The sorrow and cloud of mist are gradually dissipating, and it is two months before the Chinese New Year, and the guests in Fangshi are getting more and more.

Except for the four cities, the other cities are open to members of the Chamber of Commerce.

This move of the Xun Palace family has won unanimous approval from members of large merchants.

Zhe Lin Mengya also released the wind, and will recruit a group of members of the large chamber of commerce again after the year. However, they need to submit an application in advance, and they can join after review.

For a while, those who hesitated and waited and couldn't help patting their thighs to regret it.

I knew it early, so I might as well join it from the beginning.

She's been out early and late every day for the past few days, so busy.

She Jinyao also came to see her several times, but she was blocked back.

Night dreams are no longer so menacing.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

Now that she has been officially named “Wanjin Club” in the headquarters of the large chamber of commerce, Lin Mengya is having a meeting with the core members of several large chambers of commerce.

In addition to the palace families who are in absolute dominance, the Cheng family and the Ma family, as the first batch and also the most staunch supporters of the Chamber of Commerce, also successfully occupied a very important position.

In addition to them, there are two larger caravans.

的 The heads of the two caravans are Song and Sheng.

One person is in charge of shipping and the other is in charge of land transportation.

With them, we can revitalize the major chambers of commerce throughout the country.

Regardless of being an elder or a member, for the generous distribution of Gong Ya, mainly based on strong and strong partners, they are quite satisfied with her.

Therefore, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

"The Great Chamber of Commerce is just now established. This is a business plan for the coming years. Please look at it."

Wu Ningliang immediately presented the business plan that was rebooked to them.

After reading a few people carefully, Lin Mengya did not speak at will, but became a listener tightly.

In this kind of thing, those few are experts, she is just a guise.

"Other things can be put aside first, but the above said that the palace family wants to use medicine and food as the starting point for cooperation. The old man thinks that it is not appropriate."

Tong Songda touched his beard and was smart and capable, so he immediately found out the loopholes in it.

Other people also expressed the same meaning.

Grain is still okay to say, just this medicine, there are some problems.

You have to know that although the profits of pharmaceuticals are huge, there are doctors' commissions and jurisdiction, and the returns are greatly reduced.

Moreover, the doctor's hall is not easy to deal with.

The experience they have gained over the years is that it is better to stay away.

Wu Wenyan said, Lin Mengya smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't know yet. Not long ago, our palace family and doctor's hall completely broke."

She spoke softly, but the rest of the people seemed to be thunderous.

The two heads of the Cheng family and the Cheng family are not too surprised, but Song Da and Sheng Fangtian stared at her in surprise.

"House owner, this joke is impossible!"

Xun Shengfang Tianxu said, expecting that this was just a joke from Gong Yaxin.

I didn't expect that, but the man looked at him gently and said, "In the eyes of Sheng Dangjia, am I the kind of person who can joke around casually?"

With a click, Sheng Fangtian heard his heart and broke into a slag.

His face became dark for a moment. His inner madness pleaded guilty to his ancestors, it was all his fault. Now, I am afraid that it will ruin the century-old family business that his ancestors managed to slay down!

"Master of the palace, do you know that a small businessman like us is most afraid of an accident on the road. Now that you are confronted with the Doctor's Church, if we have any symptoms on the road, wouldn't we just have to wait for death? ? "

Wu Songda's words also became bitter.

Lin Lin Meng Ya suddenly felt that she seemed a bit excessive.

Look, what frightened these two elderly people.

"Two people, in fact, don't have to be so worried. I know the concerns of the two people. In fact, although the influence of the Medical College is large, I am also prepared. You can see that in the configuration of the caravan, every twenty Man, I have an accompanying doctor. This way, you can keep your safety on the road. "

The two turned back quickly, and it turned out that on the uniform caravan specifications of the Great Chamber of Commerce, in addition to the accompanying doctors, they were also equipped with chefs and guards.

At this time, the two of them were relieved and relieved.

"But the most terrifying part of the Doctor's Hall is its influence. Gong Ya, we can't help but guard."

As soon as Cheng Rusong spoke, he hit the point.

In this regard, Lin Mengya also made arrangements.

"Actually, the Doctor's Church has gone backwards over the years, and there may not be no opponents. It's either obliterated by the Doctor's Church or it's just a little bit of trouble and it won't be a climate."

She Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong both smelled some other flavors from her words.

He waited until Song Da and Sheng Fangtian left, and Ma Lian and Cheng Rusong all mentioned the matter instead.

