Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1939: Premeditated

Gao Lin Nansheng felt the kindness of the palace family to him, so he also gave up a lot of caution.

After the family had a good reunion dinner, several people were called to discuss things with their great ancestors.

At this time, Lin Nansheng also learned why the palace family came here, and his experience is relatively simpler.

"After I escaped, I went to a small family's fiefdom several times. There I happened to meet a dartboarder who was a dartmaster. Fortunately, I had Wuyi close to me, and I gradually came into contact with things inside the dartboarder. This time, it was us The dart head personally took a dart, but he didn't want to, the person to be protected was actually Bai Jiarou. "

Naturally, Lin Nansheng also knew how Bai Jiarou counted his sister.

Women like this, let alone protect them, now he just wants to raise a knife and teach the people in Bai's family.

"Where are you going to send Bai Jiarou?"

"I'm not quite sure. The dart head only said that he would bring the person back to the dart board first. Naturally someone would pick her up. I see the tone of the dart head. Obviously, the guests this time are not small."

From her brother's words, she also screened some useful information.

She was also a bit surprised, but the deepest hidden Bai family was Bai Jiarou, which was like a white lotus.

I don't know what expression the Bai family will have this time.

"Who is the one who will kill you today?"

I mentioned this, Lin Nansheng's eyes could not help sinking.

All his companions who killed him have been killed by Huang Quan.

If it is not his martial arts that is slightly higher, I am afraid that he can not insist on his brother-in-law to rescue.

He shook his head. He didn't see the way of the other party.

Long Tianyu said rarely: "The martial arts of those people are a bit like the Huxingwei of the Jin family."


Wu was another accident that she had never expected.

"Coking family, aren't your allies?"

"It used to be."

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's tone was cold.

From the moment Jin Yao dared to attack Lin Mengya, the Jin family was his enemy.

"But are you not sure?"

In the style of Long Tianyu, he should not say such modern ambiguity.

It looks like he might not be sure, right?

"From the point of view of martial arts moves, they are similar, but the Jinxing's Hu Xingwei is not so weak."


Immediately, Lin Nansheng felt that his brother-in-law was still not as attractive as ever.

He glanced sideways and saw the expressions in the eyes of his two new brothers just like him. He immediately felt like finding an ally.

Brother-in-law, I really can't like it!

As if he didn't notice the indignation in Lin Nansheng's eyes, Long Tianyu explained to himself: "Hu Xingwei is the first guard trained by the Jin family ’s first owner. In this case, they are only responsible for protecting the safety of the ancestors of the Jin family. The people who attacked the Bai family this morning, although similar, are not. "

He said so, Lin Mengya understood.

But the Jin family is a family that has some weight in Xiancheng. The family that can continue to conflict with Xiancheng and can extend outwards is obviously somewhat energetic.

She Xiancheng has learned many methods.

Presumably the Kim family, must be more clear.

That Hu Xingwei, who specializes in protecting Jin's ancestors, must be extraordinary.

"But since they are similar, there must be some relationship."

Chen Long Tianyu nodded, believing she agreed.

The Bai family's affairs were actually linked to the Jin family.

It surprised her a little.

Is it because of the Jin family's various changes in the Bai family over the years?

I want to know that from the time when Mrs. Bai was young, this chess game has been arranged for decades.

What is the purpose of the Jin family? What does the map they want to find represent?

For a while, everyone was silent, and everyone fell into deep contemplation.

After a long time, she exhaled a long breath.

"The soldiers came to block the water and cover the soil. Whether the Jin family came at us or not, I think there will be a day when the water falls out. This time it can be regarded as a wake-up call for the Bai family. I think they will definitely take action "As long as the real Hu Xingwei is not here, the Bai family may not have a fight."

She has one more source of information than others.

Ji Yu once mentioned to her that the Jin family is also self-conscious.

And the most important thing for the Jin family at the moment is to stabilize it, otherwise they wo n’t let go of Yu Yu ’s powerful reinforcements.

That is to say, at least until the Jin family's crisis is not resolved, the Jin family's ancestor will not easily leave their base camp.

Alas, and they have formed an alliance with the Bai family, naturally they will not look at the Bai family being counted.

I am afraid that in the future, if the Jin family wants to succeed, it will be difficult.

The people in the house also agreed with her.

