Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1902: Sacrifice home

Lin Lin Mengya did not rush to answer the second brother's words, just because she thought of a possibility.

And this is exactly what she is most worried about.

"Second brother, apart from the rapid advances in martial arts, what kind of abnormality did they have?"

When I heard this, Miyaji couldn't help but think hard.

Frown frowns into a ditch, only to think of a few points.

"By the way, I heard the following people say that they do seem to be a little abnormal. The offensive is not harsh, and the means are very cruel. Also, they are all deadly, as if they are not afraid of being injured. "

Gao Linmengya sighed for a long time, but did not expect that, after all, things went in the direction she did not want to develop.

"Second Brother, I have always suspected that the Baili family was collaborating with the Xiancheng gang. And Anjia, I am afraid it has become a victim."

All unreasonable, only under this premise can there be a reasonable explanation.

If it is Xiancheng, then there really is a way to quickly improve martial arts.

However, the price is extremely tragic.

When I mentioned Xiancheng, even Miyaji felt tricky.

Everything has already let him know that the so-called fairy city of the gang is simply the city of the devil.

If it is true that Anjia has fallen into the hands of Xiancheng, I am afraid that there is more evil than good.

"Damn fairy city! Sooner or later, I will blast those guys' heads!"

"Don't be excited, we don't know what the matter is yet. It's because they settle for themselves when they get home. For now, how to protect the rest."

In her attitude towards home, she has always been a bit colder than her family.

She only cares about a few people. For her, it is almost like a stranger.

If so, why should she care.

家里 The family members are more enthusiastic about the old feelings.

Eriya Ninomiya nodded hard, he knew that his sister was right.


Alas, all blame Anjia for being too greedy.

"Yes, what about the Liao family now?"

When I mention this, Miyaji's mood is not so low.

"Huh! Liao Chong's old boy was frightened, not to mention how embarrassed. However, he and the poor students below held all the pots on our heads. It was said that we brought them. I ’m here to show them a show. I do n’t want to see what it ’s worth, I ’m asking my brothers and escorting them! ”

起来 When this matter was mentioned, Miyaji felt mad at one place.

But Lin Mengya didn't mind. Even if those people knew that it was the palace family who saved them, they probably wouldn't bite and not admit it.

After all, what a shame.

"It doesn't matter what they think. What's important is, what does the owner of the Liao family think?"

"Well," Miyaji touched his chin, slammed his mouth, his tone softened a bit.

"The owner of the Liao family still has some insight. By the way, before I left, he asked me to tell you that Liao Chong's age is high, and his behavior is inevitably biased. Let me bring you an apology. He also said that he has a chance in the future , Will definitely come to visit. Well, this person is a bit more knowledgeable than those old and poor, it is not annoying. "

Fuck things, as she expected.

With Liao Zhong's temper, he certainly won't put a junior in his eyes.

After all, the head of the family is the head of the family after all.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is his own friend.

This Liao family owner is quite interesting.

既然 "In this case, in his face, let's not care about Liao again. The second elder brother is always in trouble, and he will take a break first. Maybe he has to be busy."

The second emperor was naturally glad to meet, and it happened that the two boys also came.


Shouting embarrassedly, the two of them immediately hooked out the tenderness deep in the bones of Gong Er.

He held one in one hand, and stubbled it on two pink and tender faces.

呦 "Oh, let me see, um, Mo Yan is getting fatter and looks more energetic!"

Yan Moyan proudly held his belly and waved his fat hand like a knot.

Because he is older, he has more martial arts, and his small arms and calves already have a thin layer of muscles.

"Er, what about me?"

Su Ning'er was not to be outdone, he asked milkily.

She kissed Xiao Waiyi's face, and Gong Er said with a good temper: "Xiao Ninger is not bad. When he grows up, he is just as powerful as his brother."

The two little ones naturally like 舅舅, sitting in the arms of 舅舅, giggling endlessly.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged two little tigers and shook her head and smiled.

She heard that when her second brother was on the training ground, she scolded those thin and weak guys everywhere, where she looks so nice now.

Even if you are outside, eating at home is a family sitting together and lively.

Even if Long Tianyu is not here, every time Lian Bo will tell the servant to leave a copy of the fish, vegetables, and heat on the stove.

Slowly, everyone accepted and got used to his existence.

In this regard, Lin Mengya is also happy.

