Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2056: New year red envelope

On the first day of New Year's Day, Lin Mengya realized that it was the "fun" of being an elder.

Before waking up early in the morning, the two babies rushed in.

"I wish my mother a happy new year, everything is fine!"

She escaped hard from Long Tianyu's arm.

Then the next second, they were caught back and forced to put on a piece of clothing, which allowed the two little ones to come in.

Baby's new clothes are very pleasing.

The big red crickets are wrapped around the two dumplings, and they seem to be more white and tender than the glutinous rice dumplings.

He squeezed two big watery eyes and looked at her with expectation.

Lin Lin Mengya reacted slowly after half a shot, oh, today is to give the babies new year money.

乖 "Good, you wait, my mother prepared a red envelope for you."

Sure enough, the smiles on the two little faces were even sweeter.

The thick red envelope is not just some gold and silver dumplings.

She had talked with Long Tianyu before, but originally she thought it would be better to send some golden melon seeds.

But Yu said that they are no longer young and should have some private property.

He also said that they had found a special person to take care of them.

I also said that in the future, in addition to their monthly money each month, other expenses will have to go from their own property.

I heard Lin Mengya snoring for a while, and always felt that in some aspects, they still had some gaps.

And these are also prepared by their dad.

In this case, she was happy to save money.

"Thank you mother, mother, can we go and greet them?"

I looked at the two little eyebrows and laughed, but Lin Mengya felt a little funny.

She touched the heads of her sons and said softly, "Go to worship the great ancestors?"

小 的 The two little ones nodded immediately.

They originally lived with their ancestors. They gave their hoees early in the morning and got a big red envelope!

好 "Okay, then go, remember to come back early for dinner."


It's not stupid to have two little ones.

This time, I'm afraid a few 舅舅 have already prepared big red envelopes, waiting for them to converge.

After wandering around for a while, the two little ones were full of money.

Even their ancestors gave them two golden pigs the size of one fist!

I used breakfast, Lin Mengya was about to accept the whole family to pay New Year.

The scene was so ambitious that it became her nightmare in the future.

He was two little unrestrained, noisy going to even his grandmother's house to meet his two aunts.

Lin Lin Mengya felt nothing.

After all, Lian Yan also loves these two little things.

After the two little ones got permission, the short legs ran out quickly.

就 A few steps anyway, they will not feel too tired.

The people at the door also knew the two little boys, and asked Ann to say hello, and wanted to take them to find his wife.

Mo Yan waved with a small hand, saying, "Are my grandmother and two aunts in there?"

Xiao Xiaozi's cuteness is sweet and crisp.

The doorman immediately answered with a smile: "Mrs. and the two ladies are awake, little boy, the slave will take you there."

"No, I can go there with my brother."

After I said, I brought my head up and left very coldly.

The janitor looked at the two little figures, but couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

The two babies are so cute, even if they are flat-faced, they can make people tremble!

正常 In the eyes of normal people, what you see is the cuteness of Xuenen.

In the eyes of some people with ulterior motives, these two little things wearing extravagant and extraordinary clothes became two little sheep.

A pair of greedy eyes, the pure golden long-life locks from the babies' necks, fell on their delicate little clothes.

Alas, it is indeed a rich child, and even the pearls on the small shoes worn on the feet are so large, they must be very expensive!

The squinting master almost blinked red from something on the two babies.

Alas, she also saw on the backs of the two babies, one carrying a peculiarly weird bag.

Although she doesn't know what's in the bag, the little devil from such a wealthy family will definitely not hold anything ordinary.

I'm not sure, it's a red envelope from an adult!

The tone of the tone, spent the child in a random way, might as well lie to himself, can be considered to save her life, but did a good thing.

Thinking this way, the master of the eyes wiped his palms, ready to go and fool the two little ghosts.

I'm sorry, where does she know.

The babies raised by the two great demon kings, Chen Long Tianyu and Lin Mengya, are ordinary little ghosts.

Two people actually found out that someone was staring at them secretly.

But they all chose to remain calm.

Or yes, see who is so short-sighted, dare to mess with them!

呦 "Well, where's the rich little boy from here! Slave, please greet the two little boys."

Mo Moyan pulled his brother, stopped suddenly, and looked at the wife who had just appeared in front of him.

His grandmother's mother-in-law here is familiar. There is absolutely no such person inside.

Alas, there was a stench on this wife, he really didn't want to approach.

He squinted at the two little guys and said nothing, but the wife didn't pay much attention, but there were more and more smiles on her face.

Mo Moyan is ugly the more he looks.

