Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 2074: Frequent accidents

Fortunately, the shock passed quickly.

Qiong Tianyu's face was so cold that he looked in the direction of the poison hole.

"I'll take you there first, be careful."

"how about you?"

She grabbed the man and asked.

The latter gave her a soothing look.

莫 "Fear, I'll go and see what's going on there."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head, disagreeing.

不 "No, it's too dangerous for you."

He pinched his wife's little hand, he raised his lips and smiled fearlessly.

"It's okay. I'm afraid the ground just moved, and I can't get away from it. I just go and see, it won't matter if I don't approach."

还 What else did she want to say, but was blocked by his finger.

"Good, wait for me to come back."

All the concerns can only be forced to her heart.

He was holding his hand and returned to the crowd surrounded by others. She hugged the beast in her arms and watched his figure disappear into the night.

"Homeowner, you are back!"

The guard lowered his voice greetings.

They are so many people that no one notices even after this time.

I do not know why, suddenly Ren Ren's attack is not so strong.

When the crisis shows signs of easing, people's confidence has increased a lot.

Everyone started to organize and wanted to break through.

But instead of recklessly launching an attack on their own, they sent a representative and took the initiative to find Lin Mengya.

"House owner."

The guard walked away, revealing her inside.

At this time, she has also converged the expression on her face.

Xiao Xiaohei and Ferret followed her feet, but did not attract others' attention.


I faced Gong Ya again. This man was unconscious, and his momentum was half short.

是 "Yes, we do n’t think the offensive of those things is so fierce anymore, so we think, can we fight back?"

At this point, she had some speculation of her own.

The existence of 人 蛊 may be to feed vine 蛊.

Before the 蛊 蛊 died so much, now the cave has collapsed, and the 蛊 蛊 will naturally be affected.

They have wasted enough time here, and maybe now is the best time.

"Okay. You can join forces with my people, but I hope that you can obey their command. After all, they have more experience in battle than you. Of course, if you don't want to, we can do it alone."

"No no no!"

The man quickly refused.

They haven't forgotten how they died when they didn't agree.

Escape now is the most important thing, and the others are not important at all.

"We will obey your instructions, and please be sure not to care about our mistakes before."

Speaking of this, Lin Mengya is not an arrogant person.

I nodded, and she mixed up the guards around her into three groups.

开头 A group at the beginning, a group to **** the wounded, and a group after the break.

She declined the guards of the palace to take special care of her.

These people 蛊 naturally can't hurt her, and beside her, and Ada them, can guarantee her safety.

Xiao Xiaohei and Ferret followed her quietly.

No one knows that originally was the weakest combination, but in fact, it was the strongest combat group.

The breakout became extremely smooth.

蛊 When people 蛊 lose their strong aggression, the threat to them will be greatly reduced.

I didn't have much effort, and they easily let go of those people.

"We actually escaped!"

The joy of escaping from the birth, let the heavy, crushing crush on everyone's heart.

Lin Mengya, who fell on the back, had a strange look.

what happened?

She looked behind her, almost shaking someone who hadn't done anything, and then glanced at her feet, the little black who was at ease.

The latter raised his head and yelled at her repeatedly.

蹲 She squatted down and nodded Xiao Hei's head.

"Are you kidding?"

When the little black animal husbandry crickets, a strange fragrance will be emitted from the body.

As the master, she is most keen.

But because she is usually not good at animal husbandry together, there are very few places where Xiao Hei can play a role.

Alas, this does not mean that Xiao Hei is weak.

Instead, it is one of Lin Mengya's trump cards.


Xiao Xiaohe clutched her calf, trying to fool through the border.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at this little thing and shook her head.

I forget.

No matter what Xiao He did, it was harmless to her.

让 "Let them leave, can you do it?"

Xiao Xiaohe shook his little tail, turned around and walked towards him.


The howling of the crickets seemed a bit infiltrating in the dark.

Out of ecstasy, the crowd calmed down instantly.

"Just, just now, what's calling?"

In the crowd, everyone could not help but glance at each other.

Immediately after the trance, the pace of leaving was quickened.

The wild countryside is strange and inexplicable.

Plus the sudden meow, that feeling, it really penetrated the coldness of the bones.

Picking up the ferret, Lin Mengya rubbed the small things and warmed her body.

Although she knows that this little thing is definitely not an ordinary little animal, but it can't hold its cuteness.

Anyway, let's be a pet first.

