Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1949: Physician injunction

She knew very well the virtues of the people in the Baili family.

之前 They wanted to directly annex the Zheng family through the Jiang family, and there was indeed a reason to take the shot.

But there is one point. Although the business of the pharmaceutical company is important to the Zheng family, it is not irreplaceable.

The Xiong family and the Zheng family have already joined forces, and even if the Zheng family relies on commercial roads in the future, they can accumulate a lot of wealth.

Why did the Baili family choose to start in a place that is not so important?

There is no conspiracy, what conspiracy is behind this?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help worrying.

The shopkeeper is busy with his own affairs. Lin Mengya took A Xiu to see 纭 er first.

最近 This girl has slept very late and is very gluttonous. Although she is not fat, she looks good.

When I saw them, I pushed out my snack box.

"You are here, this dessert is really good, you guys also try it."

Xi Axiu immediately smiled and gathered up, picked up a piece of finger-sized snack, and put it in his mouth.

"Sister Ya has people make so much delicious food for you every day, and I have a little bit of envy now."

I knew she was joking, and I immediately laughed and joked: "If you have a doll in your stomach, we can eat together, and the dolls can play together in the future!"

"Okay you, I just ate a piece of cake for you, and you just hold your grudges. From now on, how can I sue my little nephew!"

After I said, I wanted to go, but I was pulled by his sleeves.

She likes A Xiu's little sister very much, so she softly begged for mercy.

"My good sister, am I wrong? Isn't it possible? I'll give you everything, and it's too late to regenerate the baby. Right, why don't you see Rong Rong?"

When referring to Zheng Rongrong, Axiu hesitated, and then explained casually: "She is different from us. She has to let her come up with ideas for the big things and small things in the family. Today is not free, and I will come when I am free. "

这样 "So, I still want to talk to her about mysteries."

Xie Er said with regret, but Lin Mengya asked subconsciously.

"What happened to the secret drug?"

"Oh, I mentioned it to her once. Rong Rong is very interested in our secret medicine business, but hesitated again when I heard that we don't have a brand in the medical school."

"Where is the Doctor's Hall?"

Qin Lin Mengya asked curiously, and Xuan Er was very patient to answer.

"Our secret medicine business wasn't done in the ghost market before? There aren't so many requirements in the ghost market, as long as the strength is strong enough. But if you want to sell in other places, you must have the permission of the medical school .Xie Xun asked about it before, but when I heard that if I want to join the doctor's hall, I must hand over the prescription of the secret medicine, and let them draw a certain profit, Xie Xun never mentioned it. But good Now, not everywhere is in the hands of the physician's hall. "

I did not expect that there was such a stubble.

"But why haven't I heard of this doctor's house at the palace?"

Xie Er shook her head and said, "I'm not quite sure, but I heard Xie Xie mentioned it. It seems that the doctor's hall is very eager to see the palace family. As for the reason, he can't figure it out."

No wonder she was unimpressed.

But this doctor's hall is too overbearing. He knows that the prescription is the lifeblood of every doctor, and even he has to submit the prescription.

I got the formula and silver for nothing, but there is no such good thing in the world.

But she also kept her mind, and then she was asked to check this physician's hall. I didn't expect to find something famous.

"You mean, the physician's office banned Zheng's medicine? Why did they do it?"

An Wei gave her what she found.

It was stated above that the reason why the Zheng family was targeted was because the physician's office had ordered all doctors under their drug dealers to order drugs.

No one may violate their orders and do business with Zhengjia Medicines.

This is really strange. How did the Zheng family offend this physician church?

There is also information from the physician's hall at the back of the.

The doctor's hall has a mysterious history. All I know is that the doctor's hall has the most complete medical books and the best doctors and medicinal herbs.

Don't watch so many famous doctors cultivated by the Baili family, but compared to the doctor's hall, it is still worse.

Moreover, the Baili family has inextricably linked with the Doctor's Church. Many of the famous doctors they cultivated borrowed the resources of the Doctor's Church.

As a result, the famous doctors who have a relationship with the Baili family also joined the physician's hall.

The reason why she didn't realize it before was because this physician's church was so proud that only the best in the industry would know its existence.

But the power is not to be underestimated. It is a belief-like existence of people in the medical profession.

She looked at the information, the more confused she became.

I do n’t think that there should be anything to do with the Zheng family. Is it because the Zheng family is unlucky that they are targeted?

She always felt that things were not so simple.

A few days passed, and instead of getting better, the situation went even worse.

The reason why the Zheng family's medicine business is very profitable is because they occupy convenient transportation advantages.

