Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2053: Another year

The basic facilities in the house of the palace palace are much more perfect than those outside. Although they are far from modern, they are also in a process of gradual improvement.

Wu Ningliang was deeply moved in this regard.

Some of the old men who had been in contact with him in the past all expressed that they were jealous.

Wu Ningliang is really raising her eyebrows now, feeling deeply that she really is the right person.

When she heard her proposal, she even raised her hands and feet to agree.

"This method is excellent, you say, what should we do?"

Lin Mengya said her thoughts again.

Is actually the kind of newborn bag now.

Put together some very necessary things that children can use at birth.

This way, after the child is born, it can be used.

But in order to make it available to the big guys, and willing to use it, she thinks that it can be made of different materials.

If you have ordinary conditions at home, you can choose a basic model. If the conditions are good, you can choose a high-end luxury model.

In this way, you can prevent the situation from happening to a certain extent.

Tong Ningliang understood and went to work.

In just a few days, the palace's essential package for newborns was launched on the market.

讨 In order to win a good prize, Ning Liang made a good name for different types.

There are "Bag Backgammon Packages", "Fortune Leading Bags", "Thousands of Gold Lady Bags" and "Ice Snow Smart Bags".

一 Once a wide range of newborn bags were launched, they won the favor of the people.

Not only is the name good, but the contents inside are also rare and practical.

At home, anyone who has recently planned to produce and has this intention will buy one to prepare first.

However, the reason why it is so popular is because of some "celebrity effects".

According to Lin Mengya's prompting, Ning Liang used her name in the shop.

"Recommended by Gongya, the house's owner!"

This sentence is better than any advertisement.

她 Under her rapid response, the neonates who swept across many places did not invade the palace home.

I may not see anything now, but after ten or even twenty years, when the palace family suddenly became the first clan of the patriotic nation, the advantages of these new lives will be highlighted.

So despite the turbulence outside, the situation inside the palace house is still very stable.

The people did not cause panic. After all, under her offensive of three days and five days of propaganda, everyone had some preliminary scientific consciousness.

To this end, Lin Mengya also held several training courses, mainly training some wives or wives in the family to deal with the situation of some newborns.

There was a storm enough to destroy the tribe, so she was cut off from her sinful hands reaching the people in her homeland.

With all these things going on step by step, the new year is finally here.

From an early age, the ancestors took the children of the entire family every day, sacrificing stove gods and preparing New Year's products in the back.

The two babies are no longer hiding, but appear generously in front of each tribe.

This is the meaning of the ancestors. There is nothing unsightly about the children of their house.

If someone asks the child ’s parents, it is straightforward.

Who dares to make irresponsible remarks, this family will not leave him.

On this issue, Zengzu's old man was so strong that she admired her heart.

And after this period of care, 纭 儿 's baby also grew up healthily.

Finally, you can stop talking to your father

Auntie is separated.

Although he was much smaller than an ordinary baby, he was obviously a chubby baby. Both husband and wife looked at her gratefully.

"Sister Ya, I don't know how to thank you."

The tears of Xun'er came as soon as they came, not to mention, since these days, Lin Mengya has taken care of her children day and night, and everyone has lost a lot of weight.

如何 How can she repay this kindness?

Lin Lin Mengya rushed forward and wiped her tears.

"Say this again. We are sisters, and this child is also my nephew. What happened when my aunt took care of my nephew, shouldn't it?"

The child was crying.

Only she knew that when the baby was born, if there was no sister Ya, the baby would have no chance of living.

Seeing that he couldn't help it, Lin Mengya hurriedly sought foreign aid.

"I still don't advise your daughter-in-law to cry like this for confinement, and your eyes will be gone!"

Xie Xie, who was also very grateful to her, immediately hugged his wife and children.

"Okay, okay, after we two, treat the older sister well. Do you still hold the child, don't scare him."

"This is me, happy."

"I know, okay, don't cry, be good."

Xie Xie gently kissed off the tears on her face.

At this moment, he just felt that his life was complete.

I'm a little embarrassed to push him, the little guy is lying in the arms of his mother, with big purple grape-like eyes, looking curiously at his parents.

"Well, what about Sister Ya?"

Min Er then thought of looking for Lin Mengya, but the latter backed out lightly when their young couple were sticky.