"Girl Gong, what you are going to do this time is not small."

Ma Lian appreciates her personality very much.

But appreciation and appreciation, he could not regard the future of the Ma family as a child's play.

The same is true of Cheng Rusong. Facing the serious inquiries of the two, she sighed and said slowly: "Today's world, who can we rely on not relying on ourselves? Do you think that the physician's hall can run for so many years, relying on Is it just a relationship? "

At this point, Ma and Cheng were naturally clear.

The power structure of the Wei Kingdom may seem simple, but it is a muddy water.

勾 The connection between various families, the battle between the temple and the two emperors, and the ambitions of the three kings kept the internal affairs of the nation in a state of extreme tension at all times.

I can still maintain the balance on the surface because of the constraints of all parties.

Once the chaos caused by this balance is broken, I'm afraid that it will make the nation and life a mess.

"The Physician Church is very mysterious, and even the information we can find is very limited. Is it possible? What is the relationship between the Physician Church and that?"

Cheng Chengsong has a keen mind. As for "that" in his mouth, he refers to the underground fairy city.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and replied: "** Do not leave ten."

In these days, with Wenjing's intentional acquiescence, they have collected a lot of first-hand information from the physician's hall.

Some of the above shows that part of the esoteric skills of the Doctor's Church is the same as the things shown by Xiancheng.

Therefore, Lin Mengya speculated that, even if the Doctor's Church is not a force directly controlled by Xiancheng, it may be related to it.

If Xiancheng really relies on operating the physician's hall to penetrate the forces on the ground, it would be terrifying to think too much.

The three of them fell into silence.

The old brothers, Ma Ma and Cheng, have tacit understanding for many years.

They also thought of this level at once. When they thought that for many years, the medicines that might have been imported might have been manipulated by Xiancheng, they felt shudder.

"According to you, the doctor's hall really can't stay."

Ma Lian has always been a fierce means of action. It is not that he is vicious, but in a troubled world, weak and incompetent, is to push himself and his family to the bottomless abyss.

"Girl, what can you do?"

He looked at her and asked.

The latter thought for a while before saying: "I think that to destroy the physician's church, we must first cut off his hands and feet, and then dig up his foundation. Finally, we can cut the grass thoroughly and root it out."

"what do you mean?"

"Start with Baili's House!"

A glimmer of cold light flashed through Lin Mengya's eyes.

This time, Barry Mao made a special trip to find her a difference, clearly showing the contradiction between their two families to the world.

How can she be indifferent?

"It's okay. I've long seen the boy from the Baili family unhappy! At a young age, he's not as attractive as his old man."

眯 Ma Lian narrowed his eyes and whispered: "As long as he is not allowed to die in Feicheng, there are so many bandits on the road, who knows how he died?"

Cheng Rusong looked at his old friend silently before he uttered a word.

"Your mind is really a display."

"Old thing, who do you say!"

梦 Lin Mengya is immune to their routine quarrel.

Bali Mao must die, but how to die still needs some means.

After a short while, Ning Liang walked in from outside.

"Miss, the son of Barry is here. He said, here is something for you."

Quarrel, stop instantly.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes. This is really true. He had no choice but to vote. He said loudly, "Please."

内 In the "Tao Zhu Hall", Bai Limao arrogantly sat directly above the top.

When I saw Lin Mengya's host's home, I didn't get up, but just said very timidly: "House owner, don't you mind if I sit here? Hey, it's really too shabby in your country. I just stayed for a few nights. It hurts my waist and legs so much. Only this chair can make me more comfortable. "

Hehe, Lin Mengya could not help sneering in her heart.

Let's not say anything else, in terms of wealth and fashion trends, her non-leaf city is far more than the main city of Baili's.

"It doesn't matter."

She made a very generous expression, and then ordered someone to lift up a master chair carved with a flower pattern, upright, sitting in the center of Taozhu Hall.

Don't look at it as a chair, but there are hundreds of colored stones inlaid on it, which is really inhuman.

In the jealous eyes of Bai Limao, she took a leisurely seat.

"This chair is not my own, I'm not used to sitting. Butler, remember not to shame on such a shabby chair in the future. Don't I have a chair made of white jade, just use that next time. . "

Lin Xuanfu, a crazy monster, said lightly, and Bai Limao, who had already been smashed into gray by that second, had a somber face.

Now he only knew how ridiculous he had just said.

"Complained" after finishing the chair, she turned her head around and asked with all her heart: "Have you got to talk about business now, boy?"

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