Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2067: Threatening

"Head of battle! Wu Ji, I think your boy is itchy!"

Here, Wu Ji is an indestructible soldier.

When she was there, her uncle and the old man completely knocked Wu Ji back to the prototype.

Although no longer reluctant, I still have to get up and salute the uncle and ancestors respectfully.

What a pity, the latter didn't even look at him.

I still Lin Mengya greeted, and laughed and explained for him.

"Uncle, don't be angry. The child is small, just have more education."

疾 Wu Ji heard these words, and was furious.

According to his age, he is two years older than Gong Ya!

But his uncle and grandfather did not leave him with any respect.

Leng Leng hummed: "I think he's grown up on the dog! Wu Ji, when you were at home, did your master teach you to talk to the elders?"

疾 Wu Ji's heart was wronged.

After all, the bright and bright generation is there, although he is reluctant, but the woman in front of him should, in theory, call a little teacher.

Of course, he didn't want to admit it.

He Naihe's uncle and his ancestors were too eccentric, so he didn't like him at all.

"You don't have to intercede for him."

After Wu Yi glared at the guy who had no brains, he said coldly: "As the Wu family, he couldn't even understand the basic strategy. He knew it was a trap, and jumped in one or two. I see Sooner or later, the Wu family will be destroyed in your hands. "

Suddenly, Wu Ji couldn't help it anymore.

"Uncle Shi, you ca n’t agree with the apprentices. You have said that the poison door has always been capable. The palace family has deep roots, but this matter is related to the rise and fall of the poison door. Also willing to smear the ground for poisonous livers! "

With this, Wu Yan was almost angry.

"Shit! You don't have to think about your dog's brain. It's clear that only the information inside Qi's family knows how it happened to your ears. Yaer, you can stand aside and save blood for a while On you! "

After I said, I picked up the tea cup and smashed it.

Zhe Lin Mengya naturally couldn't let the uncle really be so angry, so he immediately started and snatched the tea cup.

"You calm down, even if you kill him, you can't do anything about it. Wu Ji, don't hurry to apologize to your uncle!"

At this moment, Wu Ji woke up suddenly.

The next moment, his face became pale.

The Qi Qi family's intelligence was first known by his group of students.

He was only thinking about revitalizing the cause, but he forgot the most basic question at all.

难 "Hard, isn't there a traitor in our Wu family?"

Lin Mengya shook her head gently looking at the young people who were hit.

"It's not just the Wu family. In the past few decades, I'm afraid that all the drug dealers have been infiltrated."

Therefore, the poison door has been torn apart.

之前 The reason why she could not bear it before was because she wanted to see each other's means.

Now it seems that the opponent's provocation is very successful.

Now, even the Wu family that is most connected with her has the same attitude, let alone another family?

In this battle, it was too difficult for her to turn over.

In the front hall of the inn, Wu Ji had a heavy face, Wu Yan was silent, and Lin Mengya was also thoughtful.

In recent days, there have been many contradictions within the poison door.

Sometimes even teachers and uncles are not able to calm down.

I came together because of the same purpose, and the loose organization that was barely formed was afraid that it would collapse sooner or later.

But Lin Mengya knew.

When they are each in politics, it is time for the doctors to harvest the fruits of victory.

This is not a good thing for any of them.

"Uncle, me"

疾 Wu Ji is still unwilling to explain.

He was waved by Wu Yan and blocked back.

"What you can do now is to go back and appease the people in Wu family."

Fearing that the uncle would say something more amazing, this person's self-confidence was completely suppressed, Lin Mengya said quickly.

疾 Wu Ji nodded complexly, and finally gave her a deep look and turned to leave.

"Oh, these little cubs."

Wu Yan is helpless.

He didn't even think of him, but for decades, these people have changed so much.

The poisonous gate, is it really saved?

At this time, Cai Ru hurriedly and handed her a letter seriously.

There are only four big characters on it, "Gong Ya Qin Qi".

She opened the envelope, but poured a black hair out of it.

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes flickered, and then she unrolled the stationery.

After a short while, she was slightly cold.

"Little niece, who sent you this?"

"It's Baili's. They asked us to rush to a place called Liuhe Town within three days. There, we will face the first question."

