Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1985: Fisheye Mixed Beads

Lin Lin Mengya didn't touch the cup of tea, she just looked at the middle stage.

She really wanted to know what the two of them had posted to her, for what purpose.

On the stage, the beautiful Tsing Yi stepped down and replaced with a very handsome Takefu.

Jaina Takeo is not very old, but his eyebrows are very tough. He has a tall body and the action is clear and sharp.

I just know that she has some familiarity with Wusheng's features and behaviors.

I looked at her carefully, Jin Yao and Miss Pan also vaguely exchanged a look.

After a while, Miss Pan retreated with a smile, leaving her and Jin Yao alone.

"Why did you ask me to come?"

Zhe Lin Mengya had to be vigilant, but Jin Yao looked at the Wu Sheng with interest.

"Come, please, there is a good thing. Why, you don't believe me?"

Yu Xin is a ghost.

Lin Lin Mengya is not afraid of her selling off. Since the other party wants to pretend to be a superior, she can cooperate.

Ji Jinyao waited for a long time without seeing the other person to ask. Now if she opens her mouth, she seems to lose her breath.

At the moment, the two of them compete with each other, and they concentrate on looking at the wash.

When the tune was finally scattered, when Lin Mengya was about to pat her **** and left, Jin Yao couldn't help it.

"I didn't see it, Mr. Su's effort to raise his qi is so good."


"I don't know Mr. how does this play?"

Lin Lin Mengya seemed to be unaware, and replied, "OK."

Ji Jinyao raised his lips and smiled with a smile.

"Is it good to play or to be good?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "The play is performed by a person, and it is naturally good to play well."

"Mr. Nasu thinks, will Gongya like this play?"

"What does Miss King mean?"

Ji Jinyao smiled, but his eyes flashed coldly.

"I mean, if Gongya Pipa didn't hold her, wouldn't it be easy to give up automatically?"

I did not expect that the other party actually made such a plan.

"It seems that Miss Jin already has sufficient plans. But, why are you so confident that Gongya will listen to you and quit automatically?"

Ji Jinyao smiled and looked out of the railing.

I saw that Takefu took off the oil paint on his face and it turned out to be a very handsome man.

There were a lot of girls and daughters around her, all blushing to see him.

The man with a slight smile, between the light and dark on the veranda, she finally saw Wu Sheng's figure, which was similar to Long Tianyu's.

It's a pity, in the end, it was a shelf that was barely installed.

"How does Mr. Su feel this time?"

Wu Jinyao took a little certainty and looked at her with a smile.

Gao Linmengya frowned slightly, only thought that if this person was not stupid, it was water in her head.

"I only know people who have eaten Qiongmao Jade Brew, I'm afraid it will be difficult to drink 馊 water."

With a little disdain, she glanced at Jin Yao.

This person, there is only such a means of inaccessibility.

The latter had a blue face, and sneered after she left.

"I don't know anything to lift!"

At this time, Miss Pan just pushed in.

"Sister Jin, did she answer this?"

"She doesn't look at us."

那 "So, how can it be good?"

小姐 Miss Pan looked a little anxious. After Jin Yao glanced at her, her tone was irresistibly vicious.

"Then, get rid of her!"

Zhe Lin Mengya did not rush, but took a walk around and took a person to a drug store in the city.

This place is not attached to the palace or her name. On the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with her.

But the people here are all recruited by Zhenlongtang, which is a secret contact point for her.

I walked into the backyard, and the inside was completely different from the inconspicuous outside. Here, she could know everything that happened in non-Yecheng.

"Check it out. There is a young martial arts student in the Hung Hom Club. Recently, he walked very close to Jin Yao. Please see what he is."

Soon, all the information of Takefu was in front of her.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced, but with a little coolness in her eyes.

武 This martial arts qualification is very "wonderful."

This said that he was a famous celebrity, but unfortunately his private life was too chaotic.

She wore numerous green hats, and was eventually arrested and raped in bed, almost killed.

But then, relying on those nepotism, he picked up another life.

I am now incognito and regaining my old career.

It's a pity, but this man is unable to change his dog's feces. Within a few days, he was involved with a lot of girls and daughters in non-Yecheng.

Those who prostitute wives and daughters can't be beaten to death.

"Master, should I go and get rid of this scum?"

Bai Su looked indifferent.

She, like her master, most despise this scum of bullying women.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, but shook her head.

不必 "No. Jin Yao and Miss Pan want to deal with me, and my mind is not hidden for a day or two. We killed this time, and there will be others next time."

"Let's leave it to them, master?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled.

