Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1946: Turn defeat into victory

His men are also a bitter face, he can't bother him on either side, and can only begged.

"Damn, it's so unlucky!"

The one-eyed brawny man spit on his breath and complained reluctantly.

Jain was in the carriage, but his gold master didn't want to let the silver in his hand fly.

"Okay, then, our brothers will do this vote! Brothers, as long as you kill all the cubs over there, women and silver are all ours!"

The one-eyed brawny man encouraged, but this time, he was not a soldier.

Dark ** became their motivation, these gangsters stared at the most central women and licked their lips.

In order to escape, they haven't opened up for a month.


The gangsters rushed up without fear, and the guards on the other side had no fear.

One was killed for plunder, the other was for the protection of his master.

The battlefield where the flesh and blood flew across was shocking.

Although the number of gangsters is large, they do not have the ability to guard such a powerful individual soldier.

All of a sudden, the two sides clung together again, but no one left half of the effort.

Lin Lin Mengya was anxious.

下去 Continue this way, the outcome is indiscernible, mainly because there are wounded on their side.

"Clear Fox!"

Always stood in front of them, and his eyes did not leave the people in the war situation, and he looked over his head.

"The thief captures the king first! I think those who give orders to them should hide in that carriage."

Her eyesight is very good, even though the carriage is heavily protected by the gangsters, but the one-eyed brave man did not want to continue just now.

But his men first went to the carriage to ask for instructions. Then they killed them so fearlessly.

In this way, it is their true master.

Qing Qinghu narrowed his eyes. He had learned the skills of a killer. He took the enemy's first rank in chaos and it was his mastery.

"I see, you protect yourself, I'll come and go."

Wu Qinghu lowered his sword and pulled out the sharp dagger of the Jackdaw Guardian's hand and held it in his hand.

"Be careful!"

Those people are desperate. Even if the clear fox martial arts is deep, she can't help but worry.

The man shook his head, and there was a strange smile on one of the male and female's inexplicable faces.

He was originally a poppy irrigated with blood, but now it is blooming again to deceive people.

The situation is tense and there are casualties on both sides.

The hidden art of the Qing Fox is very clever. Under such a chaotic situation, she can hardly trace his whereabouts.

Time passed, minute by minute.

看着 She looked anxious as she watched the retreating guards.

Hope, Qinghu can retreat all over.

She didn't dare stare at the carriage, for fear of being noticed.

"Miss, Master Kang said, I hope you and your ancestors will retreat, and we will **** you to leave safely!"

The guards evened out a few horses, and at this moment the great ancestors, three brothers, and two babies were already on horses.

知道 She knows that it is not that they are greedy for fear of death, but that they want to leave the hope of life to a child.

Not far away, the old servant headed by Lember rejected the guards' horses.

Uncle Lian came to her without any fear in her eyes.

"Miss, I have lived this age, and I have no regrets. You go with the young masters first, I will stay here, nothing will happen."

She shook her head, but knew in her heart that whether it was the success of Qinghu or whether her brother could block it, there would be a chance.

伸出 She reached out and touched the faces of the two children one by one.

"You take them to retreat first, I'll wait a bit."

"Miss, no!"

Uncle Lian was anxious and advised.

But Lin Mengya didn't give them time to grind, patted the horse's **** hard, and said calmly.


The guards obeyed her orders after all.

The horse's hoof flew, and the horse carrying her sweetheart left quickly.

She is a mother.

Protecting your children at all times is just by nature.

She looked at her again and found that her vitality index was decreasing.

"Miss, if something goes wrong for a while, you should go first."

Lin Lianbo was still persuading, but Lin Mengya calmly began to give her needle.

"Wait a second."

She has to wait for Qinghu to succeed.

On the other side, the gangsters' offensive is still fierce, but with some forces leaving, the palace family has gradually lost.

They unconsciously narrowed the circle of protection and exhausted the last solid strength to protect her in the middle.

Lin Lin Mengya became more and more agitated.

According to Qinghu's skill, there should be movement at this time.

Why the gangsters there are not messy at all.

Is it that Qinghu missed it?

She knows Qing Fox's assassination strategy. If he fails, he will retreat immediately.

Now, he didn't come back to her.

Is there anything wrong?

When she thought that Qinghu might be in trouble, she felt her heart beset.

I figured in their hearts that they could escape. She knew that she was the last weapon of the palace family.

But if she had an accident, that would be the most troublesome thing.

"Miss, they are too many, let's withdraw!"

Wu Lianbo once again persuaded, his face was full of anxiety.

