Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1901: Tortoiseshell cat decompression

Lin Lin Mengya was tired of writing and looked at the two little cubs with increasing envy.

Alas, even if it is separated from modern society? Still not standing as an ancient man, being a full-fledged "community animal"?

After I teased myself for a while, she continued to write.

After a short while, I heard a small milk sound "Meow" in my ear.

She looked around and saw a small half-size black cat lying on the window frame and yelling at her tenderly.

"Come, little black."

Now officially changed its name to Xiaohei's animal husbandry beast, running lightly to his current owner.

I jumped onto the table, arched her hand affectionately, and stuck out my little tongue, licking non-stop.

Gao Linmengya immediately rested her thoughts, hugged Xiaohei, and arched under the soft belly with the tip of her nose, taking a hard breath.

I **** the cat, and she is really happy like a fairy.

And she also found that Xiao Hei's body seemed to have a little familiar taste.

"This seems to be the smell of my blood, Xiao Hei, aren't you simple!"

Because of blood poisoning, her blood naturally smelled like a medicine.

The smell of 不同 is different from some poisons. The faint scent, if it is used to describe it, is-charm.

"Meow ~"

Xiao Xiaohe didn't understand what the host was talking about, he just felt that the host had a good taste.

The nest was in the owner's arms. It kept licking and licking, and Lin Mengya shrank her neck with an itch, holding this little guy who licked her as a catnip every time.

The inner circle of the cat's eyes has become lilac, but the color is not dark, and it looks like two amethysts.

小 "Small medicine, is there any other information about herd animal in the system?"

Given that after the decoding system is upgraded, the system memory has too much knowledge.

With her authorization, Xiaoyao has temporarily sealed these things, and will not open them again until she needs them.

Otherwise, so many things directly hit her brain, she was afraid that she would suddenly become a fool.

"Yes, please wait a minute!"

Soon, information about the upgraded version of the animal husbandry beast appeared to her.

Before she died, she only knew the origin and breeding methods of herdsmen. As for the control methods, she only knew some basics.

现在 But now, when more content is unlocked, she only realizes that some of the statements circulating outside are actually wrong.

For example, herdsmen are not bred from ordinary kittens.

In fact, they are a special type, and the time when this type of cat first appeared can't be considered.

Tadpoles only know that they are inherently capable of controlling tapeworms.

And this animal is actually very proud, only its identified owner can completely control it.

Lin Lin Mengya remembered that when she was fighting with her original owner, the little guy was biased towards her.

It turned out that this little thing was so proud.

He stabbed another little guy's back hair, and Xiao Hei didn't resist, and whispered to her.

She continued to look down. There are also ways to control Xiao Hei, and more, it is necessary for the main pet to cultivate tacit understanding.

This is not something that can be done in a short while.

And she didn't want to restrain Xiao Hei. This little thing is very aura. If she is very well-behaved and obedient, she will lose these pleasures.

Finally, there is an unfinished sentence in the information.

牧 兽 is a spirit, only

Later, Xiaoyao said that it has not been cracked yet.

Lin Lin Mengya touched the little guy. Although Xiao Hei has some unique abilities, in her eyes, she is just a playful kitten.

After deciding how to raise a cat, she froze a few more times, and pleased the little black pheasant, so she let out the little things.

I returned to the table again, and she felt full of energy again.

Sure enough, plush is justice!

After struggling for a day, she experienced the purgatory between the college entrance examination and the postgraduate entrance examination, but in the evening, she still had some trouble.

Rubbing her sore arm, she finally moved out of the room.

The front yard was a little lively. Someone came in before she could go out.

"Little girl! Look what I brought you!"

The rough laughter was very penetrating.

Lin Lin Mengya recognized it almost at once, the second brother came back!

In a few steps, the imperial palace stepped over to the younger sister. She threw the things on her shoulders to the ground at will, and hugged her, carefully looking up and down.

"It seems to be thinner. You look so slim and the wind will fall when it blows. You should eat more and grow stronger."

Lin Lin Mengya shut up, tilted her head and smiled.

她 Since she had a baby, she is definitely not thin but she is definitely not thin.

But in the eyes of the second brother, I was afraid that even if she was a ball, it would be a thin ball.

"I heard, those sour writers dare to bully you? After dinner, you will follow the second brother, let's go out and get you out!"

