Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2042: The mystery of the mountain god

Granny Wu Sha closed her eyes tightly and seemed to have been appointed.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not deal with her on the spot because Sha Sha owed more to these people.

Wu Gongling was almost out of control.

Gritting his teeth and red eyes, he squeezed his fists and growled.

"Why are you doing this?"

Granny Wu Sha just smiled bitterly, opened her eyes and looked coldly at Gong Ling.

"Why am I doing this? If my son is still alive, why should I be so!"

Seeing her mention of Yingnian's premature son, the people were silent.

Granny Wu Sha is middle-aged and widow. Fortunately, she has a son.

But in the past few years, because of the bad situation of the palace family, they often make ends meet.

In order to supplement his family, Sha Sha's son often goes hunting in the mountains, or digs some herbs and wild fruits.

But just three years ago, the year before Lin Mengya returned to the palace.

Zhu Zhi's side can hardly even provide food. In order to survive, Sha's mother-in-law ventured to hunt wild boar in Houshan.

They are hiding away from the adults in the clan. Several half-old boys, with their courage, lost in experience and physical strength.

Finally, several people, except Sha Sha's son, picked up a life and returned.

After they confirmed, Sha's mother-in-law fell off the cliff in a panic and fell into a meat pie.

Since then, hatred has taken root in the heart of Sha Sha, the mother-in-law of the bereavement, and gradually twists.

The past, always with the coldness like winter.

Even though Gong Ling was angry and unbearable, she couldn't bear it, and she blamed her mother-in-law.

"You shouldn't betraying the family, either."

"Hehe, I have done good deeds throughout my life, and sincerely worshipped the owner, but what did I get in return? Hehe"

The blood of Mother Sha's mother-in-law continued to flow from the corner of her mouth, her throat like a broken bellows, hoarse and unpleasant.

Everyone who is a parent has some emotions.

Even if she was abominable, she was excusable.

可 林梦雅, but a contemptuous smile appeared.

"Your skills in storytelling are great. You said your son died three years ago. Why is there someone in Zhuangzi who claims to have seen him in Houshan?"

Saying this, instantly made Sha-sha's mother excited.

Lin Lin Mengya looked down at her, peeling away her camouflage a little.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet. When Xiao Xue wakes up, she tells me everything. She said that she was in Houshan and saw your son. After seeing her childhood friend, Xiao Xue felt like she was in a dream. Oh, maybe She will also be afraid, but your son is a master of hypnosis. In this way, his childhood playmates have become one of your conspiracy. I know you want to delay time, let your The son ran away, but unfortunately, he couldn't run away calmly. "

The blood smashed and blocked Sha's mouth.

She was strangled when she wanted to speak, and coughed strongly.

But the more she coughs, the more severe the wound becomes.

In the end, she was almost alive and strangled by her own blood.

Wide open eyes, little bit of vitality.

In the end, she still showed flaws.

She also expressed some sympathy to her clan members, and her expression on her face was also very complicated.

The reaction before Mother-in-law Sha Sha's death said everything, but what she didn't know was that Lin Mengya just lied to her.

Xiao Xiaoxue simply forgot everything that happened in Houshan.

But the Jackdaw Guard, who has been monitoring the clan in secret, has received a very important news.

Mother Sha Sha never went back to the mountain.

What I know is that she is afraid of touching the scene, but her son

Aunt's body has not been found so far.

As a mother, no matter if the child is alive or dead, she will want to have a result.

Also, the mother-in-law often goes to Houshan with some food and daily necessities at midnight.

The man of the Aya Guards secretly followed, but every time, he lost his way in the back mountain strangely.

But when they were completely guarding the way down the mountain, they found that every time, no matter when they were guarding, they would not see Shapo mother down the mountain.

Strangely, the next day they saw the mother-in-law of Sha as usual.

So Lin Mengya guessed that Houshan must have a secret passage to go down.

This also explains why those children bypass the search of others and return to their homes inexplicably.

So, Sha Shawa is indeed the "mountain god", but she is not the only "mountain god".

She glanced at the corpse on the ground. For whatever reason, Mother-in-law and Mother-in-law killed those innocent lives and committed the heinous death penalty.

"Miss, sit down for a while."

Bai 芷 supported her to the stone platform where the sacrifice was placed.

The situation outside is not good, but no one rushes in for half a day, you can imagine the degree of sticking.

银色 The silver seed has been hidden by her in a particularly safe and secret place.

But she grabbed a purse around her waist and seemed to attach great importance to it.

I looked away and never left the ear chamber or the door outside.

Hope that goes well.

When Lin Mengya entered the graveyard to explore, Long Tianyu took the person to Houshan.