Lin Lin Mengya gritted her teeth and looked at her unconscious.

At least, she has to keep her life!

"Let's go, let's go!"

She exhausted all her efforts and temporarily blocked her blood.

Only in this way, the child is afraid that he will not be able to keep it.

Xi Baisu followed her, helped her to get on the horse, and after the cushions were properly placed, she was ready to let the guards chase their great ancestors.

Just before the horse left, the unexpected came suddenly.

The jealous gangsters who had just been killed just got confused from behind.

She looked over there and saw nothing but confusion.

"Dead! Someone is dead!"

She only heard someone yelling, as if someone had died.

Those gangsters turned their horses and ran back regardless of their enemies.

She took a sigh of relief, and it seemed that Qinghu had already succeeded.

She immediately came to the spirit and yelled, "Don't mess! It's their boss who is dead!"

Gao Lin Nansheng immediately understood, and his spirits refreshed, commanding the remaining guards, and counterattacked by their chaos.

These gangsters are driven by great interests.

If the benefit provider is gone, who will really be desperate?

After a few moments, Qinghu rushed in and ran in.


He raised his hand and threw something at her.

Lin Lin Mengya caught it subconsciously and found that it turned out to be a huge ruby.

"Where did you get it?"

Tong Qinghu raised his eyebrows and pointed behind him.

"The boy is very cunning. In the carriage, there are three people who wear the same clothes. And there are many institutions around. I took some time to determine which one is the master. After killing someone, I put him in the carriage Something is off. These gangsters are now afraid of robbing money. "

For him, killing is more like a craft.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't have time to listen to him boasting, she knew now that her brother's talent would definitely turn into victory, at this time, she began to arrange for the evacuation.

对 "Yes, do you know who is in the carriage?"


"It's the second master of the Zheng family."

"How could it be him?"

Lin Lin Mengya originally thought that she was a fleeing robber, but she did not expect it to be her old enemy.

But if you think about it, you will understand.

Master Zheng Er has drawn a lot of things these years. He can afford it, and naturally someone will kill him.

I just don't know if there will be any danger between Axiu and Zheng Rongrong.

It seems that she needs to go there.

"Let's go to Zheng's house first. 纭 Er's body can't be delayed. By the way, you asked someone to take Master Zheng Er's body."

Wu Qinghu nodded and promised that the crisis would be relieved, and Lin Mengya immediately made the carriage a healthy and good horse.

The gangsters scrambled for each other and even fought with each other. Without the drive of common interests, they became a piece of sand.

The escorts of the palace palace swarmed up and quickly resolved the remaining bandits.

Zheng Zheng's main city gate, now still has his own reputation and status of Zheng Rongrong, but standing there at this moment, can not afford to look into the distance.

Most of the people in the past have known this kind lady, Zheng Family.

They all know that this Miss Zheng is very likely to be the next Zheng family owner.

听说 They heard that a woman can become a family if she is the head of the family.

If you do n’t believe me, just look at the house next door.

Since the new homeowner took office, it has been no misfortune, everyone is rich and has money to spend.

平 These flat-headed people have no other pursuits, they can be satisfied if they can live a good life.

"Axiu, when do you say Sister Su Mei will arrive?"

Zheng Rongrong looked at the outside with his feet stomping, and turned back to ask.

A Xiu Duan sat in the carriage and calculated it carefully, saying, "Should be fast, someone just sent a letter with a rush and said that my husband would be here in a while."

Zheng Rongrong was relieved for a while, but then said in shock: "I remember, Sister Su Mei asked us to prepare some medicinal herbs, are you ready now?"

Axiu really convinced her.

Taste this Miss Zheng family is dignified and honest, even if the elders in the family are no longer difficult to entangle, she can't tell that she is not good at all.

Why did you reach her sister Ya and become a rash girl?

"It's all ready, the medicinal sauce and the bath barrel are all ready."

"I'm relieved then. Sister Su Mei trusted us so that we can help prepare. But don't delay her business. Do you say that Sister Su Mei was injured?"

Axu groaned slightly, shaking her head slightly.

"She won't get hurt easily."

Sister Yunya's blood is so special. If she is injured, I'm afraid she won't let Zheng Rongrong help.

Can't stand it

大多数 Most of these medicines have the effect of stopping bleeding and preserving the fetus, but they are intended for pregnant women.

Is Sister Ya happy again?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help getting nervous.

Her unborn little nephew is fine!

"You wait, I'll go back and see the medicine!"

"it is good!"

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