In the main room, everything came according to her preferences.

In Xiao Xiao's study room, there were travel notes and ambitions she used to watch.

Those papers that him are also placed on the side, there is me in you, there is you in me, more like a home.

"do you like it?"

He pressed it to her ear and asked softly.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded again and again, her eyes were full of surprises.

"When can I move here?"

She turned back, with a bright smile on her face.

When he saw her rejoicing, he rejoiced.

"Any time, as long as your brothers are not blocking you."

Lin Lin Mengya broke her face instantly.

how can that be!

Xiao Long Tianyu was willing to let her down, but only to tease her.

"This has opened up to the underground vault. You can come here anytime in the future."

Looking at her instantly bright complexion, Long Tianyu just felt that she couldn't help it.

She dragged her to sit on the dwarf in the room, and the two talked sweetly.

"Yes, how's the stone jade mined?"

You have to know this thing, burning gold every moment, even if the palace family has Jinshan and Yinshan, you ca n’t waste it.

Nine Dragons Tianyu squeezed her face and was in a good mood.

"The first batch of mines has been made into weapons. At present, the adaptation is pretty good. I just don't know how it will affect the enemy."

虽然 Although this thing is precious, it is actually saved.

Compared with the violent use of heavenly things by the Jin family, the skilled craftsman he invited is to make stone jade into crushed stones, and then inlaid them on the weapons.

I am also probably because the stone jade produced by the palace family is better. A small piece of effect can be equivalent to a stone jade whip of the Jin family.

In this way, the first batch of stone jade they have mined is still enough for the time being.

I nodded, that's good, or if the family was exhausted, wouldn't she be distressed to death?

"I heard, you went to the theater a few days ago?"


Lin Mengya, who was immersed in her own thoughts, did not find at all the jealousy in the eyes of his man.

"I heard that there is a Takefu there who looks like me?"

Gao Lin Mengya felt back in an instant and looked at the goods with a bitter smile.

The point is not right?

Isn't his focus on Jin Yao's plan to frame her?

"Again, he is a fake."

Holding the man's chin, she said word by word, "You are the only one, the skin is like, and I won't look at it more."

Nine Dragons Tianyu was inexplicably excited.

Holding her lips together, she snatched her breath.

Until the end, Lin Mengya didn't make any mistakes, why did this product care so much about a passerby.

After a enthusiastic visit for a while, after having dinner, Long Tianyu sent her home.

"I'm here, you go back first."

I stood at the door, and they reluctantly reluctantly.

Chen Long Tianyu brushed her long hair gently and whispered, "I'll see you in first."

"No, it's getting late, you still go back early to rest."

"It's okay, don't worry about it later. It's getting cold lately, so you have to be careful at night and let them give you extra quilts."

若 If no one scatters dog food beside them, a group of people feel that their eyes are almost blind.


Lin Linsheng coughed deliberately, trying to remind the two sticky guys, don't make meat funny, this bowl of food is a bit greasy.

But the two people didn't see it. After being tired for a while, Lin Mengya walked back to the house three times.

Xiaolong Tianyu stood at the door, a stone of hope for his wife.

Finally, Miyaji couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and pulled in his own girl to come in, and closed the door fiercely.

A slamming "bang" finally saved everyone's eyes.

These two goods are just separated by a wall. It's so different from life and death, isn't it just to show them?

Seeing being disassembled, Lin Mengya was not annoyed, she just smiled and pulled her brother's arm.

"Dead girl, you really turned your elbows out!"

Lin Linsheng gave her sister a white look and poked her little head with her finger.

She poked her lips.

"It's not because every time you are like a queen mother who wants to snor, I'm not here to help you."

Actually, she didn't quite understand what her brothers thought.

She is going to marry next door, Yu said that it would only be necessary to open two yards in the future.

I do n’t know where my brothers came from, and every time I see Long Tianyu either stare with a beard or sneer, there is no time for peace.

Miyaji also wanted to poke her head, fearing that she had a strong hand, and hurt her own Jiao Didi's sister, and had to hate the iron and steel and said, "We are telling him that you have a brother. If he dares to disappoint you in the future, we will be the first to spare him! "

Lin Lin Mengya immediately pleased her and took her brother, she knew it.

After yelling at the two for a few words, I finally made them not feel like a little white-eyed wolf.

"Speaking of which, I received the elder brother's home letter a few days ago, and he said that he would bring a very fancy guest back, but I don't know what it looks like."

I really don't blame her for being curious, but for her elder brother's mature and stable nature, she also learned to sell her secrets in the letter.

