Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1896: Baijia concedes

"And I, when you do something wrong, I just want you to bear the bitter fruits of your doing something wrong, because I don't care if you are good or bad, wrong or right. I always have revenge for this person If you dare to mess with me, I will kill you. Change, it is your own business, but it has nothing to do with me. "

This cruel and true truth, I am afraid that everyone except Bai Jiarou and her mother who is not worldly understand.

I just did not teach Bai Jiarou because they always felt that they could protect Bai Jiarou's whiteness.

I do n’t know, it ’s not simple, it ’s just stupid.

Li Meng looked down at the mother and daughter trembling, Lin Mengya was very happy to be a wicked.

She's not a good teacher, but anyway, she's also a famous dean of the college?

"And you, you came to me crying, because your daughter is sick, I have to give up my husband, what's the truth? If one day, a woman will tell you, she Your daughter has a crush on your man, would you give up your place so generously, man? Before asking others to do it, you want to see if you can do it. "

Talking about her, it also made Bai's face change again and again.

She Ke Lin Mengya no matter what their reaction is, it is the most important thing to be cool.

"I, I don't know, but this time I really just want to save my daughter. Do I have to look at my daughter and die dead? This is every woman who is a mother, can't bear to see Yeah! "

Mrs. Bai's tears were like tap water without money.

My mother and daughter cried with headaches, which really made people feel pathetic.

Even the people around me have begun to feel that Lin Mengya has done too much and is too rude.

"Your daughter is going to die. That is her own self-reliance. You, a mother, do not discipline your own daughter well, and let others bear the consequences of your failure in education. Why? Because you are a mother? What about me? I have no Mother? My mother saw me being bullied so much, how could she be sad? Why don't you consider her kind mother! Only your daughter is a person, and someone who is by your side will not hurt or cry. Is it a log? "

It's okay not to mention her mother. When she mentions her mother, she also rarely gets out of control and her eyes are red.

In order to raise her, and to be safe for her life, her mother died.

I was ruined in the good years, in the absence of opportunities, just to bring her to life.

What's more, she wants to live well and let her mother under Jiuquan know that her daughter will not let her down.

A figure flashed very quickly, and before everyone could see clearly, she was held in her arms.

"No crying."

Short word, very distressed.

Leaning on the familiar embrace, Lin Mengya sniffed a little, and clutched his plaid tightly.

If it wasn't for Mrs. Bai's repeated love to evade responsibility, she wouldn't be touched.

"Husband, husband!"

嘉 Bai Jiarou paused for a moment.

Because the man in front of him was only wearing ordinary dark clothes, he was not wearing the red suit.

She looked back subconsciously again, and suddenly retracted her hand.

If that person is Su Yan, who is always standing in front of him and marrying himself to him?

The people in the courtyard also became dumbfounded after seeing the appearance of two groom officers.

"Your husband is him."

Nine Dragons Tianyu held back the savage killing in his heart.

Although Yaer repeatedly assured him before coming out, the Bai family would never dare to touch her.

He did not expect that this group of people who did not fear death would dare to make his women cry.

No matter what Bai family, he never thought about it at all.

If she wants, he can change the color of this world in an instant, just hope she can be happy and happy.

"No, that's impossible! Who are you and who are you?"

Bai Bairou's voice trembled with inexplicable fear.

瞪 She stared at the man who had just married him, and looked pale.

"I am your husband, lady, why don't you just get sick and you don't know me?"

Although that voice was a man, it was quite different from Long Tianyu's deep and mellow voice.

Then, in full view, the man reached out and took off the mask on his face.

A barely bare face can only be considered pretty, but a little old face appeared in front of everyone.

"Xiao Yan Su Yan, I have seen your elders."

All of a sudden, everyone was stupid.

Finally, Bai Jiarou screamed, breaking this weird silence.

"No! The person I'm marrying is not you, it's not you! Mother, it's wrong, it's all wrong!"

Gao Linmengya didn't know how she felt that her dream came true, but the reality shattered it completely.

She sneered and raised her head from Long Tianyu's arms.

In the face of the crowd, she was still the calm and proud palace woman.

"Wrong? I think that's right. Otherwise, why is Miss Bai's illness so good?"

Talking to her indifferently, she blocked the mouth of the Bai family.

After several changes in the face of the Bai family owner, he finally collapsed.

