Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2030: Heavy piety

I didn't know that Lin Mengya, who had met her brother and her brother in separate identities, had reached some "unspeakable" agreements. At this moment, she really felt the pain and was happy.

"Homeowner, hot water is ready, please take a bath."

两个 The two mother-in-law were finally invited to her by her mother, perseveringly knocked on the door and walked in.

This time, it was her bathing.

Gao Linmengya looked a little weird.

Just now, she tried it for herself.

On the occasion of the reception banquet just now, there were only four who gave her food.

One is responsible for hot dishes, one is for cold dishes, and one is for soup, the remaining is responsible for checking for shortages.

If it wasn't for Lin Mengya's repeated claim that she had a hand, she could eat by herself.

I'm afraid there will be someone who will be responsible for feeding her.

Don't say, there really is someone responsible for this.

So, under the grumbling eyes of the man, she ate her meal and finished her meal.

Last year, the landlord was not so good at it!

"Homeowner, here it is."

She was interrupted.

I looked up and saw a bamboo house.

It was written in extremely quaint font——Jade Tangquan.

The taste of the house was not particularly strong, but Lin Mengya knew that it was hot springs.

At the moment, his eyes raised a little spirit.

It is good to soak in hot springs, it can relieve fatigue, and can also be beauty.

看 The two saw her like it, and immediately opened the door with a smile.

"Homeowner please."

Lin Lin Mengya left here immediately.

看 From the outside, this is just a bamboo house.

烟 However, the inside is so smokey and beautifully furnished.

Cobblestone pools are smooth and somewhat wild.

There is also a small bamboo couch next to the lotus root, which is also surrounded by a screen to prevent the possibility of light exposure.

一 As soon as she saw it, she hurried forward and reached out to stroke the water in the pond.

The warm pool of water narrowed her eyes comfortably.

同时 But at the same time, a word from Xiaoyao caught her attention.

I just didn't show her face.

After all, we cannot undermine everyone's good intentions.

"It looks like the owner loves this place!"

One of them was Sha Shawa, said happily, Lin Mengya nodded, took off her coat, and tried to enter the water.

The swill was brought into the pond through a large copper tube.

At the same time, there are other water pipes leading out, so the hot spring water here is always fresh and clean.

The temperature of the matter quickly relieved her fatigue.

By the shore, even a mother-in-law brought a lot of fruit.

It's obviously winter, but these fruits seem to be freshly picked, and they seem to be carrying the dew.

"Homeowner, if it's hot, you might as well try our local specialty."

Another mother-in-law Ran also greeted her warmly.

Lin Mengya immediately swam to the shore.

Xi Chizi is not tall, just to her waist.

So she is free to move and is not afraid to slip.

"Mr. Ran, what kind of fruit is this?"

She curiously stirred up a shot.

The red fruit is about the size of her finger belly and looks like a modern cherry, but it is slightly harder.

I took a bite and bit it off, sweet and sour, only a small seed.

"This is our cherry from a hot spring cave in Houshan. Every homeowner likes to eat it, so every year when it matures, we will all pick it. Freshly delivered to the homeowner, if the homeowner If you ca n’t finish it, make it into jam and send it to the owner. ”

Listening to her mother-in-law Ran's memory, she remembered that when it was just winter, there were indeed a few extra jars of cherry jam at home.

She prefers sweet food, and this jam fits her taste.

With two babies, a few jars of jam were eaten up in half a month.

However, for her mother-in-law Ran, it was a whole year's intention.

She doesn't really feel much about the position of the homeowner.

He said that he was responsible for the entire palace family, but most of the work was done by several brothers and great ancestors for her.

But here, she felt the heavy feeling that all her net worth was in her own hands.

Maybe she can easily decide their life and death, but this feeling of mastering the power of others' life and death is not so wonderful.

"What's wrong with the owner? But it's not tasteful?"

Mother Sha was a little scared.

They haven't seen the owner for too long.

When the last homeowner came, they were still children holding their mother's clothing.

Educated from an early age, the homeowner is their sole goal of survival, and they exist for the homeowner.

Therefore, I only care about the words and deeds of the homeowner, lest I let the supreme sun and moon in my heart have dissatisfaction.

Qi Lin Mengya quickly shook her head and grabbed a few more cherries, indicating that she wanted to rest in peace for a while.

Only two mothers-in-law resigned.

Leaning on the warm pool, Lin Mengya closed her eyes and thought.

Before I came, she didn't expect the palace family, and there was such a part that she was completely loyal to the family members.

She will never let them anymore. She will only live with the goal of being the owner forever.

But their loyalty is unquestionable, but it reminded her that she really lacked such a person in the family.

Imagine if there were some key positions, people who would not betray the palace family and not betray her would be much less troublesome.

Maybe some people can't understand such loyalty.

I think if they see the temptations outside, maybe they will become a betrayer just like those people.

But Lin Mengya knows that such thinking in itself is a denial and insult to these people.

Loyalty has never been impossible.

She was thinking about how to bring this group of people out of Zhuangzi, but she felt the door was opened.


She was hot, and her voice was softened.

She thought that someone would come in and rub her back again.

But the next moment, she dived into the water suddenly.

With a gurgling noise, she emerged from the other side of the pool like a flexible mermaid.

"Who are you? How dare you come here!"

She is still wearing a thin gauze, even if there is no spring light, but the soaked gauze is attached to the body, still sketching her beautiful curve.

She glared angrily at the man squatting over there with a wry smile.

The latter stretched her body, her gaze turned and swept towards her chest.

"Beauty beauty, I came to serve you naturally. Don't worry, I will make you want to die!"

Xi obviously insulted and made Lin Mengya angry.

But she didn't scream or call for help like a man imagined.

Instead, she just quietly stayed in the pool and looked at him.

With that look, the man gradually felt a little uneasy.

怎么 "Why, you also want to be happy with my brother lonely and unbearable? Okay, my brother will come with you!"

After speaking, he touched his belt.

What's weird is that at least the woman who should panic is calm at the moment.

Look at it like that, it doesn't seem to be frightened.

He seemed assured that he was afraid to do so.

The man's hand on the waistband stopped so awkwardly.

"Who sent you?"

"No one sent me, I just haven't seen a woman as beautiful as you."

Gao Linmengya hooked her lips, her enchanting figure spread out, she was a strange man who didn't care about her.

Suddenly, the other party obviously did not expect that she would be so bold.

"I suggest you, next time you put on a man, put two eggs in your pants pocket."


She looked at the lower part of the "man" with impunity, and her red face was full of smiles.

"Little sister, you will understand when you become married."

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