Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2007: Hero saves beauty

现在 And now, the person they want to get rid of is her.

But Lin Mengya did not understand why they found themselves.

"You said they were sent away by Master Feng. What is the reason and where was they sent to?"

"It seems that it was because their birth was bad and it was the life of the father and mother. They were sent to rest in the countryside by Master Feng, but the genus went to find that place. Although there was indeed a pair of Feng family brothers and sisters, but The subordinates asked them in detail for details. They were a little bit different from the current brothers and sisters of the Feng family, and they lived in absentia. They deliberately avoided people. So the subordinates suspected that they might be substitutes. "

This is a little strange.

Based on Master Feng's personality, after sending away his children who are not good for him, why would he find a substitute for his children even if he still has some conscience regardless of the situation?

Unless, he has other plans.

Lin Mengya knocked on the edge of the table unconsciously.

The secret seen by Qianliu Qianrong made her sting in her throat, but if she said it, she would be treated as a lunatic.

I thought for a while, she changed a question.

"Apart from these, can you find any suspicious people around Brother Feng and Sister?"

After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head.

"Except for Bai Limao, Feng Fengzi doesn't seem to have any special communication with others. He used to have a relationship with some other families through his relationship with the granddaughter of the palace family. But these connections have also been broken since the last birthday party."

He nodded and Lin Mengya signaled that he could retreat.

兄 There are a lot of secrets behind the siblings of the Feng family, and the Feng family has a close relationship with Hou Zun, so it seems that she really cannot be taken lightly.

"Miss, the fellow of Cuiweige sent the news and said that His Royal Highness invited you to come over!"

Outside the door, Bai Yan said with a smile.

I am very different from my brothers' rigorous preparations and bitter feuds. Since they know that Murong Xi is Long Tianyu, they are looking forward to their wedding day by day.

Even, they have begun to prepare their dowry and dowry.

Isn't this the difference between the mother-in-law and the old husband?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the expectations of these people, as if she didn't go, she was disappointed.

"Your Highness must have prepared a surprise for you, or I would invite you to Baba."

Bai Yan said happily, while pressing her on a chair, untied her usual bun.

In order to maintain the majesty of the palace owner, her current clothes are mostly purple and red, which can be suppressed.

Today, probably because of going out for a "dating" relationship, they brought her a pink dress.

The magnificent hair crown of Xinzhuang was replaced by a pink tourmaline.

The whole person is almost going to be tender, not at all like the usual dignified housekeeper.

感觉 "I feel like I'm a lot younger."

She touched the pearl tassel and said with a smile.

"My lady is only 22 years old, naturally young!"

Bai Yan combed her hair, jokingly.

Lin Lin Mengya heard the words and could not help but sigh.

When she lived to this age in her last life, she was just a college student in medical school.

Although I was working hard every day for my livelihood, but now I want to come, I feel that my life at that time seems to be simpler and purer.

That is like now, whenever and wherever, you have to be prepared for fighting with others.

Alas, I don't want to, I want to cry for sympathy for myself.

I took Bai Su and Bai Yi to go out, Lin Mengya's mood along the way, as if it was the first date, even with a little brisk footsteps.

Riding on a sedan chair, he soon arrived in the non-leaf city, the most popular Cuiwe Pavilion of young boys and girls.

Speaking of which, she came here for the first time.

"Miss, you are here!"

The eye-catching guy immediately greeted him and let her into the shop.

She was one of the best looks in the world, but now she is dressed up and tender, but has a little more affinity.

Around him, the amazing sight of men and women constantly floated, but it made her somewhat unaccustomed.

After all, it's still more convenient to get used to the ordinary reaction of Su Mei.

My dude didn't dare to neglect her, and took people directly to the second-floor compartment.

"Okay, don't say hello to me, go and get busy."

After my buddy got tea, Lin Mengya let people leave.

Looking across the window, she looked downstairs, her mouth raised, and she couldn't help laughing.

What kind of surprise did she prepare for her?

I was thinking, and I saw a galloping horse running in the downtown.

The street vendors around were trying to avoid it.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned when she saw it.

"Bai Su, go and see."


The latter turned directly under the window, but the matter was too late.

I wonder if I was frightened or too late to react. In short, she saw a woman standing in front of the steed, and she was about to be hit.

Fortunately, at this moment, a black man suddenly rushed out to rescue people.

With a bang, he actually knocked down the running horse with both hands.