I have to make people doubt that he is a special person.

Hagiya Erji said without thinking, "I won't be able to see you until someone arrives."

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at her second brother, if only it were so simple.

I still saw Lin Nansheng's worries and thought about it: "Although I haven't seen the big brother yet, I hear from you that the big brother's eyes are very high. The people he can see are always good."

"I don't worry about it, I just worry, what if this person is a woman?"

She was a little worried, but Gong Er said with a grin: "So what, if we were a woman, wouldn't we have a big cock?"

This wood!

Lin Mengya struck angrily on the second brother's arm.

"If the elder brother really has the person he wants, what can girl Qian Rong do? I can tell you, our palace family can't bear anyone!"

Hagiya Eriya scratched his head, which he did not expect.

I admire Liu Qianrong's little girl.

"This, this shouldn't it? Don't worry, if the elder brother dares to disappoint Qian Rong, I, I"

"How are you doing?"

Zhe Lin Mengya glanced at him, but the latter was indifferent, her face flushed.

The elder brother-in-law's father, especially the brothers of the palace family, had unusual feelings.

"Well, Brother shouldn't have done such a mess, right?"

Lin Mengya could not help but worry.

Some of the letters from Liu Qianrong before she came out.

But the girl was too reserved, and now Lin Mengya is still a little worried, only that she is deliberate.

Brother Bian had mentioned it several times, and Lin Mengya was also preparing for their return this time, so she knew the great ancestor and let them get married.

I only hope that nothing is wrong.

As the days approached day by day, everything that should be stared at was also stared at least. On the surface, Feicheng was still a lively scene.

Today, the news that the grandson of the palace family will bring his caravan back is spreading.

Everyone knows that the palace family will now form a large chamber of commerce.

Once the Great Chamber of Commerce is completed, the palace family becomes the first of the top ten families!

At that time, I was afraid that the royal family and the temple, as well as the ambitious three kings, would not dare to provoke easily.

This is the confidence of the palace family!

"How long will it take for a person to arrive?"

This is the eighth time that Zeng Zengzu is sitting in the main hall.

Zhe Lin Mengya said with a busy smile, "It's almost coming, people who answered said, it's time to get to the city gate."

Big Brother Biao has made a lot of money for the palace family this time, but the danger is also in the shadow.

Therefore, everyone is worried all day.

"Come here! Grand Master is back! Grandma, Grand Master is back!"

This time, it was Lin Mengya's "蹭" who stood up and moved faster than Zengzu, and then ran out of the main hall.

Others are laughing and shaking their heads.

Don't look at this girl looking calm, but in fact, she is more anxious than anyone.

I walked through the back hall and veranda until she stepped out of the inner courtyard, and she stopped.

Now she appears as "Gong Ya", so she must be dignified.

Behind the puppet, Bai Su carried the puppet, followed closely.

But she still walked fast and went directly to the gate.

At this time, a whole team of carriages have stopped on the long street.

"Big brother!"

A bright smile bloomed on his face, his voice sounded like a yellow cricket.

Those who are in the caravan and have never seen her really look, but for a moment, a moment, but could not help but some red heartbeat.

This girl is so beautiful.

But she didn't know it. She just hurriedly walked to the carriage and looked at the handsome man who could not help but jump off the carriage.

瞧 "Look at you, what a child."

Xi Gongbin was very surprised.

I love my younger sister and my younger brother are totally different.

This sister, he can't wait to hold it in his palm.

"It's Zengzu and his elderly people miss you so much, so I'll pick you up first. Let's go, Zengzu and his second brother can't wait.

She was hugging her elder brother affectionately, and was preparing to go inside. Gong Bin suddenly seemed to remember something and stopped.

"Yes, I will introduce you to someone."

He walked quickly to the side of the carriage behind him and said gently to a man, "Brother Feng, this is my younger sister."

"The brother does not have to be so polite. At this time, when your family is reunited, my brother and sister will not disturb the brother. On another day, I will definitely visit the brother."

The sound quality of the man was so clear that it was hard to have a feeling of evil just by listening.

Gao Lin Mengya walked a few steps involuntarily, and saw a white figure standing next to her elder brother.

Gong Bin waved his hand and said with a smile: "Where is the interruption, brother Feng and girl Feng, but the guests are not invited. Come with me, my great ancestors and brothers, will certainly like your brothers and sisters Both. "

Brother Yun's invitation was very sincere, but the man repeatedly refused.

Finally, the elder brother was almost in a hurry, and the talented man nodded in agreement.

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