Gong stared at the bull's eye, a twenty-footed bandit statue.

Where is his young girl so weak and weak, where can she tolerate those miscellaneous bullies?

It's watching him away, don't you think the palace is empty?

If this is heard by the Bai family, you have to cry about the hero and you can live with it!

Who dares to bully her! Is the meal not good, or is it too long?

Gao Linmengya immediately smiled, obstructing her brother's revenge.

"No one bullied me, second brother, really nobody."

But the more she explained, the more Miyaji felt that her sister was trying her best. Suddenly, it felt like something.

Grandma put her big hand on her little head melon and gave it a gentle smooth hair.

"It's all right, there will be two elder brothers in the future, see who will dare to say you half a word."

Tiehan is tender, she really can't bear it.

Before the second brother's hand, she almost took the initiative to hold the second brother's hand before it hurt her head into a henhouse.

"Brother, what gift did you bring to me?"

Mention this, Miyaji immediately thigh, how to forget the business!

Immediately pulled up the leather pocket on the ground, and pulled out from the same.

"This is a good snow fox fur. When you go home, let the person in the embroidery room make a snow fox fur for you. The right is warm and nice."

"By the way, didn't you just want to eat bacon and sausage when you were at home? It's not the season to make this stuff. I picked some good ones and bought them for you. I inquired about the best flavored smoked wax Both of Fang's couple bought and brought them over, and they will do it for you when you get home. "

"and this"

Mrs. Lin Lin, every thing she pulls out is not something she accidentally read, or something she can use.

Although these things are not very delicate and may not be worth much money, the most important thing is the mind of the second brother.

He may not be as delicate as his brother, so he uses the stupidest method to treat her well.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the dazzling array of gifts, but felt that the tip of her nose was a bit sour.

谢谢 "Thank you brother e, I like them all."

She received the last gift, two small cloth tigers.

I was a gadget that my second brother accidentally saw on the street.

He is also a gift he prepared for two babies.

"You can do it if you like, then I let them all clean up."

When I saw my sister liked it, Gong Er smiled embarrassedly, but my heart was alive quickly.

就是 His little sister is like this. No matter what he gives her, she really likes it, but much better than those girls outside.

对 "By the way, my third brother said you were injured, is it still important now?"

"The third child's mouth, why is it so fast. Rest assured, it's okay. Even if you have the panacea you gave, even the old King Yan dare not accept me!"

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her third brother.

"This kind of thing can't be said indiscriminately, even if I have the ability again, I can't rise from the dead. In the future, my second brother will be out of the house, we must be careful."

I was said a few words by the younger sister, Miyaji didn't care about it, but instead he laughed a few times and didn't know if he heard it.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, this second brother, there is really no way to take him.

It seems that in the future, she would let him take some medicine, but she was afraid that he would not be good without taboo.

"By little girl, do you know who is here to kill the Liao family this time?"

When talking about the business, Miyaji's face was much more serious.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and shook her head.

The incident at the Liao family was clearly directed at their family.

But there were a lot of enemies in her family, and she was not sure.

"It's home."

She froze and immediately understood why the second brother would be injured.

The Lu'an family and the palace family always have some relationship.

If they go to attack the Liao family, the second brother will no longer care about the old feelings and can't stretch his arms and legs.

But the other party may not miss so much.

"Did you go to the house last time, didn't you say they just thanked guests behind closed doors? How could they go to the Liao family?"

"Yes, but there are a few people here, who always went to our house before, and I will definitely not admit it. However, these people used to be martial arts in the past. How long has it been, even I find it tricky."

"Maybe, what is the secret method to settle down?"

The second elder brother shook his head resolutely, and Shen said, "On the way to martial arts, only down-to-earth can be improved. For example, Ning Er's father, this kid is absolutely hidden. So people who do not understand martial arts will feel He suddenly became stronger. But in fact, his martial arts have been better than me. And these are inseparable from his own efforts and talents. However, his qualifications, for a hundred years, are not available. People can match. If the home really has such a genius, do you think they will remain so unknown? "

Lin Lin Mengya did not expect that the second brother's evaluation of Long Tianyu would be so high.

I want to know that when they are at home, they are playing hardest.

But she did not ignore the issues raised by her second brother.

"It's true that if they really have such a powerful character, they won't be pushed back by us. Can't they--"

She hesitated a moment, and Miyaji asked, "What did you think of?"

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