Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2001: Intentional provocation

I was like a beauty wearing gold and jade. I saw her graceful and luxurious, but not vulgar.

What about businessmen?

I now see that the palace family is so rich and wealthy.

Wu Ningliang still stood at the door, welcoming Octagon guests.

Many of them have a critical look from the beginning.

But the palace family didn't show any shyness from outside to inside, and those people didn't realize it, and gradually changed their attitude.

I do n’t care if Canada joins the Great Chamber of Commerce, but at least the palace family wo n’t let people down.

The number of tartars has gradually increased. As a master, Lin Mengya naturally also has to show up.

But today, she doesn't look like she is wearing a solemn dress at a birthday party.

I was dressed neatly, with a full-blown female business style.

Bian Ma Lian, Cheng Rusong, and a few who have a good relationship with the palace family have long been here and talked to her very happily.

At the same time, she also grasped the outside situation at all times.

Today there are many people, so it's better not to get into trouble.

Not long after, she saw Ma Beichen in a red suit, with his usual flirty smile, and went to the owner of Ma.

"The junior has seen several uncles and housekeepers. I haven't seen them for a few days, so don't come here."

A few people, especially Cheng Rusong, are very familiar with him.

Zhe Lin Mengya's attitude towards him was also moderate, but this time, Ma Beichen did not seem to be the first few times, and when she saw her, she revealed her intention to make fun.

I always feel that the other party seems to have a lot of rules.

Lin Lin Mengya thought and smiled politely at him.

After several people met each other, Ma Beichen got up and left after saying hello.

But Lin Mengya saw Xiao Xiao who was always following him.

Although she looks very similar, she is definitely a woman.

Alas, she is still familiar.

Lin Mengya didn't stop anyone, she just kept secretly watching.

Soon, a few unexpected guests came in the main hall.

"Bali's home arrives-"

For a moment, the front hall was quiet, and almost everyone looked at the door.

She raised her red lips and remained motionless.

I was so dare to come.

After a short while, a party came in.

He is headed by a white-faced boy who looks a bit like the owner of Baili.

But in Lin Mengya's eyes, they are all the same.

"Oh." Ma Lian, with a burst of temperament, sneered first.

马 Since the alliance between the Ma family and the Gong family, the Baili family has not been so secretive, giving the Ma family a trip.

Nowadays, the power of the three of them greatly exceeds that of the Baili family, so naturally there is no need to save face.

"Uninvited, your face is really big."

Ma Lian's mockery instantly made the atmosphere extremely embarrassing.

The young man from the Baili family, with a complexion, looked around for a week and then sneered: "The palace owner, this invitation is from your palace family?

He said, the servant behind the man came out, holding a purple-gold invitation in his hand.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, and her mind turned slightly.

The invitation was designed by her personally. From the material to the content, it is specially encrypted.

And before entering the door, it will be verified before being let in.

So, the invitation is true.

But why, invitations that symbolize the highest level will be sent to the Baili family?

I soon understood.

Because she saw three familiar faces among the people in Baili's family.

The three of Feng's family, standing there for a long time, seemed to be very harmonious with the Baili family.

Lin Lin Mengya remembered that the previous post has always been in the hands of his elder brother.

She didn't think that her elder brother would be stupid enough to send invitations to the Baili family. Besides, she knew that the three Feng families had a good relationship with the family.

I'm afraid, this invitation is their credit.

He smiled, Lin Mengya didn't get up.

"The visitor is a visitor. I don't know what the son calls it?"

Obviously, the young man who consciously lost face is full of dissatisfaction with the palace family.

"Bali Mao."

Lin Mengya nodded and instructed: "You must not neglect Barry."

Belihua was obviously not so easy to pass, and went straight to the position not far from her.

After all, everyone present knows that the more important the family is, the more powerful they are, and they will sit in the most prominent position.

But obviously, there is no place for them here.

Xie Gongping looked at her with anxiety, and apparently felt that the Baili family was not good this time.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya just blinked her eyes and smiled at him.

She'd like to see what idea the Baili family had this time.

As the number of staff increased, Lin Mengya also stopped private conversations with several other companies.

She lightened her throat and exclaimed, "You all."

Suddenly, everyone was quiet and looked at her in the middle.

She got up and looked around for a week.

"Where I want to come, you already know the purpose of my sincere invitation to everyone."

He took everyone's look into his eyes, Lin Mengya saw them, the desire and doubt deep in his eyes.