The woman snuggled up in his arms, staring at her own benefactor.

As soon as a hero saves the beauty, maybe according to the normal script, the next step is for the lady to love Ende and go straight to the picture.

Unfortunately, something went wrong with the script.

I saw only a very heroic man who had just turned up and threw the beauty out of his arms.

I'm right, I just lost it.

The people around me were quiet.

Before, they were scared, but now it is another kind of scare.

Lin Mengya, who was sitting on the second floor, picked up tea at this moment and slowly put it into her mouth.

With her excellent eyesight, there is absolutely no chance of reading it wrong.

The man is the one who called her today.

As for the woman, it is Feng Wenyuan who has recovered from a serious illness.

I am very good, it seems that my last resort is still too mild.

Next to the cricket, the white crickets who had just recognized the "dog men and women" had eyes that were immediately enlarged and their faces flushed.

"Miss, it is Her Royal Highness Ms. Feng!"

"Well, I see it."

"How can they hold each other? 呸, shameless!"

"Well, I think so too."

"What are you waiting for, let's go hunting immediately!"

"Oh, don't worry."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, watching the scene on the street calmly.

This time, if she didn't give her a reasonable explanation, Long Tianyu wouldn't want to go to her door again!

"Thank you for your help."

Feng Wenyuan, who was thrown out, immediately returned to his heart, and was busy saluting to thank the man for his kindness.

The man's handsome face was cold at the moment.

He doesn't like any physical contact with women other than his wife. Besides, the woman in front of him still counts him.

"Go away."

He whispered in disappointment, and had no intention of showing mercy to him.

Feng Wenyuan shuddered in his anger.

But she still bit her head and wanted to show her most pitiful side.

The moving water eyes were looking at each other with affection, but they were frozen back by that cold handsome face.


启 Holding her lips lightly, she almost wanted to escape the eyes of men.

Fortunately, someone called her from behind.

"Sister, are you okay?"

As agreed before, Feng Qi hiding in the crowd, with a little anxious face, appeared in front of the two of them.

He immediately pulled over Feng Wenyuan, looked up and down, and then said with a bit of blame: "Why don't you suddenly see people, which makes me think you have been lost!"

Feng Wenyuan just shook his head and gave a secret glance at the man, and said softly, "I just saw a child who was almost kicked by a horse and pushed him away, but he forgot to dodge. Fortunately, there is this son , Saved my life. "

Feng Qi looked at Mu Rongxi immediately, as if he had just recognized him, and said with a smile, "It turned out to be His Royal Highness Prince, Feng Qi on behalf of his sister, thank His Highness for his life-saving grace."

The gaze of those who watched the crowd immediately became a little more ambiguous.

Although everyone knows that His Royal Highness Prince has a marriage contract with the house owner, but which man does not want a three wives and four wives.

What's more, it is His Royal Highness, this kind of man who is born to be wives and concubines.

Even though Fei Zhengfei is there, aren't the side concubines and the servants still vacant?

Now, it is the combination of heaven and heaven, the destiny of God.

文 Feng Wenyuan lowered her head, looking like a harmless rabbit.

Xun Long Tianyu only saw her pretentious and disgusting.

At the same time, he felt a chill on his back.

I felt a sense of crisis that I couldn't understand anymore.

What a mess, even his wife saw it.

His Royal Highness, at this time, could not care about Gao Leng, but his heart was even more annoyed that he had dared to design his brother and sister Feng.

"You two, you have the courage."

I was in the middle of the city, but this sentence made the two people understand clearly.

Then came the crushing momentum of the man.

Brothers and sisters of the Feng family were almost biting their heads and did not run away immediately.

此时 But at this moment, their hearts were a little disturbed.

"What does Your Highness say, our brothers and sisters, just want to thank you for your kindness. I don't know where it is, it offends you and I don't know, please ask for it."

Feng Qi chose to play silly to the end, but Long Tianyu couldn't stand it, so he was fooled.

"Since you want to die so much, I will fulfill you."

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the two selfless people with disdain.

"Your Highness, You, You"

Feng Qi was horrified, and at the same time, he was extremely angry.

He seemed to see all his own tricks in front of this man.

This kind of clown jumped on the spot seemed to be naked, but it greatly stimulated his self-esteem.

In the past, he has been so humiliated.

He couldn't help, looked up, and said indignantly, "Why is your Highness so aggressive! The villain just wants to thank you. Since you don't like it, the villain will retreat. Sister, let's go!"

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