Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2051: Parent-child time

The people outside looked at her with ease, and couldn't help sighing with relief, each student rejoicing.

He was the man who thanked him for a moment, then went crazy like a mad man, and ran in with red eyes.

She didn't stop.

I have cleaned it up anyway, and Xie Yi must be worried about her body.

My great-grandfather came to her with a smile and glanced at her, and the little baby who was not yet long in his forearm frowned suddenly.

"Oh, why so small! Hurry up, find a nurse and give your child more food!"

The little boy curled up in his chest, looking at the softness and pity.

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head and said helplessly: "No, I'm afraid this little thing doesn't even have the strength to drink milk. Moreover, he can't eat it. Don't worry, I have a way."

Fortunately, when she was preparing before, she really took all aspects into consideration.

Carefully hugged the child to her house. Here, a special crib was ready.

And the inside was cleaned again, and everything that could have an adverse effect on the baby's body was moved out first.

The large outer room seemed a little empty.

But there is no other way. The child is too young. How can she be relieved if she doesn't take care of herself?

The inside was very warm. When Lin Mengya put her baby in the crib, two anxious children came from outside.

"Mother, can we come in and see the little brother?"

异 This same strength, I'm afraid that I just wanted to come and was stopped.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled.

My two sons liked to play with my uncle before. After learning that there was a little brother in the belly, they often talked to the little brother.

孩子 The child has suffered a lot before she was born. She hopes that Mo Yan and Ning Er will be able to protect him more.

As soon as the door was opened, the two babies stretched out two white and tender hands, raised their fat little faces, and could n’t wait to ask, “Aunt Bai Su has just taken us to bath and changed my new clothes. Can we go inside and see the little brother? "

Lin Lin Mengya did not expect that the two little guys were so good.

I lay down and squatted down, and gave two goodies one by one without any hesitation.

"Okay, but keep quiet, your little brother is asleep."

After glancing at the two little guys, they narrowed their necks silently and covered their little mouths.

The two big round eyes are full of nervousness, as if this is a very important task.

Lin Mengya watched Cola, and smiled and pulled the two babies to the inner room.

The crib is a bit high, and the two babies gently took off their shoes and placed them neatly before climbing onto the bed and piercing their necks to see the little brother sleeping in the bed.

The little guy has no meat, so it looks crumpled and doesn't look good.

The two babies immediately showed disappointment.

"Mother." Mo Yan turned her head to look at her in frustration, pointing at the baby in the bed and said, "He must not be the younger brother of Auntie's house. Is it wrong to give his mother?

"Why do you say that?"

"He's so ugly! He doesn't look like auntie at all, he doesn't look good yet!"

Lin Lin Mengya was a little speechless.

最近 She recently discovered that the eldest son may be a Yan Kong.

Not only must the food, clothing, and transportation be beautiful, even the servants who are waiting must also be smooth.

I do n’t have to be that way, but every time he sees that his appearance is inconsistent with his aesthetics, he will directly say that he is ugly.

I was said to have cried several times because of this

My little girl is about to become a domineering family.

But this is his own cub, which is not good for humane destruction now, right?

After thinking about it, Lin Mengya patiently explained: "He is your little aunt's younger brother's baby. This is the case with newborn babies. They will look better when they grow meat later. Moreover, everyone has his own appearance Characteristics, my mother felt that the younger brother is also very cute! "

But did not expect, Mo Yan sighed heavily.

"Mother, I didn't expect it, so you don't have such a vision."

He said, looking at her with that obviously pitying gaze.

Lin Lin Mengya's hands itch instantly. Is this bear child driving her into violence?

No, this is her cub, give it another chance!

She turned her head and looked at her younger son with a sweet smile and a kind look.

"Ninger, do you like little brother?"

Su Ning'er raised her small face, then shook her head firmly.

"Too weak."

Come on!

Lin Lin Mengya really wanted to pull both out and spanked!

谁 Who taught this?

Being a man depends on the connotation, not to mention that it's not even a day since he was born.

He sneered, and said that people, you were just born, no better than others!

He pressed his face, clamped the two under his armpits, and hurriedly walked out of the door.

Xiao Long Tianyu was waiting at the door, but it seemed a bit unhappy to see his wife.

He looked away and immediately fell on the two little skin monkeys.

"You angered your mother again?"

Two small faces are confused.

Hey no! They did nothing.

