Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2025: Intentional anger

Under the dim candlelight, the man in black didn't do anything, just standing behind the woman, there was a sense of oppression that made people only want to surrender.

The woman standing in front of him was clearly beautiful, but it did not give birth to the slightest ambiguous mind.

When Luan was locked in those watery eyes, she felt that her mind was pierced by her.

The little black cat that was fed so lustrous and slippery raised its head, and in the dark place, the cat's eyes showed a strange light purple.

It's just that the two people in the cell were too scared to notice.

别 "Don't be afraid, Xiao Hei just went in and said hello to you. I have heard a rumor these days when I have nothing to do while strolling on the street."

Lin Lin Mengya seems to be a gossip, but her eyes have been staring at the reactions of the two people.

"I heard that Master Feng's children were bad at that time, so he was sent to Zhuangzi in the countryside to raise him. He was not taken back to the government until he was an adult. But since they returned, Master Feng's children who had fled, I don't know what kind of evil he committed, either dead or wounded, and one was crazy. "

Feng Qi stared at her coldly and said indifferently: "So what? Is it true that the housekeeper also believes this nonsense such as life pattern? Their death or injury is their own bad luck. Our brothers and sisters, it doesn't matter! "

Feng Qi now has the demeanor of a gentleman of his day.

What He said was really selfish and indifferent.

"Yes, what Feng Gongzi said is. At the same time, I heard another thing. Master Feng is not the only younger brother of the posthumous, and because of the relationship between the two, they are not as close as they seem on the surface. . It is true that the post-respect has a pair of biological brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, they have been abandoned at home since they were born. Because they are a pair of deformed people. "

At this time, the expressions of Feng Qi and Feng Wenyuan gradually became choked.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood still and drove herd beast in secret.

Xiao Xiaohe raised his back high and made a gesture of attack.

Since the magpie is a herd of beasts, it must be the nemesis of the maggots in the world.

Therefore, Lin Mengya is betting that Xiao Hei will work for those two.

It seems to be a bit effective now.

兄 The emotions of the brothers and sisters of the Feng family are no longer stable.

"In the Feng family, it ’s already a fatal situation not to be killed. But it also means that they have to remain incognito since then and can no longer be recognized. Fortunately, they have the protection of the queen mother and barely. They can still survive. But after the posthumous maiden married, their lives will be even worse. "

She slowly talked about the follow-up of the brother and sister.

In the prison cell, Feng Qi and Feng Wenyuan trembled as if thinking of something that made them extremely scared.

"I don't know everything you said! Let us out!"

启 Feng Qi clenched his fists and squeezed the growl from the gap between his teeth.

Lin Mengya raised her lips and teased: "You two who are nephews and nieces, of course, are not clear. But compared to them, you are relatively lucky. At least, you can inherit the Feng family in a glorious future. No longer like It is the shame of the Feng family, living in the mud and being trampled by. People like them should not even be born, you say, right? "

Lin Mengya intentionally stimulated brothers and sisters Feng Qi.

Sure enough, when she said that they were the shame of Feng's family, Feng Qi could not help but rushed to the door with red eyes.

With a bang, he crashed into it.

His hands were claw-shaped, trying to hold the **** woman's throat.

"Shut up! Shut up! You know nothing, you don't know anything!"

Lin Lin Mengya took her time to look at Feng Qi who was crazy, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"I don't understand anything, but you don't need to be so angry for monsters you haven't seen in both faces, right?"

"Monster" two words, deeply hurt the heart of brothers and sisters Feng.

At this time, Xiao Hei was almost like lightning, and made a shadow, and rushed towards two people.



Both screamed in pain.

Xiao Hei quickly emerged from his cage and sat at Lin Mengya's feet.

"be good."

弯 She bent down and gave a small black head lightly.

Xiao Hei can restrain 蛊 in all parts of his body.

Xiao Hei took a bite just now. If the things on them were really 那么, they would be completely suppressed by Xiao Hei.

"You are

Monster! You are! "

Feng Wenyuan, who was always behind Feng Qi's guard, got up and snarled at her resentfully.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at them quietly, and the hatred in their eyes had already been twisted.

That is the resentment accumulated after being ignored, trampled, ridiculed, and humiliated.

That ’s why she deliberately broke through what they least wanted to face, that period of being forced to sink into darkness.

In fact, Lin Mengya did not look down on the meaning of the brothers and sisters. On the contrary, in modern society, many people with inherent insufficiency will face life with a positive optimism.

Maybe their efforts are several times that of ordinary people, but they also can get flowers and applause.

For her, they are just apples bitten by God, just like her.

But the two in front of them, because of the deformed person's identity, have become monsters.

"Look at you two now, 现在, even if you change your body, it is just a joke in the eyes of others."

Extremely contemptuous words, let the emotions of the two erupt completely.

They lost their minds completely, and stretched out their hands across the fence, trying to tear up this abominable woman.

There was a beast-like roar in her throat, her eyes wide as if she was going to devour her.

Nine Dragons Tianyu stepped forward and protected the person in his arms.

Frowning his frown, Han Mingya was stopped by Lin Mengya when he was about to cut off the two pairs of obstructing claws.

"It's okay, they seem to react a bit!"

She said lowly, her eyes were staring at Brother and Sister Feng.

I saw the two who were still angry just now, and the hatred and anger in their eyes faded away.

In the end, it turned into a daze.

"噗通" two sounds, the two suddenly to the end, no action.

Gao Linmengya just wanted to go to check it out, but Bai Su was the first to take it.

The girl stepped forward cautiously and felt their pulse.

"Master, rest assured, alive."

As soon as the words came out, the two woke up again.

But now, they are the same as before.

"Who are you guys?"

"Feng Qi" looked at them alertly, and instantly, no matter the temperament or the look, it was like changing a person.

Lin Mengya stepped forward and asked tentatively, "Do you remember who you are?"

"Feng Qi" looked at each other suspiciously, then nodded gently.

He looked around and became nervous again.

"Where is this? What else do you do? I beg you, let us go!"

After I finished speaking, he kept begging.

After Lin Mengya observed for a while, she bent down and said with Yan Yue: "I won't hurt you, I know, you two are the real Feng Qi and Feng Wenyuan, right?"

The words of Lin Mengya made "Feng Qi" startled.

爬 He crawled to the door of the cell and stared at her tightly.

"You, you know I'm real? But no one believes me. They, they all believe that ghost!"


Lin Lin Mengya asked.

“Feng Qi” nodded in horror, telling her softly.

"There are ghosts in this world! My sister and I just got turned on by ghosts! But these two ghosts are too cunning, and they never let us wake up easily. Our sober time is getting shorter and shorter, I am afraid that After a while, my sister and I will never be able to wake up! "

Beside him, "Feng Wenyuan" hides behind his elder brother in fear.

I am more pitiful than Feng Wenyuan, who is so pitiful but heartless. Now she is closer to the fear and helplessness of a teenage girl.

不 She doesn't know if there are ghosts in this world, but she's sure that Brother Feng and Sister Feng are definitely not ghosts.

别 "Don't be afraid! Tell me, how did this ghost get on you, and when did you start? Think about it, maybe, I can help you."

Feng Qimulu was surprised.

Obviously, he did not believe her words either.

But his strong desire for survival still forced him to pin his last hope on this woman.

Swallowing and drooling, he said nervously: "My sister and I were raised in a big room from an early age. They always said we were sick, as long as we ate

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