Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1961: Blood poisoning

Bali Rui was relieved in secret, but some things, he still had to hide some Wu Yan.

He didn't believe him, but he mattered so much that he couldn't tolerate the slightest loss.

After a little time passed, Lin Mengya, who had taken the drug dan, quietly changed inside her body.

Just like ginseng can nourish a normal person's body, the poisonous poison elixir is no less than a violent tonic for Lin Mengya.

But logically, the drug is so strong that it is different from her blood toxicity and should be mutually exclusive.

Just, something unexpected happened.

Consciousness returned to Lin Mengya in the system, and was suddenly taken by a small medicine to the data to detect her physical condition.

"Master, your health is so strange!"

Since these short days, Xiaoyao has begun to try to be coquettish.

Except that she always made her feel a little creepy at first, her legs and stomach turned, and then she wanted to format, but she has learned something now.

"what happened?"

"Your body is 'assimilating' those foreign toxins."

This is the most detailed part that Xiaoyao can detect.

As for the rest, because the system itself has no response to the toxins in her body, so nothing can be detected.

"Assimilation, what do you mean?"

She asked curiously, and Xiaoyao said patiently: "That is to say, the foreign toxins have begun to turn into blood poisons in your body. Not only that, I also found these new blood poisons. Assimilating the original blood poison. From this point, it is a bit like evolution. "


This is the second vocabulary that she can understand but cannot understand at all.

Her blood poison can evolve? Isn't it so evil?

In fact, it is almost the same as the result of small medicine.

But Lin Mengya is not simply "assimilation" and "evolution", in a sense, she might be "activated".

Laying on the bed, the woman was lying there quietly.

But in the hair, occasionally flashes of purple.

I just disappeared quickly, as if it never existed.

Under the thin eyelids, they blocked a pair of dazzling pure purple eyes.

Fortunately, the strictness of her teacher's watch, this time I am afraid that no one can see.

This "activation" lasted for two full days.

Outside, Wen Jing was also tired of being confronted by Long Tianyu's people and forcibly "please" return to the guest room.

It was Wu Yan and Bai Lirui who suffered from her for two days and two nights.

When she awoke again, she saw the dim curtains.

Her hand was clenched tightly by another big hand.

She recognized the big hand and settled in her heart.

I'm fine, she thought. That's great.

Lin Mengya, who escaped a disaster, was surrounded by her family again.

But before that, she hid in the room with her teacher and Uncle Wu, and worked for a long time.

She finally learned that her blood poisoning had recovered, and her toxicity was better than ever.

But I don't know if it is the cause of her blood poisoning escalation this time. Instead, she can control her poison this time.

"You mean, you can control your blood poison, make your blood non-toxic?"

Wu Wu felt a little strange.

Under normal circumstances, blood poisoning is uncontrollable.

He is like people like his brother, who have a slight toxicity in their blood.

But controlling this thing is tantamount.

After Lin Mengya blinked and blinked, she whispered, "In fact, I don't know if I feel right. I feel like there is something in my body that can help me manage blood poisoning. When I need it, I can spread it all over me immediately. In every drop of blood, if I do n’t need it, it can make the toxicity lurk. It feels a bit like a puppet. "

She also felt weird, but it was actually like a cat's sharp claws.

It can light up when needed, usually a soft meat ball.

别 Don't say she was such a thing, even the two of them were unexpected.

The two of them looked at each other, Wu Yan lowered his voice and said, "Isn't it wrong?"

Bairui raised an eyebrow and immediately refuted: "How is it possible! I obviously am the latest one."

"Wow, that's been at least a hundred years old, brother, you're doing something big!"

Lin Lin Mengya rolled her eyes, turned and walked out of Master's room.

I actually dared to give her expired poison to eat, she did not die, it should be considered her life.

Outside the knock gate, her man was carrying her two little men, standing upright waiting for her.

开心 She happily rushed into the arms of a man and gave two little ones a kiss.

I'm so nice, she finally doesn't have to worry anymore, one day, she will care for the people around her.

In the past year, the family spent a lot of money just buying medicines that could neutralize her blood poisoning.

Now, this money can finally be saved.

Long Tianyu held her slim waist, her smooth jaw pinched her face, and grinned her giggling.

"Disobedient girl, you're going to scare me."

