Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2071: Poison Hole Exploration

More and more mysteries make Lin Mengya even want to take a look below.

But she couldn't convince the man next to her to make her very tired.

She knows Yu's idea is right.

After all, the following situation is unknown, and one of his martial arts was defeated, and once something outside the situation is encountered, it is likely to explain here.

因此 But if you want Yu to take risks with her, she can't do it.

She shook her lips, and she asked for the last time, "Are you sure, don't let me go on my own?"

Then, not surprisingly, she got his affirmative answer.

除非 "Unless I can be with you."

That is, can't go on.

I was so stalemate between the two of them. Suddenly, a thin meow came from the forest.


The soft voice makes people instantly want to keep inhaling **.

Almost at the same time, Lin Mengya's face showed a little surprise.

"It's Xiao Hei! Little Hei, Ma Ma here!"

I'm right.

小 After Xiao Hei became a pet of the whole family, she automatically took on the important role of shoveling officer.

Two small indications don't matter.

After all, they also like Xiao Hei, and have the potential to be cat slaves.

The only awkward thing is that they are the "head of the family."

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned slightly, he always felt a little strange to treat a cat as a child.

Finally, a smart little black cat traversed the forest, climbed up the tree, and was held by her in the arms.

The body of the animal husbandry animal has a special taste.

Xiao He, now completely driven by her, had a scent of cold fragrance on her body.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged Xiaohei and took a deep breath.

"It's still my little black little bit smarter."

In addition, "Daddy" said that his wife's words seemed a bit wrong.


黑 Seeing the host, Xiao Hei is very happy.

The fluffy flesh pad was pressed lightly on the owner's shoulder, with a small, pleasant grunt.

Seeing Xiao Hei, Lin Mengya had an idea.

"Let's let Xiaohe come in for us?"

Xiao Long Tianyu hesitated, then nodded.

Xiao Xiaohei has completely become Ya'er, almost speaking, it is connected with her mind.

And for Xiao Hei, the cave can be used for his escape, or other reaction time and space, will be a lot more.

But Lin Mengya still feels uneasy.

放 Before putting Xiaohe down, he gave him another drop of blood.

"Meow 嗷"

With this blood drop, Xiao Hei was almost excited.

Those bright eyes, like amethyst, instantly emit a different kind of brilliance.

"Go, be careful."

As soon as she let go, Xiao Hei was agile and ran in.

As a master, she can feel Xiao Hei's situation at any time.

At Xiao Hei's speed, it has already moved down the cave to the middle position.

Zhe Lin Mengya frowned slightly, because Xiao Hei made a response to the strong enemy.

"What did it encounter?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu also kept an eye on her.

After all, if Xiao Hei is injured, Ya Er will also be implicated.

Qi Lin Mengya shook her head and replied, "It met with Ji."

When encountering a cricket, the cricket herd will naturally pose an attack first.

After all, dominating 天 is its nature.

Judging from Xiao Hei's reaction, the opponent is not a small character.

Lin Mengya can feel how the battle is going inside.

Xiao Hei is different from the ordinary herd animal.

Because she was feeding with her own blood poison, when she faced her, she had a chance to win.

Also anti-toxic, it is several times stronger than the ordinary herd animal.

Even the grazing herdsmen inside the tomb of the house's owner are far less capable than her little black.

He held his breath and waited for a long time, only to hear a rapid meow.

A dark shadow jumped out of the hole in an instant.

But what Lin Mengya did not expect is that Xiao Hei's mouth is actually dragging a tree vine!

And, still a living tree vine!

No, it's a kind of rattan.

In the system, Xiaoyao dutifully reminded her.

Xiao Xiaohe's body is so small, but it has great strength.

The rattan, which is ten times larger than it, was dragged out relentlessly by it.


I dragged out, Xiao Hei no longer cares about it.

I instead climbed to the tree and invited the master for merit.

"You're amazing!"

Lin Mengya stunned a few, all of which are the strength and place that Xiao Hei likes.

Then, was taken down by Long Tianyu.

Xiao Xiaohei immediately jumped out of the embrace of the master, walked around the vineyard, and walked around.

She raised her head, with her own pride.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and then squatted down to check this rare vine 蛊.

"Be careful."

Although Xiaolong Tianyu didn't know much about these things, he was very prepared.

I took out a dagger and shoved it into her hand, and I was always on my guard. What kind of moths would this rattle cricket make?

Ji Yu's dagger is very sharp.

But when she chopped to Fujimori, she felt as if she had cut it on the cowhide.

Wu Xiaohei also noticed her intention, and then found out where she was holding her back, and gave her with her head arched.

