Laoshan Village is poor, but the small temple Buddha statue is their lifelong hope.

希望 The simplicity and purity of this hope seems to be free of any material desires except to pray for the peace of life.

Now, he feels that he has finally seen the peaceful faces of the villagers outside the small temple again.

Maybe it ’s just the luck of the Gong family, but it may not be the good luck of her sister.

I probably figured out one thing, and Miyazo apparently felt that the emotions of the new brother were not as tight and distant as before.

This is a good thing, and Miyazo also smiled slightly.

At least, this new brother no longer suspects that they are not interested in the little girl.

They have been away for more than a month, and it is not far from the fiefdom of the palace.

Because of the old, weak, sick and pregnant in the team, we have to stop and rest from time to time.

Zhe Lin Mengya asked the coachman that as long as she walked for a few more days, she could walk into the Zhengjia Fengdi and go directly to the official road in the palace.

The news from Zheng Rongrong five days ago said that she joined Master Zheng and other Zheng parents who had not been bought by Master Zheng Er, and overturned Master Zheng Er's boss.

In recent years, in order to seize the position of Zheng's homeowner, Master Zheng Er frequently made small moves in private.

Some people have seriously threatened the interests of the Zheng family.

Don't look at those old people who usually look at the faces of relatives and say nothing.

But when it comes to vital interests, one by one is better than monkeys.

Now, the second master of the Zheng family has lost his power and is imprisoned in the big room.

I believe it won't be long before Zheng Rongrong can truly become the heir of the Zheng family.

She looked at the road and turned to her brothers.

At this time, Gongsan and Lin Nansheng also just ended the topic.

"What are you talking about?"

For her brother, she is not quite assured.

Fortunately, she knows that the brothers in the family will definitely accept the brother.

Nangong San smiled at her and offered to make way for their brother and sister.

"Nothing, just gossiping with third brother."

Although she is still not used to it, at least Lin Nansheng will follow her and change her name.

"The three brothers are easy to get along with, and the others are the same. The older brothers, they must be glad to know that they have a brother."

She squinted and said with a smile.

There was a touch of jealousy in Lin Linsheng's heart, as if he had a treasure in his hand, and suddenly a few more people came to share it.

But the thought of a looming "thief thief" immediately vanished.

I always have more helpers.

However, Lin Mengya didn't notice her brother's thoughts, she just looked at the mountain road not far away.

The journey was smooth, but the more important it became, the more worried she became.

"The situation of the Zheng family is not very stable. The second brother still stays in the Bai family. Brother, you have to work harder."

Before he left, Long Tianyu took a step.

The situation of the Ji Jin family is not very peaceful. He needs to go back and handle some things first, lest they pose a threat to them.

Alas, it left her a lot of manpower.

Coupled with her brother, there should be no accidents.

Lin Linsheng's expression tightened, and he nodded.

He hasn't come here for nothing these years. The average little hair thief really can't help him.

I had enough rest, and several people climbed into the carriage again.

After a few days of interest rate adjustment, my child's condition is better.

But it is more and more drowsiness, can not be tired and frightened.

The narrow mountain road that allows only two cars to pass in parallel is near.

Zhe Lin Nansheng took three guards to explore the road in advance, and after confirming that there was no ambush inside, he signaled the following carriage to follow up.

The Laoshan Road was not smooth, and only a squeaking sound was heard, and the carriage pressed down to the rock and bumped.

Mi Er opened her hazy eyes and looked at her a little confused.

"It's okay, just go across this road."

She comforted softly, but added a few more cushions to 纭 er.

Before she left, in order to prevent her from being too hard, she asked someone to put a soft cloth strap in the carriage similar to a seat belt.

"Be sure to slow down."

She leaned her head out and instructed, the driver responded, and the carriage speed slowed down again.

The valley is not long, but rather rather steep.

有人 No one can ambush on it, the risk factor is too large.

Lin Lin Mengya's eyelids have been jumping, she gently held her hands, but the sense of crisis in her heart has not relaxed.

"The carriage in the back, lean to the side, and someone is passing in front!"

The warning of Lin Nansheng came, and several carriages leaned to the right. After a while, they heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

She glanced through the curtain, as if it was a guard of a large family, and there were two carriages tightly guarded in the middle.

It is not like playing, it is like fleeing.

It's weird, but there are many small families in the Zheng family besides the Zheng family.

She didn't pay attention, just after passing there, their team continued to move forward.

But I didn't expect that before long, the roar of horseshoes came again, and this time, they came straight to them.