After all, that is the lover who will live with you for a lifetime. If the family still does not accept it, it will be a little unsatisfactory.

What's more, the reason why his family had shown offensive to him was because he couldn't bear her.

Have a meal and everyone is happy.

Especially two young people, holding on to their round stomachs, pulled him out of the door.

Uncle Lian urged the second son to bring the two young masters back early.

Brother Er also answered, but didn't take it seriously.

Lin Lin Mengya also let the children go because of her two brothers and Qinghu's double insurance.

After all, the two small ones are gradually getting bigger, and it is not very good to be stuck at home.

I packed up, and the others were drinking tea and chatting in the room.

I talked and talked about the second brother's visit to those gentlemen today.

"These people have intentionally come to teach at the college, but they are worried that the Bai family will have a heart for it, so they have not decided yet."

Brother San's results are pretty good, and the behavior of these people has made them admired by Lin Mengya.

After all, not everyone can stand up to the temptation and stick to the moral.

Apart from this, she thinks more.

"About Mr. Poyang, is there news from Bai Shi'an?"

After Bai Jiarou's affairs, Bai Chunan was completely removed from the center of power.

I heard that the owner of the Bai family also kept people in the yard on the grounds that his body was not healed.

Now, he is truly a "closed guest".

As for the room of Bai Huaan, it has also been affected.

的 What happened that day was not completely covered.

Now, the news about Bai Jiarou's trail is flying all over the sky.

Especially in Fengyuan City, which pays special attention to ethics and ethics, this incident has become a scandal.

In order to minimize the influence on the Bai family, Bai Hua'an also made a living out of nothing.

At this moment, all the burdens were placed on Bai Shi'an.

从 From an idle Master 一个, he was in danger and became the backbone of the Bai family.

He encountered such a big event just after he left office, and it was enough for him.

"No specific news came out, but yesterday, a horseman went to the Bai family to scream injustice. This person, who was in the village where we lived before, heard that it seemed to be the first to sue Mr. Li Yang Fuyang Zi. It seems to have something to do with an old case a few years ago. There are already many discussions in the city. I think that Bai Shi'an will have a big trouble. "

Trouble, of course.

But I'm afraid it's Bai Shi'an. Let's take the initiative.

He's a smart guy and knows where to start.

"This sister-in-law is not a good thing. When I and Yu pretended to be doctors and went to the clinic, he was blocking everything and trying to plant stolen money. In the end, he still wanted my life!"

When he said this, he immediately aroused the anger in Gong San's heart.

"Huh, good person, it is such a femme fatale heart. You can rest assured that your sister, Bai Shi'an will not let him go! If there is a second brother in the future, if he dare to kill you, we will pack him!"

Gao Linmengya smiled when she heard her words, probably she really liberated her nature. The third brother, who is usually the most elegant and gentle, has a bit of banditry.

As everyone knows, this is the result of her wrath in the palace at all times.

I can also be regarded as a door to a new world for the family.

"That's natural, but before that, we have to push the backing down."

San Gongsan looked at her with some doubts, but Lin Mengya gave her brother a profound smile.

"I have my own tricks."

In the jail of the Nuo guard camp, since the day that Xizi Yang was locked up, she has not hurriedly stowed all her irritability.

Because he knew that as long as he was the son of Mr. Li Yang, no one would endanger his life.

Since life and death have been guaranteed, the others need only wait.

For the sake of fame, those people must not take what he is.

If Mr. Li Yang died, he must be prevented.

Hehe, these people, he already saw clearly.

As in the past few days, Bai Lu brought food to his cell.

"Xi Ziyang, eat."

"Isn't this Captain Bailu Bai? It's really hard for you, you have to give me food and drink every day."

After the two men turned their faces, Xun Ziyang always ridiculed Bai Lu, and Bai Lu was repeatedly disappointed.

He did not expect that the other party turned out to be such a person.

The thick smile disappeared, leaving only a cold and serious expression.

He stood at the door of the cell and stared at the people inside.

怎么 "What? Now you regret it? I said, you should have listened to me."

Xun Ziyang is still arrogant, but Bai Lu's heart is no longer painful.

"Xi Ziyang, let me ask you, did you really wrong him?"

Bailu held the railing tightly, his voice was awkward, but he didn't even mention his name.

Xun Ziyang sneered and glanced at him scornfully.

"You said, is that stupid Feng Chen?"

"Shut up! How can you, how can you"

"He is a fool!"

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