Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2018: Father's whereabouts

Bali Mao thought about his purpose, and swallowed back into his stomach.

Even if the palace family is rich again, what will happen?

They don't have the ability to guard this wealth, they are not just a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

As soon as I thought about it, everything here was from their Baili family. He started from just now, and he was jealous and leaping with joy.

Look, in the end, these are his!

"The housekeeper is really imposing. I am here to send you an invitation."

"Oh? That's really unfortunate. Recently, things are busy in my house and I can't spare time to go far away. So, it's better that the son of Baili returned this time and by the way bring my mind together ? "

But Bai Limao showed a bad smile.

"Do not draw a conclusion so early. My father said that if you see this invitation, you might change your mind."

After speaking, Ning Liang stepped forward and took the envelope containing the invitation from Bai Limao's hands.

After Lin Lin Mengya opened, her eyes were shocked when she saw only the contents inside.

I just recovered very fast, but she didn't reveal any flaws.

But looking at Bai Limao's eyes, there was a little more intent to kill.

"What does the owner of Baili mean?"

"My father's meaning is very simple. On the third day of March, the New Year's Eve, our Baili family will convene this medical conference. At that time, we also ask the owner of the palace to take time to come."

After Li Bailimao said, he got up and left.

But when she passed by, she couldn't help but stop and whispered: "The house owner, a woman, should be in the boudoir to serve her husband well. Here is the man's world."

But Lin Mengya just looked at each other coldly and refused to let it go.

"Is that so? But I think that Barry is more suitable to be raised in a deep boudoir. So it makes people laugh and be generous."

"Hum! My teeth are sharp! I want to see, when can you make your mouth hard!"

"No way, it's natural. It's better than a hundred miles, a clumsy tongue raised the day after tomorrow."

Lin Bailimao was so angry that he flew away, but he didn't see it. Just as he turned around, Lin Mengya's green fingertips gently ejected a small black pill.

"Do you want me to find someone and detain Bai Limao?"

Although Wu Ningliang did not know what was in the envelope, he was keenly aware of the undisguised murderous power from an owner.

不必 "No, you go first, I want to be alone."

Su Ningliang nodded and left, and at this moment Lin Mengya took out the envelope tightly squeezed in her hand.

She grabbed a small cyan stone and slipped from the envelope onto her palm.

Stones are actually very ordinary, but because they have been pinched in their hands for years, they have a very rounded arc.

In the cyan-gray interlaced texture, a "Lin" shape is formed.

东西 This thing is unique in the world. It was accidentally picked up on the side of the road when she was eight years old. Since then, she has been with her father and never left.

No wonder she couldn't find her father.

I turned out to be in the hands of the Baili family.

And they threatened her with her father!

She clenched her fist with a touch of firmness in her eyes.

Yeah, let her take some good advice, the means of the Baili family!

Immediately after the night, Lin Mengya appeared in the branch of Zhenlongtang.

的 The branch owner who got the news in advance, is now respectful and is sitting at the table waiting for her.

In addition to his position, there are many backbones.


I saw her enter the door, these church masters stood up and shouted, calling her extremely embarrassing.

This time, Lin Mengya did not evade, but just nodded calmly.

"Everyone sit down, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, sister!"

"From now on, I want every branch in the church to pay close attention to the movement of the Baili Family and the Doctor's Church. Also, I want you to secretly suppress all the properties of the Baili Family!"

She ordered coldly, and all the members of Zhenlongtang agreed to it without saying a word.

"Sister-in-law, rest assured that this matter is wrapped up in the cousin."

"Well, besides that, I want you to do one thing."

She looked at the candlelight on the table, the strange purple awns, hidden in her eyes, but it was inexplicable and felt a touch of chill.

"I want you to keep going to the main city of Baili's home to supply the freshest fresh meat. The best is to slaughter in the main city. Then, pour the blood of those animals into the wells. Also, every You all have to use this powder and mix it with your blood. "

Behind him, Bai Su picked up a wooden box.

The master of Fen Fang Tong opened it and saw only the powder of Baihuahua inside, and the powder also smelled like a **** smell.

"Yes. But please also eldest sister, give us brothers, give antidote, so as not to be poisoned."

But she said: "No need, this is not a poison. Even if you eat it by mistake, there will be no harm to your body. This thing can only make the blood smell more fresh and attractive."

