Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1903: Find helper

"Mr. was so kind to him at first, and loved him so much, as long as he served a soft confession, there would be nothing for me. But look at what he has done? He is not a fool, who is a fool?"

Xun Ziyang's sarcasm towards Feng Chen made Bai Lu unable to bear anymore.

"Shut up for me! You are the one who is least qualified to say him!"

Xun Ke Xun Yang seemed to know the fun, but also wanted to anger Bai Lu deliberately, so he trampled his wound fiercely.

"Yes, I'm not qualified. But I just poked myself and interrupted his legs, but you!"

Xi Bailu froze his head in agony, and Xun Ziyang in the cell also smiled arrogantly.

"I ask you, why did you frame him in the first place? Sir has already recognized you, why, why don't you let him go!"

Xun looked at Bai Lu with regret and anger, Xun Ziyang just wanted to make this idiot even more painful.

那 "That's because if I don't, I won't be able to sit in this position."

"Did you say that you are not the biological son of your husband?"

没 "That's right! How could I be the son of that pedantic guy. I did this only because I could get some benefits and convenience. Whoever made that guy serious?"

When Xun said these words, Xun Ziyang was completely wicked in revenge.

Xi Bailu's eyes were red with anger, and he clenched his fists instead of falling on Xun Ziyang's head, but turned and exited the cell.

Behind me, Xunzi Yang laughed wildly.

But when Bai Lu walked to the door of the prison, his face gradually restored calmness.

He looked at the door, waiting for his two people.

怎么 样 "How about, is there anything special?"

Lin Lin Mengya bent her eyes and looked at the man in front of her.

Today, she and Bai Er went to Bai Lu to find Gothic intentions. At first, this man was stubborn. Later, he did not know how his brother convinced him. In short, this person was willing to believe her and came here with her.

According to her prompting, Bai Lu deliberately mentioned that today. Sure enough, Xun Ziyang told some truths of the year in order to stimulate Bai Lu.

I just looked like Bai Lu hadn't fully believed.

"What is your purpose?"

Xi Bailu watched both of them alertly.

Although the two men took the initiative to inform them that they were from the palace family, Bai Lu could not easily believe it.

Compared to the man who can subdue himself with one stroke, he still feels that the girl in front of him is more dangerous.

"In fact, it's nothing, I believe you have heard about the recent events of the Bai family, right?"

Wu Bailu hesitated, but nodded.

Even though he didn't believe it, the gentle and weak lady could actually do such a thing.

But judging by the reaction of the Bai family, it is clear that most of the time it is a fact.

Gao Linmengya observed his reaction and said, "That's all true. Bai Jiarou wanted to let my husband marry her by relying on his deep love. But in the end, he suffered for himself and lost his future.

Seeing her generous admittance, Bai Lu said nothing.

Even though he is a rough man, he knows that this is wrong.

He didn't know what the host's people thought, how could he let Bai Jiarou act wildly?

Seeing the disapproval on his face, Lin Mengya's impression of this person gradually improved.

Twenty-three perspectives, stick to the bottom line, although stupid, but not so useless.

"But now, if the Bai family and the Gong family still want to return to good, they have to get one thing done. And the key to this is Li Yun."

这 "What does this have to do with me?"

"The relationship is big."

Lin Lin Mengya watched him listen carefully and began to trap him.

"You know that when Mr. Po Yang woke up, he didn't say a word about the original thing, right?"

Xi Bailu nodded. After the gentleman woke up, he had seen it secretly several times.

I just feel that compared to the past, my husband seems to be a bit sluggish, and people are also a lot of stunned.

"In my opinion, this is because the husband is incomprehensible. Do you think about any father who is not sad when he learns that his son might murder himself?"

"Murder? What does this mean?"

"You do not know?"

Zhe Lin Mengya deliberately made a look of surprise, Bai Lu shook her head, and Lin Mengya explained the things that Xun Ziyang might poison Mr.

这 "This, how is this possible? Sir is so good to him, how can he do this?"

如果 If she said it at the beginning, Bai Lu might not believe it.

现在 Now, when he thoroughly doubts Xun Ziyang, he has to believe it.

"It's impossible. He can even take his identity. Maybe he is worried that Mr. Poyang has discovered his secret, so he might want to die in advance."

Bailu was silent.

He's actually not stupid, just for a while, it's hard to accept.

Lin Lin Mengya added a fire when she saw him.