They all feel that it is best to resolve the Bai family's affairs as soon as possible so that they can quickly return to the palace family.

The situation is also getting more and more serious. Returning to the palace one day earlier will be safe one day earlier.

Now, after she sued Mr. Poyang before, the reputation of the palace family will also be saved.

In fact, she never thought of completely eliminating the rumors that are not good for the palace family.

What she wants is the skepticism that people will have after hearing two completely different news.

If a person is a good compliment in everyone's ears, then people will subconsciously think that this is a good person.

vice versa.

知道 She knows that she can't let people praise the palace family, and that a bug like the Baili family will always hide in a dark corner to do things.

So, she only needs to talk about the benefits of the palace family.

The world is so big, can't we let some families cover the sky with one hand?

After coming out of the main hall, Lin Mengya still talked with her brother for a long time, and it was considered to be a thorough description of each other's experiences.

Only then did Lin Nansheng know how much his sister had experienced in order to have today's achievements.

The Haremiya family can accept him so quickly, afraid that it is also the credit of his sister.

When he thought of his sister's weak body, he could not help feeling more and more distressed.

After all, he still let his sister experience too much alone.

The guilt in her heart made him anxious to solve all her troubles immediately.

I only hope she can live a happy and carefree life.

But Lin Mengya stopped this idea.

She said: "In the beginning, our mother chose to die alone for us to live. As her children, we have to live well. We have no choice to escape. From the moment we were born, sacrifice was inevitable. "In order not to let the people we care about choose to sacrifice again, we have to take responsibility and end everything in our hands."

Zhe Lin Nansheng is irrefutable, because he knows that his sister is right.

They can only move forward, they must not retreat.

He will take care of all this with his sister.

My elder brother was injured, and she instructed her to rest early and turned out of the door.

The night was dark and the moon was pale. The man who leaned against the wall and saw her for the first time became the only scenery she could see.

She couldn't help but smile and walked towards him step by step.

The facial features of the man were originally like mountains and ice, with indifference that could never be made any further.

She could be in front of her, but the ice and snow melted away, but she wasn't half cold.

"Wait for me a long time?"

She took the initiative to hold his arm.

Even after so many years, he still loves her.

He shook his head, stretched out his hand to intersect with her fingers, looked at her with seriousness.

"Are you happy?"

She nodded hard, bending her eyes, her smile was not half haze.

"Just be happy, I hope you will be so happy every day in the future."

说 He is sincere, but with inexplicable piety.

If He is a god, a Buddha, and a spirit, this is his only wish.

Lin Lin Mengya's expression fluttered, she was really happy.

He shook his arm and jumped like a flying butterfly.

"My brother said that my father must be alive, and he may also be defending the country. Yu, we will definitely find our loved ones back. We will be happy and live a happy life."

She talked about her vision of a good life, which may seem a bit naive, but she was infected with Long Tianyu's mood, and she relaxed.

She seemed to be in control of his emotions with magical power, and he had only willingly surrendered.

The two returned to the room. After washing, she went to bed and rolled around unwilling to sleep.

Chen Longtian Yu was happy to see her like this, but was afraid that she slept too late and would not get enough rest.

I had to use long hands and feet as ropes to lock people firmly in my arms.

"Yu, after answering the palace family, we may have more hardships."

She lay in his arms, blinking with water and big eyes, said softly.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's arms tightened even more, and encircling her was tantamount to keeping his life happy.

不 "Not afraid, I will protect you."

"I know. But if I regain my 'Miya' status, will it affect your plan?"

She asked carefully, and Long Tianyu guessed her intention almost instantaneously.

"It's too dangerous to do this."

He frowned slightly, apparently disapproving.

Lin Lin Mengya took his face and explained it seriously.

"I know that you used that substitute plan in the hope that you could protect me. I didn't want to restore the identity of" Miya "immediately. We previously revealed that" Miya "may return to the palace, hoping to attract Keep a part of your eyes. Today, we are no longer vulnerable. And, as a result, the enemy will turn from darkness to light. As long as we use the right method, we can weaken the enemy's power. In this way, You won't be that hard. "

She knows.

Chen Long Tianyu stared deeply at her, and sighed a long time later.

He never guarded her.

I don't let her know about her plans, and I hope she can worry less.

But he underestimated the wisdom and means of his wife.

He opened her hair between her eyebrows, and her forehead was against her.

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