So, the owner of the branch was safe to put away the things.

But he felt that the elder sister's words seemed to be especially cold.

Seductive? Could it be that the older sister wants to attract wolves?

But in any case, they will follow the command line.

I made a battle plan for the Baili family, but Lin Mengya's troubles were not relieved.

She doesn't know if Barry's family will treat her father this way, and she's sure that when she was in the temple, her father must not be at Barry's.

So what happened during this time will let his father fall into the hands of the Baili family.

Speaking of which, she didn't worry about her safety at all.

Because she knows, she must go this time.

And be sure, rescue father!

"Be careful!"

Lin Mengya, who was in deep contemplation, was pulled away abruptly. Behind her, a carriage passed past her.

But the other party didn't stop, but instead ran into the night and escaped.

"Are you OK?"

The voice of concern made her realize that she was almost in the arms of others.

But fortunately, she responded in time, and her arms were subconsciously blocked on her chest.

Xu looked up, but saw Lu Jiuzhong's handsome face with a little worry.

She stepped back immediately and pulled out of his arms without hesitation, thank you.

"I'm fine, thank you for your help in time."

The horse-drawn carriage rushed out suddenly, and she was a little bit distracted, but the Bai Su beside her was in shock.

And looking into Lu Jiuzhong's eyes, he was still a little confused.

The two men only touched their eyes, Lin Mengya noticed that Bai Su's defense against this person.

It seemed to me that something had happened before.

"I also happened to happen, I did not expect to be Miss Gong. It's early, why is Miss Gong outside?"

Qi Lu Jiuzhong bowed his head and asked gently.

But Lin Mengya took a step back unconsciously and politely said, "I have something late to do today. If there is no Lu Gongzi, I'm afraid I will have some hardships. In the next day, I will thank the door.

There was some hesitation in Lu Jiuzhong's look. He raised his hand and tried to touch her shoulder, but Lin Mengya suddenly fell down.

The latter smiled a little slyly, and said disappointedly, "Miss Gong, seems to hate me?"

Suddenly the poor tone suddenly made Lin Mengya feel a deep sense of guilt.

Anyway, this person has saved himself, hasn't he?

"No, I'm just not used to being too close to people."

"I can rest assured that."

Just a word, let Lu Jiuzhong smile.

That Qingjun's extreme appearance, because of this dizzy smile, added a little boy-like innocence.

"I was just afraid of being hated. I thought I had done something to make Miss Gong misunderstand me. I was the smallest at home with sisters on it. So naturally it was a little different for women. I also asked the palace Miss, don't get me wrong as a frivolous disciple. "

Lin Lin Mengya felt that she probably overreacted.

I think of it, it seems that from the first meeting, Lu Jiuzhong never really did anything bad to her.

Instead, she was always thinking that the other party was misbehaving towards herself.

"That's the case, that's a coincidence. I'm all brothers above, and I'm envious of your sister."

Lin Lin Mengya joked that although her brothers were good to her, one or two of them really bothered her too much.

Lu Jiuzhong smiled shallowly before he said, "I feel that if I have an older brother, I don't have to be lonely every day. My sisters are too terrible to be together. "

He said, Lu Jiuzhong showed an expression of fear.

Lin Lin Mengya certainly knows.

When I was in the orphanage, there was only one boy younger than her in the courtyard.

The older girls regard him as their brother.

I was together but the girls were really noisy.

The atmosphere before the two had eased a lot, so when Lu Jiuzhong offered to send her home, Lin Mengya did not refuse.

Along the way, Bai Su was separated between them.

After Jiu sent the person to the gate of the palace, Lu Jiuzhong smiled and stopped.

"I have sent you home safely, and I am considered to have fulfilled my merits."

Lin Lin Mengya also smiled and thanked.

"Yes, thank you son Lu."

"It's just a trivial matter, why don't Miss Gong thank you."

Ji Lu Jiuzhong waved her hand and watched her leave.

However, just before the door opened, Lin Mengya was stuck in place.

Subsequently, many complex emotions such as surprise, grievance, and thoughts appeared on her face in an instant, and finally, only a condensed, brilliant smile.

She ran almost uncontrollably and put in the arms of that person.

Lu Jiuzhong, who stood in the night, gradually, sinking his face.

He stared at the man deadly, watching the woman in his arms.

Then if he is aware, look at him.

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