Quite a few pleats, but fake.

He will have to ask his grandmother for a while, who this man was recruited for, his vision is too bad and he has to change.

"Two little boys, where are you going?"

My uncle took a step forward and asked earnestly.

Mo Moyan defended his brother and calmly said, "Go and meet my grandmother."

My uncle was a little surprised.

As far as she knows, there is no other lady in Lianfu except the lucky Lian.

Is it wrong?

That's better.

Children don't know things clearly, even if they robbed them for a while, they probably can't help it.

Thought of this, she was even more proud.

"That's the case, then I'll take you to see your grandmother."

人 There are a lot of people here, and she wants to find a more hidden place to start.

Don't lest the two little cubs will cry and expose her.

"No, we can go by ourselves and let go."

I talked to such an ugly person, and Mo Yan felt that he was already at his limit.

He said again, is it because this woman-in-law was blind when he couldn't see the other person's bad intentions?

The uncle's eyes flashed and she continued to seduce.

"It's so big here, if I don't lead you, I'm afraid to get lost. Little boy, you're still obedient."

After I said, I actually wanted to grab the little one directly.

Mo Moyan was angry.

I slapped the other's hand with a slap, frowned, and said coldly, "Don't touch my brother!"

I am young, but I have gradually become a father.

Su Ning'er was not afraid, he turned his hand over and pressed a small switch on the bracelet.

With a click, a small meat fist was armed with several spikes.

Be the mother-in-law

When annoyed and angry and trying to catch him again, Ning Er suddenly punched.


A scream sounded.

The mother-in-law immediately retracted her hand, but saw the palm of her hand with three rows of small blood holes.

With a single blow, Ning Er didn't even think about it, and pulled his brother to run.

This is a hidden weapon that Dad used to find someone.

He is more proficient in martial arts than his brother.

Don't look at him as a silent sulking and run, but have his own plan.

It takes a certain amount of time to get to the grandmother's inner courtyard from here, but if they run back to the door, they don't need much time.

But I didn't expect that another person appeared at this time.

The man hugged Ning'er and covered his mouth.

"This little thing can't be done well, do you want to attract everyone?"

Xinzhuang said if not angry.

知道 She knows the grandmother's problems. She can't bother to care about it, but she doesn't want this person.

"Little bunny, are you in the hands of your mother? No matter who you are, the mother will fix your crying father and cry for a while!"

Su Ning'er struggled hard and stared fiercely at each other.

If Xinzhuang used a little strength on his hand, he coldly warned: "I can start with heavy hands, if you don't want to suffer from the flesh, give me the truth!"

Su Ninger was not afraid at all, and after glaring at the woman, she no longer struggled.

Grandma grandson sneered, but suddenly found that the big one was gone.

"What about that?"

"Run away. What's the matter with you, two children can't handle it."

If Xinzhuang is a little worried.

After all, I do n’t know much about life here. If that child comes to someone, he may not really understand it.

She now regrets a little bit and brought her grandmother the trouble.

"They're not ordinary children. Didn't you see them? They were worn by us, but we can't make money in our lives."

Grandpa grandson is very happy.

Although this child is a trouble, she faints her for a while and hides first.

Then try to get out and sell it.

Anyway, just the child who went to the wrong place, there is nowhere to look for it.

If Xinzhuang heard her say she was wrong, she felt relieved.

But the black and white eyes of that child made her a little uneasy.

冷静 The calmness does not seem to be owned by a child.

As soon as they turned around, they heard that someone was drinking behind them.

"Stop, put me down in your hands!"

The two of them were startled and glanced quickly.

Xinzhuang Ruo immediately started and fainted the small in her arms.

She turned around and saw the little sheriff who temporarily resided in the house.

"I've met the county master."

If Xinzhuang wanted to salute, but Gu Pan didn't care about three or seven or two, a few steps up, the splitter took the child over.

"Ninger, Ninger!"

I didn't expect that the child was lethargic.

Gu Pan immediately blew his hair and stared fiercely at the other side.

"What did you do to my nephew? Come on, grab me two of them!"

If Zhuangzhuang was forced to calm down, he just pretended to make a look of sudden realization.

原来 "It turned out to be a little boy. The lord, I really didn't know it was a little boy. When I came here just now, I saw the little boy fell to the ground, so I hurry up."

"She lied! It's you who suddenly appeared and forcibly picked up my brother!"

Mo Moyan also came out from behind Aunt Pan, his eyes full of hatred.

He turned out to be the rescuer he moved in.

(End of this chapter)

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