Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1976: Conflict of forces

Walking on the bench under the shade of the tree, Lin Mengya greeted the two children and sat down.

The young boy pushed away the girl and sat between them.

Zhe Lin Mengya calmed down her coldness and looked at the two children with a smile.

"Relax, I can't tell your Master about this, but in exchange, you have to tell me, who told you that Dean Su of the women's college was going to be kicked out?"

With two at home, she talked to the children, and she felt a little soft.

The little girl was very impressed with her, and she found a small head behind the young boy, and said brittlely, "It was said by the aunts working in the college that they also said that maybe the women's school would be abolished.

Muttering her mouth, the little girl complained, "I don't want the housekeeper to come back at all. If she comes back, we will never have a chance to go out."

I felt a little moved in my heart. I did not expect that even the students in the college were incited.

明白 She understands that this is a little difficult.

If it is not handled well, I am afraid that it will cause turmoil in the college and dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong with the return of the housekeeper? My father and mother said that the housekeeper is Zhenggen. Your dean Su is a villain who takes possession of something and does not return it!"

The young boy frowned, cheering up.

The little girl naturally refused. Two people squinted and quarreled, but Lin Mengya covered her two mouths with both hands.

"If you are not allowed to make any more quarrels, you remember that when the housekeeper returns, Dean Su will not leave. They are good sisters and will not quarrel like you."

The little girl shook her hand and nodded smartly.

The young man broke free and jumped to the ground dissatisfied and said, "Everyone said that, but you said they wouldn't quarrel. How do I know if you're lying? I'm not this silly girl!"

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little curious.

I suppose she uses Su Mei's identity more. Even if she wants to stand in the team, she mostly wants to stand on the side of Su Mei.

Why does this little boy seem to maintain her identity of Gong Ya?

"How do you know that Su Mei is a bad guy?"

"I just know! Our family is rescued by the owner, the owner must be a great person! If anyone wants to grab her things, then who is the bad person!"

Alas, she raised her brows unexpectedly.

I did not expect that today I encountered a young fan.

Although it was a little awkward for her to cling to her, this young boy's mind was not bad.

I just wanted to protect the girl just now, and she couldn't get annoying about him.

"Okay, just as you said, your homeowner is a good person. But that does n’t mean that others are bad. It ’s like just now, you obviously bullied her, but you want to protect her. Then I ask you Are you a good person or a bad person? "

The young boy was stuck, and for a long time he didn't say anything, he could only stare at her angrily, as if a little hand was awkward.

"Well, you all go back. Little guy, you know, you can like one person, but it doesn't mean that you hate everyone. Also, the person who gives birth to you is a woman, and you say how women are , That's tantamount to abusing your mother and sister. "

知道 She knows that not everyone in the college accepts that women can enter the same school, and everything requires a process, but now there are many contradictions, and some things are imperative.

After getting a preliminary understanding of the college, Lin Mengya let go of the two little guys.

She took time to go to the teachers' residence again, and saw that most of the masters brought back from Bai's house were idle in the room.

Compared with their leisure, the original masters seem to be extra busy.

After Lin Mengya secretly investigated the situation, she went home and invited her third brother.

Sannomiya Misaki is also for the college and is too busy.

The current situation is a bit tricky. For those masters who chose to stay before, somehow they actually refuse to cooperate with the new masters.

No way, he can only disrupt the order of the original class and move some students into the hands of later masters.

But these students are also somewhat dissatisfied. Except for a few people who are comfortable with the status quo, there are actually many people who have publicly stated that they do not want to take the new master's class.

As soon as I entered the door, Lin Mengya saw the elder brother's sad face and couldn't help but asked softly, "What's wrong with elder brother?"

Seeing her sister, Miyazawa was a little embarrassed.

Sister Mingming Ming has given the college to his hands, but she doesn't want to have twists and turns, she always bothers her sister.

I thought about it, so I didn't want to talk about this annoying thing to my sister, just shook my head with a smile.

"Anyway, it's just a trivial matter."

"Brother Three, have you heard any rumors these days?"

Hei Miemiya did not take it for granted, but also comforted her.

"It's all nonsense, why should my sister take it to heart. In my opinion, it's all speculation when some people are bored."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head in her heart.

If she didn't realize that something was wrong, she would only laugh if she heard it.

