Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2058: Cloth Conspiracy

Xinzhuang Ruo kneeled down the hall, facing the people tremblingly.

Ninger was awake at this point.

Lin Lin Mengya and other people are busy shouting to the little guy.

Xiao Xiaoninger was nothing, except that his neck was a little sore.

At this moment, Mo Yan kept guarding his younger brother.

He probably hurt his brother because he felt incompetent.

I kept holding my brother's hand tightly and said nothing to let go.

Lin Lin Mengya did not interfere much.

Children have a way of communicating with children.

This is a rare experience between their brothers.

I hope they can understand in the future that they cannot be taken lightly at any time and place.

Su Ninger also lay in her arms, saying nothing and would not come down.

Helpless, Lin Mengya had to coax her son first.

As for Long Tianyu, he is also standing by the big and small.

The family of four is very warm, but the people next to them are more and more hated by the two cuckoo sticks.

Especially Gu Pan.

The girl came to Zhuang Ruo angrily, and slapped it with a slap.

"This slap is to avenge my little nephew!"

Crackling is another slap, only to break Zhuang Ruo's mouth.

"This slap is a shock to my grandma!"

She continued to fight but was stopped by Shang Guanhui.

"The county mainly beats and will not hurt his own hand. Lang Xing, you tell this lady Zhuang, what rules does our family have."

Shang Shanghui also hated each other.

Peng Langxing was trained by Mrs. Lian, and there are not many little methods for teaching people.

He heard the words and said a ritual, "Yes, slaves know."

If Xinzhuang had never dreamed of this, the little girl who looked soft and weak came up and opened the bow from side to side, only hit her with an eye on Venus, and turned her head.

尽管 But despite this, the people around me still feel deflated.

"Let me ask you, what happened to your rescue of Brother Lien?"

Zhe Lin Mengya also lost some anger. Now, don't look at holding both children in her arms, but her eyebrows continue to be angry.

Xinzhuang Ruo reluctantly hid her venom in her heart, covered her face, and said intermittently, "I, I inadvertently saved the wounded Liandao."

"Where was it saved? When was it saved? Why was the eldest son injured?"

Xinzhuang Ruo hesitated for a moment, and then calmly said, "About a month ago, it was in a dense forest in Tuzhou. The grandson, was injured by the public."

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the flail.

The latter is frowned slightly.

Obviously, Brother Li was indeed in Tuzhou at that time.

In my opinion, Zhuang Ruo should be truthful.

But she just felt that things should not be so coincidental.

"Where did you get the tokens from then? Grandpa, what arrangements can you have for you?"

Xinzhuang Ruo had a little guilty conscience at this time.

She did not save anyone, but later, even the eldest son has already paid a heavy sum.

As for the token, she secretly took it, and wanted to accompany the accomplice to get a sum of oil and water.

For a moment, she was a tough ride.

"You don't want to say, then let me speak for you."

"You should have saved your grandfather by chance. But the grandfather is clearly grieved. He must have given you enough after the fact.

Thanks for the reward. It's just that you are not greedy enough and stole the grandson's token. I went to Longdu first, but I heard that my wife was not in Longdu, so you thought of this good idea. Take advantage of a time difference, so as to get a lot out of Mrs. Lian. "

Zhuang Ruo was unscrupulously exposed, Zhuang Ruo seemed very uncomfortable.

Lin Mengya just glanced at her and continued, "But, as you, how could you know these things. If I'm not mistaken, there is an expert pointing behind you, say, who is it? You came! "

Xinzhuang was stunned and hurriedly explained.

"No, no! It was I who inquired that Mrs. Lian was here, and I just wanted to try my luck! Please raise your hand and forgive me!"

"I'll spare you? Even the wife's affairs in non-Yecheng, only some of the dignitaries in Dragon City know about it. You can detect the news by yourself? Don't tell the truth, it seems that the lesson just learned has not been let You have a long memory! "

After speaking, Lang Xing approached again.

Xiao Xiao girl sneered and rolled up her sleeves. The unforgiving look made Zhuang Ruo bitter.

"I said, I said! Yes, it is a famous lady in Longdu. She and she wanted me to help her with one thing. She said that if I can do it well, I will be able to protect my second life. No worries, food and clothing! Me, I am also confused! "

Mrs. Maid?

Lin Lin Mengya frowned.

I want to say that there are many famous ladies in Longdu.

