Nine Dragons Tianyu had to be cautious again and again.

The other party also has an extraordinary bond with Yaer. Even if he never easily believes in the fate's arrangement, at the same time, he will never tolerate it. Any kind may affect his relationship with Yaer.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but take a breath.

"Is this a monster?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at his alarmist man.

"You fool me so much?"

There was a sneer on her face that broke through each other's tricks.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was very serious once, and he was despised thoroughly for a moment.

In desperation, I can only shake my head and smile.

"How could I fool you with such a thing, even if I didn't figure it out. I only know that if the truth comes out that day, it will certainly shock the world."

So evil?

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but arouse a little curiosity, but fortunately she was never a type driven by curiosity to die.

But his words turned into countless doubts, which existed in her mind.

自然 Naturally, someone came to the end of the matter here. They did not alarm anyone and returned to the palace.

He entered the door, and Ning Liang hurriedly greeted him.

"The owner, only then someone heard the news. The son of Barry was almost intercepted halfway!"

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu glanced at each other, did not expect things to spread so fast.

"What's the situation now? Is Barry Mao dead?"

"People have been rescued, but he seems to have decided that they were made by our family. I heard that I was thinking of revenge."

He is not alive or dead.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered and told to go on.

"Whatever you do, leave him alone."

"Yes, I understand. But the son of Barry is special. Since we didn't do it, shall we take the initiative to explain it, so as not to let the interested person find out?

Wu Ningliang thoughtfully, but Lin Mengya didn't care about Baili's idea at all now.

他们 "They're coming, just let them come. By the way, go and send a message to my second brother. From now on, raise the alert in the fiefdom to the highest level."

In fact, the palace family already has a very detailed defense mechanism. As long as she wants, the inside of the enclosure will become like a copper wall and an iron wall.

But this also means that the palace family has to invest a lot of manpower and material resources. Fortunately, the palace family now has no shortage of people and money.

War, when it comes to war, it depends on who can afford the money.

After the Great Chamber of Commerce, Lin Mengya became busier than ever.

签订 After signing the contract, she should specify the relative development strategy for the other party's strengths.

In addition to Bai Yi, Long Tianyu also sent Xue Hua to help.

For this guy who laughed all day, Lin Mengya expressed her distrust without hesitation.

But in the Q & A meeting two days later, Xue Hua's outstanding performance was severely beaten.

He saw the man's tongue and lotus, and he arranged the housekeepers plainly.

When he was less than half a day away, he called those brothers and sisters brothers and brothers and saw Lin Mengya and Bai Yan, which was also amazing.

Sure enough, the friendship between men is so simple.

In addition to women, it is money. In short, it is full of desire.

After the Q & A, the number of people who signed the contract of the Chamber of Commerce increased to hundreds.

In addition to the ten great families, there are dozens of less powerful great families.

In addition, there are countless small and medium families.

They are now, but only won 30%.

But for now, as long as she can fully integrate these 30% strength, then in Weiguo, she can walk sideways.

What's more, her hidden forces are also developing steadily.

At present, everything is moving in the best direction.

"Miss, please see me."

Lin Mengya, who was writing a development plan at her desk in the study, unexpectedly raised her head.

Ma Ma Beichen? What did he come to do at this time?


In the Xiaohua Hall, I was wondering what was going on with this unscrupulous goods, but saw that the man was walking in with frost on his face.

This is strange, the day when the eldest son of the Ma family expressed his emotions on his face?

"I bring you somebody."

When he came up, Ma Beichen said bluntly.

Lin Lin Mengya stunned God for a moment, and then a familiar voice came to her.



I really was her!

Gao Linmengya felt that at the banquet that day, she felt familiar to the servants around Ma Beichen.

I was just attracted to other things at that time, and forgot about it for a while.

Now people are in front of her, she is naturally very surprised.

"Where have you been? I sent someone to find you for so long and I haven't found it, you, why don't you tell me where to go and make me worry about death."

Qiu Liuqianrong smiled embarrassedly, but because Ma Beichen was an "outsider", she couldn't help suppressing her joy, and said, "I was separated from my family, and it was Ma Gongzi who returned me."

After saying that, she said to Ma Beichen very distantly, "Qian Rong thank you Ma Gong for your help."

Bian Ma Beichen has been holding his face for a while, and he almost bites his teeth.

"you are welcome!"