Zhe Lin Nansheng did not expect that he immediately made a gesture towards the guards at the back, asking them to protect the team first, and then waited for them.

"Where are you in charge?"

The other's guard did not look good either.

I was just afraid that they were more embarrassed than the palace family because they were in a hurry.

Zhe Lin Nan Sheng's face did not change color, urging the horse to meet him.

"I am, I wonder what your Excellency is doing?"

The head of the guard opposite me was a burly man with a blind eye.

The man apparently didn't take Lin Nansheng, a thin young man who looks like a brother in the family, into his eyes and grinned, "I'm fine, but I have a tight hand and want to borrow some flowers from you."

I actually encountered robbery, Lin Nansheng's alarm bell masterpiece.

Fortunately, he also encountered such a situation when he darts.

There are so many people on my side, even if they fight with each other, they won't be too bad.

Generally, in this case, they will cut through their wealth and avoid disasters based on the principle that one thing is worse than one less.

This time, he also handled in accordance with the rules of the rivers and lakes.

At the moment, he smiled with a fist: "That's it, but we went out and we didn't have any extra entanglement. I still have some silver couples here, even if I invited all my brothers to have tea."

After I finished speaking, he threw a small bag of money.

The one-eyed brawny man grabbed his hand and looked at it, a greedy smile appeared on his face.

"It's not a bad idea for your kid, but I have one more request."

Zhe Lin Nansheng looked at them calmly and asked, "What more is your request?"

The one-eyed brawny man pointed at the carriages of the palace family, and said with a vicious tone: "The boss of our family has been in a bad mood lately, do you always have a little beauty here? I don't bother you either, girl or lady, Leave one for my brothers, and let me go, how about it? "

Suddenly, Lin Nansheng changed his face in an instant.

These people don't talk about rivers and lakes rules at all, they definitely come to find faults.

"His words, it is difficult to obey. But I think you are also in a hurry, it is better to have more branches."

He was so chilling in his words that he had long held a long knife in his waist.

He was sitting in the carriage with his loved ones, these people, do not want to hurt them.

"Oh, I think your boy is toasting, not eating and drinking! Brothers, slaughter this little bastard, women and silver, we both want to!"

He showed his true face immediately, saying that it was a guard, but in fact he was a bandit.

Zhe Lin Nansheng also suddenly took out a long knife at the waist and yelled, "First retreat with the carriage, others will break with me!"

The guards of the palace palace had long had a division of labor. In this way, the guards near the inner layer made the posture of the guard carriage escaping almost instantly.

The extended guards, under the command of Lin Nansheng, fought and killed each other.


The driver pulled his whip up, his horseshoes flying.

They ran towards the end of the mountain road at the fastest speed.

In the carriage, she was also scared away of all drowsiness, holding Lin Mengya's hand tightly, looking pale.

"Don't be afraid, we are fine."

Fortunately, in the front three horse-drawn carriages, protective devices have been installed, even at such a fast speed, it will not hurt people.

But Lin Mengya has no time to worry about other people. She never imagined that she would meet such a group.

劫 The bandits who robbed the road in the Zheng family's fiefdom were cleaned up by the two of them last time. Later, under the pressure of the Zheng family, they also had no ability to do evil.

Why this time, you will run into it?

The situation is so critical that it is too late to think about it.

The horse-drawn carriage quickly walked off the mountain road, but the greater crisis came quietly!

"Miss, it's bad! Our horse, can't stop!"

Outside, the driver called out in horror.

Lin Lin Mengya got out of the carriage at once, and saw the horse that was pulling them running forward.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. I was just fine. Why are you not obedient now? If we go on like this, we have to crash!"

The driver is a veteran of many years. The horse is normal and abnormal, and he can see it all at once.

Don't look at the horse now that he can barely control it, but once the horse runs dead, without energy, they can only destroy the car.

"Stabilize first, let me find a way!"

She retracted into the carriage. Inside, 纭 er's face was scary.

"Don't be afraid!"

She stumbled, and after fixing another layer for 纭 er, she got out of her body again.

At this moment, she found that not only them, but the other carriages and the horses of a few guards also ran wild.

There are even a few horses with white foam in their mouths.

The assassinations that continued behind the slugs continued, and they could not protect themselves, but what made her feel more troublesome was that she hadn't noticed what went wrong with the horses.

"Girl! What's wrong?"

Suddenly, another jujube steed ran to her side, and the fox in a strong costume frowned and asked.

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