I walked through the woods, and they returned to the lonely little town again.

She looked at the system time subconsciously.

I was already over five in the morning.

I was around, but it was still dark.

Alas, now it is winter, nothing is wrong.

I stepped into the town, and everyone's footsteps became more brisk.

They can't wait to meet their loved ones and friends.

The guards of the palace palace were automatically divided into two groups, one group was to protect those people, and the other group was firmly protected in front of her.

Lin Lin Mengya took out a small pendant hanging on her neck and put it on her lips.

Immediately, a sound similar to a bird's bark, but with a much sharper voice, spread far away.

"Master, what do you want?"

Asan appeared in front of her.

"Go and guard in the woods. If His Highness comes back, tell him we meet in the town."

Asan left immediately.

She knows that she must do more.

But she was still uneasy, for fear that Long Tianyu would be anxious because she could not find her.

He turned his head, hugged the ferret, followed everyone behind him, and entered the town.

Sounds and shadows drift away.

Soon, the town's entrance calmed down, as if no one had ever come.

Frowning frowning, Long Tianyu stood on the tree, watching the cave that collapsed.

Let Lin Mengya be jealous. The figure has already left, but there is no relief in his expression.

"He's out."

Under the lime tree, a white figure emerged.

The man was white-haired and white-haired, and his pupil color was much lighter than normal.

Only one

His red lips were like blood, exuding a strange beauty.

If Lin Mengya is here, she will be surprised to find that this person is actually the clear fox who has recently appeared in ghosts!

"How can he come out before it's time?"

In the light brown eyes of the Qinghu, there was a bit of coldness.

If he used to say that in the past he was just a male and female eloquent enchanter, now he has a magical charm.

"Maybe it's because our affairs have been going so well lately, that's why he let him go."

The answer given by Xun Long Tianyu was a little ridiculous.

Wu Qinghu heard the words, and the corners of his blood-red lips also bent, revealing a mocking smirk.

"I knew, he couldn't wait too long."

Then, turned to him.

"You shouldn't let the girl meet him at this time. You should know that he is a lunatic. In case he recognizes the identity of the girl, everything we have done before will fail."

With this in mind, Long Tianyu did not expect it.

"It was my negligence. However, he should not recognize it."

"Huh! Don't say things so absolutely! He did these things for what you should know better than me."

Chen Longyu knows of course.

But probably because God is on their side, now, Yaer has learned how to control the blood poison in his body freely.

Coupled with the system's camouflage system, even if that person is face to face with Yaer, I'm afraid I can't recognize it.

Of course, this is the secret that belongs to both of them.

Even if it is Qinghu, he is not ready to inform.

He jumped lightly, and he glanced at the white-haired white fox.

"How long will this look like?"

Qi Qinghu slapped his lips, and his tone was helpless.

"It's probably half a month or so, and I can't help it. This is a disease unique to our family."

In his tone, he was dissatisfied.

But if his words were heard by his people, he would have to spit out two pounds of old blood.

This is the return of ancestors that only a few people have.

But Qinghu has always shown no favor to his people.

Or, in addition to those who care about Lin Mengya and her, he will not have any relationship with anyone.

What's more, when he was young, if he had been blessed by the people, how could he have fallen into that situation.

So let ’s not recognize those people. If you do n’t kill them, it ’s his biggest sacrifice and concession.

If it wasn't for the girl, she would get angry if she knew it, how could he let those people go?

"Your luck is pretty good. As far as I know, they have had three generations and have never seen such a situation."

Nine Dragons Tianyu also has no opinion of the family that has come to the bones.

But he didn't mind, using them to find some benefits for his wife.

"Oh, that's for sure. Their energy has been exhausted for a long time. It's time to go to ruin."

The two looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus on certain things.

At this time, it has become a poisonous hole in ruins, but he made a sound of "Xixixoso".

The two immediately stopped talking and looked at the location of the voice.

I saw only one, something similar to a branch, which broke out.

"It really is this ghost!"

Wu Qinghu's face changed slightly, with unstoppable aversion in his eyes.

Xiao Long Tianyu said nothing, and pulled out his sabre.

"Wait a minute, I'll deal with it, you go to the girl first to meet."

Wu Qinghu stopped him.

After the latter looked at Qinghu, he nodded and put away the sword.

"Oh, just let me meet you!"

There was a taunt of red lips, but there was also a deep hatred in his eyes.

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