Xie Xie laughed at seeing her little Jiao's wife silly, and she felt a soft spring in her heart towards the smelly son in her arms.

宝贝 "Baby, in the future we will be a family of three, and no one will be lonely."

Hearing the words, he could not help laughing at the man's silly.

But her heart was warm.

He has him, his son, and his sister and relatives.

My father, My son also has a home.

I spent the New Year at home, not as depressed as the New Year in Longdu.

The Kung Palace family has had a good harvest this year. Any hard-working family can live a fat year.

The old house of the Qiang Palace is also renovated. On this day of the thirties, early in the morning, all the people who live in non-Yecheng will come to the old house and worship the ancestors with the owner.

As soon as it dawned, the front of the old house was full of people.

Everyone is whispering to each other and sharing the gains of the year.

Then Lianbo, with a smile on his face, appeared in front of them.

"All the clan members are old, they are ready, please come with your slaves."

Everyone greeted him, and the younger generation called him "Lean Grandpa."

Yi Lianbo responded one by one and treated everyone with respect and kindness.

The old man who slapped his palace family.

Born from a birthplace, she has been serving with her ancestors since she was a child. She is loyal and smart. Even now, she has a high status in the family's heart.

Soon, everyone passed through the gate to the front yard.

I was here, their expressions could not help but become nervous.

Although the family of the Kunimiya had different branches, they worshiped all as a common ancestor.

So every ancestor worship is an opportunity to strengthen the family's sense of honor.

Family level

Alas, taking the left as the respect, after arranging the position from the back, Lian Bo then brought people into the inner courtyard.

At the door, Lin Mengya and her great ancestor in a stately dress stood in front.

The six sons of the palace family, plus two lovely buns, are close behind.

However, the most noticeable thing is the man who was tied with Lin Mengya.

The man's eyebrows are beautiful, one by one, and his temperament is extremely dignified.

But standing alone with her was so good.

In the crowd, there are people who know the situation intelligently, and suddenly guess the identity of the man.

More, it is a look of doubt.

But they are all confused, isn't this the ancestor worship of their palace family? What happened to that strange man and the two little peas? Also, isn't the palace family five stars? How come one more?

Despite many questions in their hearts, none of them were stupid enough to ask them.

Lin Mengya now has such power.

No matter who it is, agree or disagree, no one here dares to refute her or question her.

This is not hegemony, but absolute power suppression.

As long as a person is strong enough, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks.

"I've seen the owner, I've seen the ancestors."

Everyone saluted the two. Lin Mengya nodded to her great ancestor. After that, she said, "Introduce you, this is my fiance, His Royal Highness Murong Xi. These two are our sons. "

This is a stone that stirs up thousands of waves, and everyone is astonished.

But Lin Mengya didn't care, just turned her head and smiled at his man.

Chen Long Tianyu stood quietly behind her,

The tall figure is as stable as Taishan, and firmly protects his wife and children.

Qiangong Qianfeng has been by her side, smiling and looking at the junior who has been carefully caring for her, so calm and calm, and telling her everything she wants to tell the world.

After all, she did it.

"The good times have come, ancestor worship!"

Uncle Lianbo's voice sounded.

All the people changed immediately.

In their hearts, although they could not accept it for a while, they felt that it was a matter for the owner.

I can just tell them. For the rest, the owner can just let it go.

After all, things like marrying a child are only related to the owner himself, aren't they?

If Lin Mengya knew that the tribe had such a good attitude, she would not have been hiding.

I also save someone to come here to ask for interest because they ca n’t get the “name”.

The steps to burn the ancestors were not too complicated, but it was almost noon until every tribe had worshipped.

Naturally, there is a family banquet for Chinese New Year.

I especially want to be grand at noon.

Since the 28th day of the lunar month, the fire on the stove has never gone out.

Now that the worship is over, the thick vegetable fragrance has aroused everyone's yearning for the New Year.

There are so many people of the Dai ethnic group that they can only choose to host a banquet in the courtyard.

The children chased each other, and the adults struck together and spent the year, the last day together, and then greeted the New Year.

Since it is a New Year and a family banquet, we do not need to be so restrained.

刚刚 As soon as they sat down, the six sons of the palace family were taken away by the younger generation.

Looking at the crowd, Lin Mengya could not help but think that this is the feeling of home.

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