But the most famous one is Mr. Baihe.

Is this related to Mr. Bai He?

Holding his face, he continued to press.

"what's up?"

"She, she asked me to find Mrs. Lian's way, and open a cloth shop here."

"Just a cloth shop?"

还有 "Also, she hopes that I can use the fame of Mrs. Li to let the ladies and children here use as much cloth as possible. Others, nothing else."

For a while, except for Lin Mengya and his wife, everyone else was confused.

Because this requirement is really not too tricky.

But the two who had seen the reasons for the early death case outside were shocked.

The reason why these children die early is probably because of the use of poison-doped fabrics.

But the reason why the palace family had no land was because they all used the self-produced fine cotton cloth.

Mr. Bai He, but wanted to catch the name of Mrs. Lian, set up a cloth shop here.

If so, the cloth she sells is exactly the cloth in question?

Suddenly, Lin Mengya felt that she seemed to have grasped some key points.

"You deceived us first, and you tried to disadvantage my child. My palace family will never spare you. You two, please hold her down!"

"I am wrong, I am wrong!"

Now, Zhuang Ruo doesn't feel wrong.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to kill her for the time being. Maybe there was no clue about this man.

Within a few days, she had to leave for Baili's house.

这 Before that, we must guard against dead fabrics and other things.

Newborn bag, it seems that we must step up promotion.

I am just this candidate, not sloppy.

Xun Zheng secretly annoyed Kung Fu, she looked at the women in the house.

怎么 Why didn't she expect it!

Isn't it the best way for women to protect them?

I put down and shoved the two sons carefully into their father's hands. One of them kissed well, and then came to Lian Ling's side.

The latter is secretly blaming himself for not protecting the two young grandchildren.

"Oh, I want to ask you something."

"You girl, as long as you don't blame me, no matter what, you can just say it."

She let everyone around back, leaving only the family.

"You should have heard the things outside, right? There are always children everywhere, and somehow they will die."

Mrs. Lin Lian nodded, but also full of regret.

She likes children, especially with these two grandchildren, she loves the house and the black, and thinks that all the children in the world should take good care of them.

After learning about this, she also used her network to raise a lot of money.

It's a pity that you can save the east, but you can't save the west.

"You say that such a small child, let alone be ill, even if you have bumped it, you are digging for the mother's heart. Hey, it ’s a sinner, this god, why ca n’t you live with a little person? What about? "

"Actually, this incident was not a natural disaster, I'm afraid it was **."

She said carefully.

But from Lian 婶婶 to Gu Pan and Sister Hui, their eyes were widened.

"What? **? Who is so unethical, how can you start with such a small child? Yaer, you can't ignore this!"

"I naturally want to manage. And, I also found some tricks."

Next, she told the big guy how she found out that the fabric might be defective.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Lian immediately drew inferences and understood her meaning.

"Your trick is good! Since it is harmed by cloth, if we prepare it ourselves, then others, don't think about it!"

"Well. It just sounds simple, but trying to promote it is a hassle."

Who knows, even before her invitation, even his wife volunteered.

"This is not troublesome. This is a great thing for the benefit of the country and the people! Yaer, leave it to me. I must let every child in the world use our bag! I will bring it with me Huier and Paner, do it together! "

Gu Pan kept up with Guan Hui, and naturally said that he had the responsibility.

With the best helper, Lin Mengya finally let go of her heart.

At least after she left, everything was accountable.

The two babies waited for her to finish things, and then left and right, holding her corners and preparing to go home.

Zhe Lin Mengya also remembered that today is New Year's Day, and it should be time to spend time with her family.

It's a pity that they live in layers of crisis, and they are always in danger, and they don't know when they will come to them.

That's why she cherishes the moment.

One person picked up a baby, and the two stood side by side.

虚 This false alarm made them both realize that the two babies occupied the most important position in their hearts.

Lin Lin Mengya held her soft body in her arms, and the heart of the moment when she learned that the baby had an accident, she still dare not think about it.

Only with a small body in her arms can she comfort her a little.

"I'm really reluctant to just leave them at home like this."

She said quietly.

Suddenly, Long Tianyu paused and then returned to normal.

"We can also take them with us."

He couldn't bear it, but what he didn't want to see was her unhappiness.

Lin Lin Mengya really moved her mind.

They may not be able to protect their two children, but Ning Er said, "My brother and I want to stay at home."

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