He looked disappointed at the still crying granddaughter, kneeling on the ground, his elder son with a shame on his face, wondering what to say.

Until now, if he hasn't understood it, then he will be lost in this world for nothing.

"Father, Rouer Her"

Mrs. Wu Bai is just a woman with no idea. Now when she encounters this situation, she naturally asks her father-in-law for help.

The white homeowner glanced at his ignorant granddaughter, only bitter in his heart.

Why the luck of that old thing is always so much better than yourself.

"Marriage is not a child's play. Since Jia Rou has become a close friend of Su Yan, that's his person. Come here and help the second child's family down."

A word from Bai Baizhu is the end of a storm today.

Bai Jia, all lose.

"Father, don't ah father!"

Bai Chun anxious.

At first glance, the man knew that it was a habit of consuming wine and was definitely not a good match for his niece.

The white homeowner looked at him with complex eyes and slightly moved his lips.

"Do you still want to kill the entire Bai family?"

Bai Chunan is stupid, not like that, he just wants to make the Bai family more prosperous.

Why is it like this?

In the end, Mrs. Bai was forcibly sent away.

As for Bai Jiarou, she lay on the ground and cried.

算 "Forget it, I already knew this relationship was for the sake of Miss Bai's family. I am Su Yan, just an ordinary little businessman who can't afford to climb the Bai family. Father Bai, leave.

"Su Yan" picked his lips and said with a smile.

Bai Chun'an and Bai Shi'an are stiff.

Even they heard the ridicule in these words.

Isn't that just saying that they are indifferent and ingratitude?

"Stop! Is my Bai family the place where you come and talk, and walk?"

Xi Baishian subconsciously stopped him.

"Su Yan" immediately showed a little disdain.

"Well, I don't have the prominent status of this little lady, so the uncles of the Bai family want to kill me? Anyway, anyway, I'm just a little character. I only want my next life to be honorable A little identity, so as not to be dismantled across the river and killed, "he said.

"Shut up for me! You, you guys still think it's not enough to humiliate me?"

Bai's homeowner roared and his body was shaking.

Bai Chunan and the brothers Bai Shi'an closed their mouths and never dared to speak again.

"He is Bai Jiarou's serious husband, who will be my Bai family in the future, and no one will be against him. You, please send the lady and uncle back!"

Grandpa 发 made a statement, who dare to violate?

Even if the hearts of all the people couldn't bear it anymore, they had to do it.

Bai Jiarou was crazy and crawled at the feet of his grandfather and begged.

She always wondered why it would be a moment when everyone would never hurt her again.

And her husband, from the heart of Su Yan, has become a strange man.

"Grandfather, I don't want to marry him, I can't marry him! The person I am going to marry is Su Yan, Su Yan!"

"Yes, my wife is right, I am your husband, Su Yan. Mother, let's be born soon. In the future, we both have to live a good life!"

This "Su Yan" is also a wonderful work.

According to Long Tianyu, this man was also a disappointing scholar.

However, when he wanted to come to Bai Family, he was kicked out by Bai Family for some reasons.

Later, because of this reason, he has been living in poverty all day, and spends his day in the most inferior brothels all day long.

When Long Tianyu's people found him, he told him that he had a chance to not only allow him to enjoy a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, but also to marry the pearl of the Bai family. He agreed without hesitation.

In his original words, I could disgusted Bai family for a day, even if he was desperate, he felt happy.

When the hatchback was closed, Long Tianyu immediately ordered someone to change his name on the household register, and then secretly received him in the city, and then Lin Mengya personally made him a disguise.

As for the indifference of that face, it is not easy to install a facial paralysis by Lin Mengya, a master of acupuncture.

He spurred the Bai family with what he had dared to say again and again, for revenge, and for the Bai family to understand that he was not a mess.

How the White House owner was willing to accept his granddaughter's granddaughter, but he understood that if everything is not handled well today, the ally of the Palace House, there is no room for him to turn around.

For the Bai family, he can only choose to sacrifice his granddaughter.

"Child." He lowered his head, helpless and sad, looking at Bai Jiarou.

"This is your life. Since you have chosen this path, you must recognize it."

Bai Jiarou said he didn't believe anything and shook his head desperately.

Wu Bai's homeowner took a long sigh, and he finally understood why his old friend chose to avoid it.

It's really uncomfortable to smell the flesh in my heart.

Before he laughed at him, he also felt privately that his old friends would also understand his own approach.

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