In fact, the other party was afraid she would not obediently obediently, and even offered her father a strand of hair.

She even threatened that her next head might be her father's head.

She hated being threatened the most in her life, but now she has to give in temporarily.

This taste is really "unforgettable".

"This is out of order!" Wu Yan frowned slightly, saying, "Even if the medical profession is flourishing now, they can't order us at will! The Baili family is simply bullying too much."

But at the same time, almost all the drug dealers received the news.

And, like Lin Mengya, they are both pinched by the weak points.

At this point, they realized.

In the decades where they thought they were lingering, the medical department never gave up their surveillance.

This time, without anyone saying, they came together.

However, the current atmosphere is much lower than the previous days.

"It's a terrific thing to do in the Baili family!"

"They are simply a group of mean men, who threatened my family!"

"Hum, isn't it always the case?"

所有人 After everyone had identified the true face of the medical profession, everyone seemed to be united as never before.

What a pity, if they had such consciousness before, why would they have fallen into this situation.

As the leader this time, the relationship between Lin Mengya and them has eased a lot.

After all, the news is so amazing, and now, many people have not been able to return to God.

Naturally, they need a leader.

But this man bears great responsibilities on his shoulders.

For a while, no one except herself thought that she could carry the heavy burden.

As for Lin Mengya, she only felt ironic.

Alas, now is not a good time for her to settle accounts.

"Everyone be quiet."

Hold her up and clear her throat gently.

Everyone looks at her, even if they are reluctant, now they have to temporarily fall under her.

"You must have seen the letter from the Baili family?"

Everyone nodded and exchanged a restless look.

"I only ask you one question now. Are you prepared to follow or not to follow the content mentioned in the letter?"

The crowd was immediately divided into three factions.

He also said that it is better to think of snakes first and see what the other party's purpose is.

Some people do not agree.

What's more, there is uncertainty between these two ideas.

Lin Mengya listened to the fierce discussion of the three factions, and after understanding their intentions, she said again: "I can understand everyone's hesitation, but there is something you need to understand. From now on, no matter whether you are sincere or forced Yes, we all have to twist into a rope. Otherwise, it won't be long before we die. "

Say this, leaving no unrealistic illusions.

Under the persecution of life and death, many people can only swallow their most real thoughts.

"House owner, what do you mean?"

In the puppet crowd, key questions were raised.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the crowd and said, "I mean first go and see what they are going to do."

However, her voice did not fall, and some people immediately raised objections.

Especially, he is the heir of two self-proclaimed noblemen.

"Isn't this helping me?" The housekeeper, if we obey this time, then next time, they can give orders to us. When I see it, what do the poison gates rely on? "

"Yes! Let me say, everyone sacrificed the ego. We killed all the way to Baili's house and showed them how powerful our poison door is. By that time, I don't think they dare to provoke again!"

I just, but not many of them agreed.

Different from other people or loved ones being captured or the family being badly hit.

两家 Because of their strong strength, these two are just threatened to cut their financial path.

这 This is not the most serious thing for people like them, so they can say such things.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the two indifferently.

"I can't watch our loved ones die to death. If the two insist on this, then we will part ways."

They didn't expect that she would be so "kind of a woman".

After looking around for a while with disdainful eyes, the two really walked away.

The rest of the people agreed with her.

梦 On the evening of the second day they decided to go to Liuhe Town, Lin Mengya received a message.

The two self-righteous families were slaughtered all over the door overnight.

After learning about this, all the family members of the poisonous family were silent.

This is a "punishment" for both of them, and a "warning" for them.

They are like birds that are stuffed into the oven.

Life and death are all under the control of others.

Everyone, packed up their bags silently, and rushed to Liuhe Town at full speed according to the instructions in the letter.

At the same time, Lin Mengya also released her Jackdaw Guard to investigate the two massacres.

"Go back to Lord, they were all poisoned by humans. And the corpses are all gone."

She Cairu briefed her on the results of the investigation.

In the carriage, Lin Mengya fell into deep thought.

The strength of those two is not weak, the poisonous technique has a long tradition, and self-protection is more than enough.

But it was horrifying to be killed overnight.

"Apart from anything else?"

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