His face was so cold that almost everyone who saw him couldn't help but tighten his body, for fear that he would make the Highness lively.

带着 He took people and went to Houshan first.

Xue Hua held a compass that could point in his hand, and followed him step by step.

"Strange, this is actually a ** array. No wonder we can't find the so-called mountain gods no matter how we look."

But what made him even more strange was that Long Tianyu did not use him to point his direction, but step by step, firmly toward the real road hidden in the flowers and trees.

"I said, Your Royal Highness, since you know the way, why drag me here too?"

As soon as Wu finished speaking, Long Tianyu stopped.

With the swinging of his arms, the people and horses in the back also quieted down.

"From here, it's up to you."

Sunda's tone was slightly cold, and his eyes looking at the deep mountains were a little bit bad.

The small ** formation before that was just to stop people from coming up.

开始 Start here, is the real killing.

If you do n’t pay attention, you will trigger the organ.

He noticed the last time he came, so he didn't enter.

After speaking, Xue Hua nodded.

俊 A cheeky face that has always been cynical, reveals some dignity.

"Follow me, remember not to touch anything in the array. Otherwise, we will all die here."

Although the back of Wu was silent, Long Tianyu and Xue Hua knew that these people would be very cautious.

Xue Hua calculated the position and carefully took the first step.

In the forest of Laoshan, except the sound of the wind passing through the leaves, no other can be heard.

Xue Hua step by step, holding his heart, and walked into the killing array.

Almost every few steps, Xue Hua has to recalculate.

他 For his genius, Qimen Jiajia, this place is not only difficult to entangle, but also extremely gloomy.

As long as you take the wrong step, there are countless traps, and it is impossible to escape.

On the way, they also saw the bones of many people and animals.

These are all mistaken.

Except for some birds and reptiles, there are no other moving and living things here.

"This formation method is simply not to give people a living, nor is it to create much sin!"

Xue Hua scolded as he walked.

When he worshiped the master, the first sentence of the master was that he should not be arrogant.

派 The fact that they are dealing with mountains, rivers, flowers and trees, they are in awe of these things.

It takes extreme patience to break through the array, even Xue Hua's back has been wet with sweat.

But he still carried his breath.

Absolutely, we can no longer let this kill array stay and kill the soul.

"Well, they have always been like this."

Chen Longtianyu's voice was dull, and he could not hear his emotions now.

Xu Xue, who had just figured out the next step, looked at him with a little surprise.

"You mean, the killing here has something to do with that group of people?"

Chen Long Tianyu nodded and said, "The entrances and exits of the three cities below the fairy city are all arranged with such a killing array."

Xue Hua is not as deep as he knows, but also knows that this killing is extremely confusing.

It's not difficult to squint at it, but if you get caught in it, you can't even escape.

He glanced at the compass and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

呵 "Oh, it's so depressing that it should be exhausted."

After saying that, she devoted herself to her great cause.

Long Tianyu, who was a little behind, kept pressing his hand on his own weapon.

阵 This array of tricks is so tricky, even if Xue Hua breaks the array, it is not necessarily safe.

As soon as they were about to step out of the woods, Suddenly, the sound of "嗖 嗖" broke from all directions.

Xue Hua's eyes were startled, but he wanted to dodge subconsciously, but was held by Long Tianyu's hand.

"do not move!"

He was as stable as a mountain, and the sword in his hand was lifted up to the sky, which meant that the people behind him should not stand still.

的 The mountain forest that was still alive just now became quiet again.

Xue Hua opened her closed eyes.

I was weird, and there was no pain in my body. Everything was as usual, without the shadow of a hidden weapon.

This, what's going on?

"It's a deliberate sound. Once we mess with ourselves, we will be strangled by those traps!"

Xue Hua did not expect it.

Immediately, I felt angry in my heart, and looked at Long Tianyu's eyes, but with a bit of incredible.

"Your Highness, how did you judge?"

He saw Long Tianyu's hand, holding a sachet, his eyes softened instantly.

"We have inhaled some poisonous powder since we came in. But these poisonous powders can only be caught off guard by cooperating with such noise."

Xue Hua only felt a cold sweat.

Then he looked curiously at Long Tianyu's sachet.

那 "Are you ready in advance?"

不 "No, this is my wife's own configuration for me. I usually take it with me, don't you know?"

After I said, I gave him a scornful look.

Xue Hua was immediately arrested.

Is it discriminating against bachelors? He is also a fiancee!

But Long Tianyu saw his thoughts in an instant, and chuckled: "Oh, you first think about how to survive on your fiance's Longfeng sword."

Xue Hua: Heart jam!

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