This bad woman who just walked away left him completely abandoned!

I have never planted such a big Master Ma on a woman, but I think this woman is just a personal scum! Negative girl!

The only pride left by him would not allow him to linger on this woman anymore. As soon as he shook his head, people would leave in a huff.

I left Lin Mengya and looked at the two men with a grimace. What was happening?

"Qian Rong, you"

"Miss." Liu Qianrong intercepted her seriously.

"Mr. Ma and I just meet each other, and I have nothing to do with him."

In this case, Lin Mengya expressed some disbelief.

At the moment, she can at least confirm one thing.

Bian Ma Beichen seems very special to Liu Qianrong.

But this is a relationship between two people. As an outsider, it is better not to open the matter.

Qiu Liuqianrong returned, after all, it was a matter of her mind.

Xi Huan happily brought people back to the yard, and they met each other with Bai Ye.

As a result, as she had expected, Liu Qianrong quickly got along with them.

Liu Qianrong also said that she had to sue her alone.

After Xuan dismissed everyone, there were only them in the study.

But Liu Qianrong still hesitated for a long time, and then asked timidly: "Miss, do you believe that borrowing a body to return the soul?"

Gao Linmengya wanted to believe, after all, she was such a magical existence.

Even now, she doesn't understand why she has such a wonderful situation.

But for Liu Qianrong's mental health, she still has to talk slowly.

"The world is full of wonders, things we haven't seen may not exist."

She seems to have finally found a person who believes in herself. Liu Qianrong grabbed her hand tightly and said eagerly: "So, this matter is likely to be true, right?"

别 "Don't panic, what happened to you?"

"I" Liu Qianrong swallowed a spit, and there was a trembling trembling in her voice.

"I saw it with my own eyes! Miss, Feng Qi and Feng Wenyuan, they, they have actually died once! Now they are the people who borrow the body!"

I was probably because things were too unacceptable, Liu Qianrong squeezed her hand particularly hard.

Lin Lin Mengya could feel the cold hands of Liu Qianrong, and she did not know how much suffering she had endured alone.

"How do you know this? Also, did you leave the caravan because of this?"

Lin Lin Mengya shook her hand, trying to appease Liu Qianrong, who was scared.

The latter bit his lips tightly, telling this weird experience.

"When the brothers and sisters of the Feng family first appeared, I felt something was wrong."

Because there were few women in the caravan, Liu Qianrong naturally took care of Feng Wenyuan.

She lived, lived, walked, and gave her everything for her, for fear that the girl would be wronged.

Until one night, she got some fresh lychees and deliberately delivered them to the other party with ice.

He didn't want to, so he broke the secret of their brother and sister.

"I, I knocked on the door, and there was no one in it. It was not very late. I thought that Feng Feng had just fallen asleep and thought that something would not be fresh tomorrow, so she pushed in and tried to call her to taste Early adopters. But when I walked in, I saw Feng Feng fell to the ground. I thought she was sick, so I went forward to help. But I did not expect that she, she was out of breath! "

The situation at the time really frightened Liu Qianrong.

She repeatedly checked her nose and pulse to make sure the other party had died, so she thought about calling the doctor.

"But when I came back with the doctor, I found that Girl Feng was awake again! Her brother was beside her and said that Girl Feng had committed an old illness just now, so let's make a fuss. I'm sure I read it right She was really out of breath at the time. But when I saw her again, she stood alive in front of me! "

The horrifying scene made Liu Qianrong still shivering.

With her common sense, how can a person be born again?

Except for returning souls!

When Lin Mengya heard this, her eyes flashed a deep meaning.

While comforting Liu Qianrong, she was thinking, isn't the situation of the other person similar to herself?

But she thought about it and thought it was impossible.

If you change your core, at least your behavior will change.

比如 Just like her, don't look at the roots and sprouts here, but the habits developed over the years are not so easy to change in a moment and a half.

All behaviors of Feng Wenyuan did not reveal any violations.

I'm afraid, this one is really a little secret.

"Miss, I'm sure they have a guilty conscience. Because they never had any hostility towards me before, but after that incident, they targeted me consciously or unintentionally. They even framed me to steal the young master's stuff!"

I was angry, overwhelmed by fear.

Especially Liu Qianrong's most shameless planting and framing. When she was forced to move out with her mother, she was also slandered by her mother.

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