Huh? Is your mother angry? Why is she angry?

But Lin Mengya saw Long Tianyu but didn't appreciate it. She put two young people in his arms and hummed coldly: "I'll follow you!"

Nianlong Tianyu had just secured the two babies, and before waiting to ask, the door was closed.

The father and son were standing in place and looked at each other.

Huh? Madam, why are you angry?

Every day, everyone prepares for the coming New Year.

Dong Wei is only Dongyuan, but always quiet, no one dares to be disturbed.

The childbirth production is the secret of the inner court. Anyone who works in the inner court is a person who can be trusted. Naturally, no one will leak the news.

Lin Lin Mengya also turned upside down almost day and night, to take care of the baby.

Fortunately, there is a Shennong system that can help her adjust her sleep. You should know that an effective sleep of an hour can make her fight again and again for a long time.

And she is resting, but the small medicine can be used 24 hours a day, to help her detect the baby's condition, so that she has no worries.

So when everyone was worried that she would not be able to support it, Lin Mengya was pretty energetic.

Baby was also feeding by her, and she had a little bit of meat on her body, which made her look even more adorable.

And after a few days of separation, it was also the first time that the little guy went to see his parents.

I came out of the main house and went to my child's confinement room, but a few steps away, she was the one who ordered a windproof glass cover to cover her and walk.

As soon as I entered, Xie Xuan couldn't help but ran out, seeing the maidservants around, smiling sullenly.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but twitch her lips and joked softly with him.

"It's all my father, why is it still so unstable? If outsiders know that we thank the host

If you look like this, you won't say that you are the ghost dragon king once in a thousand years. "

In Xiegui City, because of Xie's management and iron fist, more and more people have returned to Longshun Town.

Except for the ghost town owner who has been hidden behind the scenes, there is no other force in it that can compete with Zhenlongtang alone.

Everyone in the ghost town said that Zhenlongtang is a true dragon, and Xie, who is the master of the church, is a ghost dragon king.

到底 Lin Mengya knows exactly how brutal, bloody, and struggling there is.

And the boy who would still fight with her at the beginning was really growing up.

Xie Xie retracted her hand, but her eyes stuck to her son.

This is his son!

Hey hey, how good!

But the baby is too young to dare to pick it up.

I couldn't stay away, and followed Lin Mengya and sent the child to her.

丫 This girl has a lot of ruddy complexion. Although she doesn't seem to have any spirit, she should still be recovering well.

"Are you better?"

Laoer smiled and nodded, his loving eyes fell on his son.

Lin Lin Mengya taught her how to hold a baby.

I was probably born with motherhood in my bones.

Although I just became a mother, I still hold the child in the right way.

The sleepy little fellow probably felt the familiar atmosphere, and his little nose smelt the smell of her mother, and her little face arched into her arms.

I don't know why, I'm red.

When Xie Xuan saw it, she gently wrapped her shoulders.

怎么 "Why are you crying? Isn't your baby good?"

"I know, I just feel sorry for him. If it wasn't for me so useless and I couldn't protect him well, he wouldn't have suffered such a great crime."

Actually, 纭 Er has always blamed herself.

She hadn't noticed the baby's previous situation, and after giving birth, she has been thinking about why she launched in advance in the past few days.

Sisters have been seen by Sister Ya, so there is no mistake.

Her diet is also prepared by someone.

The only possibility is that you are not careful.

It is because of her intention that such a small child suffers from human suffering.

Lin Mengya took out her handkerchief, and gently wiped her tears, soothing: "Don't cry in your eyes. Even though he suffers, you are not upset. The two of you are alive and dead together, holding hands from Those who rushed through the palace of the King of the Kings finally managed to embark on this bright future together. You can't hinder my nephew! "

Min Er nodded and stopped her tears.

She is weak and cannot feed herself for the time being.

But more hugs, 纭 er's uncomfortable heart, and less.

Lin Lin Mengya retired with a person.

Although the baby still wants her to continue to take care of her, the daily parent-child time will help her recover.

Even so, she can't just sit back.

After changing clothes, she took someone to the small flower hall.

Inside, Ning Liang has been waiting for her for a long time.

"Have seen the owner."

"You're welcome, Ning Liang, you only tell me what the results of the investigation are."

The tenderness of my baby and my baby was gone.

The current Lin Mengya is just the fierce house owner.

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