"So now Mr. Li Yang doesn't speak, maybe, he wants to keep him. I heard the third master said that Mr.'s body is not as good as before. Do you have the heart to see that the husband is dead, and are engulfed by the enemy? ? "

She knew that Bai Lu would always compromise.

Xun is not only for the atonement, but also for the kindness of Mr. Xun Yang.

"What should I do?"

Xi Bailu is very messy now. He really feels that he should do something, but he doesn't know how to do it.

"It's easy, go and help Feng Chen. You know where he is, right?"

Although people were inspired by Bai Shi'an, in order to maintain his fairness, he really couldn't take care of it too much.

And at present, public opinion is still biased towards Xun Ziyang. After all, few know the truth.

So, she must push Bai Lu to Feng Chen's side.

Only in this way can Xie Ziyang completely overturn all pretense of Xun Ziyang.

Xun lost the shelter of Mr. Xun Yang and the Bai family. Xun Ziyang was like a turtle with the turtle shell removed.

At that time, wouldn't she let her rub it round?

I was so bitter by her, Bai Lu suddenly had a clear sense of seeing the clouds.

Yeah, the first thing he did was wrong, but now, isn't there still a chance to correct it?

In this case, he must grasp it well.

"I see. Thank you for telling me this news. But no matter what your purpose, you must not hurt Bai family!"

I was really an "ingratitude" guy, but Lin Mengya didn't care much.

Everyone has his own insistence. Even if Bai Lu does something wrong, it does not mean that he will lose his bottom line.

Such a person is very good.

"You can rest assured that we are here to cooperate with the Bai family. Moreover, our palace family wants money and money, someone, someone, land and land. We are not interested in Bai family."

She put on a disdainful attitude, which gave Bai Lu a little more trust in the end.

And what she said is also true. Do n’t look forward to a big career in the Bai family. If you really work hard, you may not be the opponent of the palace family.

She is now a woman in a rich and powerful country. She has not only mines but also Jinshan and Yinshan.

Bai family? Ha ha!

"I'll go to Feng Chen now, I will send you out first."

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't want to stay here any more, followed Bai Lu to go outside.

It was her second elder brother who didn't squint up the street and looked around.

She also followed for a few glances, except for some training things, nothing special.

While Bai Lu wasn't paying attention, she secretly rubbed her second brother with her elbow and asked quietly.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

Brother Er, who lowered his voice, was slightly agitated.

"You don't know, there are a lot of good things here. It seems that this guard camp must have really powerful people."

good stuff?

Gao Linmengya was skeptical and looked at it again.

She doesn't know much about such things.

But inquiring about news, she is quite good at it.

At the moment, he took a few steps forward, running in parallel with Bai Lu.

"Captain White is really familiar with this guard camp."

In addition to the business, Bai Lu's attitude towards her is quite mild.

He nodded, a look of nostalgia on his face.

"Well, I grew up here since I was a kid. Without a big commander, I'm afraid I would have starved to death."

"Great commander?"

"It is the commander who is responsible for training and commanding the entire battalion. He is a very powerful person. I heard that he was a general in the past. I do n’t know why, but he has fallen here. However, the others are good.

After hearing this, she was also aroused interest.

Basically, she can also be regarded as a family member.

My father and elder brothers are well-known generals, and men are also considered geniuses for military command.

She is also interested in platoon formation, but unfortunately the war in ancient times was about warfare.

Coordination between grim weapons and people is the mainstream here.

Her modern core that has been immersed in guns and atomic bombs since childhood, has always been a bit out of pace.

"I don't know, where can I meet this great commander?"

After Bai Bailu looked at her suspiciously, she immediately smiled and explained: "My father was also the commander in chief of a party, so I am very kind to see such people."

After Lu Dingding looked at her and determined that the other party was not a liar, Bai Lu had such a disapproval of the girl who claimed to be Su Mei.

"The commander-in-chief is usually in the barracks, but I don't know what happened recently. I take my brothers out for patrol early and late. I have a low level of martial arts and can't help you. Speaking of it, I also live up to his teaching. "

There was a hint of light, and she crossed her eyes.

As a general, I always have extraordinary acuity.

That is the intuition that has been exercised from the sand for many years. It is similar to the perception of danger by small animals and can almost be attributed to nature.

"So, we can't see it today. But, can we visit the Grand Commander in the future?"

Wu Bailu found this request a bit awkward, but didn't think much about it.

After all this year, there are not many people who come to visit the Grand Commander.

After two approximate appointments, Lin Mengya left with her second brother.

Xi Bailu looked at their backs and made a firm move in his own direction.

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