Lin Mengya saw that these large vines with the thickness of the wrist were covered with large and small owls

Alas, it is definitely a nightmare of secret fear.

The section that Xun Weixiao gave her was soft and smooth.

She cut with a dagger with little effort.

The rattan rattan broke and sap flowed out.

She just touched her hand and put it in her nose.

"Don't touch it!"

Xiaolong Tianyu frowned, reminding.

Zhe Lin Mengya raised her head and said, "The juice of things is very toxic, and the poison is the same as that of those people."

Radon is just more toxic than human radon.

"Does human puppet lose its toxicity, is it what it does?"

Now it seems very likely.

Lin Mengya was more curious, and then used a dagger to pull and pull those crickets.

I did not expect that some 疙瘩 was really cut off by her.

And she also saw parts of insect-like mouthparts full of spiked teeth.

It seems to me that this is really the case.

The toxins in it are accumulated by people outside.

But the toxins in Fujiminori are likely to be a long process.

So that is to say, if it is really fed with human hoe, I am afraid that it existed a long time ago.

"According to Xiao Hei's response, there should be more than one vine in it."

Lin Lin Mengya said positively.

When she was about to wipe back the dagger, she noticed that there were some gaps in the top of the dagger.

How is this going?

She didn't have it when she cut it just now, why now?

And look at the gap, it does not seem to be collapsed, but rather, it is corroded by something


Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu looked at and looked at each other. After that, Lin Mengya poked at the mouth-like puppet with a pointed tip.

The silver-white blade tip just gradually turned black at first. Then, under the surprised eyes of the two, the blade tip just melted and disappeared.

"This, how is this possible?"

It's incredible!

If it is such a strong corrosive liquid, then she and Xiao Hei cannot possibly have no reaction.

谨慎 Out of caution, she unplugged the jade pin from her head and fiddled.

簪 But Jade 没有 did not respond at all.

She looked at the dagger.

"What kind of material is this thing?"

"Meteorite, but only a small part."

Therefore, this dagger is extremely sharp.

Gao Linmengya used her arrow of the crossbow to get insurance, but found that there was still no response.

Does it only respond to meteorite?

Lin Lin Mengya thought it was incredible. Even Long Tianyu looked at the scrapped dagger and thoughtfully.

"It seems that I really have to go down and take a look inside. Yu, you just let me go this time, is it possible?"

She said sincerely, but Long Tianyu still refused to say anything, she could only continue to convince: "I don't think there should be any danger in it. Xiao Hei just went down, didn't he encounter any danger? I guess, except for this kind of thing , There should be no other. "

This, in fact Lin Mengya can guarantee.

In all the circumstances that Xiao Xiaohei encounters, in fact, she will have a sense.

In addition to these vines, there is nothing inside the that can threaten Xiao Hei's existence.

So, her safety has also been greatly improved.

Alas, she just sneaked a handful of vines.

I found out that for her, this thing was completely a rattan, without any harm.

I couldn't help her asking again and again, Long Tianyu nodded.

"If you encounter any trouble, be sure to call me the first time. Also, you have to stay with Xiao Hei."

I finally agreed!

Lin Lin Mengya was almost moved to tears.

He responded to his instructions one by one, and then, under the eyes of the other's uneasy, Lin Mengya brought Xiaohei into the cave again.

Although the entrance of Minshan Cave is a little narrow, the space inside is getting bigger and bigger.

Xiao Xiaohei walked in front of her, and seemed to be familiar with it.

它 Under its guidance, Lin Mengya came to a huge cave.

I just surprised her that there are vines everywhere.

Blood poisoning is distributed throughout the body instantly.

The toxicity of the world is almost instantaneous, which makes the vines active.

Alas, they quickly let go of their scrutiny and exposed everything here.

In the huge cave, the vines were gathered into a ball.

The "rustling" sound of the ground friction is still a little bit scary.

Quickly, Lin Mengya discovered the clue inside the cave.

She saw those vines attached to a huge cocoon.

I walked forward, Lin Mengya carefully observed the half-height cocoon.

For a moment, the animal husbandry seemed very excited, and the little paw kept picking this thing.

"What makes you excited like this?"

She was a little curious and leaned over to take a closer look.

A tadpole is indeed a cocoon, but its shell is potholes, as if it had been scratched by something.

伸出 She reached out her hand and found that the shell of the cocoon was very hard.

He is like some kind of stone, like metal.

Before the cricket, all the rattan crickets were lying on the cocoon.

说 Could it be said that this cocoon is the target of their corrosion?

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