She was sweet in her heart, holding his thin waist, and could be coquettish.

"Okay, okay, I won't dare next time, okay?"

He squeezed a "hum" from his throat, then said coldly, "You said the same thing last time, what happened?"

As a result, she slipped back at the gate of the gate again.

Isn't she doing this on purpose!

But the best way to deal with it now is not to reason, but to lift his feet and kiss his chin quickly.

"I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Soft soft glutinous pleading, where Long Tianyu can stop.

He shook his head helplessly, put down the babies, but suddenly held her up.

"What are you doing?"

She was frightened by Xiao Xiao, busy holding his neck, and chanting.

"I think you are still safe in my arms."

Lin Mengya gave him a hand, but the babies are still there!

But as long as the two babies see the mother, they are as happy as anything, and they still care about others.


Mo Moyan said happily, with his younger brother, he desperately waved his two short legs to keep up with his father and mother.

But outside of their yard, Lin Mengya encountered someone she didn't want to bother with.

Tong Wenjing stood at the door of Dongyuan, his face looked a little embarrassed.

Especially after seeing Lin Mengya intact, she felt a little more powerlessness in her eyes.

He couldn't convince himself anyway, and felt that the poison of the day would have nothing to do with her.

But he was completely ignored by these people because of his performance that day.

This time, he also ran out secretly, and decided to ask clearly.

In these few days, Lin Mengya already knew his identity, so she couldn't wait to see him.

But people are blocking the door, and she is not good at pretending to be stupid. She can only let Long Tianyu put her down.

"Mo Yan, take your brother back to the house first, father and mother will go back in a while."

The little guy nodded sensiblely and took his brother's hand to leave.

But it didn't take long for Ninger to rush out and drag Xiao Hei, who was resting in the nest, out.

"Mother, this is for you!"

He was careful, put Xiao Hei on her lap, then glared at Wen Jing and ran back into the room.

Shemu stretched her long limbs, then pinched her fingers, and continued to lie down and sleep.

都是 It's been like this for the past few days, and Xiao Hei has resumed the act of sucking her as catnip.

Every day, as long as she is there, she will hold a part of her body to sleep.

Wen Jing still couldn't overcome the fear of the animal husbandry beast, but when he saw that it looked like a real kitten cub, and showed a soft and adorable side to the owner, he felt that there was something unwavering in his heart The things that are being crumbled.

Faith says so, either you believe in it or it will fall apart.

It all started with doubt.

"Won't the Lord of the Wentang come to see me how to coax a cat? Is there anything you can say straight?"

She has a good attitude and can't see what she thinks.

On the other side, Long Tianyu is a woman who is looking at her tenderly.

He only had an occasional extra eye on him, but the warning was quite strong.

"Actually what I want to ask is, does the lady know about the poison door?"

He didn't dare to ask Du Dan directly.

I wonder if it was his illusion. Since the lady woke up, he always felt a special feeling.

It was a hostility buried deep in the bones and blood, but he had a faint complex mood.

怕 In this world, fear is nothing more frustrating than fear of your enemies.

A soldier who humiliates without fighting, if it is used to describe his adversary, it is a very humiliating one.

Obviously, he got this feeling, and he still had to reflect on it. He suddenly felt that he was afraid that he would be the worst host in the doctor's hall.

Gao Linmengya raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Know how? What if you don't know? Anyway, in the eyes of your medical school, is there any difference between me and them?"

Her tone was calm and there were no particularly big mood swings.

I heard in Wen Jing's ears, but it was not a taste.

He straightened up: "I think Madam, is there something wrong? Although our doctor's hall is a little bit extreme, but it's not right. I believe His Highness will testify for me."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and looked at the man beside her.

The latter said very firmly: "I just know that they almost killed my wife."

Wu Wenjing was stunned.

Do not! This is not the Highness he knows!

He could not help but look again, this woman who seemed to be hidden.

夫人 "Mrs., why are you doing this? With my relationship with Your Highness, I will certainly not harm you. It's just that the poisonous water is too deep, I'm afraid you will be involved."


Lin Lin Mengya said nothing, but Long Tianyu sneered.

He turned his head, looked at Wen Jing with disdain, and said coldly, "My woman, it's not your turn to learn it."

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