Everyone knows the current situation of Wei Guowei, and only by being strong can he live well.

Although restricted by the laws of the Patriotic Kingdom, countless small families are lost every year because of annexation.

Who wants to make her sisters, siblings, wives and children become slaves to others?

But joining the Chamber of Commerce is not necessarily the best policy.

I just have more opportunities.

"Today's situation, I think you all know. If we can live together, then we will die. The big chamber of commerce set up by my palace family will not encroach on your respective fiefdoms. Second, we will unite into a whole and advance together. Ants Although small, if you work together, you can bring down the elephant. Who is here, who does n’t have a dream of flying all over the sky? "

Everyone thought about it carefully. In fact, with the current strength of the palace family, even without their participation, they can be safely ranked among the top ten families. Then why do they still want to set up a seemingly nothing to them? What about the big chambers of commerce?

Is it just because of good intentions?

Bai Limao sneered, and said scornfully, "It ’s a beautiful statement from the palace master. Is it true that the palace master is a reincarnation of the bodhisattva? Is it possible to save the world from suffering? Palace master, in this case, you still leave a fool. ! "

There are many people in the crowd who share the same ideas with him.

But no one dared to speak like Barry Mao, without any resentment.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words, but she was not angry.

"Bai Lizi is right, this is naturally the biggest benefit for my palace family."

看 She looked at the crowd and solemnly said: "From the day you join the Great Chamber of Commerce, we will have the same book and the same car. Regardless of currency or weights and measures, we must form a unified standard."

The words instantly aroused heated discussions.

In the past years, each family has developed its own political and economic system because of its relative economic closure.

Even if it is two adjacent fiefs, they may speak two languages ​​that are completely different.

As a result, the development of each family was greatly restricted.

Maybe in the long run, it will be good for everyone.

目前 But for now, it has been opposed by most people.

"How can this be done? If the weights and measures are unified, shall we not suffer?"

"What does the same text mean? Do you want us to give up the things passed down by our ancestors and learn from others?"

"I disagree!"

"me too!"

Looking at the crowd who exploded the pan instantly, Bai Limao's eyes hidden a coldness.

Before he left, his father repeatedly told him not to have a direct conflict with Gong Ya, but to act on opportunities.

Now it seems that she is just a vase.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not rush to explain, but let the people quarrel, and then continued to speak.

"I know that it will be difficult for everyone to accept it for a while. So this is not a mandatory requirement, and we also provide a way for everyone to accept it."

Without a strong centralized power, unified text and weights and measures will certainly be difficult to implement. Fortunately, there are other methods.

"I know that before, when every business was doing business, they would encounter troubles caused by the difference between silver money and weights and measures. In this way, any family that joins our Chamber of Commerce can entrust things to the Chamber of Commerce for conversion in advance. After the conditions are unified between the two parties, they can buy and sell on their own. This service is completely free for members of the Chamber of Commerce. "

This method is much more acceptable than before.

Everyone looked at each other. Compared with the previous request, it seemed that this one was more acceptable.

Moreover, there are also many of them who have been pitted by these inconveniences.

At the moment, someone has a heartfelt intention.

Bian Limao looked disdainfully at the surroundings. It was a bunch of idiots who couldn't even distinguish such obvious traps.

"Your palace family is really kind. But in this way, is it not your palace family who has the final say? In the future, everyone has to look at your palace family's face and use the things that your palace family also owns. Wouldn't they let it go? Do you have a house? "

The words of Bai Baimao were provocative. They came to Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong and felt that this person was too presumptuous.

But somehow, today's Gong Ya is so good-tempered that she has never been angry even after she has been in trouble.

Going on like this, isn't that kid riding on his head?

At the moment, Ma Lian couldn't help but say, "Bai Limao, even if your dad is here, you don't dare to be like you, so you don't know how to advance."

But Bai Limao glanced at each other quite arrogantly.

"Master Ma, since the palace invited us to join the Chamber of Commerce, I naturally want to ask clearly. We are not like your horse family, and we have a close relationship with the palace. You can rest assured, but we may not Now. "

With these words, Ma Lian was so angry that he almost thundered.

Fortunately, Cheng Rusong pulled him in time to avoid the fate of Bai Limao on the spot.

But the man didn't notice it, and felt that he was poking at the pain of the Ma family. He was secretly proud of his mouth. Feng Qi next to him frowned, and gently twirled Bai Limao, whispering to him. What happened.

Li Baili Mao looked at Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong, and his face became more dignified.

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