But even though those medicinal farmers knew that selling to the Zheng family was the best way, they preferred to stay close.

Zheng family, can't even accept a medicine.

I ca n’t sell medicinal herbs.

The huge Zheng family medicine line has instead become a display.

Zheng Rongrong hasn't been here for a few days, apparently he's busy with it at home.

Zhe Lin Mengya also closely watched the development of the matter, and finally decided to go to the Zheng family.

After all, they are allies, and she and Zheng Rongrong are friends.

I'm a bit busy, I can help.

When she arrived at Zheng's house, she felt the atmosphere heavy.

The steward heard that she was coming, and hurriedly welcomed her into the small hall.

"Unfortunately, the young lady just went out, but she should be back soon. Sir, I will be here for a while, and I will rush."

When she heard it, she stopped immediately.

"Don't be busy. I'm here just to ask if there is anything I can help you with, don't delay your business."

The steward nodded, sighed softly, and said for a while.

"Mr. can come, our young lady is naturally happy. But I have a relentless request, and I ask you to persuade my young lady. Although the business is important, but her body is just right, I'm afraid I can't afford it."

For this housekeeper, Lin Mengya did not have any bad feelings and nodded in agreement.

After a while, Zheng Rongrong returned.

I was just a little tired on my face.

"Sister Mei, why are you here?"

She asked with a little surprise, Lin Mengya pulled her over and checked her physical condition for her.

"Why are you so desperate, your body is the most important, otherwise the people around you will also worry about it."

Zheng Rongrong glanced at the old housekeeper with a sorrow and sighed.

"I don't want to. Just now that the Zheng family has just stabilized, my second uncle has fled again. I'm afraid this time, he will take revenge. My father is old and can't help it."

She has been busy with the things in the past few days, but she forgot the stubble.

Zheng Rongrong sat down and pulled everyone back, and she said, "It wasn't him who did it. We had an attack before, it was your uncle and his men who did it. Your uncle died. Out of my hands, I will never deal with you again. "

Zheng Rongrong is unbelievable.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle. After all, it was Zheng Rongrong's uncle.

"He, is that so dead?"

Zheng Rongrong doesn't know what it feels like.

My uncle used to harm her secretly, and even kept her biological brother in captivity, almost ruining their family.

I just heard it at first, but still felt a little unbelievable.

"Well, she's dead," she added.

However, Zheng Rongrong shook her head quickly.

"I don't feel sad at all for such people. If you don't kill him, I won't let him go. Speaking of which, I also want to thank you. He lied to my father before and hurt a lot of people I thought he would run away like this. Hum, retribution! "

Zheng Rongrong is honest.

Even though there is a blood relationship, when the second Zheng family master harmed their family, he showed no mercy.

"It wasn't his words, who would it be? The doctor's ban came too inexplicably. I kept trying to find out why, but the other party didn't even see him. It was really annoying!"

Zheng Rongrong raised it, and gritted her teeth.

This feeling is too aggrieved, how can it be so good that it is calculated by others?

When Lin Mengya still wanted to ask questions carefully, the old housekeeper reappeared, looking a little anxious.

"Miss, there is a guest in the front yard. Master wants you there!"

"Who's here?"

Zheng Rongrong didn't want to meet, but a word from the old housekeeper made her change her mind.

"The comer said that he came to see you on behalf of the physician's hall!"

Physician Hall?

Zheng Rongrong was suspicious, and looked at Lin Mengya.

The latter thought for a while and whispered, "Don't be afraid, I'll go with you."

Zheng Rongrong then nodded and said, "OK, come."

In the main hall of the Zheng family, Master Zheng has a lot of smiles and is laughing at everyone.

He was a little goatee in his thirties, with a savvy face, but a little mean.

At this moment, he was sitting proudly in the upper position, picking on Zheng's tea.

"Forget it, I don't expect anything good in a small place like yours. Miss house, when will you arrive?"

Master Zheng is very dissatisfied.

上 The man came to the door and said he wanted to see his daughter, and he was particularly rude.

If he did not see that he had a relationship with the physician's hall, he was afraid he would ignore it.

At the moment, I can only say with pressure: "The little girl has just returned. It should be here now. I wonder what's your business?"

The goatee raised his eyelids and didn't put Zheng's eyes in his eyes.

"No one in our physician's office can ask about it. Zheng Family Master, it's better to let Lingma come out earlier."

This is very polite, even extremely rude.

"This is the land of our Zheng family. I haven't heard of it. There is nothing that our Zheng family has the right to ask!"

Alas. Magic Book House 13

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