Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1964: Found dead

So the engagement was confirmed, and this time, she would formally marry Long Tianyu according to the etiquette of ordinary people.

But a few brothers are obviously more concerned about this than her.

On the second day, they smashed Long Tianyu out of courtesy.

This time, he was surprised that he didn't resist, but his smile was meaningful.

The brothers in the palace who thought they had finally won the victory did not maintain the smile on the second day.

It was only because of Long Tianyu and Dala that he ordered people to move everything into their next house.

I watched that guy let the furniture and furnishings be carried to the next door like water, and Miyaji couldn't help but found the door.

"what do you mean?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu stood at the door, but his sight never left the gate of the palace.

Wu Wenyan said, "I want to marry my wife and go through the door. Naturally, I have to arrange it well."

"My little girl won't leave home."

"Then I can also consider inserting the door backwards, come and send everything to the palace house."


Nian Gonger stared at him with a calm face, and finally, he could only go back angrily as soon as he turned his head.

Next to her, Long Tianyu narrowed her eyes in a good mood.

Hehe, you want to learn how to take a nap? dream!

For this result, Lin Mengya did not feel any surprise.

Nine Dragons Tianyu either does not do it, and once he wants to do something, it must be dripping.

几个 These older brothers, although also the best among their peers, still have a little gap compared with Long Tianyu.

For the past few days, she has been busy building blocks.

A batch of building blocks of different specifications have been sent to the college, but the first batch of beneficiaries are not students, but teachers.

Judging from the feedback Xiao Yi gave her, it seems pretty good.

Except for a few stubborn gentlemen, other teachers think this thing is very interesting.

This is good, things have to take time, no one can eat a fat person.

事情 Everything went smoothly and smoothly. Who knows that a few days later, another trouble broke out in Feicheng.

At noon, she leaned on the couch to rest in the morning. Just before she fell asleep, her brother knocked on her door.

As soon as I entered the door, Lin Nansheng's complexion was a little bad.

"Sister, something went wrong in the college. A female student was found dead in Houshan. This morning, a few people who went uphill to cut firewood saw it. The body is already in the college. Would you like to see it?"

She frowned, with an unpredictable hunch.

She has always paid attention to the security of the college. After Bai Lu came over, the first thing was to strengthen the defense around the college.

How could He die?

As the director of the women's school, she quickly arrived at the scene.

She's body stopped in a box room of the women's hospital. She had just entered and was stopped by a few angry people.

"You are the dean!"

I was talking about a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The face of the man was not kind, and the calculation in his eyes was too deep. At first glance, he was a very shrewd person.

Everyone here knows her identity, and she has nothing to hide, so she nods to admit it.

The woman behind the man immediately made a loud noise.

"It's all your fault! You return my daughter, you return my daughter!"

The woman looked pretty good-looking, but she had been drying up with few tears.

If it is their daughter who is dead, the parents are not as sad as they are.

She said nothing, bypassed the two and entered the door.

The corpse was parked in the open space in the middle, and the faint smell of the corpse was disgusting.

Lin Lin Mengya walked over, but couldn't help feeling a little surprised when she saw a small hand under the white sheet.

It was a very small woman's hand, but the five fingers, but it showed a very strange arc, like, after being choked.

Also, there is an old crescent-shaped scar at the tiger's mouth.

She walked over and slowly opened the sheets.

A picture with a green, tender and tender face appeared in front of her eyes.

But her eyes widened instantly.

How could it be, how could it be her?

"Who found the body and where was it found?"

She turned back and questioned sharply.

The person in charge is the superintendent of the women's college.

I saw that the student was in trouble, he also felt very tricky, so I asked about it carefully.

"I asked those people, and they only said they were found in Houshan. And when they found it, the girl wasn't wearing clothes."

The first half of the sentence was very light, but it seemed like a heavy hammer and hit her.

She looked at the face of the corpse, a smile that was as bright as spring day.

Now, it's frozen forever.

"Xuerou, my bitter daughter! My mother sent you here, my mother regrets it!"

Outside the door, the woman started to dry again.

Lin Lin Mengya had no time to take care of her. She just looked at the corpse and felt sad.

Seeing this, Zhe Lin Nansheng stepped forward and asked: "Don't worry, you will catch the killer."