This rumor is prepared and the person who comes is not good.

"Can the three elder brothers tell me why everyone in the college said that Su Mei would leave after the return of Gong Ya?"

Hei Miyazai hesitated for a moment, but didn't realize anything.

"It must be boring speculation of some people, my sister is assured that I will handle this matter carefully."

Seeing him say this, Lin Mengya had no choice but to feel relieved.

But the situation is much worse than she expected.

In the past few days, someone has been coming one after another, and Ning Liang resigned.

Ning Ningliang has repeatedly kept, and repeatedly assured, this has temporarily stabilized everyone's minds.

此时 At this time, a conflict broke out in the college.

A gentleman of the "homeowner faction", at the conference of the masters of the school, impassionedly attacked the "Sumei faction".

此时 At this time, Gongsan realized that the masters they had brought back from the Bai family had been marked as "Sumyists."

Although he knows that this is ridiculous, others do not know the relationship between the two.

He reprimanded the provocative thorn on the spot, and then solemnly announced that Gong Ya and Su Mei are the daughters of their palace family, and they will definitely treat each other as equals and live in peace. In.

But let Lin Mengya feel the crisis.

Now, both Gongya and Sumei have been dragged down.

若 If they coexist peacefully, the two factions will continue to conflict.

But if one of them disappears, the remaining one will become the murderer and accept the words of others.

This trick was a dangerous one, she almost didn't hold her breath.

It's not that she doesn't want to fight back, but that she hasn't found out who has made up the rumor war so far.

She didn't let Long Tianyu step in, because she obviously felt that the person who calculated her must be an outsider who didn't know the inside story.

As long as it is not a problem with her family, everything is still under her control.

Regardless of how busy it is outside, she only knew that if she was silent, the other party would be more reckless.

As long as the other party reveals a little fox tail, then she can hit it in one shot!

But some people probably don't see her leisurely. Just when she hid in the house, Jin Yao took the initiative to ask her again.

No surprise, the Miss Pan was there, too.

After seeing her, the eyes of those two people will inevitably bring some kind of mercy at the same time.

"Sister Su, I heard that you have been bored at home recently, why not go out with us?"

Who is her sister?

Lin Lin Mengya calmly looked at Miss Pan.

For the past few days, she has been thinking about who is behind the scenes.

Now it seems that these two people are the happiest in front of her eyes.

I'm so here today, I'm afraid it's not just to see her jokes?

Gathering away the doubts in her eyes, she asked with a smile: "Miss Pan is so interested. I wonder if you two are going to take me?"

Miss Pan listened to her voice and thought she happened to be so bad that she wanted to go out for a walk. She quickly said, "I heard that some cloth came from the outside a few days ago. I have seen it, so I want to ask my sister to go with me. I wonder if my sister can appreciate it? "

Lin Mengya was a little curious.

She Jinyao didn't say any more, and she had long been grieving with her.

She was a little bit puzzled by Miss Pan's thoughts.

Miss Pan Pan did not know her relationship with Long Tianyu, and it seemed that she had not given up her plan to marry him for the time being.

But in the beginning, she gave her a big face in front of everyone, and even drove her out of Ru Xinyuan in person. How could it be like how close it was to her?

I thought for a while, she rejected both.

"I've been busy lately, let's go someday. If two people see something good, they can tell someone to tell me."

I saw that she refused to go, neither of them reluctantly.

Only before leaving, Miss Pan said with some regrets: "It's a pity. I heard that those fabrics were shipped from overseas. It is extremely rare."

She smiled and didn't answer.

Jin Yao was next to Jin Yao, staring at her face tightly, and snorted coldly, "You can't see such materials, but others may not."

Lin Lin Mengya still insisted on sending people out, but as soon as she left, she asked people to ask about it.

He didn't want the news that person brought back, but it wasn't just about the cloth.

But with that batch of cloth auction, there are also embroidered mothers from overseas.

She always felt that Jin Yao and Miss Pan would not come here for no reason whatsoever.

What the **** did they want her to notice?

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, and decided to take a look in person.

There are a lot of tourists in the Xiong Palace. Almost every once in a while, some people bring rare treasures.

These treasures are either priceless or marketless, so in order to promote the prosperity of business, some auction venues have emerged.

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