Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1969: Rush to the village

Her eyes looked a little sincere, Long Tianyu felt that if she refused, she seemed to be stuck in her throat.

Finally, he could only frown, and shaved her nose with a big hand, but said helplessly: "It will be a trick."

"However, it's obviously my husband's understanding."

笑 Small eyes smiled, and he licked his cheek.

Xun Long Tianyu took the person in his arms and gently stroked her back with his big hand.

She was never a kitten that would be captive, but a little lion destined to become the king of beasts.

Now she has steel claws that can protect herself, and even under the circumstances that she never deliberately manages, she already has a group of loyal people.

After all, he must be "releasing the tiger and returning to the mountain".

I was a little bit empty-hearted. For the first time in my life, Long Tianyu, an old-fashioned man, suddenly realized the feeling of the empty girlfriend.

This kind of grievances that I have been expecting to return before I leave, is too much to understand.

Although Long Tianyu passed this level smoothly, he still did not forget to leave enough manpower for Lin Mengya.

Ada naturally follows the three of them closely, and there are Jackdaw Guards headed by Qinghu outside.

The two newly formed escorts of Nangong Palace and Lin Nansheng also sent a team of the most effective attendants.

The most important thing is that she will take the doctors.

Whether it is a plague or not, she is going to treat the sick villagers in the village over there.

I only did so, the doctors who were not enough were even stretched.

想 She thought that if it didn't work, she begged the teacher and one of her uncles to go to herself.

I didn't want to, but unexpectedly, someone came to the door.

"You said, are you going with us?"

Lin Lin Mengya was slightly surprised and looked at Wen Jing.

Wen Jing returned early in the spring and evening, and the people she sent said that Wen Jing only met with his old men and asked about the situation in the doctor's hall.

But for Wen Jing, she still has some anger.

I really do not blame her for being stingy. If someone in the palace family makes mistakes, then she, who is the head of the house, will certainly have responsibility.

Since he has inherited this name, there are certain things that cannot be completely escaped.



Wu Wenjing looked at her, his voice a bit exhausted.

"I want to make up."

"No." But Lin Mengya refused flatly. She just stated objectively: "The person you want to make up for is not me, and you can't make up for anything. Since we are born enemies, we will fight for life and death. Wentang Lord, I hope you understand that. "

I saw that she was so cold, but Wen Jing couldn't get any anger.

These days, he is having a hard time.

In the short span of a few days, the Taoist faith collapsed, and even he began to doubt the meaning of his existence.

He didn't know why he had recommended himself when he heard that the palace family recruited manpower.

He just told him that he should have the heart of the healer, but the poisonous thief in front of him did better than him.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized why he was so sad.

Either they are doctors, they are doctors, they are doctors first, then they are the gatekeepers and the insiders.

Nowadays, it is an upside down.

Since he is a doctor, he must take the responsibility to heal the world, and can't help but cheer up and say firmly, "I'm not in the capacity of a physician, but I'm begging you to let me be in this matter I also played a role in the promotion. So I hope that you and I can both set aside the grievances for the time being, but judge with the heart of a healer.

Lin Lin Mengya was somewhat surprised.

She thought Wen Jing would stick to those old dogma, and she didn't know what to do in her life.

Now that sounds kind of human.

She thought about it, after all, she was not willing to let go of such a labor.

"If I don't agree, I will look like a small device. Okay, I should get off. Pack up your things and we'll be out of town tomorrow."

Wu Wenjing also did not expect that this woman was so broad-minded.

I breathed a sigh of relief and got up and bowed at her.

夫人 "Mrs. rest assured, I will always put patients at the heart of Wen Jing."

Lin Mengya nodded and watched people leave.

I tickled my lips and laughed more than a fox.

Is there such a coolie that doesn't need money, isn't she easy?

The uncle's affairs were resolved smoothly, and she instructed people to prepare some medicinal herbs that could be treated right away, and waited for tomorrow's departure.

"Be careful about everything outside, and don't make yourself wrong."

His great ancestor touched his eyes, and reluctantly instructed.

曾 "Zengzu rest assured that I will be back in a few days."

Zhe Lin Mengya wanted to roll her eyes. From here to that village, it was only a day away. How many families would walk like her, and she could not wait to move her home.

"Mother, you have to come back early! My brother and I will miss you every day!"

Yan Moyan held Ning'er, two long jade carved faces, with two pairs of watery eyes.

