss, where are you going!"

Bai Chun'an called him, but the latter seemed to have heard nothing and walked away.

"Forget it."

Wu Bai's owner waved his hands. The third child was more like the temperament when he was young with his wife.

If it was placed twenty years ago, why would he do such a thing.

Alas, it's all fatal!

Bai Bai'an rushed out in one breath, and when he was outside, he was a little confused.

There was such a thing in his house, and he knew he had his own fault in it.

If he was a little more decisive at the beginning and did not condone the niece to continue making mistakes, maybe, will there be the current situation?

I was frustrated, but suddenly I heard someone calling myself.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a person walking not far away.

立刻 He immediately felt a bit guilty, as if he had done something wrong and felt caught.

Gao Linmengya looked at Bai Shi'an in front of him with interest, and always had the arrogant Bai Sanye, how can it be no different from Frost's eggplant today?

"San Ye, where are you going?"

She asked with a smile. Although she didn't like other people, she didn't hate Bai Shi'an.


Shi Baishian stuttered for a long time, and finally spit out only one sentence.

"It's our Bai family who can't hold you back, Su Mei, I'm Bai Shi'an is not good enough for friends! If it is useful in the future, I will not hesitate!

Lin Lin Mengya stunned God, and immediately laughed deeply.

"What am I supposed to do, but what happened in the future, let's talk about it later. At the moment, is n’t San Ye going with me and going for a glass of wedding?"

This, surprised Bai Shi'an.

Even though he hasn't been with the couple for a long time, he also knows how loving they are.

Because his father was extravagant, there was no room in the house.

However, under the influence of his father and mother, although he is romantic, he also knows that true love is rare.

Anyhow, Su Mei is not affected at all.

Alas, is she really looking away?

"You, aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

Lin Lin Mengya asked, and Bai Shi'an looked at the woman in front of her, for some reason, her heart continued to feel uneasy.

Some people have smiles on their faces, but anyone who has some brains knows that they shouldn't mess with her.

I am extraordinary, I can only eat and walk around.

The one in front of me seems to belong to this category.

He glanced behind him, and he knew nothing about the methods used by his family.

But he didn't believe that the people in front of him would be merciful to them.

"Bai Sanye, the entire Bai family, I just think you are still pleasing to the eye. So I have a sentence and want to tell you."

Shibaishi Anmuna nodded, he almost felt it, and the danger was near.

"This world is meant to be weak and strong, to survive the fittest. Pity is nothing but a false illusion. So if you are being driven down by the strong, do not resent others, but think about why you are so weak."

With those black eyes, as bright as stars.

Bai Shi'an stayed where she was, like a dementor, staring straight at her.

"Sanye, Li is done, let's go in and see."

She stepped back a little later, smiling as before.

Suddenly, Bai Shi'an was awakened in a dream, he looked at his hands, as if in a dream.

What happened to him just now?

Before Xun waited for his response, the woman passed him and went straight in.

Bai Shi'an immediately caught up, but always slowed down.

In the courtyard, a new couple worshiped the last worship and became husband and wife under the witness of everyone.

她 When she appeared at the door, the scene was very embarrassing.

I was still her generous "positive wife", who broke the deadlock first.

"It seems that I came at the right time."

Inside Xixi Hall, Mrs. Bai wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes.

觉得 She thinks she is a woman too, and Su Mei can definitely understand her mood at that time.

At the same time, she also thanked Su Mei for his generosity and felt that they would be a family in the future. She was also regarded as one of the half elders of Su Mei.

好 "Good boy, thanks to your forgiveness, my daughter got what she wanted. Rest assured, I will definitely treat you like my own child in the future."

"Sorry, I don't lack a ready-made mother. And my father doesn't like it too much."

笑 Her smile was cold, and when she spoke, she was wearing steel needles, which made her lungs hurt.

Mrs. Bai Bai's face suddenly darkened.

She stepped aside, her eyes timid.

Bai Chunan seemed to be unaffected, and said, "Su Mei, I know that you are not happy. But now, Rouer is married to Su Yan. After that, everyone is a family. You can rest assured that Rouer must pass through I will share the housework for you. A family harmony is also a beautiful thing. "

Reconcile your sister!

Lin Lin Mengya sneered in her heart, and walked into Xitang alone, ignoring the uncle Baijia who talked better than fart.

"Speaking of peace, the owner of the Bai family has also been alone for decades. Uncle Bai's love to give people a media match and his mind is so open. Why didn't you find yourself a queen mother?"

He said this and hit the people in the circle.

Even the face of the Bai family's head looked worse and worse.

I just don't know if it's angry or annoyed.

Bai Chunan's expression is not as lively as before.

"Don't be willful. Although you are a junior to the palace family, you are not a palace family after all."

This is the warning?

Lin Lin Mengya thinks that this family may probably have to change their minds.

She looked around for a week and sat elegantly on the guest.

"The owner of the Bai family knows with the Uncle Bai family that I am the one who has the genealogy of the family?"

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