"How is that? Look at me like a generous person?"

Wu Baisu knew that he was afraid that he would have a plan.

"Just send someone to stare at them. No matter what the wind and grass move, we will return immediately. We just need to wait and see what happens."


Wu Jinyao did not seem to have happened, and continued whatever he wanted.

I was surprised that Miss Pan gave her several posts in a row, and Lin Mengya ignored her and didn't receive it.

She didn't want to have too much involvement with them, and now she feels that these two are too pretentious, even if she can't.

I soon arrived at the 80th birthday of the great ancestor.

Whether it's Lin Mengya or a few brothers in the family, the big guys want to have a fun.

In addition, this year's big brother will also invite the members of the New Chamber of Commerce to the palace family to meet, for the sake of big brother's face, to do a grand scene.

Since they have not returned from the Bai family, the family is busy with the matter.

Nowadays, the palace family is busy in a group.

Even Lin Mengya's foil has very little free time.

And her most important point is to make new clothes.

"Miss, try this one?"

He asked, holding a red dress.

Her skin tone is fair. In recent years, the teacher has assigned her a lot of skin care medicine.

At first, I was afraid that the mask would damage the face, but I didn't want to raise her to be more delicate, and her skin color was better than Xue.

五 Her facial features are beautiful and delicate, so that the bright colors can be called her stunning.

But since the morning, she changed a dozen sets in a row, and now she has n’t eaten a gimmick, and has already starved at Venus.

"It's so white, let me have a bite."

She begged pitifully, but after a while of embarrassment, Bai Yan shook her head with her teeth biting her teeth.

"It's not that I won't let you eat it, but if I eat, I'm afraid it will be affected. Good lady, how can you endure it?"

Gao Lin Mengya's eyes were dark, and she suddenly felt hopeless.

I tried the clothes reluctantly. When the four were together to study the makeup, Lin Mengya finally couldn't help but slipped out of the room secretly.

Where is this life?

Outsiders came and went, and she was embarrassed to be fed with a starving ghost.

Alas, and she was afraid of the four in the yard, and dragged herself back, she would be hungry to the end today.

As a last resort, Lin Mengya had to go to the kitchen herself.

As soon as the stewardess in the kitchen saw her, her face changed and she greeted them in a hurry.

"Have you seen Miss Er, why did you come here in person? We have a lot of stuff here, and we have carefully soiled your shoes."

Although the homeowner returned, Su Mei's identity as a "righteous daughter" has also left the road.

The supervisors replied a few days ago, and since then, Su Mei has been the serious sister of the homeowner.

Alas, she also held the post of Miss Er.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little guilty. To be honest, sometimes she felt confused about herself, let alone others.

I only had "Gong Ya" and "Su Mei" in existence for a period of time, so she had to pay attention to this, so as not to reveal flaws.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm here to find something to eat. You are busy with yours, don't worry about me."

Upon hearing this, the wife-in-law said with a smile: "Where is Miss Er coming here in person? What can you say? There is always something you want to eat on the stove. Otherwise, I will let them deliver it to you Go to the yard? "

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head immediately.

I was kidding. If she was sent to the yard, she would not be able to eat a grain of rice.

I looked at the neighbouring house and it was neat, so she talked to her wife-in-law for a few words.

"Well, shall I eat there?"

The stewardess didn't dare to say more, and immediately went to clean up the house before inviting her into the door.

The house was small but neat.

Zhe Lin Mengya was also picky, only to get her some of the fastest food, and she ate a bowl of japonica rice and ate it.

I was probably because she was here, and the wife-in-law did not arrange too many people to do work here.

And everyone whispered softly, orderly, and no trouble at all.

She rarely comes here, and for the sake of safety, the food of these masters is usually done in the kitchen in the inner courtyard.

But Zeng Zushouchen, plus the first meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, had too much to prepare.

I can't help it, I can only merge the two kitchens inside and outside.

So she hardly knows these people.

She just looked at it casually, but after seeing one of them, her eyes flickered.

I waited until the man left before she came out of the room.

The stewardess immediately put down her work and came over to greet her.

"Are you ready?"

"Well. Xunzi has superb craftsmanship. I'm just afraid of myself. I will become a belly-bellied woman in a few days."

She teased a few jokes with the stewardess, who was also flattered, and it was also rare to see the faces of several masters at home.

对 "Yes, how long has the sister-in-law managed the kitchen?"

只是 She just pretended to ask, but the stewardess, when she came to test herself, answered quickly: "Slave only took over this fall, thanks to your trust in the housekeeper."

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