弯 She bent over and kissed her two sons, and repeatedly promised that she would go back early. The two boys were still anxious to send mother pictures, which is quite the true story of the male elders in the family.

"Girl, don't be aggressive when everything is outside, but it can't be bullied. If anyone dares to be bad to you, just send someone home to call me, I will definitely teach him to reincarnate!"

Hei Gong Er also followed the excitement, and everyone was sad.

Lin Lin Mengya really accepted her incompetence, and she ca n’t wait to swear that she would really pay attention to this time, but she still could n’t reach her own guys, and she came for an 18th birthday gift.

I always sent her out of the city, and these talents stopped at her strong demand.

Just kidding, should I send it to another place?

Sticky people are sick and have to be cured!

I did not want this normal state of going out of the house. After falling into the eyes of some people, I let them feel a strange trend of thought.

文 In Wen Jing's heart, the poison door is equal to evil.

According to rumors, they are cruel and ruthless, and even exterminate humanity. They can even ignore the lives of innocent people in order to test drugs.

So no matter whether he, his father, or those around him, no matter what method they use to treat the poisoned people, they feel that they are doing justice for the people.

现在 But now he is confused.

In fact, the people of the poison gate also have their own love and hatred, as well as their family and friends.

Their indiscriminate behavior is really right?

He already had the answer. He just couldn't accept it.

Wu Youi sighed, he could only force himself to look over the medical records that Lin Mengya had arranged before.

After walking out of the city, in order to save time, Lin Mengya took the initiative to call the doctors who were with her this time to her own carriage.

At first everyone was still a bit restrained, but Lin Mengya's behavior as a business official gradually let them gradually lose the uncomfortableness of living in a room with strange women.

Alas, they are just healers.

"I think everyone has read the medical records. I would like to hear your opinions on this matter."

看了 She looked around and asked in a low voice.

Among the few people, there was a doctor who had experienced the plague, and he thought about it at the moment.

"I think this disease is not like a plague, but like dysentery."

刚 As soon as he spoke, he got approval from several people.

After all, it is late autumn and early winter, and the seasons are exchanged. If the diet is not clean, it is very likely to contract dysentery.

And without effective treatment, there is indeed a fatal risk.

Ke Kereng Mengya had her own ideas.

On the other side, Wen Jing is also thoughtful.

"Doctor, what's your opinion?"

After hearing her asking herself, Wen Jing shook her head and said, "On the surface, it does look a bit like it. However, people's constitutions are not the same, and their reactions to illnesses are not the same. Many lives were violent overnight. It's strange. "

These words, but also understand.

He also has many years of experience in the car, and naturally understands what he means.

Alas, the discussion went all the way, but after all, there was no conclusion.

Fortunately, at sunset, they reached a nearby town.

After Lin Mengya ordered the doctors to arrange the doctors, they led a walk around the town.

I just didn't want to, but met Wen Jing.

The latter also seemed a bit surprised after seeing her. After greeting each other, they turned to leave.

"Doctor Wen."

I did not expect, but was stopped by Lin Mengya.

Wu Wenjing turned around and asked in confusion: "What's your wife tell me?"

"Are you also visiting the water source?"

The obituary nodded and looked at the river in a small town next to it. "I heard that this is the upstream of the village. I want to see where the source of the infection is."

I did not expect, they actually thought of going together.

Lin Lin Mengya simply asked him to join.

The two of them took people, and Zai walked this section of the river carefully. They also saw the residents of the town, where they took water, but found nothing.

She stood on the bank of the river, Lin Mengya looked down the river.

It is said that there are more residents in the town than there are in the village, and the probability of water pollution is greater than in the downstream.

Why is it that this is a small town without a doctor?

"You have asked the doctors here, how is the situation in the village below?"

She asked the followers behind her.

"Miss Hui, the villagers said that the two Langzhongs in the town were invited away half a month ago and haven't returned yet. So, they don't know the village below is so sick."

"Oh? Was someone asked to leave?"

"My subordinates heard that the family members of one of the squires had a difficult delivery, and the situation was urgent. They were picked up in the middle of the night. The subordinates also went to the squire's house to verify that this was indeed the case. They only stabilized a few days ago, and they were afraid of repeated illnesses, which kept people a few more days. "

Having a baby is a matter of life and death, which is nothing to doubt.

But it just happened a few days after the onset in the downstream village. Seriously, is it just a coincidence?

"Okay, if the two doctors come back, you will let them stay in the town, so as not to get sick here."


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