But she looked complexly at her brother and said gently: "I know her, brother, I have seen her."

Zhe Lin Nansheng shuddered, and his expression was extremely worried.

He thought of Yue Ting.

The woman he was most sorry for in his life, but could not make up for it.

Regardless of everyone's gaze, he took his sister in his arms.

"Don't blame you, Yaer, don't blame yourself."

He knew how stimulating Ya'er was after Yue Ting's accident.

He may be selfish, but he doesn't want his sister, so sad.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the girl and closed her eyes tightly.

Maybe she is not a good teacher and she can't fulfill her wish.

But she will definitely find out the true murderer!

She gently pushed her brother away, signalling that the other party would be fine.

"From now on, I will take over this matter. The rest of you will keep secrets and maintain the order of the college."

She was never weak. Even when her heart was damaged, she can still fight with the people of the Lin family, which shows that her fighting power is powerful.

Huang Xuerou and her are just one side, but she can't watch her being killed, but the real murderer is at large.

She cleared the scene immediately, and wanted to go and inspect the body in person, but when she heard it outside, the cry and noise came again.

The woman rushed into the door and pushed her away, guarding the body.

"What are you doing? My daughter is dead. Do you still want to humiliate her?"

Zhe Lin Mengya calmly looked at the woman in front of her, her features were indeed similar to Huang Xuerou.

"I just want to find the real killer of your daughter."

But Mrs. Huang sneered and said, "I am! You are so nice! My daughter is here to send you innocently, and now it is so vaguely dead, you must give me a statement!"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, Madam Huang, what else can I do for you besides finding out the true murderer?"

The latter did not expect that she was so good at talking. After looking up and down her eyes, she rolled her eyes.

"You called them and let my master go first. I can tell you that my master is also a man with a head and a face. Don't try to fool us!"

Zhe Lin Nansheng waved his hand, and the people blocked outside really let go.

Master Huang quickly followed in, but didn't look at his poor daughter, just staring at her coldly.

"This matter, our royal family will never give up!"

Lin Mengya took a deep breath and bowed deeply towards the two of them, apologizing: "This is our negligence, I'm very sorry for losing your daughter. If we can do it, we will try to make up for it . "

Bian Wenyan, the Huangs and theirs are somewhat proud.

Mr. Huang looked at them proudly and thought for a while before he reluctantly said, "Since my daughter died in your college, then naturally this responsibility should be borne by your college. However, our Huang family is the same A well-informed person. As long as you give us three thousand two silver, plus two shops in the main street of Feicheng. "

一 As soon as he said this, everything he heard was stunned.

Three thousand two silver? Plus two shops on the main street?

Are you crazy?

Gao Linmengya didn't reject it, she just said, "Silver can be given to you, but the shop cannot. It is the private property of the palace family, and it has nothing to do with the college."

But Huang Huang was very dissatisfied and looked somber.

"If you don't give it, just wait for a lawsuit! Whoever dares to come to you to study after I see! Come, bring the lady's body, I don't believe it, there is no place for reason in this world!"

The two husbands and wives quarreled and had to take their daughter's body away.

The people around me are a little anxious. After all, if this matter is really spread, it will really have some influence on the reputation of the college.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at the two in front of her.

They whispered about their daughter's death, but now they are still thinking of relying on her daughter's death to make a fortune.

She could not help but pity the young girl more, and also completely disliked the couple.

"Dean, do you really let them go?"

Xuejian asked quietly.

"Well, go and tell them, either leave with her daughter's body, or take the three thousand two silver, go."

In this matter, she must first compromise.

After all, their girl's parents had no reason to stay if they insisted on taking the girl away.

Things are so heartbreakingly simple.

The pair of very realistic parents promised to take the three thousand and two silver tickets, but Mrs. Huang accidentally said her heart.

The reason why they are so eager to take the girl's body away is to sell the body to a merchant's house as the ghost wife.

And she was also learning from Huang Xuerou's students with her students.

The family she belongs to is a small family with only a few acres of good land.

As a daughter, she was born with a chip.

Now she is dead, but it is still a commodity that parents can exchange for money.

If it wasn't for Lin Mengya's higher price, Huang Xuerou would marry a premature man in the name of a stranger.

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